Ordinance 436MN.~~. A`~ • 43+~
a~l,p~y~~1~~ ~j Y Vl~ W~iyCil~i ~ii~i/ 71-~Lrii~iyii~i,/J.~ O~Ar, i~i/~. 3. iwR i~ii~i~~11f7wY`iy~{ffr~ • y~ !r~
lfi~,~+yy~'1~~/ ~' A ~~~ iVR1~ ~~ Vii l Q~y~y~y `r~ i~q~13~X'
tel. ~ti ~t~fi~',{~) s ~~.3C i+$ ilk ~~ ~X' ~
?!L C2Tl ~. tl't- 7!'~ C~ M' C''T~ 178 C~AA3~t $E ~
Via, tA1 ~tC~i ~i, Z~ ~ ~~~,GatlOllt 1Nt tiled ~' Lltaa
~.r~~, ~. /~. ~~IM~is A!~ ~. 11. ayltsrsss'~tsts (~~3itit3M ~"'~"'~~ iii!! ~~ r~e•-
~ewNa3ae~ of arty t'rdMr s'~a-~~ ~ri•r~a.1t~~3~Sii+larMti~1 ~2-~i3) +r~l !~
~1!'rs1`o~W~iL ~) Z.Otiis ~ ~,1cxltl 8~eial f~"•1C~) lawet; ~
~, d~ OsC1+C~i iii ~'~!! i1~ls pliti~.~: ~i`~ tai tl~~ AS~iii9
ai4~0wlNl9odlid tv floe C;tp Coearel~l t~-t t~eli tirClsia~tcat ar! i-t ~tiir~wtsd; rrt
tit, tlert ~opss°tyr to ~s rsoo~1 ili prswe~et2y !te a s~as~tly y~ri+e~r2-
tosal~dcssi+i~c3al f,Ax-+-3) aad lts~eeewd ~e•-si~g•t t'i') Z~araaea ~
ice, aap a# t~ w.b,~+ret proPsrtT is ats.a~d bsss~o is ~-i'i~xt "A~" w w
P~po~ sMO~r-t tv tbs 1itAttsr Zoetiiee~ ~s of` ties Citg- a! f:+e~rt~:
Iit1W, 'BtE, ~ IT d'~tDA,Y~? Aye TOL~,O~ei :
Snc, tip ;~. 3hst flue folLavizy~ dsmcxilb~ ~sxap~eYt~t ~., a+ad ~:.by s-s rwcvas~
to a P.a~sral Cower~~rrcZal tOG--rs) Yocet, wb~s~ct to t iaaditt,oaa a!t ±f~ttb iQ ~"1,as~•-
Li~ Casiatsion Ysso~lsatioa ~. i26, attacbiid kssrrta as Ezi-il-it "!" sad tles~t
tExhibit "A" atta~~ bsrsto i• ids past at t~~e l4aatsr x.~-aiat 19ap of tMs Cit~r ast
Cupert ireo :
Illl tbte +esrtniu property sitvats ise tixs CAt7 of Cu~srtisw,
Connty at Saista Cl.•xsa, Stats v~ Calitoraia, at sppro~ciaa~.~tlp
28 acxs~- Iocatitc! oa tfi~ saatl+~sat saxnsz of tsred bsQ
ar-d Suceay~la-Sarstnsa mod, euttrs fully dss~:ribad is sttscbs'3
~ibit "A" rad Fuhibit "~",
6scaic~a 2. Tht.s prdiasarw shell talcs s£isrt sod 6s iie farcii t!-irty tl0) dais
a.isr efts passage.
Il~'lDL10~tTCl~ at a rssul~ar ssstin~ of tl~s Citj Cowecil at tAs City at Copsrtino
~2H the _. Z ~ St day of „~, ~~ ~ 1 _,. 14+~~. and tTP.p •t a rsgrlcr ~ttas of
ohs Git~• Caua~cil of tbs City off" Cupsrtirta on for -~ a~a~r of _^_~,
1969. bl• the f of laming Irv * e :
~~~: Couacila~an -~ 8~eavan, f i txr~era l d, Nae t , Stokes, s ter
1tO~S: Couacil^eso - done
A1:.5HNT : Couna iLsn - ~n~
~,,.,,..'h ,~
~,., ,
Ma sty o C~tpsr
t + _ s u~ II l! w
~ Ord. N,~s. 43b
Eachibit "A-1"
That certain real prapereg- eitvat+r in the City n:' Cup+ertitto, CauaLy ref Santa Clars,
18t~ste of California, deotczibed ax fa:lla~rs:
~',;;: 14e~imt~ at are ttndergxan~n8 2" x ~I" stake is: tha ceoter Its of the ?Koantai.a Qiar amd
to~;ra mad, aasi Prow which v~adtergrvur~?~ stator aan t>ad~tar8ra~~amd ~raanite 1~laaeoeat we at a
. _ _ s>re stare camttexiiae of tike ~w-t~ ~. n ~'imr aodl ~tairato8a toad iateroects the csntek~-
:- _ of the Haasweatead 1Load terra lfar:h f~`'Q4` t~rr+st 9.A7 ~utta` a~ fir wttfrlt v~adsmgr~o~u~d »tri'ke
~':, ~'" s ~" xitsws post marls "'it.Y'.3" b-a~ax~s 8ont~t 891°4?; "f+tst ~ f+wet; tbwrx ~+~ t'! ~,'~'
_: ~~1. QT clntaix~s to a 4" x 4" punt aw~c~ptd "W. ~"; ~.t~e~ee Dorth~ t'M~O~-' Eagt 4.9~ .~1Z r.bsitw w
~`"~""`~' ~rp-t neas~uad "~t.2"; thww earth 47" 9tast x0.07 cdzzsao to . point iaa tt~ +eeataxliaaa of
_ ~~ ~,risrttaatm 9ime mad Saratope mad fra>w afii~ s 3" a 4" vitwts pout aariwtd "ii.P.4" t~a+es's
.-;: 119i°47` iiwst .30 feet; i~nct+ alotag ceuterliEae of the IiAw~rim Viaa+r ~d Saratoga Eoad
~ $Pt~' hest 4.18 i/Z ehaiw to t`tK point of begi>rmixtg snd eantaining 10 acres tit
;A~ sand toing the Sontb 1/3 of Lot 1 of the East I/2 oaf ttte SotrthaMeot 1/4 of 5+s~ctio~r 12,
whip 7 8auslt, Ratsge 2 Wmtt, hunt Diablo ll+atre and l~ltridlatt. Subdivisioxts s~ by tlartaer
{~~~ ~-+ehig, Sarveyrc,ra, tntder date of .Tiny 5, 1'40b.
'~~'~IIII~ TB~t~- ~i all that portiom tYieceof, as arse Leaded to trot County of Ssiats Clara
=~;~' tiirs~l recorded l~wmbear 12, 1945, in Book 717b of Official ttec.~-rds, at page 745, and
~.i~rss~ particularly described as follows:
°. ~'BO at ::he interaecticm of the West line of Saratoga--Suoa~vaie Read {br(-,Oa feet
~' 'Md+~M? sad the Southerly line of that certain parcel described in Deed frog Paul Marit:.t
a~ Lar~cna. Mariam, his wife, to Paul Andrew Mari.aai, Jr. and Irene Victoria Perkov, in
4Mt, dated January 12, 1452 and recorded October 22, 1452 in Book 2512 of Official
` ttarcozds is the office of the Recorder, Santa Clara County, State oc Califorla~.a, at Page
~'~1; ttaertce 6ieBterly along said Southerly lime 10.00 feet; thence 1Vr.+-:;..~,~rlq alrag a liar
pv~grallel to sad 10.00 feet distant, reassured at rigfit angles, fxom the West lit.e of
8taratog+a--Sttcunyvale'Road (50.00 L•Pet wide) 3~4.aI feet to the Northerly line of the
" aloreaald pa-cal; thence Easterly along said Northerly 13ae 10.00 feet to the West line
o! Sarstaga-Sunnyvale Road (60.00 feet w;Ide); thence Southerly along said Weat lia~~ of
bwid land 324.0, feet to the point of be.gitz;tizag of this :~teacription and being a pozt.iam
of la.t 1 of the East I/2 of the Southwest I/4 of 8ectian 12, Township 7 South, Range 2
Mast, l4rwr~t Diablo riasQ an~+ Meridian.
dLBO F,xGBPTItlC T~IETcEFROM that certain parcel of land conveyt~d by Paul Mariam., Jr. , et
al., to the State cf California by Deed dated January 29. I4b2, and recorded Jr~tte 27,
1462 its book S626 of Official Records, page 424, described as follows:
111fat:Iplill~ for reference at the intersection of the center line ref Saratoga-5urinyvale
tlaad (60..00 feat xide) with the centerline of Ht»a~estead ~oad (60.00 feet tai~de) ; xh~ence
along said centerline of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road South 0 07'20" West 329.00 feet to a i
psist oa the latae r_osaoa to the lands, nQw or foroerly of Pawl. Andrew Mariam, Jr. , et
al., a~vd of ?om Kapaaica, et tnc, said goint bring the 'True Paint of Commenceeenfi;,
tttience a1ae~ said comrwri Line South 89 51'30" Hest 40. GO feet to a line p~ralle~. with
asst dlistant 40.00 feet fJeraterlq, st right eagles, from the "AS" l.tne of the 1kp.srtroent
of lublic Works' azirvey for the State Highway in. Santa Clara Coixrtty, Rooad Iii-SCI-114-A; .
tbs~o;me alaag said parallel line South 0°'OT'20" West 111. Z4 £eet; thence South 1°40'40"
iert 217.78 feet to the Southerly line of that certain 10 acre parcel of land conveyed
tan said t!attl And:r~ Mariam, .Tr., et al., by Dwd recorded Deceanber 31, 1451 in Hoak
2341 vt Offiriel ftsCOrds, pace 34$, Santa Clara County Records; thance along last rcaid
l.i»owe Iforth 89'°`51`30" P,.ast 33.16 feet to said caaterlitue of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road„
ttawce slang last said line Dlarth 0°07'20" East 329.00 feee to the 7rus Point rat Cc-m-
w-a"as*atlt. Corttaaraiata O.O58 of an acre, acre or less, ata addition to 0.2x7 of an acre,
ss+ra os 7twa to said Saxat+o~a~-Svacaaroale itaad.
Extribit "Ih-•l"
Ord, Db. 43K
7Chst cas'tai~o s;+sa:1. pt~ sitwta is rise Citq of Cu~pertista, County of Sant
ICLre~e'a, St#-te o! -Waa.~,fot~Lt, lsscs•ibsd as follows
Jli.t. ~11'll-2' ti.taM 4f tlvi >$c-rt~ssat sae-•q~t~srter of t2~a So+uiiw~est aria-gwxt~r yf
sa~:ttuoa l.~ °l4h#p 7 ~-~ ! idfst M.D.Ib. and M. described as #c=llo~r:
l8fit~ st+t tips p~xtt d-t 3~'~tca+ttetLoot of tine t~tar 1i~e caf the. 5nanyv~tle-
~a llaa~l, trtth the 8Mr1rt ~aoroar of that certain parce:R of ltasri rrottv~°ad by
lbw 8a~ea, ~at sac, Ea gigt~rfits 3tta-tioar ~~perties, Lssc. , a u,rparatiast, bT tyaeed
r+~eaos+dM 11s~t 1, Y95li is fktok ~Si74 ~ Offl¢,ial Peocard~s. pagN 4:«$ Sant:® C2.ata Cauuty
s~ass~; i~r:r! lbs~tie iY iK' ~Mrt alarm ties caster line Qf sc-f.d S~acsny^-als-Saratoga
>bt+rai, 1.87 !~ to a ~ut~t ~asaom s~~h bears ~torth ~9' 4 7' A..e~ a~ t , 30 fc~ ~: f rose a
~"' iry 4'" 1ii+ta~sas fit ss~ne'lesd "~.l.4"; thanca South 89` 47' 6test, 1334.fv'~ Feyst to a 4"
67- i" prst :est'leat '"N 2"; S1os-tb 0' 04.' ~ East, 329.01 feet to a point in the coaster
ilea 4t iasm-sstaM ba! fs~pse t~iricle a 3~ ~r i^ Wittresa Past saarked "k.F.C. 1°' bears South-
Q• Ai' 18lMot, 9~t4 last; tteweoa firth 89' ~1-7' Lest, along the canter line of Haseestead
mad, t'».i3 f+wrc to tl~s y~it~rt of isttiraection thereof with the Narther3y prolongation
of t~lw ~SCorly ltsw of that corrtasra parcel of land conveyed bq Tam Rapanica, et ux,
to ~ 1. fit, of mc, tiY weed t+scarded April b, 1954 it Fsoak 2$~S$ o£ Official
iscws~is, p+e~e 4x!!, >sarate Clarsa Co~-ty ~tcords; tbeace 3outte Q° 13' East slang said
Msst+-r17 13se sad its lbrtirsacly prolaaL:tion. 175 feet to the Southwest corner of said
Yridikt pt~-+nsrtl~; twee Iiasrt3r 84' 47' East, slang the South line of solo Arighx prop-
erty :staid its Kasteriy ;rral+osr~stimaa-, 110 fast to the Southwest come: of .that certain
paice~. of l+aai +castwtyad by Davslas N. Wrigt:t, et ur:, to Tom 1Copanica, et ua, bq 'deed
recorded l~ril i~, 1154 in 11oeNc 284-$ of Official Records, page 480 Santa Clara County
~rss^ds; ttasace 1lorttr Q` I"f` hest, along the Hest line of said Kopanica property, and
its llartberly praloergation, 175 feet tcs a point on the center line of said Homestead
lbad; the~gte >iorth 87' 47' &+st, along said canter line, 750.$6 feet to the Northwest
carliec of raid !isz~erice lEtatian lropertiea, xnc. , property; thence slang the Hest and
Sands lissa~ea of said 3~eMce 3t~-tiost rroperties, l;nc., property So+.ith 0' 04' 'Nest,
2t~0,1+~ f•dtt sad Nartfa 1~' 4J` East 190.14 fiat to the point of bEAinning.
E~[t:E:2'1~G 2"1~i4 the is4terest in that portion of premises lying within the hounds
of ~6arattowe-Sauads-lnrale load, said iAttrest having been acquired by 'the City of Cupertino,
n rsorai~+cipal corporatirxa, "far the ix-tersection of City Street with Stag highway wider~-
isirg"', by tiaax Dietres and Osdsr of Caadesnation eatxtled, "CITY'OF~ C1~PERTII~O, a~ muni-
ctpel eorparetios-, Tlai~atiff, ~vs. TCII RAPAI7IC,A and ItLORA ICP.PA3zICA, GEKY tCERSTUI.OVICIi
aserd >tIITIE ~~1YQi, t:is wife st al. , lisfrmdsnts", A copy of said decree haviteg been
re~ootrisd July 2S, IA61 is look 5341 4f Afficial ~tecards, Psge 675j being mare ;.articu-
larly dOSCribed ae foitvws:
E~-~l;lll't91C at a poisrt an the cs,Ater lino of Saratoga-Sunnyvale R,ae:d, presently b4.00
feet yrt width, diotant tbere+an South O' Q7' 2W` Hest 329.00 feet from a grxsrite mono-,
siNent lacataed st tbu intersectiaa of said Centex line of Saratoga--Sust~nyva:le ;mad with
the crater lase of lbs~estead load, present?~y b0.~00 feet in width, said gout of begin-
ssiag befsr; the South--tasisra corner of th~+~_ certain parcel of :land described in Ti~e~ed
frow t~.l ,A. t~lsrlsai, :t wc, tQ late Xapsnira, et in-, dated July 10, 1922, anei recorded
Jv1X 20, 1923, ist Valuabr S57 of ]Seeds at page 399., of Official Recarde of Santa Glare
Coa+nty; asts3 s'~+ennia* theerce Soattt !~9' S1 ` 34" Pest alarg the Southern 1l,ne of the afore-
eaenti.aasd pRrcel of laird 40.00 feet to the is:ttrsectian with a ling drawn parallel r..~
and distant HesterlY at riLbt asrsles 40.00 felt from acid center line of Suratoga-
:~rryralre .heal; tbse-ens Mattfr 0" O7' 20" islet along said parallai lime 75.09 feat;
t!-smct MottL 9' 31' 3~" ~sist, • distance a!` S4. SO Erect w the intrrsectian with the
Suse~l~s'a lint of =hwt earta3a- parcel of .'tastid described i,sr Dead Ern' Service Station
pxapaxttea, Ise., tv Jefferson E. Payser, s single also, dated August 7, 1956, acrd
Exhibit "A-~" (carts' d? Ord. ?~o. 436
-ir+ie+i bt~wt 4, 195b, iu Bonk 3374, Official taccareU of Sacnta Clara '.ocmty, at ;r'a~
#4+1; lbrti g9' '~l ~ Sit" Esax a3.oug lest rsaaltiotad line 4.9.13 #s:et to the intar-
~ti,~ ~tl,t'A t)w agtrr~t cantor lit-a o! 8e«vttogs.-Svtaty~-ale gold. said point of
l+r~ract~oa 1~t~ faros d' 4i' 24" Nast al~g raid +nsatar 13x-~t of Saratogs+$unmyasle
~1 3g~,~14 fit Lrt~ graait~n e~twredat first arbav~e referxs~r ta; theme South
p"'' ~'~' ~"" Tgtatt ala+~ said e~ttter 2la+a of 5arataSargt~ttyvsle llbad 1Z8.8b feet tc~ the
pyrla~r~t a~g ~~~lt.
d~ EEfgt'#~t~G ~~M tbat }~rtCi~et eyed ty rtR~! EAl'All'Id'.A, also knovc- as T'0~
1f#!AlRC~, co t~sy of Capest#aeo, dated March •1, 1947 sand recorded April 1, 1961 fa
ls+at rill tA##ictal geaardr~, ~e '722, sF:.d snare partfcwlarly described as follo~rs:
'i11G at tkre p#at« 4# ixrt~ara-ectla~ of the East line a~ the lauds described as
f"~1 2 is- t4~ wed Erse; L. 8. gbottes to Archibald Hflar~a at recorded in Bank 2817 of
t~ft~icial ~acsxd~s at pale 15h is tt~e a##icre of tba gecarc4er of the Cauaty of Santa Clara,
stets of tom!#asr~ia, riritD a line pat~a~ilel rritb atxt 12,00 feet Southerly aeseured at
rlglrt sales itt~t t0N Sautisarly liad of Bvwstcead goad 60:00 feet ride; •thence Erna
esid point of lug a1~Eg said parallel line Easterly to the , Southerly proloceg,stioa
o:i tge heat .list of the parcal of ln~d canvsyed to ttre City of Cupertir..a by Deed re-
or~rd~t3 February 19, 14s0 in 3ooic A7tr2 ref Official F.ecnrds at page 64k im the office of
tPse Teca~x~dsr of the C+trtpty of Swta Clara, State of California; thence Northerly awar-g
quid pralaogatiou sail Hest lists of said lands conveyed to the City of Cupertino 12.00
fact to the South li.~as of said Na~estead Fasd; tharce Wer~terly eloxtg said South liaa
of Boaraatea-d f.tssd to the East line of said lands d.esc:ribed as Parcel 2; thence Southrerly
slang said East line of said Zands described ass parcel 2 a distance of 12.00 feet tc~ the
point of beginning, Exclg~Ling fr0* this e3tceptior- al}. the land described as fola.o~re:
BEGII~ING at the point of icteraection of tht East ls.ae a' that certain parcel of Land
conveyed by Douglas H. Wright, et uY, to Nooruci~ln A. Billawala, et al., 'by Deed recorded
Plarch 31, 1965 in Baok 69t?3 a# Official F,ecorrIs at page 532 in the offic4~ of the
lteoor~ier of the Ct-uttty of Santa C7taz~n, State of California, with a line parallel with
and 12.00 teat Southerly, aeasured at tf;~ht angles frrm the South lice of Homestead
Road, b0.0O teat wide; tha~ncs frail said point of hegiruting ~lesterly along said parallel
line to the Hest lira of said parcel of lead; thence Northerly along said West line
1I.Ot~ feat to the South 13~rte of B~osieste$~4 Road; thence Eaetexl.y along said South line
of Hosestead jtaad to tht: said East litxc of said parcel of lax ~; thence Southerly along
said bast line 12.00 fes:t to the point of brg'~nning, S~:id land~a hereinbefare first
described in this eacspt.ian less .030 acres ~~f laud in the exception, containing a net
area of .23 acres of lar,-~ being a por~:ian ui the 10.00 acres conveyed r_o Tom Koppanica
by certification ai Rsdssrption by constable at execution of sale, as recorded in B:*ok
?774 at nf.ficial 8ecorda•, at page 268, its the office cif the Recorder c+f the Courtly of
Santa CJ:ra, State of ~~a.l:(farnia.
Qzd. No. 43b
l~ibit "A-?i"
11wrt earta~#a .pt~r. t°; Ritt~~ats :~a the Git•,y o~ (~ipertia~~, Cot~t~y of 8`~ata,
t:laxs, iitata of Cs~n-is, r~wcribad as follow:
~'0~ of ~ xa#r#b l~tl.! of ~eaC 1 of the East Ball of Soath~tet l~n-arta>r of
St~tios- 1.g„ :truer 7 iisath. EarnEe x ii~eet, Ilt. Aiablr~ Rasa .~! t4ir+catd~o, ~r-re par-
ticalarl~r~ ~~, ~-exf. ~wr farllsNw : ;
li~'~~fG ati a point amm the 3aatherl~ 2irre of ~~taad 1'to~ad, 81st~ott tberson
So+nth lt~3'67' i~srt, !l.3i. fast from the paint of tatazssctioo tbertrof rtit~+ thQ Muaterly .
lies of the SaTatipt~t-yvale 1Road 9 thaa~we alotcg eieid Southerly line +af ~berratead
Iooad, Seut~t It9'~r7' 1ile~st, 110 feeta tb~sa~ca at a aright angle, Soatk~ a'13' gset 1L5 feet;
tisasce at a rift aa~3~e, lbrtri b9"47' East 110 feet.; theancs atr a aright aaaale atortb
0'13' ilsst 1;S fact to tha Foiat ref l1eSi~ning.
BYCEt?x14S TBi~M the Hortberlr 12 feet, as dedicated to the Cit~r of CupertiaaA
bar iasta:~ent recorded :-pzil 7, 191:7 iaa Hook 7687 of Afficial l~ecordar ai Saata Clsra
Cowaty, at pate 711.
5.~~. ~ • ,
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71MFb1111~IMii- •Ile~ Mr M~~ ~~ ~A ~IYM ~ A~ Mw> r~ ~e •r
... cu.~,iwes ...w.r..r ,,.....aryl
~„ ~~ - ~
~« i .
'~~! ~1:
#'fE 'Clot "~?S'.rll~ S1QlIII !fit Ci'i'f (1F ~UQ
l~~.a~~Q "~ i11`SAG 09 A ~iE ~ #taw
#~~.-~~ d~il~rclt~aral~-~sti~ai [~~~~D ~
i-8~arti lh~rrsnC (!) to ~iawsrca~. cfal ACC-r~~ .
dl~?C~S: sX=~yy ~q lht~ Staar~.
!7w ,}~. gi.~Li, aswt ~'r~fe e~'Atr~lt8
~~: YQ3A l~ankli» Sttt~st, Q~tkl.tad, C,et1i£orrnia
ITiSA: l~scab 5, 1959
litiC+ATT~i1f: 3ostbrr~.st ca~sr c>f k~eetaad Rand and
liat~arrals-Ssrata=a itaad
ZOKlL: Al-b3 and P AAA; Approx. 15 :c~eer~
OnllD12I~S AIiD ltl~T~~t PIN~INCS
l~l~ :"-tandard Condiitions (as 2.1.aten an Page 1~
i3 T'here »iaall he a public. street coru-ecting Homestead Road tirich the
property south of the ,area covered by the a~vplicatiaa; thla atre~et
to be Jlocsced appraxi.s`atelq as ahavn ot- the presented develagment
plan, ox in another location appratred bq the PlanniAg, Co'wmission.
I6 A •tcaadarv i`ire accea~s s.a tht property aou~:h of the area covered
by the applic+ttiau shall be pxavfded as d~.rected by the hire
lS ~s r:cassMendwtion ai tl~ie reznning conaeizutes is no uay an
appsaw-al of the s-u'tas-ative service station ~rhaw,a on the presented
devslop~at plan .
Ib 2'lies parss+ru~ted Develapis~!nt Plan shall ba o¢adt an exhibit to the
.ea~altst application and rhall bey adhered ta, except for the
atorssr~tioned ~tErviee statism. In ,:he event that tht applicant
shall dssizs to hake anq chsnge, sitexatf.on or amandu-ent is tb.e
approvsd Dsvelogsant Plan, a vrtttan request as~d a revised
D~svslopwsnt Plan shall be subai~ttsd to tLa City PlaAner. If the
City P1anz-~mr sutkes a finding that the changss era minor and do
apt aflsct tlrs ,gsrass~l appsa.ra:nce of the area or the intersftts
o:f ouasxs of pa•opertlr vritbi4 as ~-d,lol.aius the I)evelopnsset Azaa,
tb+t City Pia~ss vy csrtifp tiha c~,asgs an the revised pl,sn,
If snaM s~-ra+ral is vithbsld, the appl.ieaa~t ~aay apps~rl to ttw
Ylavaf~ Ca~issioa. If cAaasas ors s+stsri,sl, tt~s CitT Yiaaaaz
abi-11 salkarit the eba~ss to i:ha P1as»ias C.asstissio+n. If tbs
~r+~,t sT r;hansss art dsaisd bT the aios~, tips applicant
' r r+.v r< ~ ,~i 1. ae ±~ro~idad ire drdi»~aarcw g02(a}
~3a , p00.5
~tSOI.LTIt7lt ~iCD. ~+26 (Gastt~l~naed) t5• •?-~r9
t7lIt~:f6 (cs~t9aauoct)
17 '~ +~stQoultion of t~hQ sons aha1.1 bs CG~-rg, sand it shall bye ~
~cl:+rd QAt the Zo~uing Nap. A~+p-er-dix A to Ordinecats x7Q~~t~ of
t~ C3t! of Ctrpe~tissa shall he ss+endsd by adding "rg ~ ,~-11 c;on-
dtt~ ae~ i3a~dimyp~ in Resolutio+a iVa. 626 of the P:anmi~ Cana
s~issLosi of they City of Cupsrtina shall spplp."
1-d'~ffiaA 4d~ AIi-Q!'1`E93 tkLe 2i-t+h d,:g of ~Sarch, 19b9, et a regular maerigl of
the l~.ssu~ito~g ~iaa of the City of Cu~-ertiaa, State of Cilifariaix,
hT than ialloving roll ca11 gate;
I!1'KS: t;awaisriansrs Buthamuth, [~YraY,aa, Lewin, Puetz, Frolich
MAYS: Mama
IDonalsi A. Frolich, Chairman
Planning Commissian
~t~r•~. ~~~.~th+•ti,
Adds L~.uriw
Senior ~'la~aner