Ordinance 381 OR1~1`~~F C>~ ~'HR Clfi~." +::G` •~~i'~:'~'i'~i~tU i'I~tfY~;r.1i~ ~tJ'ct i2~~~ i..RC:i'I3"w, t~~~p~~ryT~r~i~'isp~y~~yyyX~~y,4~1;'y~.'~~' ~I~C3F~" ~ Cp WAY ~+~'U ~'Fid~ "i~.3'~' pl~`3'~;: lF`{?~? ~~.L'IJdJA~j,L'47~ J ~i°1M1 ~.S . ~~~ ~ ~' ~?i`Y &:~1~'fi~t~:t:!'~ ~~' "~.'~~'' C: ~'~ ~~' ~ ~'~$~':~~(? AVM dltTjct~ 14 ~ ~'ULLi~i--~3 S~ect,~ at;a :t: ''tip ord:Ln~nCe aha:i~. b~ a*~'iri~-2 k~~ ~r~o~~ as t~h~ {rL•ria~ ~ar~i~..r~avxce" of S,y~'t6 City off' ~apor^!;i2~. :3ert~.~vxt ~: ~u treed ox' shrubs shall b~+ gl~rnte~c3 in a.~~. publ.i.c exea, as +dc~i'ir~e~t 'b~" this ordinanct~, withQUt fi.~~st ssaL•,r3x~ pe?~n:ission f.ram 'the Cii.y Mar~a~ter a.zyd the~aaftez~ co'op1.v~.n~ with ~? i prov~.sions of this urdirar~cg applice~b].e t,hez~:~to gnd the rulaa a.~d r3~;u7.ati.c,ns o#' Lre Ci.t~r IKsr;Sger. Section :3. Thr~ li.sfi, ~:,'' tre:es hcr~toi'ore adaptea by tY~N Cit. Counc~~il as ttcceptable tre:~;a tc, b9 p:iantexd in pu'bl.fa rlg~xt^ of wf.~y '~. s hcr~+try :incc.~rporat:ed i"icr•e i r, s.r~d r+'i;xde ~.,aM c ~ .f 't,`~ ; s c~rd'i r.~anca as ~,,acr~_ibi t "r~" . Sc,rt_;c~n~: !`du pe~x~~sc~n ;~}-,a~!1 r~r'zave any trer3 ox shrub fr~Ur, a publ.i.c. arc3a wi k.houfi, fiz~st. +'~L~t3:iin.ita~ a pez-rri~it .in K~ritir,~: i"rcn: thc~ City Ms.r,agfsr; pr°i,v?.rc~c'., huw~~ver, that. a pr~,p~~~•r.y owner sha:l.:l remu~e H tree or shrub f.t :.7m t}ZH p~ arat;i,~~,g ar~ss f.; vn+:.i.ri~ his prc~pez~ts ~rhen cii.re-ctod t a d{~ so by the C:i t;y l~i}.~nager by r~ot;.i ce iri wr'i t i~~g, si.t;r,ed t,,y thF: !',i ty Mar,+~ger, ~~..>'nd~eUC~r auch trF~a or stirrab a.a c~eaad or nyi.r°,~~ ur wi•,7r,, in the r,}~i-;ic,n o.f the L:ity Manager, tiie conta_nucci existence of such tree or shrub r.z~e~atea a dar:,~err~>>a r>r t]~: f 4c.tivc e•ontif~F.f on t~p<,n public property. Secti nr~ 5: ThE~ City Man~g:~r rnsy as a cnndikior~ a1' t~rer,ting a pc~rratt far rernct~al off' a trees ,^r shrub requiri~: the pertni+;tee to rei,~lant c>r re~~lace cx tree r>r shrub in the planting area; . ~theet: up,C» ;.7t91t'`rig auotx a~;,ralic:ation, the gegrtr.ittese aha!1y1 rle-pt~si.t L easy. ...it, u...c MhP HAc 4r•v~.~.~..s ICI „~'~ ~ 4 'M 19~.•r ~• •, .NY~Id ~~rsl 'iFl~..~ ~ ~ {' , 'Y ~wwa~~ .AMY • .1.1.i~SI{ I yfYM.11L7w{~hYilgw/ W '~Ia'•• w~~ .F,p.'.. :~huu2d x•t~pYa.cr~ta~er~t no`, b~ r.~sde i.n ane (x; x*~e.nich, the: depds:i~; ahs.i_1 b3 ~arf'eited end tha C3.ty shall uae the ut~;t~o3it, to tr~ake s p~°apa~' r~+pY~aetnsr.t er$t'rxVUt f'i~.rther lot:#o;e t~:, :r.~r~a$ttae. Ss+~tir~ ~: ~•~Jncm~.~ e~a;~ p~;rsc~n, ~'i.rt,~ or ccxaY,paratic~n r~atti:be ~s tree yr ±~tu~b trrw~ ~- p~rtb2ie z~~kat ~t ~T ir3tl~aut o~at:.~.fn.i.n;~ the per~It~s px°c~v:L~tdc~ ~`ar its t~a3s Qx~i~ata~:a or s2•ndu~s~ ~n~ p~rsrri~, ti.t~ ar ~+~rp~rat:~rm wtl:lfu~,i~, tfes~otage or case ~ru~ ~~ tre+~ ar ~hr~ntb in e~~ ,au'blia x~3.rC s~f ~-y, them an~r ps~rs~sxtf P~.z~m~ or aor~a~re~tia» viol~tiiag th~- pr©v~sf_c>ns a~' theme ~a~*din~-nce sha].1 be dsae~ed gultlt~ at a rrisde~ewn~r, and upon aonvi.ctic~n thereat, aha~l]. Le .punished b,~ a Pltie r,ot exceed,~ng Five FIundrt~r~ an+.~. »<~.~I00 (~~~C?.Af}) piollars yr by 3mpri sranmer~t f.r~ the C.oun#~;~ Jr~i7., rn~t tc e.x~:eed s:~.x C ~•t caonttsa :~'~^ etch v:ivla- ti on, c~r ~~y DUu21 sa~ah fiz~~~ and ?mprisor~ment.,. Sect.ic-n ~; The t;it;y Clerk a.f t;1e city of Cu~~flrtirao bc~ and h.:c~ery ~ s authori7sd s~r!d ir.~tructed t.o cause a cr~rtit':~ zea c:c;p;,~r <,+f this r.,x~i_in~,._-.e to be p~.rhi.isY~9d st 1.ePSt, once withfs~ 1 ~ U.'~~t5 r,.:'tH1' :etc ®I1~,GtTTIE3nt ?.ri +.h~r Cupertino C~ur''~ar, tk1:. ~,ff:; a~ ai ne~w:~~-ape^ ~~f the t;i'.y*. I:~TFiC7:#lGir~ rat a regular mc~eti~~~ cf t}•,e l:it.y C~-,uncil on tYie lath d$}~ cf Lea ~,9m`~.~er, 1C~~, % , ~1~d FT~,ACTF~: at a r ~3gul ar me:vting of thE~ Cii:~• C<1un~~; i of i:he !'ity off' Citpei~tina, cn ttae 1$ti~aa~r chi ~ ~ecc~mh~r_._.___~ ' 9Fa~ , by the, ta? 10„~ ~.n~r rote: RYES: Cc~~,nei lmeri' tJe+ny~s ter , Jc>hnsor7 , kcaP 4 , S t h1ae~ ~ ~'s t. zc~ee.~i s e! ?dJF:S; Counci.?.a~en: None A,35F~1fi; Couxzcilrtcra; Nang ~~iyar~f •. ~r~txna ATT~~Sx • ~, )- ~~ r Ly a upe~~ no ~ ~:.~~~~