Ordinance 450ORDIIIANCE ~i0. 4SrJ bll QitU:-MiAMCb OP '!'i2B CITY pf' CUPER?IIiU J-I+iBMi~I1~C S8Cfx0:~ 1 S)F O!t"1INAt~CE NU. 2 BL P'R&".~Mf'iI1AG A CERIAI*i PO[?iOti OP x")tE CO'JN'T"Y P1K1i1R CpCJN?Y R3•~•2.4 EONE AND Cat Z0~ ?0 CZZT R3-2.?.sda (aI(,'H--DBltSX?1' M'IL'TIP~ SI65I?lEN?IAI.) 7.p1^1E ANi: CC ((~`811g'1lllL l'~'~!~'1tCIAL) ?.UUY'~E ii'rt1~h1 A1Q4~ T("i 'TR$ G111'; AI'PitUXIMAI'ELY 15. g ACILES IIIGl~-'!'~5D W!f-t4'! !!!F' 1~00r't'~tILL Hd?Tn.EYARU, l~Oit?!~ 0P ~TBV!"~1.".• CREW Ar~~i,E'VARD Tt~ GI'!~- C~14'i111CtL Q! q'HB CIi't 9P Gifr'I~"r'x'~ b~ OJI.^!c.'-'". Alai IPOLLt,11S WAE, ,~~o ~pt.arcber 1T, 1969, au application ws filed bar Sterling, Raves, Applisatigs 21~Z-39, A'or the pres~g of pYOprtrt~t ftaMw Caunty >t3 2 ~ 4 Zoae ar~d dl tope to ~l.tp t1--x.2~'da (~.i~ilr~d~it~r Me~.t.tuple R~tsittentitl) Zoae and t:GG tC-a~exel. adc~treia) Zayre; ~ i~t-'MtgAS, Cht~ ~rrayertp to bk pre:~+~ iCs presently in a Cciunety Ft~~-2.4 7.ona aa! Coaettr Q1 tararc; and ilk&, npQO dae u~c:tics aad aftss~ pna pat-lic 15tariang tbs Planaiag Caris- sios- rec+aas~axdeal to the Ci.t? ~ci.l that t!w reclassification be grant:d; aad ~, s sisp of th+~ sab,~ect pra~erty is attached h~txeto as grhibit "A" as a prapasamd aaradsa~at tee the Master. Zoning l~tp of the Cl.ty of Cupertino; 1HIii. 1POR1l, 3!t I? bRUAIIiBD AS TOLD: Secti,va 1. ?hat the following described prupezs~y be and hereby is p~eaaned to Cit~r R3-2.2+~da (High-density llulttple I~esiBeotial) Eons and CG (Ganrral Caa- w~ercial) Zuac when anu~sx+ed to the City, subject to ~~.anditiana set forth i:i p.lactning Cor~s~issioa Resolution ~1a. 702, aitschad hereto as Ex~~ibit "ffi" crud that Exhibit "A" ateachad hernia is s~cde parC of the Master. Zoning Mtp of the City of Cupertino: A13 that cc~rtaia real praperty situate ir- she Ccauntp of Santa Clsra, State of California, of approxisaately 2.5.9 acres lucaied crest of Faothtll boulevard, north Ui Stsvsas Cra~ek boulevard, sore fu11P described is attached Hxhibit "A" and Exhibit "B". Section 2. ?hia~ Ordinance shall t:~kt affect and ire in for~c~e th.irty~ (30) days after its passage. I!~?1tQII~iTCLrD at a regular sestii~g of trc City Cauacil of the City of CuE~ertino an :he 1T~_ _ day ax lbvsaa~rsr „ 1949 and BNACTED at a regular seeti.iz~g of the City Gaur~cil of the w. ity of Cupertino an tt~1 _ 9tb day of becesber , 1969 by the following vale: .:bYBS: Councilsarc - beava~, P.tt:gerald, Noel, StoDcsa 1!oUE.a: Councilyitu - D7anw ABSt&NI: Cot~r- ila~en -Diane AIISTAIIiiD: Coune.ilsiea - Dssipater AxT'i!S?: /~ C y lerk ~~M Eb$ZbZx NA~f Card. ~i50 Ali ti-at cartwiq reel pxaparty xit+u-te in the County of B+Kata Clara, 8tat~e of Galifarnia deescrii»d as lallaws - b~CillAtfi3~C at a ~woriRt ami tba Morthsrl~- lies of parcel 3 •s slkovn nu that cs~ct~-ia Nsa~dsd ~eor~9 AF ~ raror~d is took 1S1 0# lea at paw 2f, Santa Clara Cusmt~r lt+rcar~N* distant tba~reon ~c-xth a~~1o•oa*' West, ~17.Tt #awiet Eros cb-e lbrtheast~erlY coJCaar of acid laarel 3; tb~sacs lssYi~o~ said !~t?YIiT C!t bblfi~!'1%G snd said 1[ortherZv 11Gms 8cnath .t'~3'00" 6~iuet, 3~S9.T9 fit to a poist as tba lBontlaerly lint of si-3d Y+-rce1; tl~ae-ce a'Lou~ aaLd 3antbsrly lixw lio~txb Si~"i~'00" i1Mwt, 331.3'9 tset to the 1WYthwreste~ely corn~sr o~ that certain tract o! fated daseri~ed to tl~e Dsad fray Yinillip t.aeobardo, et ua, to i~. L. Stapp, st a1, rscoxdsd•1~-rch 18. i91a in book 1587 of Official Aec.~rds ~.t p~yr 2TZ, Santa Clara Covat7- Records; tb.~c:~~ +r1on~ the iisscsriy 1i~e of Ixat Bald pascal 8outb 0`;8`00" last, 338.38 Beet to a point on a lia~- parallel erith sad distant 140 feet measured at tight a~1es tt+eae the 2~ort"sxerly fins of Pdra-anente Road as as' d l3.Yee eras eszabliohed Dy Dwid fros- !hi?11p I.owbardo. at us, to ^aaaty of Santa C~iara, rscorded Juac 1S, l9ri~9 is book 1803 of Official Records tt pagr .240, Santa Clara CoaatT' ltCCOrda; thence alone said psra11e1 line North 89'S7' Nest, 9S0.54 feet to a point ot- the L'aat- erly line of t.l~at eertain O. SS acxe tract of land daer.,ribad in the Deed fztrm Phillip Lo-ebardo, Ott y.-x, to Pacific Gaa cad P,l.ectric Company, cer.orded Junc Il, 1946 in book 1350 of Official Records at pass 485, Santa Clara County Records; theses axons said Paaterly line 4~artb O'OZ'GO^ Wsat, 343.03 fast to the kc+rthtaatr.rly corner of said rr.SS acre tract said corner lyiseg Qn the Iiorth~erly line of t~+at, certain 13.88 acre tract of land described im the dtsed from George A.--*.hony, et al, to Phillip Loeebardo, et u~t, recorded .Tuly 22, 1961 is Hook 1053 of Official Racords at page b~3, Santa Clara t;ounty Racards; thexace Ieewing said Easterly line along said Northerly line of the X3.88 acts tract of land South 89`40'UO" Y.aet, 449.73 feet to the louthwerrterly corner of aA~.id Parcel 3; thence along Che 4Fest~erty Rine of said parcel 3 North 0`22'f!0" Sant, 3.8.30 feet to the Northwesterly Corner of sc+i b Par~~el 3; thence alnaR the Northerly liae~ of said Parce: 3 South $9'409'00" Easy, °t~C'.73 ft~ct to she POINT OP BELT:~fNING. Containing 1l; , ]. ac rrn . mote. tar Iess . All that certair- rs~al property situate+ in the City of Gui+ertino, Cuurty of Santa Clarl, State af` Califarnl.a, described as follawa: 1bBGZNNING at the Northeasterly corner caf Parcel 3 as shown as tt-at certain Aeetsseded kecord .,f Survey recorded is book 7151 rC Napa, at page 22, Sat-ta Clara founty Rtcorda; fAence l~ea~vir ~ said Point of beginning dons the faattr"ly live of e~aid Pax+:al So-~tl~ 4'S3'OQ" Eeat, 359.79 :ee:t to the Sauthsaattrly corner of said Parcel 3; theACt along thr Southerly 11at~ of said parcel North $9'40'Up" ~dee;t, 127,71 feet; thence leavinC! said Southerly I1ne North 4.53'(!0" bT45t 359.74 feet to a paint tan the Northerly lint of esaid parcel 3; thence alo--g avid Northerly line South 89+4f9'g0" Egat, 217.7J, feet to •Ch+e Pc.fnt of beginning. (:~stxta~ining l.8 ac:r~ta more pa less. 4. 4. e~~: '~ ~ ii, i 9i ., : ~ .: ~. ;. # ~;; n: 4 :s, g,, t# s- t r n 1 ~ I d.ty'i-) ._.. ---- ~~ t~ r ~ r+ ~ ~ ~ a r .x5'4.1 Y ,. } "~ by h ~~ ~. E a;~ ;~ ~,rrr~wr~w~.w< r ry tr ~ _ i~ 'Vr „~ , .... .~, •. }}4t _~ ~ f ~' 1 ` ~_ ~' ~i .~ ~ ~ '~` r G'~ ¢~ `G ,~ o ,,, 7~ n; . ~ •;, ~y ~. ~, .. ,4 ~ ~ ~i ,¢ # ~ <<, i Y~ ~1 v d~ ~~ r Ci , t~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ' ~ •Z ~ jt, t ~ !~ ~ .. - 3r;?, a~ +t,•~. ,~,-L•c~~ it c, nrr rr~ ~, r. - ~a 4 ~ '~. i Ci ~ '.1 f t _ . 's. <tr+Iea• •+e na ~yK ~ ~ tin. ~ r '.. [5~-. .y~....-.~-;.-'...r.r....~..~.....-..-. •~ " " o ~sd wE'a~~• tvE+»YM AVCNUE ~1iMN• VALE GAt,.~rpN~1+w yyi ~w~Ai~Rw •n~rr~* ~MY6lA ~[, Merry M. MIA ~.~pr~l'r- ~~ ~~"'~ ~ ~ j ~~ ~/M ~ '~ it ~ t~Q, VCfU .27 ax~rrx~r uo. ~~~ ~~l'' ~~ l~-:~a~x~ cnrlKxs~x~v +,~~ c.•rarx ~ ~°rs~o if~crol~c x~ Artx~w~t a~ ~, c ~~~ coasaty t3~-~~.t awe ~t :~ c~rx tt3~~.a~,sa t~;~t~~~,~.rtr ~~ix.x~~2~ Iittoidwatlal) ~ t!G ~t~as>R^~r3 C`.~e!tr.3.x2 j . JIPI~SCA~'JC t 5~1 ~ f, ]K>~[ >~~~~ lHJR ~'~p ,i~bat 'iiD~~ie G~~Z?l~rinl:Q ll~'ll4! s S•pt+r~~r t i y 1+ld9 «~'sC~l-tZt7~s li~il-st; +air 1h~+tlal.~1 l~rr~t~rss^d~~ ~c~h trf 8tsr-+erea ~natk. ':~3de~nus~i t~tNtl"1i~s tt:,y 1t3--~.A dl-IRP'Ji: 2i~. ~. acr~eae C~v»t3- CII nowc~xrzt~€s ~ ~~ l~aal~s 1-1~ si+e~d.ra CaaditiAaas tjaa liata+d aas Pam 1J I9 A *,~°elapnsnt Pla:>< >rh locattan aad ~taiaaral t7'l?e of 1bdiYt3ix~as aaacl ,~ax•al arras~ee+eat c+f ~arkinS anal 1,sadscapis~ a~ha12 aam~y ttl*e a~pltcffit:i~ -~ fur ay~sproval of a 7ts~atat3.ve lisp, ar icir a Itut2dis~ I~RraciC ~ i.n caae no `rwntatiw.e slap iat :•egc,irc~d. ~dhaxeaca t.a a H~nrsl.opr~.cst %2axa appxo~red bP the plaaainS ~Ca~ieriaa sha21 be a co:~ditic~ra Co eapr~sva2 of. a Testtsti~rs !(ap and a Duilditag pez~ait. xn casr the applicasst +~r his succespeor viol-.ce to revfs~e .+~:~ approved TM~relc~ps~snt Flase, such rtrrisioa mt~all be sulxsittad to tha ~'lanning Caes~ie,~ian. The desi~gation o>rt the aona slsall be R3-2.2eda, and it shall bps sa ix~di- cated au thr- ~uniaa ltrg. lei A CouAt3- uoe perwit e~clete tar serve,,ce ,ata~toxs develoyreut Wit`lsi,a th$ CG (~rsaara~I Coeausrciat} xct+nm gsoatriaS ova laothill bo~ulRVaxd. Said uas pratiit i• reca~zaixed to be vaYid gym.'! is theretoze cede a ~-art: of et~ia soar . 1S Thus s~esaais~ is eubj+cct to coe{pletian of arimaocatir~n prarcee:diaia to t}~.3 t~1tq of Cupertiaa, and Will talcs effect or, th.~ date of tha ra.titicatiAa of szzch zauarxati~an. FA15S~D AIaIl ADOPTI~'tCs tiii~ 13th dray of Ua. t:ober, 1X69, tc;t a c~tular rautiti~b~ of ;.fie l~lasmic~,S Casaaisaioa .~f the City :~t Cup~R~ctix~o, State of CalifornS.a, by the tallaq-i as roll stall gate A9~St E",neasi~tasiaaers ~:~the~nuth, f'xa~.ich„ P'uet~c, i~iz•shrti 141Y5: Goieiaei+saer irvi,u A; "t'E$T: ~~:v Jake s. li,ak ~,/ ?laoata; Airactax~~ i,,~yy _~~v ~~~~it,~ AII'P1~711ED Jack T. liirsl~on, t4x>saa l~lana-te~ Caea~>:~oeia~