Ordinance 467~IRpYMA1~E iA0. 415 7
~'1 Qlti?Yi~A~:L QY TsR ~.YT1f OP CUPEiti.`I?i0
1~E3IgWTTI~~G S'i"OP IN1"5R5LCi'YtriiS
X915 CIT7 C'f1CI~ OP 'T88 CI'~? OP Ctt?)C'~a`Yll~ D~3g5 Y t!~f~Alg t
Yt is Chs aacprass pw~rpoes of this Ox^d!tna~ce to cvaxolid~eta fst one
ordEiaaace alI pxtixssratly ar h~eretofors: desisaat+sd stop intersectioa,~ ire
r+trrps ate rr:gaired ,st cetta~ wppraaabos ti~sxtitt~ as lyes+4it~f tear iasd and
to provide a wrems fox iacs~rporaltiag all said sta~C int~rssctions th=t uss~-
hereafter b: so d+esxpra;t~td or declared.
section 2. 1~r ~_ of Ordces
Y'hosse sections ,tad proa-[sians of City of Ctirpprtino Ordinances Ato.
137, 235, 245, 318, 337. 3S9 sad 4Q4 sad all sections and prsneisiotas of other
City of Cupertino ordinances ion caaflict herewith are and are herceby repealed
as of the effective d.aa of this Ordinance.
Section 3.2 - Vehicular 5tvp~R+equired at Certain Intersections:
3'~te driver of say ve:ti.cle upvn approaching the entraACe of any of
the following intersections sigu~posted with a stop sign sha11 stop:
ta) At a limit 11ne, if tiark~d, other rise: before entering the
crosswalk on the rear. side of the intersection, or., if not marked, then before
entering the intersection;. or,
(b1 At any point viLbin the interaectic~: ss required by a stop
and, .sfter such atop thr driver sball yield the right-~af-~+ay to
attaer vehicles oa that part of any :street protected by any stop sign which are
so close as to constitute an i~wsediate hazard sad shall cantinas to y~.eld the
right-of-~ay to such approaching vehicles until such time as he can proceed
with reasonable safet~r. A driver, having yielded, aay proceed a.nd the drivers
of all otrcer vehicles approaching an that part of t:he street protected by the
atop sign shall yield thr right-of-way to the vehicle about to enter or cross
the protected part of the street, said streets are so dssignat~ed osx Exh:tbit "A"
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
5anctJoA 3..~. Al.l DirecxYaaal Vehicular Stop Required .at CE:reain
T1`we driver a# any vehicle upon approaching puny ~entrsn3e of any of the
fal.lariu~ intersections sign-pcisted with a stop sign shall stop:
(a) At s licit line, if seatkad, other rise before entering the crosa~-- ,~
ral~C a-n the sear Bade of the 1AtersectiOn, or, if sot satrked, then before
entat:rl~ the intorssctioa; at,
~~3 AX any poiz-t witlnisa t'!we intersactiaa as t'equl.tysd by a •top
aad ~ sttsr sacb ~rtop ~#,~-~er obok.l yi+e2d eho xfgbC ~P~? to
othsr s~c~s t+re Civet p+~-zt, of st~tes~tt prot.~tsd ~ ~ ~crp s~ s~~acpt :its
#o doss it ttN ~obsRXt~s M~ ~i~ii it+~ M~ #.~. Cb~tl~Wt !b pf+lt#~ t:~
rfgbt~~w~t-w~r6~r ~:o ~cl! ~tpps+oi~a~ag 'ii~i~+~ss saRi.~. +rucb t~`.~rrt ~r/ 1~t usMO~ p~ho~Cr~
Frith r~so~#~at os~'stg. 1- +'s~lr y1~1~1Md asp grtwssd iuprl !'~ dti~~
of all atbsz da~eia]+ss opparo+eaAis~ as t psttt of ~t1iw str+eot p~dd by ~
atop sign at~l yield tbue rig~et-of-~a-~r to the vnh.f.clr absrat to aoCsr or crnai~r
the protscCa~p p~uct of tbs strsst: ,
1. E. 1~~tas Dti~ro at~d Leo I#r~t Dri~re
2 . la~cif i+e+e D-tirr aad Fsrax 1 ~ Dtiva
3. Babb Road and Lwlabov iitivs
4. lFoothiXl lla~lsvrard and 5tever~s Creek Baclavard
Secti~ 4. Stop Silas
4twt C*ty Mtmag~sr be aad ins hQreby instructed to tsavs a standard ty~t
of atop sign f.natslleal at ~-ch ~plicablR intersection of sand through etr+~esta
esauza~eratesd oa the attached Exhibit "A", the roses of Which are eo be paid
frosa i.h~s app~pria+re f~mdas of the City.
ZR'fltlO~EA at a reg.ilar seeting of the City Council of they City of
t.;vpertino oa the ~~- dasg of Ausau5 t .1970, aad EN.ACTSYJ at a regular meet--
ing of the City rauocil of the City of C<apertino on the ~ ~ th • day of A~agus t ~~
1970, by taws fwllowir~g vote: ,
~bTES : Caessr~cilsassstx - F i tzgera 1 d, Fro 1 i Ch, Stokes
LAVES : Couacilaaes~t - Mine
ABSP3~T ~ councilmen -- Greor~, Noe 1
Mayor C ty f C~ipertin~~
City Clerk - __-
Y horaby certify that the City n: ~;upettino C:~iiatn,ce I~io.-..~~..~,., (,
attac2esd hereto is a trua and correct cs~py of said O,rdinaace which ba~
bosso publiasbesd or ps~stsd p~urauazat to 1:~~-. ~''"'~
'~• ~. tr,
litx Gi 1t
Exh3~it '"A"
Oresiaaace pia. bbT
1. f,~ ~#a~s !'~rirra
~. lit. ~~drx ~h ~~~
3. 'W3~~u!~Ite~t irre8yrac
4. ~tte+Me~ ]',bt3rwt
8e~aat bt8vo
6. ~raMts l~rrns Iyri,+~a
y. ~kiti.'~nNt ~umuhe
~. 'li~.tk~,s~rsn /l~rnwte
9. Csstlc~tt+om- 8trtaet
t0. C~to-ct Ave~aue
1~.. Sotiwerlae~ .~ven~,ee
l2. ?erca 8sila Drive
13. Iiindy Place
Y~-. mart Court
15. Ludy Lsrae
lb. Monrovia Stx~tet
L7. Shattuc)c Drive
18. Mt. CrFSt D'~i.ve
19. Pglc~s Tlardrs Court
24. La Paloms •Jrive
21. Aiaaaorth i0rive
22. Valley Gr.~en Drive
23. Meteor Driv`
24. Lubec Street
2S. Lubec Street
2b. Nath~~ns~ox~ dvenue
TT. !r.i~let Drfve
28. Meteor Drive
29. Greenleaf Drive
3ti. Milford Dx•ive
3a.. orange Tree Lane
32,. Plus Tree Lane
33. Taatau Aveenue
3k. Graft Drive
'iS. Sorenson Avenue
3b. wintergreen Drive.
37. Mello Place
38. TQrce Avenue
39. N'hiCary iiay
~6. LOa Ondos 4ray
bl. Clenvie~w Avenue
4" . Aieht+ao~- Drive
~3. ~ Vista Drfve (North app~.os~cha
~i4. Canards Gourt
4S. C~`~av+aya Drive-
4b. 8air.dy Ideas
~~7. Larry Hay
~,a. vista brivs
A"B ~ B~ 1~111~CG8 '1'!I1lCg~T Y'f'I'!i
8~-at~s~g~+t~c Ihiv-~e
~s,~rt Shrive
i~xt ~~
iegort 1hrira
Esaait€~- T~xe.a Dri~re
CoYinwbu~r Menea
L~tnda vista I1xiv~e
pe~lmr~bus Avaame
i~lllrimwsi tlvaenue
Cb7:a~bos Avenue
CsstYetoa Srrcet
I:Z.ctdY Lane
Lindy Lane
l.iady Lsne
8sgnart 1~Goad
Itegnard R,~ad
Santa Teresa Ifrive
Linda Vista Drive
Catstletan Street
Columbus Avenue
~rt~ewan Dr ivo_
I•eardac~ Avenue
Mery Avenue
Mary Avenr~e
Angc~r_ Psven;~e.
Mete~~r Drive
Castir:-: Avenue
Castine Avenue
Caa~tine .venue
East irne Avenue
Merritt Drive
Merritt Drive
Pxronridge Avenue'
Miller Avenue
Miller Avenue
Cold llarbar Avenue
Price T.ve:nue
Pacifica T1lcive
Pacifica Drive
Pacifica Drive
Bast Estat~as Drive
1~ast Estates Drive
Fareset Ave~iue
Raadq 4~-ak
A.*t~.y Lane
MarrStt, Drivz
lSsrr it t Drive
Mareitt Drive
%x~ib.1. t "A"
63rdi.ne~ce Nc. 467
APk~UAG~t,~lit; STR~E")'S RP.~t~D TU STUP
Ate' ANY F,N7`RA$'NI.~Ri:'(?F_WY'it~
+69. Tsrxa ~e1.1a Bar iv~e
Stt. Liads t~ta~Ca Tirirre
rl . La ?Mona Dx ive
S2. Pa.~as Vardsu Drina
SS. 1-irkabur~ Ox~iv+e
Sri. Yia Cawino Guart
SS. 6~exx~Ite~r AMenU~
S6, ~-' Lstx~e
S~'. Yi11i.~t De Asaza l~verwe
Ta~rsece Drive
~t~ a~eresa Drive
Bt~R.s Ter+esr Drive
'i~srraca Drive
host Esta~'.ara Dr. the
Wirth 19rf~re
L MsZ Drttil'!
Far~ret Street
I.~ci.Lle Awem~re