Ordinance 4250~,'D11L'~.IRCF lam. 42S ~tlt ~~ tip ~ ~:'["!''Y' p8 CiC~l10 AYTiG S,~CT 1 i~p ~t~3Y~~G'B ~;-. ~ ~~ ~- b tw~,t>x'#-1~ 8'~1k~t~l1 C]~1P ~f ~ l~kt ®~G$1~. BI~.~-pjt~FtLT (1t1.-1~~~ BAIL'! O~ !.~0'![9Sl•L i9A~;i~Yia 168? U! PAIA ABTA ~, ~ +IJP 6!.'Lt:~'~ ~-~ , 1H Or gAI~A llg. ~~`~4.4 4 ~CltB. 'CHZ Cl~ 4 t3X~ t~ t'XYX' Sy T'Iillr! D~ 1t8 ~S , ass atr Z3, 19~, sa ap-p2i+e~ttion sea til+sd by .~. ~ ![. 1'ena:t„ iR2cst ~ettil, J~ D'~rra Jr. , '~. 3a~ l~tiuirt, ~Ytt~ std ~x1yw~R 4rat*beaal, tipglicrtti~ 23•-Z-~l1, fea•e tha p reroui~ts of property tray Cawzty Reeeidat~nti,al Siit{gl'.e- fawily (R1~I0) t~ to General. Gori^aera:3a1~ (QG) Zarwe; a~ad ~, upa~ dt~ aat3cr and after arras public healing the Flaadn~g Co+~ia~t~.an resotwendesl~ tar tgte Ci'~tx Council thtt the teclassiticatZaA ba gr~eatsd; and ii![!LR'g~AS, the psaparty to be t:atzoued is preaes-tly in a Aeaaidetatial Sitaale-a'saaily (4t1-•IOj Zone trit~~':a the County; and kAS, 'Asps at ::he sub~~ect property are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ~-a e pr..,p~osed as,~eadiaeat to the Master ~oQixag Nap cif the City of Cup~:rti.no; and 21061, Tfll~1nARL', EP Zx 0,~ AINL~D AS FO%.J.QWS SCCti0Y1 1. 't'hat the failasai~r, described pzapertp be, as-d hereby is prex~ned to a C~.atral can~~sarrcl,~l (CC) 7.one1 sc~'~,~PCt to the cor~~3itions ~w.~C :'ort.t~ in 1Pla~zning ra,nr m~.saiaa Resolutias~ No. 595, ~ottached D~ereta as Exhibit ''B" and t2tat. F,~achSbiY "A°t attaci~ed hestta is Bade ;r;trt o` the 2!asta~r Zoning Msp of tine City c,f Cv.pet:tino, All that ~:e.train prap~srtp situate in the Citp of Cuperrinn~ County of Ssnnta Glarx, :Mate of California, located east of Foothill 2~ul~:vard, t~eaat of ~'alo NiatA Road, south of Bellevue ~!•weuue, north of Ramona Avenue, appt;oxSattatelY fo:~r acres, more fully r!escribed in ar.ta~ched Exhibit "It" sad Exhibit "~I". Sac:tioa 2. 'This O~rdiaasnce ,shall take effect and be icy farce thirty (30} days after Sts passage. iNTBDDt1C~D ae a ra$ulak raet~tis~g o.E the City Cnuncil of the City of Cug•ertin~a on the 3r's! ~iay of i'ayl~rtr~~_, ;.969, sad ENACTEA at s regular esee..fng of th~~± City Cauxtc:ll a~ the Citj of Gupertrna oar the ~}t day of ____ fieb~'uar~ , 19b9, bq the fo1T.a~riag vats AYES: CQ~+lmti.iiiti~l: ~a:%3ven, Oe+r~S~ar, Ft t~~.e~al~, ~L'a~kes, Noel 2irJES: Cauancil~n: N~a~te l~SEli't: Coun~cileen: I~Qne AT'T~82 ; _...~,.~..~Q .~ City Glexk APPROVEb: lLy~-,r, C~y of ~`uperttuu.~ ~. "ord. 42;5 r 1qp h1Lt • ~t~t~~ A.Aau.a.v a..• P.«'~~, t3~E d bf J . Sktd f! . ga g ALI. ~sF LA'f"S 132 , 133A, 133 , 135 , x3~ , Iit4 sad ~#~~ at3 aht~a upo-a~ that ~rt~ dap entitled, "'!~- of Izauapira.~tiaxt I~oa~.alt l~o~ata tii~tta`°, w~-ieh M$g vas fil~td fax xectaxd in t#ie ofiics of the. ~ecoxd~er of t6~ C~ ~~~ of S~unta ~lsra, Seat~e of Calf.farzair~, u~ .April ll., x.417, Ra &aok g .arf M,ay7rir, act. Awe ?.h. T~AbtC'L~& ~ ovuea3 hq Alice ~e1.1, .:~as~ra O'f;,axu, Jr. , amp E, Taar~:a McC~csi,t-~; ~iuy~ ALL Oi~ LO'T:+ l~tt, 13.x, ~."rfi, 13t-A, 13a, leak. 13t', :13~+:,, 14~, 1~+2 ~t,~re~! 143 as ghotim capon th,~tk crrtsln klap eutitlad. "Map ~~f s.r;,s4aixa~':io.Z po~.izt l~onra Vista", which trap was file ~ foc racord in x.:•,~ ~~ff:i.ce of the Ytecc~rder of the Ca~sFv of Santa Clax•a, State of Car13.f.'rsrxr3.a, uo r~.px~.i 11:, 1917, i~a Buok ~ o:E fps, wr ~+a$e 18. PA~CEi, TH~iES ovnrad ~:~v ~cixiiette W. ~.r•aigh~ea~d s.nd 1!x•i.jr~e Tf~ Cr~~: Knead Be,i.ri~ A1.L QF LAT ~.rai3 rs ~sha;~ c~gon tQti4t ce:rtsi.n ?ta,y gnti.Cl.~a~i, '`j"!ag of Inepiraf_inr~ F'ofx~t Ms,nta Vista", whic?~ Map was fi.2~d fox recczd irr. tt~e aff3.;.e of ttte Rec.vrdzr of thk C;our~ty of Santa i:l.ttra, St~~te oaf C~x:~i.fcrrniax un Uzi:[ a-1, 191?, ir. Br•ts~ P of k~ape . at, pag+~ 1~~. ~j~ CC ..d ~VA~~.V a S -Z~ ~ 8 C+p T8~ 7!'iJ~iY1~ ~~i~ D~ ~~ C~.'~' t9~' ttU!'~C` i~~1~G ?~1~ A3'1PA~t~.~~. ©F A p`iltE'~'~ fx~ C~st~s~i~ ikae~tis'taesrtfatl. NS.xt~Y~s~-aumi.7~9 ~ etl-1.4? to ~.atawr~aX C~ixCial 6f...'; . ,A~'>P3«1~',d11~'F. ~i. +xat~d K. IPa., /lls.ca llleci.l, J~rraws SA`~tt'a ,lr.. , E. Jas #cGtaS.ze, tth sfld Arlyta~a Crgi~ea~ AT,i~SSS: ^~`o J.~es L'Cwra Jx. s~a3.te ySt9 - Alcspa >~c~i3.dixtg, raen iv'ra-~aci.sc~-r Calif~oxais stYR24I'f"'~E.~?: Tieae~rbeY 73, 198 LC1C.~i4l~T: East x~f Fac~thill Bot~l~ev~ct'd, tryst of. >Paln V~.sta Nom, snutl~ af' Bellevu+e Avenue, Werth c;f IR~swoa Avenue ~Ul~Z: Coe~::ty B.l~lf,) A1~4E,A: Apprp~. 6 s~reat (Ca~nt2~nied fro: P~gr 1} l~(?NDTTT;?N5 i4ND k'L"lt~'i~FR Flt~l'ril i-;,.rs ; ~.--T2 St~Aarlazd Coac':2t2ans (wr :t.2at.r~' nta page 1) i3 Ti~i,~ rex:nni~:.g is sub,~~ect is cassy..etion <~t sr~~e:~ca~~ivan pzaCae~iags to the City; of Cup~*rtino, a~~arl tafll r:w&e e!`1'ect a-: t'r.c ctt~Le of the rntf- I;'i~.B«Soca s:f such a~nnax:tiaa. 1sA.55BD AN~J A~#1'':'gU this 13tt- slag ctf Jaalurty, 19t~9, tit a r~gt~lar ~rKi~g Q: zlae FY~txani~ryt Cawvsti.t:aiam of t1»s ~'itp s~f Cu~tazt2ta©, gtste of (:alii'aznia, iDy t~z fn~lasr:.t~ rail cx11 ~~mts--: A~E3: Cc~isa2an~:~rs Idetbeauth, H;.sslnoc~, 1<rrrf.a, Ir~ol i~:la NAYS : Grrxs~iswta~~tY ;f"u+etx .tiPi~ i~yT{D A'r't'E87 : ~:~ r ~,~, _..._..~...r.....___._,_ _ ~..___. ~ . llddw Lwe-s9 a Swe~:tot 1Flwwa~ar bnnald A. Frsa:~~.rh_..._._.._.__._....,...._...... Cha2ra~:et~ ~ 1'1s~Ank~ug Co~rissAon ._2_