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Ordinance 447
OItI)'! AIArJCE AF() . 44 7 Ari (1PC' ~;~-NCE OF 'I'gF C.II'X' 0:' C1JP'EEI`II+i(1 gEG^,,,if..1s,21S3G `THE I~.~:U~.NGl:. C3i z~:Ekil?"S ;[~3 S'EI.x. 'c~RF.il0at~S AND kLP~lI.ZNG ,k,1..% ilER15T01'0ltE I,StAd:l'P.'~D ~RDII~A'lQiIES PEII'SA:d~Pfe:. 1'E#EYtETq TFiE C11Y C+OUri1C1L t}P 'tltE CTS'? si7f' C~F.~'II!~Q DO'Lff Q~AAI~1I AS F"3lt,r7ii!i Ser.,tion l~ clydtcaan~ l~eal.~ttd £ach of tlat ~rs~.aMr enusiera-tee~ or+diz~aan~tes wxe acid arc her+ebwr rtpealed as of the etfectirore date of this Oxd9.nanr.~c No. it7. Otdic~xnrr Ko. Subj~t Hatter 16s Prt~fi3biting axle of fir~evor~:a and ~lcrlaring urgerc~y 175 Prohi.hit ing sale Hof f i rewori~s 200 R+~psaling Ordinaaaca lfr4 acid regulating :ales of fire~+orlcs ~d declaring urgeary 2O0la) Aaending Ordinance 200 2g0(b} Amending bxdinan»es 200 And 260(a} and declaring urgency Section 3. Tezrc~, a:::i ~!canin~ yor purpusec~ of this Ordinance, fireworks are t.hrAP set forth in Srctlan 1'lS0I cf the health and Safety Code of the State r~# Galif- oznia and excludes those defined in Section 1250{1 of said Code. racoon .~. Sale and Gas PrahibiCed Ex~^ppt as otnezwiae gzopided herein it shall ba: unlawful for any person, fixzc, corporation vx oxganizatinn to R+e11 firexoxkcs within the city save an;3 except upon the issuatnGe ©f a p~;rait bq the City Council. Ic shall be tznla~aful for any firewarka to be actuated xithin the City save and except for those of the type for which a permit ma ~t ::ss::sd Far their sale. SF~,: t. ion 4. Yw_;~rni t Paec uize: eats _._.__._ _.__ _. _--_i.___ ..-_- _. _..~__ The Ci[y Council may issue annual perrnita .'ox tine salt of firewurks w.tthin the City, spot tc, exceed ten (10) in nkmbtt, on duly sub- Tittpd appl..tcations therefore by non--profit organiaatiuna. `raid aFplications shall be in writing aNd received try the City ?Sana,ger no later than the close o.f business on the last working day prioz to Y.ay 1 of each year. Said app- Iii:ations also ah,sll be signed by a responsible offic~sr or person of the sui•~ject non-profit or~~~nizr_Yton and sha]1 contain such infox~a;,ti.can as the Citl- Manager may require :a addition to the location at. which the tusineas will be conducted and how the proceeds from the sale crf fireworks *~rill bey used. - 1 - w ,wi 4.1: Tf a du:tq filed applicstica is avba+itt~cd by say ane of the permittesa under Ordin.cusce ~fta, as amend+td, said perr~itt~uea sha:Ll be. grxrt.tRd a peYa~it under the p*ovisiats~e of x:tis i~rdinan~:e 1Vt~. X47. 4.2: The Citq Council shall reviser the xcnai»der of the agp- licae lmu and, kallotiri.ag the gxa.tati~ of pRx~,-itx as p~ravidsd far ix- S,act3+oss 4.1, abrw!~, aaarl- grant addit3nnal per~aits v'sicb shall be detawin+td by tha d ixs8 of fats. .4.3: i'h+e City Caat-t'ii~ ~,~rri9.: tangy sbtificaeiar- to bt Biwa to ttsovr appli~-ta ~fia may. 1-,~ ,~-aucxltd perarit~ so kit •aa.d aotiffcatia~ rr-ay bey issued na~t la~tet thaw the ~xy ir~w~:diata.ty to7~lcnria: tiue second regulax2y eck~sauled mestia; at the fifty Council is tbs saasrtb at ~ of anab lrw~at. k,ti~~ f~rrmits issued by the City Ca~,aril far tie aal,a of fixeworka shall nat be s•~rbjeret to or rcxndit3o~ as ttu pa~erax of any filittg fee oz buai~css license fee as tax. Section S: State Fare _~lcx~nha~l Re,~~al~tions Coaepliaancc with tt-e licesssa prvvisiaans of the State Pire- r~~orks I,aw and the permit conditions and regu2artias~a cif the State Pir~e F4arshal shall bm required in they cane of aac?~ and evta~y permttte~e. Se.r-t3on 6. Dieglay Baaths and Stands Each display booth or stand aced fox the sale of firtaarks st~a~ 1 Ue cvns~r,rurted Aso a~ to canforw to safety star ::aids bs established by the Ci*y of CLpryrtirw 9uilding Department. Section 7. Yenalt~i !ax Violaticsn ,may person, fins, caz}~csratioA ur oxgan~xatian violati:ag any of the proviaia>us caf t~-is trdinance or knowingly ar intasttlonally misreprt- senting to any officer or employee of this City any material fact im pro- ctaring the pernrl.t herein provided shall be psuiishable by a fuse of not rooze than fire huRdxed dcsllars ($5QC).04) az by in-pricvnment in the City or County jr.1l for a'period of nor_ more than six (~) rnonthe, or by both such fins sad lmprf s~~nment. Sect iot: 8. Seve rabi ~.i~- if any section, suhsPCtian, sentence, clause, phrax~s ox portion of this Ordinance is ~`or any reason held to be invalid or unconsti- tuttona~l by the decision of ar,~.y Court of crmrpetent ,~url.sdictian, such decision shall not affect the validity of the xrtaaining paxtion~r of this Ordinance. The j:Lty Council o~F th.i.a City heztby de°~lazre that it vauld hJeve adopted thin Ordinance and each fiecijon, strbsectian, santer:ce, c,lauat, phrmse or portion thew_of, irrespective of aaiy such said decision. SecCic+a 9. Affective Date 7'.r.1s Grdinance shall take effinctc rind bt ies fo~.*ce thirty (3d) days after its vassage. 2 INYPQ71il~:E~ et ~ ; e;u3,~cx mtetiatg of t,~wc Clef t:ow~c~~ of the pity at ' Lttpsrtlxao oa tht ~ ~+I-'y- Gf Seg. re~?c ,~ , 149, ~d ~tAS:7!lSl~ rt a re;ulrr ae.eting of the C±t,y Ca~urnei~. of t1.Yt C~.ty ~~ Qtyettino tki~- 1St?o d~~ of 5e~pte~~sr , 1969, b~ tt~~e fo~lY~rin; +r~+~te: __.._. AXfs: Cc+umci~~tn -- Beever-, ~'itag±rald, ,t,.e~puter NOYS: Cou~aciltret- - 5tok~ts AHS~ld"x: Catiu:cl2.mets - l4ael ,.~'' ,aTTI?ST I 1 `/ ~ , C tv Clez'r. •••{{4/// i hereby certify ttiae tr-t Cit~• of Cu;.er:ino ~i)r.f3ii~,jnt_e ti~~. _ _'_~~`` attached heret~~ is s true ar.c] correct copy cf sUfd Ordinance whic}i ;}as t,e•en published c.r poste) p~:rs~.::an' t~> l:~tr. City C •rk ~ ,