Ordinance 406URilt:L~Alt,?; Nu, 4Afi rW UIiD°e1AN'I: t~'' T.l[f: CITY OF ':ttPl~'RT'Y:~3(1 F>~;0'GIi-12~'~ Fflti. 'f'~ p'ASti~[E!'Ir UF. A F$.E 'ft7'+iA.F.~ Ti?F. FiTRt~iA~~ >?2,AN:i'T~#G AID I~AiNfT~i.4NCb OF STitEET i`kEFS BY 'Tl~F CITY AS A {:O~iirii7it~i TU Tfli" ISSI3.i-~tCF ~JF A Bt;?l~,U]*7G PlEsl~29ix '"I:E Ci'iY COi}!~ICIL tIF TfrlE CITY CF CUI'FR`i`ZNU UOI?5 Ok,i3A's?l l~s' F"ULi.06JS: Sectiota I . _ P• ur~o~r: l.t ie for the lsest interest is of the C:1 ry of Cupe.tt in~~ and ,.;f the c:i'.tizens aaad pul`l:tc thereof that t.t:9.~s tlr~ii.nrarice. is PractPd try enable: t'~e City to ~urcha:se approved trees tan' to assure the proper plant ing of said tr;res in pcablle tttreets; to permit: the coca.=trued raai.ntE:nan(:e of said t~•ees u.nt:il Fuck as,~-in*.enance is ~eI inquished to the perecra heaving coat rT+/. ~:+f t't:e ai~+s;~tirag pcvpea•ty; and, to provide fc~r t:he lands tc impl(,ment this p~:rpo:se by ,P.JLabl.iS~,ing a requlrc:,^f~c:C. .`~+r the. pa}~ei~[ of F! fifteen ($l~.U:~j ~c+7.Iac feF as a c:(~nditi+in to the issuance of a Bui1(iiz,g Pcrrnit., arhen applict~ble. Sr~cticn 2. Definitirza,: Z.l i'he ~~or:i "r,~.'its" sh~:ll mEaza t:arc City of C,vpf•rti.rac+, its City i~`~ir:••ige:r or hip duly ~aut.hc~ri.zwrl repros~euYat.iv~. 2.2 The word: ''F•~:b]ir. sarc>eCS'' or ''streets" sh~a.ll include al] raacls, streets, aven(aes, hc~t+le~var(is, <~11Pys, park:tr~ayF ar,d public r.itht.s of way, o~° .aral+ pc~rtian thereof, of the ritV. ?. 3 'i`h~ •,~~„c1 ''cersrar,'' r:s +.:sed In :~hi~, C+rdinance 4ha11 ;.n,_ltlde an -t~~d-ividi:al, a .'.:irca, an ar.s(~ci~ll~n, ~ coe-p::raCi.ran, a ct~f.arL:~aQrship, and t'hc? It?£E'E'P.:~, trustees, rP_.CP_:~7@C'4, a}iQ_71i&, fiQrViintS grad ('rnpl~7ye~s of :any such }-,Ersc-,n. 5ecti.cn .S. i'nforc:i.r:S Auti,+.+rity `the C'it}• :-i~:::u~rE!T. , ..~r hi4 duly au¢hc~ri~.r=d rwprr-sr•nr<~(tive, sF~<cll. be ~.):ar~='d with tl-~e ~r+F(~r< t•mF>r+t rf to+:ts C!a-d;:+art^e. Se(:tian 4. i'ondit_~+~n fine 9~~.1ding_Pr-emit rVC:Xy ~.,Cr'St~r`, :~t,ti t,vtl#YL:1i~"_i:ay LE=^wC`itiF~.£ Cr L`rj.! 1°~ a 8n}s rlF.rp~ 1 iI+A cc+atunerci~:l ar i.n!iustri.al. pr~;•,Pr•ry, c~ a,:c~r.~ c.nr:E:trticcs era any unira;~xavr~d .land nr prapEa~ty ab~xtti.ng a "4?uh'a(: €;t .P,t anci ~ria.~rr_ appravrri trees fr,oa the Hastier Tree List do not ~;xirit :~.;~s,'?. ~pey fhce r,e~~luired fee rtca;.• Ll~e *,~,r(:)user, , plantic.g and rwintenance of said trrt~a }+y th(* Circy, untilrpsponsi$tI`tt~y ~ far s'.+ch rl3interaace :.s eel i>,qui shed r.u treat perbora ~r~t~.~ir~$ cc+ra° ral .~f saki prapµ,rty, prior to t:rcA ist:•.~anr_e ,T a Butl.ding }`era7+#i.. Ser:t:Lor S. Fee ~ ~ ~ h: . _ , v ~~,~~w<, .~, ~~~~~~~' ' SecLi.catt ~. `~'~ u3~tti.r~za:~ .__ __.._... __. -__.._w..~_._.~..__ ~.~ g~-gula-+ticna relaatin~ to t'ht pl.arar.i.n~gr rare ate,' ~'+r~avsi of Gr•rtea, the M+~ck~er Tr+~e f.i~t ar k~.i! xight of ~p~tAl t~ the rite Ccauu~ciX by any ;,ersva bte~.iey~ac~~; l~i~etlf aggzie-vrzl by $n act ~r t3~atc:rminnt!ovn ~,~ °,~~ Ciry Man,~ger'F yr hi.t~ duly authc~rl~ed ~-!Fr.~e~t+ntntiveF e` a.~ be ra ,~:n•v9.~ei~ bq th+a Ct.t;~ of C~wpwrtta~d {1tclinunca ~Ia. X25 ar a~ hereafter a~rrnried. IP~J'I"RClDEJ+~~;Ii az x re;gu3r+r ,~etEix.R of the Cit,~r Cnunei~ ox t'~e City of f:~u~+ertfreo am the _i8t _ cf+at~r of __ •Yu1},._.__.__..~_* 14bi~„ F.~.S~r't7 A,N~ l~.Yl~C1~t7 at :. A regular meeting «f the CJ.t'y Criut~scll of tt;d Ctr_y of GupPztiata un thr+. _.___-5th....___d'~~' o•f _.____A'~~1z"~_.___-..___M• 1968, by ttac :alZawi.ng vote: ~#YF,~~ , ~~autici.lmen .. Bc~A~~e~n, l~~~m~s+.:Fr, ~' i t zF;F r s].d A S:e'k.et F Ntsr_l ,1t,-i;,S : Caur~r ilrien _ hone ~.GSf,TtT: Cnuni3lr.~ett - Ni~'1e ~piZ~~~C'. C1: ..~ "~r.i ;a-,~~c,t ,~y of rtfp~.rr ino 1~ F ~ ,~.~+,"r City Clezk { f ' I hereby +~exka.fy t:u~t L:i~e City c:,f ~:«p~x~t xx,a brdixu actar'ii+~ci h4z%~ic~ is a true ~snt'i corrt.r.z cepy of ;;aid Clyd1 hr~rii }~u~,i.isht~d oz p^:~tej }~~s:•su;tnC to law, kfis , ~ . P.}•d e~F Gi.tlr Cleltk/~ ~'k,y'.`'„~-, ,Y{~, ,', ~T "'~T~a~~~tR~f/~~,. ..~~j ;R ~S~P~.~~ ~it~j t~,iy :R cad <~t~ i.'A%~ ~4.F ~~~~ rir qo ,# t .~ ._ ft .' ~'~t ~L r: ? 4p$ i,*, ~x i i'a K1NJf,3F V L~NJIGf6aNa%VI.~uF~e.~ilb3Y~16L.v4.d11111.~W:Lh4..:..3e _.-i....s :[v ..~! : ~s,.w~er.a ....w:-wr.. _: wx.. ,i .-.. ..