Ordinance 466C~Md~i~B pdt. kbl~ /~ ~49x~ t~F' Y~L` C~."1`!C i'tl' al"~!'i~~D A'~s`SS1~ti #tFa."Y1tY`; 1 tJF d~-X~,AJ~E 1K?-. ~ ~C ~~'~F~~ A i,#tY~ F~~ 4Y!- ' CIy"X ~F t:~"~"f'Y~ FPM ,i~.'lr~'~L ii~~~'Jk~XTwY A~96 I~E:"C~ {~r•$3} t~ "t`i! ~ +ta!''~ dl-~ 8 F~.~IR~GI! 1~'1tX~i, !'~ 'y '~~ I~'1t"~t~ fit; 7.9 S L6~A'L~9 ~ '~ ~Y YS6~t3g CJF ~' d~ ~~k7P~.R~;.X 3pd/ Pte' if~~.Y RfF ~'+Atl ~ "' tl~ ~A11 t~St2' 'pF~E~ ~~~ '1°K8 t"i1'Y G'Ot~ICYL aF Z"8S CI'y"f ~ l''~~t'Ylit? D~5 GgDAII~ t 3 FQFL't.01~ig iiH~ an Kay Y3, 3~7~, ~n upp~.icatiaa xst~ file! by Veli.ca Park i.tc n (Appli- catiasa 10~-g--~U), far the re~c+a~intx rsf property t rcr~m ~-gcf~_uJ~tuxa~l-iir:aia§~tii.al~`.i:~g2e- fauily oeae-acre Intl {AI-43) Z+~e to ,p,latan+~d I~v~alop~r,t {F) +~ritia P.laaaed Indx~atrtal Fa~rk {PiF) use int~n~lad ~atiNlcy a~ kF.115, uprsrs due notice axKt after one pul~Xic hast.riztg the a ianmi~eg Cc~amsla~icra r.ecan~dewd tra t:he City Crs~ntci..l tkutt the ra+~l~.~a~ifica~r.itm be gr.ariC`xi; a:xd iRF.~, the property tc- be x~aacvc~ed ix pres~~ntlg~ f+~ ~ M-gzir..u~ltux~.Y-~~~idr;nt:i,el ~ingl.c~-family one-acre lots {Al.-4?1) dune; ae~d t,IH~.~F.A.r, ~ ermp crf the sub~eci: pxopa-rry i.s atrn~:h~c! hez+atc+ ass Erctsib~.t "~s." ag a prapo,ed amcndrs~nt. to that i~fartex~ ~.u~aing 3~ap of tk~e Cf.tq af. M~spac~tiaxa; Sectioa 3.. x'F~at t~ f~s3.l,a~rYng dexcri.b~ad ~raperiy b~ ~~ tr~exe~Dy Aga rr.taz~e~f ca a F3.aaia+ed I~~~:Icy~.rnent (P') +u4t~a Fib Ir~usctri~ai Parrk {lilP) uae frtc-r:~i+cd 7,~rc~a. s~,~sb~ecc. to caxu,~iticrn~s sut f~rtia i~ p'1.«~ing t;ae~iasit~m Reass]+at[ac~ SSG. +~~. attarhe~d (~~r~tr~ es lxhf.bit r`.b'' a~a! t1~: E~rhibit ••!-•, attxGbr:~i brecat~.~ i~ c~o.c Pr r. t~ rrf sir tl,~ter ~axt3.z~ i~i~rp of ttre t;dty oaf Cu~xrit,ma: x.11 t:~!~c eertee.in r~c.el prrca~+rY•zy aitssart.+~ .in t3rs~ ~: i ter a~f t.`,+,-pacr :ire F Ct+unt~;~ t+$ ~tl.71t«~ Claora-,. ~~t~lY!! of i;a~liir. N'~':ilA: 7 ,!~ r,c:rr~ [c~taf~4 rt tk~e ;~ratthet ~y t:~xt~i,~c:,t~ ~:~< s~rts.de~wr ~.+r+sra~~:~ ~ ap;~r:axi~~~.k+r. [ ~~ it~1C? ±`~~ ~. eaut~r.:'iy ~+f 'F+ta~`:,; ~~.t;~7~~sad~ ~aad 6~t~ ¢tr~K *t::~sc.her:'1~ rrf ~txA,~`!b".I:A+~IS 14r,,ad, Tract i~a~. 3~~:' ~airit ?iap ;€s +arn f ixe ixt t'ba nff tr:e at the ke,•nxdcr at tl~r. Cauca'. ~ rah` ~+~-s~tre t'i,ara* St atR of Ge~lilu:~Yiaw it bnst~. 43~, pagear h4 * Sfl ea~d S ! . Sect.ican ~. 'T'his; ~Dudic~.~~ ~9~s7:.[ '.asks Affect ~r9d bae is fsct.rr ti'~i.e~~~ {3Q~ ~i~y~ a#'t.ar~~it~- paaa~-gc. IATiROIM1C~9 at a regular arre~cing of the City C,a~n~cil of th~a :;4ty of Cupertino on tha. ,_ 6th dap of 3'~Z_. ~„ I;"3'F~, amid E~tAI';:fiGiJ ne s x~~egular meer.i+~g at tha Citi- M~~ Cav~:12 of` etas G«tg of ~srp~ertina arpj 2ha ~t'th~ day of J¢~-~Jr~} ~.$7'ti,, bj thO fulllarnlt~e~ s»t~t: '~' A?E.S: ~xrCx~i~t .. ~'Rts~+~t*Ald, l4'ral3cYt, 4:re~¢i, ~awal, l~t~a fl~C+ES : Ca~tt~s:il~+ ~ i~aa ~SEl1'P : Corsnc 3I~ - lRoi~e x h~ers~by csrtitq that t2ue City of Cu~ertir~a t3rdin~unc«: Aio.~~~"'y/~~ atta~c:hed her-_rc, is ~- trus srid rvr~r-ext cnp~t of ra~.d 8rdi~race vhtch ha+a b~e+~ p~bli~had ar pa~t~d pus~uant to larr. ,.° /"~"`~"` _.._..~ - Aha . E . H; , C1tq Cl.ar.;~. ~chl.bRt "~," th~s~ x.asnc:e ~b'.~ . ~ib6 J11 tta+rc c+ett,tl~ r~ grra~+er~r ai~eta tins t~ Gft,,r c~.f lsrtia~v, (".+a~tv of ~aat,s C.k.aze, vtatt~e o~ ~`~n.~tfox~i+rR eawt t~eiaa~. enr,~ pas~ticalaax~.~ hex arrtbrw! xs fa~.La+ara: ~Gt~M'~G ~t tllwe t~~r~prrt~a of tea ~nt~taaclL~t of ~+~d~r ~hr#~+e~ vt~t~ ~ a~rt~~trly lAue of txact ~. l.~ibT, ~sat~nro~ t'&alw 4ta~.x ~a. ~, tie !Eq of vt~ir~la is ra ti~.s Za ~iie 93 aaf' l9s~a, 'pe! 49, ~T ~! ~~.. Arta GUzat;aua~ty 1L~eeoa~+, ea~it~d Y~r?.nt of ~.~xt~.a- atsg 6ef~ t~ aoatt coxa~e~t of ~ r ,9 era Qaxcu~l ~f 3xx~ desct~.b+e~2 is tk-~e ~~aal tbr~r of Cetera ~ f,avrc+r of .Asi`fRxs~e il~ivan~ Rc~o~. ~i.~ttrSct a~ 3+satw Clere Cane.ey, a ~ce.:i.. llsd ~7P7 oaf v~ric"~ w;~ ~weo~cdsd .~aanuar~r !~, f5r$t1 Ya Book 4f ~9, Oficua2 1Eacar~ae, P~t;~a 6~3;, thiaaca ~, ®"12'36"' 1~., 553.81 ~~e~ i~~ the aoztbtz2y 7Rae cif earLd Conaerniet~; thence N. ~4''2~i'05:' g., xaonB c:~xe aort6~e~i.- ,1iae af' sei+i ~,9 ire parce.I, S'lb.t'~? feet 'tc~ taw! o~rttse~a~te~rly cx~x~r t~eer~:~af y thenx:e S. m"©9'tt.5" H., 6S3.t?0 fttet to ~~a svul:heatet~rZy Garner sher~f tt~utcet S . B9" ~~i ~ ~'° H. , SxS. 7S tact Lo tb~t Pui~it of B~tBR~aa1aB . '~ :,~- ~~ +~ .«: ... ti~ lNli i"i`~~~ ~^R ^b ~/ y w -d ~NA57A DRi~IE ._._ ~a 0 cs ~ ~ R ~,,~a~ + f `' ~+~'- .~ . ,~ , f-~--..." '~ 1 ~ ~'~ ~' • ~~ RF. -OLt~E`11'.1~ !'rQ. 77Z ®P` 1't~EP. Z.111l1~:i.XG OfJ!l13:4f>xn'fA t11~ '1'E~Y CLTIf +0! G~'f'ER?171~i ~.-~i0~lYA+G '~k f~.U~,o1T"rliC ©P A ZAM~ ~ va 7.9 acrsa f r~ ~'~t+s~.t~a~ral--Pas.*.dae-tfa~- San~].ar~-»l~~lq ~mrs«:~ lofts to Yta~+a~uec~ Dsrr,e~~ialt j"~t~ with Flsam+rd Zad~trlat Pat#, CI~'~ a~aea' Y.e-ta~r~'i. . APPY.'ICA~ s gal lca laic Ll.~ . AADM Past t!f!'fc~- 1lt,raar ~T, trtiaeo, Cali,fax~xia Stril~IY'i'l~~: flay 19, 1974 t,tfCt1T1~'I s Dtaxtherly terxi~s of ~w ~iraawc . a~ra~. 300 !salt attsta~rlr of xaotadu 1-vsmrs sad 6~0 feat soatheriq of Kavsst~ead broad ZOItYOE: Al~-i-3 AAA: ~'.9 assts (~ItDIT, LO'M8 : 1-2.2. Standard Conditiomo t3. TS..ie uat s2sail cor:form tait.t~ the Plantxad Xndustri~al Pack (NP) i~rdinanra~. within a Planaed 11sv¢3.apaa:mt (P~ ran+e. lk. T'be: Inter-City Agre+asent r~ritb the City oz Santa Claxa, ar pertains t+a btishts or buildings and buf.fRriaag ~eithin 15Q feat of residential property, shall be followed. ~5ee Appendix A attached. 15. 2br_ psrforaaace etandarda i~c~ tl,~ a.i=bt 1nd+istrial Ordinance peru-imi~ co noise asap: li=hting shell bas applied in this resoni~. lb. 7'be r+rquired landscapisag shall be pleated i,ws~rsediatelq alaaxg tlrae re~c propertar .2,Set of ad~acant residentiallar xoarsd prop,ertis~s. PASSY9 AMID ~0?2tD this ~tth ~4aq of ,hone, 7.97Q at a re~lar rxeti~ of tl~e Planaiag Ca^oaisaian of t}~e City o.~ Cupertieeo, 5tatee ref Califartsia, bar tote fatl.isvis~ roll call. ~+rote: ARES z Coseissio+t~ers suthsc-utb, sirshoa, Irvim. Hearers, lhuetx w-cs : M~~ae ApPitt)VED: A'I'1"E31'`: C~ezald A. !wltx, Cluirsiea -~ Pla~ein* Cossstssi~ra .~~ ~. ~~~ lleamisR Director ~~, ~~, , xx ~- ~. ~r,~x trd.~ u~xrfi ,~aamr~nr ~t ~n ~r ar t~ot~~r ~t1t~ ~ It ~dY3M. as esa-ee~tod by- *.he Cif of t~a~ ~ ~~- Cx~r. aet ![atcit •, 2l6J. 1. spa .risi~n pttrnraxi+~ 1„ ii2~b #r1.~.1 dr. d~r~.2~spad #~ at.~z~:o aalt~- t1w aprbvta~ of ~ sv2.. «NOtI tc+t#u3s~:so~. piwtea~att3j .~ociu~ lfrrr Crpaetaaa's "Ply C~ityr ~iattrdct E~'tr-tt~" as ~rvw~iisked ~! tree i~i>~ Cu~+astf~aa lird~woee ~. 002to~, otr ate ~t 4~rrta~bo. a+ed in aac~ax+driwtit ~ltOr the suaa~ asd s~kguiatioar ise~err- ~wratel~d tAtA and she a part mf sas+d 0~rdlaa~e 'la. 002(03 by a~atxittacrt. ltitbt~st lxtte~adlxts to eittitude otbar a~diaaac~es, tba ' ls~is ated re~2atiaos it~otporat~ad in said 0cdiwmca ~. 00Zto~ +~ttM oaiatained in c~upertino tYrdiomsces Noa . 002 (h~ , 042 (i~ , 2Z0 a~ ~20ta3 2. =stivithsrandistg the faregt-ing, 3t is further agzetd that any is~n2aps~nt irn Prunerid~ 1, 52~-b t~rithia 130 feett of the existins a3asle fa+adly residential area of WearL~nsod males, other thaw Slagle le~aily residenttxl, will riot eRreed alts slaty aad siztaen Meet is ~tl~ht, +umless othesvisa wtval?~y agreed. ~. 7iebiculsr traffic patzer.~s vlthia Pruneridge 1, b2~6 will she ~pi~ aad developed so as n+at to route *_raffic generated by lad~artrial and r..a~eraial deaeivp.~tnt within prunerid~ge 1, 62-b ~roa~t the rsaidential streets of He~tw,ood Oaks; it'being under- ~tied aa~ asre~ed, ho~tirer, that to the extant that the fua~dawental e3alta~tsr of these resideatiai streets vi12 not be affected, ~ri~e wv~s sbal.l. bw avai2a~-2x far tb: pxvposed de~re~aprerit ~11tl~ia trtiarerfdse x, 63-6.