Ordinance 448~~RnlNwxc~ rio . 4 ~ $ u~a o~aare o~ rsa crTZ o~ crz~aa a~ aria ~~ ~o tit Y1.ACEb AT TilE I~i~gG"I'xJll 04' ~D'~ p~Ab A1W ~I 1ld~2V~i. TN8 CITY C~CYL ~#' Tg! CI`3? Oie~ C~P'0 DQES ~0~11-Tlt ~ FiOiJ.flitfi3: X15. ~Lh~e City Canmecil bas cacaivod a trR##ic rapart fxar the Cbi~tf of poli~ca aaRi the 'lYaffi~c ~tinaer ou pctober 20, l!~! i~rdica~ti~ the awed !'or stop sib control at tb~s iatarsactioa ai srsb6 y6aad sritl~ 4siAtiew t9riv~e rsgoiring all entrances tbsr~eto to slap: and, NAB, stop sips coatrvl al.xeady sacxsta oo the esstaarly and wwatsrly a~ra~acbea of RainMnr Qri+re; asd. ~. tha Covaty of liaota Clara !a desirous of caopsr~t.ti~ ~ritb tbs City wit4~ the iaaralyatian of a stop alga an the so:atlwra,st corner of 1Le raid imetersection facial [fpland Koy~ aud, VltER~S, i.t it to the bert ixrterert of. the City of Cut~ersiato to install : atop rigs on the northwest tarnr.r of the said inta~crectic~c- to co~rir_t.e lire foot-gray stop: "".Q'~1, ~~FfiltE, °~: bT OAi:-AIi'i3~D: I. That the City Maaag~er bt and hereby is instructed to hsve installed, a standard typm of stop sib at the northveat comer of the intrr~sectf.on of Bubb Road and Rainbow thrive, facing A~abb Road. IR71tODt3CED at t resular neeeting o~a the Ott; day of OCtobet;_, x.459, and ESACI`E1l at a zegular meetinS of Lhe City Council of the City of Cupertino thla 3~d day of Noyerteaer, 1469, by the following votes: AYES: Councilmen: Beaven, ~i tzc~eratd, Stokes, Qer~ster NOES: Councilawtn: None i ADSENT: Councilmen: .Noel