Ordinance 415r~
~tbZt~lAilCE lt1~, A15
A~ O~~A t~F ~ CYfi'.C nF flliaARSi ~Al~IItG 3E~^'E'~'.!1~1 1 QP QRDIIiAd~CE
~?. d ~'t it r" d~~llL~lflflC A CJ#~ PQ`A'RY~R +~ Z"HE CXIZ tll C~+ZltYI~30 Fib!!
~ ~1GC~t.~-iGf$;[~IAL t-r1+~t~ ~,~!' ~A1.~-~1-3) 7~tl~ ~ A 6EliB1GtL Ctllt-
IL~L CCG? ..SID • Ll~.t'IILti Hl~ Iri~IFZ~ (E3--~.Zs~IOI-.~, 'Zt~rtE
Tl~ ClT~: ~- l'f[ Y3b C'~'t2 t1~ C~'1~ Dt7giist All F~
~~, on .ttt1X~ 10, z'~ii, +~ ar~rliR:+wt3at twat ltlrwd i-y Hnrt~Catr Hill Q~nral--
t @arapa~- (~pxicit~cie~ 1D-x-fIB) for tit resat of prc~p~ertF Eras apt ,1lgri-
~tmcal~-~tsi8wttittT 1 ,Acne Lat +~1~i-43) Z~ tv s ~itr~r~rrsal Gow~a~rcisl (CG) an~3
a 1!n]E.tl~-~,e• Hf~-ga~rtitF ~t3ad~attial (~3-2.2od,t.~ faa~; ward
YOB, ~ due ao#fcs and afEts ~ pa~+lt.c bsa-ri~ the Plana#s~ Carrmis-
wioet sv~saet~ed to t)t~s City Cvuncil that tbs ~recxaswificatit~+a be Eranted; and
t~I~B, the pr~apestp to 6s xarraeted lair pxea~-tll- is am Assicultural-•Erasiden--
tiai 1~-,Uwts~t Lot (,~.=43) 2c~; atod
~>~AS, sap of the eub,~ect prvpistl- is attmcb~i batata as .Exbi',it "A" ss
a psap.~rsd a^emd^reat too the Masrter Zan}.nE Nap vi` the CILy of Cupestfno:
~~n TtlEll$l~'lltE, BE iT ORDAIlE~ R5 FOL~.AGI$:
~ctiea 1. That tht lollotirins descr~ibsd propsrtq ~-a* sACi hereby it; re-
sv~osd to a 6~naral C+owra+srcimt (t~G~ and w Nultigl~e EiEh-Ik~x;sity Eesldeoatial
(13-2.3*da) Zvns, euh~ecc to : hs cond4tL~..a set Earth ir. i°3at:mixtd C:osreriasios~
lGrsolo.ia~a Ito, 5A2, sttscbsd h~~rsto ss ~cbibit "E" ~d ~ir~t Exhibit "J-" sttarh-
sd har~ett~ ie ~aadls part of t~ ~lest~er Z¢~ainE Ms~p of t1He CiCy of Guperttao.
All that csrtaia prapsrt;a oituatod Spa Khe Ctt7r of
Capestisw, Co~aaty of &mt+a Clasa, Suts oY Ca1~-orris.
at apprvaisetaly ZS assert, larataad os tlwls Soutbsasx
corner at Ea^sMt+~el #tase9 ead ~ite121aE ~aed. sore fulry
Rlwscribadl io sttacl~ed ixhibit "A" wed Zxb;tbit ~`t".
lwcs~o4pi_, 2. 'i'hia ~rdi~+ue efAall tska+ effect atwd bs in forrs thirty
(~11 iaxe aftss ite pass .
flr'T}2~Jt~tTC~ at a rasular w~tiaE of tls+r City Couacix of tha City of
xti~Y om~ tree __~,_dey at _~,:~.,~._~ 1l~, +aad BIiAC'1'ZA a*_ a r+cRuts.r
siea:tier{ of thr- City Council of tha Gity of fi~gsrCiaa oa tYts ~^.dsy of
.-....~Itt~:~a.Z~ ~ 196a, by tin fallas-istA ~-att:
A'It1CE: Cnaacilwa: Eras, Dsepetere, litsEer,:ld„ at.aksa-, licx~sl
~aa~a; Cou»ciieeaa: fbnr
I Lereby awstitM tl+rat tbs Cit7 of C+xpsstisrt+ Orditnsrea Ham ~~
att~cMat iterato is w taus acid corssct cvpyr of oaid Asd:ta+~aca triic Naar
lbtss ~b11w!-twi ar poatai pvucwaaat to lan. ~ .~'""""~
r I
111111 ~ •f{,°'b'r.rv.,~Y"
OrdixraACSS 1la. 41S
~~'I1lZ"t e,An
1~ti~ at the painrc a~f i~etexesae3.atx of ttase Csantetlitae of t~a+:atscad Rrastd,
6d #ceet tr',.de, sd,t'~ t#~ Cteytt~tr~2.y ~ of 3tata3~ fpq-~, bA i~ t>a-~r, as tsri~ Xst~-
tary~ 111ee twat aartreFeli.,rhed by 7~ tan flan Co~t3r tA#' S,ees-tat Clara, rataxl~ ~lpxit 2.
2945 in Htaak ~R.~S, pope 4x$ ttx Otii~lGxl ~-; iee~trce fr~r +asid P»ixxe of ~i:a-
S~.1es, acrd along died t~terts~rlj 2_t~, Souztetcl.3- b~Q.~01: fMSt ts~ titrt pe*iset Of iaaUer-
raeeiaa ttwtr+rrr-f with kbe '~rthex3.7r Iiae of ~~hat +tasQtai~a ~tar~s~l. pf Ia+atd t.aaa+rsey~t! to
for hater Ybs9ut mf tbnt+tr 'P'itta LtB., a ~a~tpe-t~stiAwe, D}+ Datd s•s-,rarestwsl4 they li, 29'50
1u 7bo~t 1$90. page 247' oY 4'lfficia-1. Records, thm~:ae aloes the lRvrtt~r2j lies tbs~re-
~ni, 16attexl~ at # right aa~gle to said Eattexly iiElr<t of Ste22l~ mad, 124.00 :Ee+at
to the tlo:cths:a,~tegly cartessr thezreuf, th,auee al.atsg, the 1~.asstsrly lisee of said lair
Q.aatsd parcel, Southerly 75.00 feces to the lSatexheasa ~rrly Gersex:x etestreo~f; theme
alat~ the Sartrtheeri.Y clue e:hax+Raf , Zieaterly 120.0!7 fo<<t to the lra~ttatlD liaw of said
~ttelling Raaady thaws alo:rg said Esaterly liase, Sarsth.ttrly, to tbse intereecticm theze-
of vi.th ~.he tiarther. ay lins- o~E that cet~tain $ , 719 a~cr~e Barrel caawn:~ryec'! to ties State
of C.alifor."_a b7 Ddr:~d recc~rdad ~,uguat 8, 1963 i>A Eaok X5..40, pane "s03 of Official
liecarda, thence alo~ag the tlort~:ast~!~y line of ,said $.710 atcrE parcel ^aoteth 89. 29' 1S`'
fast 1218.34 fRet and North P!$• 49' 06" East 91.ry0 frret ~~o tl~e Laatcrlp line of FarcPl
2, as c'iescrib,a~ ia~ tl'te Deed to /~rchi~,ald WilPOa, recorded Febstxary lg, 1954 ±n Raa:•.
3$:7, page 150 of Cft`icistY Ilecc~~rda; thence P.long weici Easterly lime, ?tarth 0' S8' l5"
East 7.1.1 feet, swi•t ar 1eas, to tiir ~sirt of intersec~tiua ttnereaf writh the Svutherly
line of that certain CD, 2296 acre parcel v: land conveyed to the ~1s;t:r_r Works of Monts
Vista Ltd, , a coloration by Deed recard~rd August 21., 1936 in Eoo~k 6155, page 290
Official ltsscordx. i..:.amre slang said Aa>n~Y. named line. :5o~zth 8!1. 55' Meat, 125~.E~0 feet
to thre Sauthtresterl~r corner ths:=•eo#; thn>ucr .alcmg tfir Wdaterl;l ]rime of laic: 0.229~b
actor tract. lbrth 0. OS' 45" Laut, f~0.00 feet to the Nar.~ihrrest~trly corner thersso#;
thrrpecsr along the 1lortherly liar of aaid~ K.t.2296 acre parcel tbtrth 89' S5" Last 125.00
feast to tae 7•of~et of Ynterrract:taa t1-srs!of crith the Eauterly litre of Parcel 2, as
dw~acxiMd in ttxe Daed 20 Hilsun, as hereiaibovt referred tat thence aTcsn$ rssid
tai erly line, llarttberly 19S.OO feet, sorer ar l.esa t~~ the crenter 1ieaE of 1#o~eatead
Itaa ttr+ssrc~s slag the said Gater line of tlou+eatssah R,oatd, ihstetrty 1320.00 #cet to
ttsas taint of trregitmtxeg and t+ei.~ a portion of thr i';o~~rth~rester7.y 1/'4 of Srction 12,
'f~saNSShi~p 7, Snt:tt *s>:~e 2 ii~rst . N.D.D. i t4.
L7<t'.'EYZiiK: EF1f0~I that partioxt therssaf canrwreyed to Neville E. i~odruf t, -t wc,
by Reed re~:ardsrd April 18, 1957. i~a tbo1~ 2193. par;;e 594 ~f Officinal Accords, desczihed
as fallow:
dU-GZtitt~lt' at a 1 inch iron pipe set !n the Soasther.ly line of Nveteatead Road {6(~
Feet wide) Blatant shorans tlorth $9` SS' Lrz 46~J.OO fes~t from ~~ 2" x 3"' stake set wt
c~~ae istterseatiou of acid Savatherly liars of %westead Road with t:he Easterly tine Gf
St:elliag tioad, themes along safd Southerly line of tkrweatesad Rood Barth E9' SS' Ewst
22b.0Q (asst to a 1 inch Iron pipe; thence Suuth Od' 05' La~et .SrSS,nb f~..et to a '~. inch
iron pipet; thence North $9' ~-9' ~-0" West 1'20.00 frset to a 1 izach iron pipe; thRnxfic
rtort+h 00" 05' bleat 537.0$ feet to the paint of fiieginnizsg.
ALSO EZCtIt"f7~C Y'tDl:`idt~~t'JM the intarsst iu as l to that part ion ther~t dedica4ed
ra tbre ~CitT ;~i Otq+certinr. , a aattiripal corpotratiom for public Ru~erAvray, Pablir llTtilitiss,
axed ititprc~re+noeelrts pvacposta, by Ds±awt records-d 1-~raary 23, 19b7 in 7ioerk 7647, Pain 19l
s-i 0#f~ lii+aosstbl-,
# „ , ,... t a, rR i
~ ~ ~, _ x y,~:~+{'P ,, _ ' ski ''k+{.Q'u'~N q gib 'r ,.,~+ ~ ' ~ y~r «1 .f.
R ~". y ~•" :~ ~~ Q ~ .T rs lint' k 53+5
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~t~~~~r~t~ ti~~A~~~~
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~ ,.....~...M.A....~.,~ • ~ ... ,., .......? ,.. .,.~ .,. ,..,
aV~w. +a ~IMIwMr+rVa`'W~wew rw~a«.e~~rrwvnw•.rr ~/r~rN~MM1Nw~ vM ~~ M~ F .~'r M ~~ IM
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~~~lli 11~-. ~x
~ ~ ~~ Yd~!~at~t~ ~ide~ti+nl r1t3w'".~+~s) ter.
A~~d;~lle~z &c~~er ~3L~~, ~re;c2upr~eu~t C+oirr , .
~'~iiE S ~4~Y! ~. C~t~ l~l, Ps,~o A~.Ld, ~Rli~'a~,~
I~C~Il7Lf911 tt r.Qt~s~r at ac~~e~aaa ~d eau! ~ts~~x~ aid
tC~~~~ ~~-~ P,~~ ~,
I-.~~.2 ~?!~ t7IDUDI'i`x0~.'~ `gym ].i.~cec, as :'xge 2)
gQ t t34?C? . C
13 x~qulx~nt €rsr z- aaxiaace for more. thsn 2~~ uc~its pez lot bu
nsi~d ~d a Uearalap~r~aaat P2azr bye subaittQd to the Plaan3ng Cu~m.atseian
~rf.ar so a requtcat €raz a building pczsc~,t. 'The desi~~artior of the
rde9tf~agtia~l xczne atoll bt k3-2.2*da, aad it r~ttal3. be ao i~ydl.cated
oia tb-s xaniz~ map .
Yf,.a~`F1t !V ~„X}~°t'~'!: ti•txa. t f.~: ;'t~ ~+i `:e'~~~~ml~r~- l'1~i1, ,~r :t r.'r~'~aur rnte[:1.Ag
~~f Iht~ F'~_ar~xti.t~g t: =~na!'~a~e~tc.;~ :;i *;~~ t.~s~j ~~: r;.ti~~,;.ti~,,~.-. `;i ~~:.. c~~; C~ai1.f~~~rniaa.
~zy zhe tio1 aGwain~ .;r~'.•_ a,:?,~ ~ •~~:~t~ ;
ASPS: Cow~~.ra:,taaera 9utnractutt,, ~i.x-e~~~anN Irwin, Puet~ srui t~x~>>.i~h
lA~,YS : Mott
~~h Drnsald ~..
C~riiyum, Pralic~
r,I~ae~t~a~, C~irs~
, ~,_
~. ~