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Ordinance 465
AIIt G~~:43!~t,~l~t:r. +~!' Tii., GY.'CY Qi" C"IPt!t7I'10 pikUt+'L'iriU~ "$l7' ~.1RxAFN ?''SIN~'~Y~.'f SHALL tVCIA Stir, FERMI i'TGI) '~'C1 .L(7iTr R iN F'1L`'f1b..X t: 1'L1~~£S A~ TAR ~, GER'ft,~lA1 ~t~rtki t3F' ~E N~f.~t7C °k'K.iW t. ~. ~ ~' t~l'I3tE~I1< !7F '?'~eiG' C. ~T"f ~I' CtlF'!~"1!'iNfj JaLS C'R~dl..ECty` A.~ i~I,t.t7-z`i " aeati ~~:d I. ic9,t~ritx~• ~"rt~hi~~slt.~d tic pcsrsaxs. us,d~x Cit~,~ i~~ ref ~f~lhCxsam (x$j y~.y;as xh~t2t . aii+e~t~ ~;h:n.I, :ex:~Y puhl•Nc ~~r~t, nrrersue, m1ley, peak or nthsr ~atcbl9.c p)..sr..e £n the t;`ity bR._ t~.~~c~rt t~,e 1tc~u~r~ cs! 24at.~ S't`c.~a~~;. i'.M. srsrr t.~r. Lie of sutur~;;t t,F the ir.+:! "tr~r:.n~ dtr.}i, uu3.+eu~~ acca~-srlic~d try his ~re~nt .er x~-~a1 g,,u~xdisrt tat~~n~r 1~-~s1 c•.;~;.crdy ar-d ~:r~zn:.aYat, ua€ aria p~rsssu as ~y hi.g atpa:'~e ever thr. ~g~ of t.'~nCy~-on,~ t7i.) ye;~sss, Saecttnxt 2, f'xestnae in_xa,•ern,~ etc;~_Prah#bit~ Sin }~,•u~sc~.c~ea.r., -;.er:p~r, a~x!r~., car x~ny othcz wc'ryt,Il h,av#.ny; r.~,rar~,te Err c~~ntarol r,f .'any rsic, tavt.:°ct, s,sicct'a,. o~`.sIC, rest~IUrA~xt., a?xt.ttzg ~,).ace~, ~ri~.•e•-i:a C~~r~kF.AtsTtitnt, pru7 t',ir .~iA~...azt! 'ttro~t a* par3.ax, ha~v2i.n~ alle7, c>~ puh~ic tiazt;,°e h~_I,.I tariLttiu t.ht City ;yf Cuo~~-tiny sha~2 permie zesty :~i~~ox tcn~l~er xh~e ~.~E o' ~yi.~htee;aa t).~`j y~ax•~ tt~ ]uit~•x' It", x-t~~~vt, a~ a;part ss~c13 TSisce between tY~e isra ars iii itJ:ili' a'~c.rt;SC .°.!•i, ~tnd. tSsF t.'Et~ a: saanrir~e af. thF fal.aw'rsg rat-Wing, w~!z~*tti :,tx::h Iaimmar is got a%:cor.Ii~~ni~ :~y h:'s Pa:~:r; ar :t~gal ~,uarc:ian haKit:g Sa~Sal ~~~,tacL4•sly+ .9n~' cr.•rtrv.l t>£ SIiS per~~t: ur by t?~5 spcat.I:;e c:vaex thr Abe Est tv+~n;,~;~-•r7ree ~.'?. ,I YG~TS. Se~ti.on 3. LirriaurE~13. !.c l'~>~cmtt 4~t7farirti )wtr~ ~~Yk'nt' ctt lt•Rtx.? ~t.arci.f:~it r..~=,in~t ?E•c;;al ~,:,:vc3y ~trtc3 c<~:,! r~>i 4,f i,is, p~ravct ear el f,~; s!t-,?e~Ki c~vc!x th~• ~~e qi cvFrn~.~..ar:r i,21j ~aarr; ~S,~I. a31v» or prt-- 1Yl~~ ~ ~iC3~'it S,II?~i'T CSI :ire !7t i~l~i'7tYl'I'Y ~~~,) ~pdt'!Y tr? Yic,l:~ce a:I;v prl]Vaii.;`.~'l~ UX Sect':url ~e. L~-ly:r+r:'ul *ra A'. c! car ~a.;a~ t Nv ~:wr~sr~-: ~.ha°: rs~;itcL~ arid, rivet ~~r e•cl..ataza,rx~ .jcty rzincr aln.3~r Cr.e ,,gr: ~,f ~;ghtpen (iZ~ y.a rs tr v:.t:}'. ~."' any ~rro~vistan wf thia Urdin.~~ICe. .°,a*rtlarl .'i. PrF• ~usj^ai'c:c± ~rnlct-i iDlfy' r^.~i7JC' l:')is,'r i'I;~? %tkt` C1I E•i~:~1t+e-li t,z3j '.'od'~~ ~,~ 4i1t.1,1~ V!(•3:~t?fe,(n, .crag ,~roviwic.>n of phi;. I?r%j;~:t.:anc•,;•, Sc :.ll:+il i.•ar r~.rt,~i,:s~.vF•l.y~ pc~t~~;,tt~,~ i i.~rlat r;-;r >ar'Gnt ~,u.Ir;+. .-t~~, n: tether p~..rsii;i havit~q t');~ ca.~*•, ~:i:st•:,ciy s7r carctt4•? aa4 r<:,ct, :.,;nor,, :atllnw~ra, pr~rx,.it~ted. :atisisrPd, birse,3. abc~tteJ ,ancl encauca~~rd ~rsc'n caln~.r ir, such v ialat: ir~a.. S~c.[lUr. t~. n~_;_!c'y ftir...l~io?:~~.lurl .'1ci'+ pFrsatc, f ix~~ car ,°c;rpc~r.:,ci iara, wy a sSI,~Il vit?lar.r~ rl:Iy S.,r.7t•fnto.ti ~f th#~ ttrdina~tce t;h:al.l. be dr-r~,:;Nd t_o t~~? ~tt11t? ux a r..i .d~•:°,r•,tr,;>r, anct tr;~,:,n rc,~~~;:•r it.m tt:ereaf Ish~ll, be puniahe~ by ~t file a1' rlur ~,urs• t)iats flvec Hundred 17ailars, (;'`tc3Ea.()Uj c~ b;~ i~~ri~tt~t»Irr,C: a, nati Co e~.KCC~P~d a~lx (6j raunt~.~ ar' i~,y tenth tiuc:h fine :Inca im-. p x S. ~~tsrlrs;,ent , ~~ctia~ 7. ~~av~'..° w~ i~~ fsr.,rl: ~,~ 7!'S"f !1(*~'t~y.tln StxC11'~:.t~.G^.'s„ :«?aS1CtwAC't"r CIFfl58k'.~ j'c?:rt'tx!r:^ C.X jaUXi ~.Q.!'I ,Af 't'hi,a Crt•~%~,:a~txxce irs #"ar z~~ rc*~u~aa ~>•.1;v, t, ca b~: 1ca~aLid or titxf a-z~:tSt~aci:scta~ ~ the de~i~#,dxx ~~. arty ceaux:t a~' ec~ux}~c~terit ,~-~ri~dtcx:. ~a, aucla d~:rfisinr: ahcrlt risilt ~tf#'+~'t the vx4Z~2~tp 'rrf t~3s f~xd~n~ac~r~ °t't~c ,Pity (:nunCiY of ePx1~ t:'.t~ lr~:rreb;~ da~c~,are~ teuxt ~+~ +wt•u3d ~avae ~Icia}ac~~ t~it~ ~lydirtuc~a~:a a~x~d ~tu~°}~ a~n~:-'i.+nra, euba~mrca4~A~a, r~ce~R~mL ria+~v~, ,Pkrx+txe a' Kxax'tl,na tine: +~c>~ .~~ rn~pe+~tir~~ of ~.*.'~~ rcC k?t1~at att~ nr~e ox ~x a a. . ~ Sr•,x~, e.taba ~c :•.idn~xM„ rc~~te~+:cea, c.l.,acxsr~c, ghre~e~ nr ~rr~rti'(aCis ba d.~~c~rra~d i~v~, .d ax u~~~x~a~letxtisr,~Al. '~6ri~ tSt~~~~ct ~.t- euAact~c! er •u ,cr~,«~~c:~r a~xclix~a~e~ 2'kue fect~ aetis~,~tita~t#a>; ~t1ar vx~sc;~ aara t~-ie iavmndiet+~ na~rrei+ty~ n# pr-+c~trw-.~r~~ t:he he.aP.t~-, .e+t#at r~ w~1fe~tat of cha cltize•na a1E t;~ae CitN~ t2srv~ugh tt~e unifn're a~~lir.~t'S.na +~ ~~onvi*~o~ur x:+~Irri~~ Cb~ u~~atwfui lrxi~ter:.n~ Ytx pub24c ~eirxtie~ s~! c~t`La~ai 'a3r+~rr a~l~r.' t,At s~~s a# ei~ht~:~RU CI8? ;~e+rrs. ~~~JC~D A'AID f,~iA~f'X'C~ rt ~ .~r:~k-k,~r u~v:K~C ,air u~~ ~:Pae iri.tp Cr,-ar.r. Z I q~ t~ Citp a# tsx~Oexti..c~.c are °:.hu x5t;ix dap Apt .fi;rm, ~.9x~t, ~Tp 9:h~. ~'~+~ ta:c~ia~ v~~tr ~Y~ti~ c:~,,~xxxcl4 -- ~i~~.~ar~:~d, Gr~~m, ~r~ai, 1~ro44ch .~L~.~r ~'.~i,~; ~Ps LYE ~. i.rla~''21 ;•:?'. Ut•: P.,A 4.iT 1~K~`~i ~~ '. ,~ ,.,~/ ~itp Cls~k. ~- 1 i'~'E*x {'.:.~I i.'~ S~ t ~ i ~,, t t:x t. i C~v~ r, i ti.`. C+Y ~. i ~ p,Y`.,,"ftf':1 CN'':~'•':'. it 'a t t!. +i. !( r4 'tt.i~rT P'aa.;+or„ ;:fty cif ~Cca{~prr: irxe C' ; , ~ c-', t 2 ; .'.? ;:+r ci i t .a r+r e ?1i, , "~r~x.. w ~' '~ it ~~~r:. .:'~. .. . ~n'tY'.. ~:. Fc y tf`~ C'ir~~ ~.'1t~~