Ordinance 407 f.N (;+]~.t11 ~tiAi(i wL~ {? ±' Yk2~ C I'a"1G QP C:ITa'k.RF l ."JC7 ~K~~'x? I iuf QR ~ i N ANCE NC:. 2.2 5 PF(1:s~?~.I S I T'~ R.F:C~3I.y'r]~t?^l~ ~aL.A:T~I~G Tit 'I'mo.' PI..~NTE':iC, l'.!-RF A.~TII ;EMU°~'AI. ~~ 'i'R'~£5 1?I t3St ~dIC'il MI-? QVPFJfia,!!~ '2'gi'~ S".~Earl':5 Up' TIi~ C:2.'1`Y +iF ~.tYP'T['Fp, GU"MTY U~' ~SA.NT.~, tr}.ARA, 5'T~TI? QF C,A~.i.Tlt^i~I~XA, PY ?)~~.;1I"~G~ F'iP,tD1'} 'fiAi~.~ i?RUII9Eki~t:E Y~1. 3.z5 4F..C'TIi.}'1i 7 ~NL' Si~CTIt~ 8. ~'}tb Ci'~Y t:OU~»x'G~ t9F T~~ GIT'Y ~i Gi.~-El~'x]C]iC1 'p0~.~ URDAI;~ A.'~ !i'C13..I.L'~ ~@ctt~xx ~~„l~a~re ?t: ie deteactni,.tfw~. Ito bM. tart the bnzt iuceareat~p of t'~te C~.ty of CY.~per!:f~ca end at tithe ci.ti.x~s a~ parbltr tbeacaa~ ktzat ttt+n Flkittter Tree Li,~t_ us dei"t in d?zdi~ cxeace IIEa. .~~3 be ;~ad~sd fx'aM 3:xta+t to t;ttrwe t.a ssrail tPYe C~~ of ><Lfa~o qa` comer t~p+txi+~.~ of treea that w~c.uld be ac~eptwaebLr_ And •dffip Lsb]ta to the ~raxf ais gaergaraprhi- ra3. ~er~ax ~ tlirts City . YC is aiaa ciet~er wined than the Matart:er Tree Y..iRt sbou~d be apprawAd ed>einis» t_xatia-+~l~r by 4auraci, 9,atsalutlan rAther than (by Cla~dinance. ~eot:it»a 2. Atser,~ecst t:c+ Ur~diuanc:e 'two. 125 Seotitm 7'. ~i3'I'I~GP:ZLG TYtt.E:~ ,end Sw,c~i:iuz3 F3. F'R_t?1II]~Z7'?E~ 7CR.P.ES of 4rdiz~ance 1~0. .125, passed are' nciogterl ,~-t ~ r~~u.lar r~:eetirig oi~ the %;iti:~ C~aunr..f.'1 of the Cite of Cuperti.zsv or,~ the 16th dad of. ~.~y, lcl6t?, ure and ar~~ her.~bq delexed from paid C(rdt.uastce Hx~d are nu].] r+.r-d void as of the eff~.~tive da;tff: of t.E~is Ordinar+ee. Irtrrbouc.'~~d at a rci,ular m~:etkazg ~:a'' ehe Cit.v Cuunrli c... the City of Cupertino an the t'ir.,~t clay cif u~.~2y, 196d. Pa~:s~~:t aree} t~nic.t.t,d , r_ a re};uiaz mw..c~r_ing cat' the l;:t'ty w~~zsn~: i l +it *_h~: +l'ity~ cif C.~pert. inrl rjs~ t.he_ ,..Z 5t, h ~}a}~ c,i :i~.11' - • --' 1 X68 * by t.t,zr io12<,vi.txg vote:: AY~i~: ~ounr-ilr~~c~n: BeavNn, }:~~m}:::t.~t, Fs.t~~,c.~al.d, Stake's, ~v~,e'i MMES : Counc i l:uexr : p;t,r~~ Ati;.FNf: Cauc~c-i tr,e~ci: ~;~~11e Af'PR,?V~T.T: `~ d) !°;awoT* t:lty r~ =:u}'+wr!fri.~ X ?a~.j t!'~a~r +:.H2'i .{f,y Ci1a'_ t 2y c: City n# C~1,ls~rt '~PIt' f}w~~".r:~tt~,"r~ '+~1~,?, ~r(~ tr~71 ~,, d hs'Yl~.iq 'lei ,'~ r"11t ~'.t~ C C+C T~+C f 4't? S" ~ r,. i - ~t721aa1;~d 1,r :}tetrt.~ rt.'; ~.. ~' .,! d !,^~T.:1'M1i'i° w`~ R(~}'~ ~:~ ... }~irr +nt trt }.-rtr. ~ /•.. _~ - ~11I e, ~:~~ Ca~">~-~ ~ j,~y ~