Ordinance 467(c) lx~kQ$~,Aft4",g DP 'r~ii L'Y'T'1C f~~' CL'P$auY.~iO J~!!1~.1lDI.DG Cygl?Tl1~lIC:: NQ. wb ~ gY D~~t,~lA1"tt7l~ yJIF AY3bY'xLt~tAL ~'H~P Y;I~PC'Jf't~i5 AT 'fc3 A1~~;t~k. AwD ~flti.~'U~ teV~!1DT AD3i AT P~tFJ~1tIi~~: A'9~l~ A?it1 °Y'd~?.U AWg!lti~ ~c c~Crtr ca~~. b~ r~trY ar :~~Yx~ ~ ~x a~~~ ~edai~an 1. 'xM Tfcae~ftc ~.aaawer Los 1Cbs ~.e:g of rups~rciao a.c.r tbs ,award Lar ~atoP eei~n eat-ttr+~a aa~ 'Lsrxs ~er~os rt its int+wx~esctiaee ~-itCh gradr9.~rs l~'r~et~*+~e ae-~ C:,c sl,l sP~-~casc:h+~~e of xhe intmrrsrtian of Pt~arid~e Avar-nae rwlth 'Lsr~its+u ~ Lar tits Pates of yrat+tctisg pw~dsatris~as, aa~icula~ ttsffic, s~ prfv,~ts Pr~~7 i`rc~ ue~safs txsflitc con#'licts aad burr ;t,RCOS~e~d to tke Citl t'.a~cil thsL for siuant bs in~at~:a~led. ~ t',ity C+cna9+r.4.1, does f'i~1 tb~t tQ:+e ss~ere axxs v~-rr~aeL~cd. ~ecti.cm~ 2 , ~snt l PatAibit "A" off O:rdieaan+~~e Na. ~6~ is }aereb,y tad to iuciuds the fallaEriz-g rt~usseratsd f.ntcea~secti~ rbi-rb a-rr deasignatrd any being stop iuter- ~etctiosam ~d hep~csfs~xt~i sh.aYl r@sd as the atts~~aed ~~,+chibit "A" d~-ttd .~unr 28, ;973. unto furtt~e: aerr~e:.saded i~~ like. xaane~tr. APPie~1/~~teilKC ~53'2'S C'Y~tEA 2'C' STOP AT l3NY f~L'~ANCE THERI?oF WITI; ~S. Torre Avenue R.odx-igrsea~ ~.venur A.Y. 13TRECTi~O.t.. V:~T~+CiJi~ 5'_'oP kf;_~.s~ED r.._,~..._...,... ~...___~..~... _._. '~. Pru~tericige A~veneie and 2acatsu Avenue IlfT1CODti~D at m regul.~tr ue:eting of thr_ Cit3- Council. of the City afF Cv~ettizsa acs the day of ~u1y~ , 1971, and F.~IACTED at a regular aNSeting of th,t City Coums:.il ag' the City of Cupextina an the 2nd ~ day of Amt , 1971, ~iy Atha fallcwi~ng vote: .~PFS: C~+utet.ilmen -- ~'i;,z~er8ld~ FrolichD Zrw~.n, $tokesP Noel. NHS : Cvuux~cilrc:n - Ait~n~: A~iSF~ : ~vncile~eu -~ Nome ArrESr: Cit~r perk w Ai1PP RAVED 4lsgor, ity a C~ertipo _._~_ "':~1 ~.QT ~ ~ ttArt ~~a~~l~~~ 40~ tc') Yl~+QI[~.AR S~~' l~'l~luTa ~ l~ti~Cl~ I~?1~1~i0liS A~''t'1X:~dI~~Y ~'"~'~`~_R~I~ i"$', tl~' ~I t~E ~'1~` iJ~'f~ I . tiaetet '~"it, sz~ ~nl~ ~jJ~l~llt%tt+~ro-~ Dtr~.~t 2. ~'~. #a~ar ~~- +~rt+o~~s~ l~~serr~-4~~rt 1~w~ ~-. iFilkios~ ~#e~eNe spirt lts~t~e ~. l~rta~ 'twa ~ ~It11lAR~t ~~ !f•. ~+ud-,et l)xi~ ~tt~ fitarts# lft;1~ns ~, ~aaa~ts ~'atretsa Yt~i~ Ceals~bsa ,Rr~wawt Y, Ca~.+a~ers ~. L~ao-~ 0lste~ lts~.~ !~. 11~.3citdsaa ,Aw~+w~+e ColaMb+ur .A ~. Cers~ierker+a lrttcw~[ iltst+~t II-w~aw~e ~ , ~iattc~ra t:e~ A~~ CtatwowOrws Ilse i1t, !~st3~txi~er~ A. Ca~t>~Ze3te+4 Stx+ate+~ i2. ~ee~:ra ~' la tlrl.~ I.i ~~ 1~. .fuel! x 1ae~e ~»iLx~dyr L~ I4. 34c;pssr~c +~es-rrt Lively Leapt 3S. Y.ietelq L~m+c 1ts~n+u~t 1R~a~od 2d. lAamersvia l~tx~tett No~otrt, T~~wel 17. ~fi~+st~.vr_ic Ttt'iere sletnta Tet~+re- ~'r~k,w~t 1.g. ?Z.. ~tre~st A~-:iwe T~itmda 'T1ata i~rf~r~ i.'9, Ps3sw Vbr+~•a l3rfve t`.sel:lstaq St.~-etert 2t2. L.a P,slwrs x«tio~e: G:sixtrwbc~s ,Av~ue~ Z i. L i x>earo r tti D ri vie ~t>as.s~ Ca' J gyres Zw, Talley Gr~e~ec~ I~rRv++e 16ee~x'dc~,t A~twen~ 2 3 . 'He t ee a r I3r~i .-t, ~ra'~r .~'.*t~.t+~a 2~. 'i,t.$eC SC,reeet ~iit".'y t4.irv~itae 25. Lut~zc Street Arcbs,aa Avee~t~ xfi. I~atlaatu~on Aventsc H+etso:: Driva 27. Ae~xxle:t: Dries Gast:ine ~.vtr+~.ae 2$. I"Letebr p?1C3.'itt8 Gaotine~ A~vtnc~ 2'~. Gxeealeuf Dri`~ Gaettiree Avenue 3A. Milford Drive +~~:tne Avenue 31, laraeAge 'Tree I.anE l~r~ritt: Drive: 32. P1uaa Tree Lmrse Z'itetr,~itt: IDri.v~e 3;}. (raft Arive Finch Avenue 34. Sorex~.son Atrcnr~e PincFrt avenue :f5. !-linte:rgr~eh Y~rive soli Hsrt~or Av~rtue .~ti. lMeLlo Place Yrire Avenue ~7. Deeproae Place Prd.ie Avenue 38.. Torre Avenue Pacifica Drive 39 . 4,i~ i tncy Tay Pacifica Dr± ve 4L1, Y.r-s Oados clay Pacifica Dz'' we 4l. St~keet .t~venue (5c~ut:h bound cxtlyj 1k:mRstwr Avenuz 4x . RizhWOOd Ariva lads t Sa tat~ere Drive k3. Viata Dri~'e Forest Avenia~e 44. Ga~xda Coutct Randy Lane ~-.i. tfiaboya drive Raac~ ~.ernee 4;a , kaneiy I,atae ~4errrixt: Dri re ~f l.erry Way l4errttt Arl.ve ~~.. V,ista Dx-;tve Meet:rltt Drive .»~ t A+'.'k~AC~2INC: S'Y'AI.'~TS YtlQUIRE-~ T't? S?U~' ib i t "A'• ~~..~i~sleslc~ Nn. 4b~ (G;+ June 2i~, t4i'Y AT ,MY E;1~! Ii~ANG~ ?NE~E~7F i~t?H +~l. ~'et~ra De13.w Drive Terrace Dr~[vr ~. Lirsda Vir2a Urine S'ettts ~'erts• '~tir~p 5:~. I.s PsrXav. Dri°ae Sams 'Iatras:~ L'~rir~p S~. 1Calaa Verdes ps;iv~a ?ersarre Itrive S~. Yicbtab~x~ Dri~re ause Ee~c.~tt:es Dr.~iwe S4. ~'i,n Ca~w'~ao Coact: lieaarrct:2- Uritve .?-~. D3t~u~r Aewea~w be kar Drives 3i. 7 ~.~ ~-areet street ~-7. ' Vil.lar pe deex~t •s+~eoa~a ~.uci3:lei Arsawe SEA. Tome a+~snt~ee Lodr3 ~aesit Avenue ~w E1,I~,~t~RL VfBIG"tfLAp: b7(7P~ I3;ED AT CEB~'AZ14 ID11'~SxCTx4pS ..,.,..,........_.....,...,..........r,.. 1. East Estetcs iDtiae and La Mer Drive 2, la+cifira Dacive sad Farallowe Dr~l.v~e ~. D~ Aoawf aed doer Dtt.a~e 4. Vooel~iAl ll~leva-sd ead St~evenaa Creek Boulevard 5 , Ba.~t B,irtate~ ~rivr ~d Be Vary Aver-u~e b. ~iwetarn ?4?riv~e ~eod Scofield. Uri~rc ?. Desp-~Ltr Aweaue. '~'itx~exald Drive and Fenfnasula Avenue fit. P.seet '~nt~rxas br3.ve: eud .^,lenvr3ev Xvenue 9 . I'ruo-e xi dge Avenwe end ?aunt tta Avenue ...y..