Ordinance 463,.
~kiCE N0. ~6~
Afl UltpYliA'~.'E Olt' Tl11: Cl; Y gp t'UF16gT~
~l~ilt`L~~xl'~v Tfl '~~ S'1''$ l~tl
A,l~."l~IJ~:.. ~T41*S AT :ftTflRfl~>+YICC llfiT'tH
Z'll~i t;ZTY +~~3t '~".Y~ s~F T'HE GY7t'3~ OF CfiJ'Y>~ D~gB ~At~
~ctRoa 1. ~~
Zt !»s the rarpress purpaaa a;~ tb~ia ordiaaace - to e+oaeoAirl~-ts !s ass
o~.disassve aL't. prasst-tZY or heretdiare dusignatiid attests dettsrwd to M
rhsas~h st~sta or bighieays, as lb~+niaaftet defiaa8, sad r~,o psovida a
fst atssa~sparet~ tlwreiLa all said streets or highra;,,ra thst say hr~rasSi~ar
~ sc- dsignata~~l or dv~cl~:red .
lcsct3a~r 2. Defiaitioa
A through street or highwal sb=::12. be tbaxt as desl.tetatad ar d~cl.w~s~sd
~ t~ CiCy rafmMCil oaf the City of Cuy~er~:iao at the entrance ar a~tttaact~s to
et~ir~ the dtivsx of any vehicle. is req~.~ired to slap +~h+~ao~ sagas are postRd
sirrtat ~rort~.C~c t~.ersaf , aaa to _yield the right-of Tray to attMer vshaclew ~~~is~
Ls+~a altered the intersect~_on fx~os the through street ax highyay or rhich era
appsaa,chiaa~ as closely an the through street or highway ear to,constltuts as
l.arssii~tts hasard, and who shall cantir-ua to yield the right=e~f-~+ay to sack
appt~chiag wshiclea until such ties as he can proceed with xeasonabls saf:t~.
A ~triwsr 6avipg sa pisl~!ed may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles
aspz'or~cl~i.ey~ the intersection on the throw&h street or highway shall yield the
rl.~-t~tway to the ~vehicla sa shout to enter or cross the through street or
Sw~;tiaa 3.. ?3e-~p~pxl of Uxdinancee
Tlaaes seetioaa a~,d p•rovisi.ons of City of Cupertiyxo Qrdinancea iio. '
210 Bred 1fo. 214(a} end alp. sec :ia~s and provisions of ether City of Cupertino
Orrdiast~rss is conflict he:rsr~+ith ors and are hereby repsal~ed tis of. the effective
dell at this Urdiaa~ace,
Sestian ~. IIesiga-ata~~.xu of Through St;teeta ar flighsnlr
Nhc~ress R ~~tudy ak traffic condi.tioas has ind3catsd ~~he necessity
of se~clasi~ certaSa ut,;,rests as bifhways a~r~ 'owing through atra,ets ar bigh`-aya
,~~ prasaErve the public safety by reducing the hasard to padeszriana a.•ul vehicu-
lar t~.raffic, said strs+~tR ar highways are so dssagnated vn Exhibit °'A" attached
hsrsts~ sa+d suede a part hereef.
Sectiao 5~. St,,, o~_S~
gbe City lytaagux be sad is hereby inlatt~i~cte8 to haves e- standard type
of atop sig+a iastsllsd at each applicable i.atersectiat- of Naid through streets
ex htghOr~t~a s~n~aerat~ed on tl4s attached P~zhibit "A", tlbe costs of xhicb are to bQ
paid foam ttwe appropriate funds of the rely.
i~s~ctiaa b. 8t±-~~snt a~' nr~~x
'lhi~ ~di~eas is ~a-wict~rd ~-~ axi aaex~r ot~ltor,~+at. ?hw ~sat~ aoa-
a~titatia~ t~- p arr rttNe i~~~a r~rcat~~iep ai ~ro~-l.Q.~ t+tattic central
+ayt~ tl~oaa ~rtatsi rtr~te +~ L9.~t-wps as r~i~amtu~ dt tb~ •tXs~:bnel ~-ib:! t
I~'!'~0®t1~A ~D mfLC~ rt s z~aisr ~ of for City C,e~3l cri` tbs
GiL~ ui` t~tactina ctn t~ ~~?~. +'~7 of .~tHfie , t~3'A, 'La- ter te~3.lawias
~~ t
I-?8~ s Cavuaci~irwu -~ F i t~ger~ i d, F r~o i i cfi, green , floe 1, S i~i-res
ill: Cotmc~titran -- NOne
~d~: ca+~xrcil.~n - kone
cstp ~~zti
~ltYt~Tl+Qdi Of' 4MiCQ~DGH STl.~'f8 ~?P. ~Yt~AZS
"S~1A3 t 1j"'
t1rd. lto . 483
:-r~oc~-,,,-,~• ~.,~1~ frown for sart~arly csty limit to ths~ ~rtbs~rly ~:i~tt~-cat-
~- af~~~o~1!ls~s Sid a~rpt se ite l~nt~ersectiaa vrith Bornsrt~d Shad,
Juaipesa lr (Manta 2AQ) on ,and aft ras-gs, a~ae! lit~rsss Cteaic
g,~ t~ t:S ltSlA~tl lroa ttiwe eeetterly city lis`it to the rMrterly
silty litait acnee~-t at ite iaters+acti.crn with 2uuotau Avnn+ue, hiller
Avextiae, Nblfs Road, tastal awtnaa, blaeey Aveat,re, 5asatoga4-Sune~yvale
itaad, StaalisA ibciad. Mary Avant, wad Pa~athill Botxla:vard.
wtnl"E RIDAD ts+ae t~s saauth lino of Hoa~astead Road to the south city licit
excapt at ita interseatirra with Pruueridge Avenue, Stevens Greek boulevard,
and with t6t Sears Dapart~esnt Stare aentrance.
Ii0~O;5TEAD RLIAD batassa the easterly city 11.isits a~ the weatexly city lin-its
except at its intersection with Tantau Avenue, iiolfr Road, blaaep Avenue,
Saratoga-Sunnyvale R+c~ad, 5itelliag Road, and i+~sy llveaue.
5TEI.LING ROA3! bet~n the south ling of Boan+estead Road and the avutherly city
limits exce~-t at its intarsection with Stevens Creek Boulevard and
I~AcC1s11aA licad.
~CLISI.I.AN ~OUAD betxeen I:he easterly line of. Y+oothill Boulevard and the wrestarly
line of Sara-taga-Su~-nyvale Boad except ~xt its intersection with Stalling
ftnad .
FOCfTBILL BOi1LbVAAD Eras tha northerly city limit to the southerly right-of•~ay
line of McC1oIL~ta toad.
ALVI:& D$IVR b+et~resa the ~~:aste:cly line ag 5telliug Goad wad the westerly line
of Sa•ratgA:-SuYmyval~s Road.
bOLLINGi'7- ~tQ1-D bstvssn the asst lice of Sarata~a-Sunnyvale Road and the w~rat
1'~ns flf IIix~y Avanue
1ltJYsB ROAD betwen the south line of Stevens Creek Eaulevard and the north Iine
of Rni.nbo+r ihtive excapt at iL•s intersection with McClcsllaa lWosd.
ST'EVRNS CANYON ~A11 betv-aen the southerly right-of-way line of ?icClella~n Read
and the southerly city licit.
bI.AM87C AVRNt~ bet~rees+ tba southerly lira of Hos~er~teatd Road to the northerly
lien at Dolliager jtaad excss~t at its int.ersectioa with Stweas Crssk
lOR.TAI. A~ bat+~arn the nortb+:rly lies cif Drake Drixe and the eot-tlaerly line
of Puce 4reset ea¢ccpt at its intersact~on, vitb Stevens CsNSk Doatl.srsrd.