Ordinance 405OI',D7NAAtCE HO. 405
S1St'Tlt'7!1 1. REZ`Bt+II.IIiG GI.AllS~:
Stactiat- l.l: Ord Inartcc ho. 5~:3 is repeal~srl a~ of l'ze a far t i•~+e
datr. of thla ordinance.
SEC'flG9tt ~. _. PUBLIC NiJ1SllJ4CE
St~ttit>!~ 2.7,: Prohibition: i~7a ownNr, agent, lessee or ~~t'her
person occr~pyAmg rsz hstvi.nly rharne ox control of any building, lot
or prtr~ises within thw City Rhall I>errnit veedf, to remain upon said
pT~3.s~es Ur public aidexalk.s, streets or :alleys betweFn said. prEmisr~s
and the pxol,erty lirze of any public atrret or alley.
Sec t it~n ? . 2 :_ F:rmova 1 : every y rc,,,Qr t y owner shall r en~ove or de•-
ntray !.ur.h :Se Etc?S `runs his nrCpCrty, and in the abutting half cif env
t;tr~~At or allay hetwren the lot lines as axtex-ded.
SPCtion 2. j: Exclusion: There art, hereby Pxcluded from the
prU:~isicns, of this ordin~+ncP all l:~rds devoted exclusively ~co al,ri-
c,ll:ural and fsrm:ng use.
Strtinn ?.4: Llefinitic~n: "i7rc•ds", $~ usPd in this ordinance
~nf,asns all wind p.*iAflttA growing upon streets, alleys, sidewa'iks or
pri~tate }•r~r~~rty in the City and inriudes :any r,f t:he fo.l.lauing:
(:a) IJt•~r?ds which i:~ear or may be 3r seeds of a downy
or wJrkgy rca+.ure;
(b) Ward,; and indigenous grasses which r.,ay attain
sa<.h large growth as iq become, when drys 8
f ir+e men~w e:
(c) Wt:.~ds vh ich are a t ht rwise nox iot:s cr dangerous;
(d) Ac:~umular.ioc; a.f garden r~-ft.•se, cuCtin.gs and other
combustible trash.
scction_2.4.1: F'or purposes cf thI, ordinance as to the pro-
TF.b~[*.fura, ~retnoval, definition, c;ett~rminatiun atnd decla.r ,t,±on of pttb-
lic nuisance, right of appeal, public hearingn~ right t~f e,try, s,ssess--
~nk errs! cal~ectian of costs aritJ env an all r~tt~~er matters ExprE„ely
_ ~ ax ~ ~1~+1 hstrein xha21~ ist additi,~+ e ~ a~rsp~,a xc~ t
s~»'t.~ ter ~';t. .~v ..:. ~ " , . '. ~ :.
r, , ... ~~tr. ~.. , . .. ~ ~, . ~ . ., ... .
~~ ~~~1~
5ECT.ON 3. Dir'T£RMIN.RTYO!;' ~ }i0't loE OF i`iUISA~ICE
Section y. 1: L?e*..ermfnattuiz: it:senevver „~.ay such ~,neds are grov:tng
c'r debzi,~ allas+ed t,o ~cc:t~mxlate ~...pon airy pr9.vate ptraptrtq air pragert:tea
or aloof nny attest ar a~>ltey tsitIrir~ tlw GiCq, tre Citq ls~wisgaz at,s~ll
gi~-e nataicc to .she prc-paarty~ ohracr rt~+ltt ju+clt Sat +a v~e~aTLc aa~fsa>nce aa~d
that ttuct- txeaisas~e aMal1 ba et+>~ta~d i~sediatelyr.
Srrctitsa 3.Z» lots of lkttict: i!k,i4ce tb tba pr+~rpaarrCr tnr+v~er a~?wl'
be by~regietared ~ltstia~c ~tllaw! to tlh~ ;~,3r~ss ar3a~ o~ tMt tear ro2l~s.
t~ the tai~ura to offv.~:s deli~ar-y ot` said rtegir>tamad km~ttar as tLrt f,~i rur~e
of the property avroitr to abttr awck r~uiaasstace after r~t~pt of .ssfd csot:tce,
a Notic~a tc Destroy 1~c2s s~aalY be pasted coo~plcww,alY aa~ the rd8jsct
erection 3.s: Cunt~tnts of lloti~ce: The r>rrat:ice to the property u~mea*,
whether r~f~ecttad b~y lettez~ or uy }+c-dtirig, rhsl.l cE-Atain tt>Ne t~ollrnaissg irc~-
(.i) The determi.~s;Ett.an that a pat,li.r. nESisartcr existst;
(b) ~, request that the. rtbsit;anr.c r~ ~!~xetes3;
fir.) Air ,advise thtt failure leer txk+r i~~diatF rtrs~-dia;l
aci.ian shall b! causa'~ liar tnr ('il:y f'oune3l to order
t}se rc~mpdix~l art~.on by t}~e Pity riaenager in which
car.a tFr. ~attR inc urrkd rill FrF -s~ra«~stsed ssrad cot:sit i-
t!.ltP A4 1tr'n U}>tyi7 ~:itr'F. 7!7t*. [~! ~,%i-:~t~;
td) ;hr timr ant! p2ac.P .~ pt+F~') it bras ins vi 41 he 1~Fld •~~y
the Cite CUUStr11 at w}~trh ak,;f•ctions wia.l be i,r~a~rc~
arxd gi~~Nn ccanaicirYStt4Gt7.
.`~:ctic•r, 4.1: Fic~irrsrsg: AC the tirrF ,4t.,~ted f.n thF~ !vo!ire, the
t"~,aani• i l .?mil : hest' and c ~~sssidrr :any arxd all c,Ljec t i~.~rssc to t',e pz upn-:~•~d
r3e~tr ~.,,~t ic~t~ ~=r r;~fiavxl of s'ucl, we*~tds, erne m$y ccani fnue the hN~trisi~;
C~ _•--, c snaN tv t .arr.. Tl'se r'ou~rsc'il by mot ivr car rFSUOIut ion shall a13aw
r,r c.~ti~•.°rrtilc~ .n. .anti alI ob4e•'tionsti, ;f ar'y, :Mier vh•ir-?~ ~.he C`r~s-r,riJ
t'I1~a ~ T f };~.I < ,. .;t }rf. ~yt•f~~tCtS { O !le7V~4' :d~ ~:~U 3 T l~'t~ t ~+r ~'~ i"r ~ tit] t ca ~?: ;s{'t'E~:j
.3T7.f ; rsie,r~. !sr w~~rk G~~ ~aF~ t rug t lon ar',d re~r.~.al of yr r•~1a <,r cirhr;(6.
5 i•;(~ t' i UN 5 . ~ i;A'? F:.'. F.r; I UF' lJtf l SA~t(:E:
~~~~ti;sa 5.1: Ordrt to 4baw~: 1~tse f,r,~ril. ai-ali b7 reealut.ian
crder~ the City "tanager [a ra~cc s~sc#s rtuiwati~cc», at t~avse the s;auo+± i0
bn ak~aCed, by 1~avi7g the t:ee>3>a s-ef ~ rred to dr:~gS toyed t/'r resrusvtoi t,y
cutting, disciug, r.hemicaat sprHyfrig yr asst' t;x.'srft' :n~~thcn9 as cte~tezarit?rd
*.,y thr_ Gouncfl or the City H:anager; find t}tier a7.1 t3c~bris Ll~e.ther in
piles or scatter be }~auled ~,:;sy,
,. .:,
y Y
, ..'qw, Yk+ i{1~~,`w~~.,`!~+7Mi1VY.11.MY~i".~T~A"~r MYY"~NC~.leY~M1.A ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ .s ~!
~LCt'lIK1 S. Exltkrxit~g of Pri~~ate Property: ~'he said rrsol~ ~tio~.~
• rind atrdr>< to abate much nul~caiice lstxall be de~ned expxetas autharicati~sn
fa;.r th+e Citlr 2~Ya>roager, and his Arpuwt~s, asei.et~~nta, e~Leyeas, cc~ntrxct.~
i.r..~ agen~tr crr othez representatives to enter upon private gr.,~~erty .'ter
that putrpoee.
Section S.3 _ Abateaaent by Property flr,mer: Any property yawner snF 11
have the right to destr.~y or r~movte ta~~ch weeds a:: %lebris ttilmt~t~lf, or hsv~e
the sa>wae Destroyed of removed ttt his awn expentse, prc+vided that suct~ de-
etructiot+ or r~novsl shall have been completed prior to the gsr3~~a1 of
ochre City Kanager or his authari2ed representatives to destroy or remove
S_pctia_n ti.l : Account of Cost : T'hp C1.ty Manger shall keep an accuunr
of the post of ab}1tinR such nuisa:tice anri embad3 sac;: account in u report
and s>sesz;men[ list tc. the City Council which sha1~1 he filed with the City
Clerk. Such report sha11 refer to Pesch separate lut or parcel of rand by dp-
~scription sufficient to identrfy such let cr Fai~cel, toget.hez wii:: the ex-
pense propu~:ed to ba assessed agai:ist earn separate l.at or parcel of land.
Sect.ion_6.2: Report. of CoFt: The City Clerk shall cause a notice
of r,.~id report and prar.;~sPd as-%:t~ssn~ent to be sent by registered letter
to t.hcy affected rig^pe~-.y nwnNr oz r7wnPZS at the a~-}dress appearing on t}iP
tax rol]s. C~~ the failure to eff~~c.t d~livc.ry :if said registered letter
th:~ City 41P_T~~< sha.al publish twice in a newspaper ref general circulation,
pub? ishecl and circular.ed within the City. a c.op: cif said notice. 'the
First publicarion c~f ,aid nctiic2 r,nal.i oe merle and ~oinpleted at ]east
~~n (l.0)days beforE the time such report ~~nd sa;d assE•ssment shell have
been s~;bmit tad to the City Council. The said notice :.hall contain the
fc~:tlo:;fnF int~armatic~n°
t;a) The name or names of the prapert,y owner or owners;
fb) ThF ~3drlress or addresses appearing un the tax rolls;
(c) The hosts and propa~:ed aa~~Y~str:~nts to be levied
af;ainst each lot or panel of land;
{d) The time and place at. which the repc,~rt ar.d proposed
xsses5~rent will be preser:ted to the City Council;
(e) hn advise that arty ~~nd all persons. intr•restc~d Having
any objzctions to said repot and prupased a.sses~~-
merat, or to any m,3ttr:r r-r thins; caniairied tt~ereiu,
may appear at said time and place to be Heard.
Sectfon 7.X~ He,aring at the time and place Tiar<< fur receiving ,
aa8 +~.tnas#dttcit~; +ra+ch Ir+tpart srd px~ape,t~d aasea~tnt, tlas Citl- Gauoai.7~ ,~
141 s - /'.- f 4 i~?^.'.' ~ .'t
. ~ ~
~ ~
Jet:LiUn /.~: t.ar1X~.Y;:?dt:.rlCi: ji'.w' ~.f~'itti:.a~ t.,av iaakl .S.s,+.t; Ct~1+tYifL-
w.- .~__.,,._
c_.+ti~tta Ln the ,sruposeci asses~,ctr.~•s~t as .s ~~,..y d~xnF xrp,-E:sss°y' or ray
a: cepfi. it as ~.~rbw.ltted, otter wrslr~l tluct~ rer~-ca, t oriel a~.~tsttmrtlt list.
R~'k,atl be canffread by rasol:a:icts. rR1'~11 ^ocntir~t=~.~~ shcalli L'+dt.-ttt~tute
s tier, uta s>>ch rcop~xtp -r"r~r t~ aa:,rtnt rat ~~~~h ~-sr~p~~~:.~xate-, ~tei.~ r+:~:td.
$F'~'TI,{2N $. CA'i.I.EC2It~id
5t-c,tion 8.1: Entarxrag oa .~.atsess~+imt ral3.: "~ CiYy CJt«,: it t;haXl
~_._.._ -
ca•.:se the at~utnt of the aartassss~tnt to hs erttttt~d ma tt~a Ga.+uot:~~ •As~x+~s-,
mr-:nt: roll oppoa~.te the description of th+ wartltalax pic:perty.
Scctititn g.2; Coll~ectian with .1`axes: The as,n~:a~rnt s,~ +rri.+ered an
the Crusty rolls shall be cal;lec.ted t.agerirar. ui.tia all a*_?~,t=_r tiix~~li tk~trsr--
on upon the p:a~pe7rty rat: tree saa+e tzme, anti i~ the dates mareaer, a,s genrra?
City taxes are callectpci and shall 3~e t~;,'~,jec~t Cr) P.hr. Faa.we petunlt.les ar~ct
intc.rP,rk, and the saner F,rr~cedti~re artcl sale. it e.as+; at de txr~quPncy as pro
video for City t:axeK.
SeE•.tion Fl.3: Applicability at Lawn and Ordiranr_es: Alai 1.•-:as; alto
ordinances applicable to the 1eoy, cc~.ilA^tfon and E~nCorcEr;nr_nt of City
taxes are hE?Ieby aAde ;:applicable to su~~h sper.ial assessnAnt.
if any Ser'tlOn s_s1ah~E-Ction, :.eEtnLF:i',^f!, ~r'.t~Sf'. UT p}'ll"c'ise <?f this OCdlrl--
f3TiCP i, for any rt>.a.:on field by A rvurt ~,~ c.o:r~;~etc•nt jclr:isr~1#ction t<> he cart-
canstitutianal, such c}eci-siren shall -u,r affer.c t}ie ~• al.td;?y of the rE•r;,~;irt--
ing rt7rt3anr~ f;f this f~rclananc..~. 'I'hE' (:aty i:~~urcc.i ht'ir'b~+ exprE~,,s.l}• de<•IarE~r,
that it would have past:°d arrd adopted ~.taiS r:rdin~n,~e inn <•ach sectic-,n, si~b-
;;+~ction, sentrnce, clause and i,hraae hereof arr^ape<.tivE~ of the fact. that
any one Or mare Of S8'~d 5E'Cti~",,15, till~~5"Ct icr:, SE'rll E'n~e~,, C loos?s Ur phrases
hrreaf be hE`ld uncanstitutianal.
SECTION 10 . E'r f EGT J ~ 4•: DA i' £
This ordinance :ahall be of#c~r:tivE• arnmed7arely upon its adopt~.ior. as an
emergency measure f,-,r the preservation r,f t',1e public pe<~ce, hfalt h or
safe!.y and the City Council hereby f?rtd~: :-+r~c} cleciares the r~~~sans fc)i its
uzgex:r_y as fo,llcaws~ The weed;; are' 3:. ;;; .<_ ::::. dr•.f int~d herei4•~ ,: _~ ,:=. it.ute a
nuisan~e• to the health, wF•)fare and y•aiErty of the t~itcr~•rtr of ;upE:r•tit~c~
3rtci can~stit.ute a 1 ire IItE~Ila,e: N~'1~'1l dray, anti ;rat:. nc~xic,cc5 •+nu ic~.jur.iottr, ~.:'
tht• health raf Che Lit ir.ens Eat Caper t inc~ in three s~~n'.zr~~-r r:~~±:1ths.
1NTkgDt3CEU AND F:,'d4CTF.L bt a regular Irec~ti~lg c~Z thE` i;zty ic~~anr.il cif the
City of Cc,pprC.frra, this 17th Eixy E)f June :14x8, by the follawi.:cg
vote : -...._._ _ _._...__ .... --
FYYS: {~octrtciltvr~rl: Beavc:ta, Bc~~t,stc-r, Fit_r.~:.E~rald, :~tal:es, ~'Int~l
HOES: ZoLCrtciimen: l3E;nr
~ii3SENT: Caa:,r~c i l:ae•rR : Norye
AT't' tats V xll
..: ~ :,