S 1491 (2) APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO ` BUILDING,.ELECTRICAL PE ITNO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONq'ERN11T PLUMBING-MECHANICAL J 1491 BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICATION' BUILDING AUUKISS., SANITARY No, APPLICATION SUHMITIAI.[)ATE OWNER'SN -vS PHONE: CON RA 10 ';NAME?: ' LIC NO;ift ARCIIfI'ECT/FNGINLER: LIC NO: n1 ❑ 1, CONI PHONIL BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ Crarp ullant Fccs Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ELECT' 1'h MUCH 1JCHNSED CON'IRACIYIHS DECLARATION QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE ❑ I Iermy afrmt that 1 am Ha mad under pmvisnaas of Chapter 9(cmmrcme mg JOB DFSCRIPTION 0�Z with Satitm]0001 of Di%pami J of Uc Busirteu amllttte.,imn Culc,uWm Ikenneu W00 Y PERMIT ISSUANCE. RESIDENTIAL: FW— In fall fmtm arldc I. 41, ❑SFUWL ❑KITCIIEN REMODEL aVU Liccn.w:f_.ly.. — IJcM APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL []ADDITION ❑PLUMBINGRE-PIPE CuMtKI« FOH ARCHITIECPS D[CL\ ON PANS ❑MOUTI-UNrT ❑STRUCIVRAI, ZOtiZ I undenlnnd any plane mall he avd u,sable retorts MODIPICAHON OZND UPIO200AMPS ❑INTERIOR ❑CHMIN17Y REPAIR E`�F'W IJcem il'mfcuimal 201-1000Ab1PS IMPROVEMENT 0SWIMMING%K)LS OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION C C < m hereby a0inn tam I ecschnpt toxo the Cumrucmr'x License Law for the OVER IfXd AMTS [I BATII R E "AIR UIJ110.I'r �1 O6 U ficHouinp..(Section]UJ I.S.B.mrs,,and professions Cole:Any city«county SIGNS ITECII(ICAL CR Int LLO Ha which"ti re.a perm.,w nfnumm,ulmq mpp ,demnlidt,m rqua any ewmwe Ir�yg Priplor,iaaommc,also uyuivy Ea.,nicam t«,such permit to liles,,,dvbLLoem SPECIAL CIRCUITAUSC. f�>. Out ne is licensed Iwsuant to the,provisions of the Contractor c IJceree law(Clm,tcr 9 CrOMMERCIAL WyCpO Iemmrcnciog with Satia700))of fiAmen hof the Rotor—at l'rofn,iana Cadelm TEMP.METER OR VOID:INST. d a e C that he i.eemnq II crfnml ami Je ho.i.for Ile alleged extnnpmxl.Any vlolmina of ❑NEW HLDGIADDIION [D DEMOLI'NON �H Satan 7031.5 by my applicant for. .it.amW,,tcupplamcm loo civil penally of POWER DEVICES [DTFNANI ❑FOOD SERVICE FZ m marc Jun r huntteJ Jnllatx(SSflff.>• OTUHR Eh1FNf < wi ban he or,. llcpe,mucOor my mnpluyecs with wogc So lak(See mrmpuoaminn, SWIMMING IYIOI.F.LIiCBIC �(=.0 will tlutbew«t.and,T1,C is nxintencope, olfemO,brat ,A,In ❑OTIIER Ill_ and PrM.1ar,h Cas:The—threads L.kense law do s m a1TIY to If owvcr of OUfLf:I'S-SWITCHES-%XTUKFS Ila— pisses whooyces,aimpede,tcmm�,opr wtu Jasmn tina ued or ornhmugn his own DmpinyeeS pmvlHvl that such ipe nrvorcnw um not in¢ntkJ or ntlirtd flax NEW RESIDENT IAL ELIEC!'R SQ Fl: safe.If.Nildcsa,ll huiWinguEmprovcrrcmis sdJwitninr bill i.M,,le fla, 1�Q.FT.11.(�R AREA 3/SO.lef. ertuillYr will haat the hrdcn of proving that be,did rut Will or iminr,cf«pur- P A ' �1 phm of enln.l. In L as tmner of Ik pnycny.om exdmivdY arwating with IiumcJ cantrunaxx to TA L: Nn,IrtKn tc pmpt(kc.]DLI.Buritex,W ITores,ixt.Cak:lTle Cautrona(a D- APR 8 AAM rc low dues trx apply to hln owrw+ofpntpcny war M1uikkwimpmvca then+rn,IIrIJ QTY. PI,UMBINO PERMIT IEE J� � wm hocunttn furwch projWts with ralicensed acoralge) purstwuth nn e Gmpoctors + A Lnccn.,c Lvw. PERMIT ISSUANCE 01 am spent under See .It&PCtar this mum Ur ("(i AhTIiR-DRAIN&VENT-W'AIHN(EAt VA.O-acc Do WORKPIR'SCONIVENSATION DECLARATION HACK PLOW PROTEGE[)EVDEVICElfimil I Iemby ut mer penaltyul'perjuarvry orm of Ilhu fulbwiug Mdumlione: ❑ Ihavc ardwill rruinuineCmifxamufCam.rntw.¢IGiruurt lM Wuter',Cauhpcm DRAINS-FLOOR.ROORARG.COND. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCUON Leona,,u pmvidhi ffemi Scotian B]Ip of the labor Cuk,f«ale perrtxtnntxs d the wink have which lois mormiis iamcd. f FIM'ILHPS-%iR TRAP El I 370Nly LI�IC�nmwnate eft C ,40a,,Lm ironce.1—hi 1,rtquiml by Section e Mth warL.Im wnicn lois permit is issuM. GAS-EA.SYSITAf-I INC.i OlI1lE1'S OCC.GROUP API: Z ion ,Jy No tqlyyrr��ly�t Cmden )/'^ I lies Nnrt� �y-/ GAS-HA.SYS'IEW-OVER d(EA) CERTIFICATE:OI'PXISIPI'[ON FROM WORKERS' COMP119SATION INSURANCE GREASEaNUUNTRL WASTE.INU RCEITOR (Ihisr«nire solo Wnbe, al n ho pUifthesola is fnrac hmulnd dollars($1(y)) BUILDING DIVISION EELS or tact GRGsIi TRAP %ANCHECK FPJi - -- IcedifY Cheat in tcfer(tnmantta fife work for which this prmdn isisacd.Ishall SEWHR-SANITARY-STORM FA.M)FE nx employ any p )n in any manner at m to become subject to lac Worker,'ComWrn- ENERGY IEE zaZ sad-dada of Californu.Date WATER HEATER WNFYDIiLEC1'R 0 AWgdican t GRADING FEE p) NOTICE TO APPLICANT.11,after making thio Cenificatc of Eamnaptam,you hi WATER SYS-D2Wl BEATING (•^ h,,—,ti w the Worker's Cunpcneatinn Pnovisions ofthe WNn C,sm,Yam mwt SOU-S IHEIE `. forthwith comply with ufm W rosipanx of Ni,permit shall IN decned tcwAad, WATER SERVICE 4 CONS'IRUCI'ION LHNDINC AGENCY NEW KPSIDINfIAI.PhMN. SUIT. PAIDV Q Ihcrcby a0irm tlwllMreuvt�swctiun krWing ugcrxy t'or the ltedhrmarra of Dve Jivv LL the w«t fa which thi,Irnnin is iswN(Sec.J(19],Civ.C.) Lendcr'e Name IOML: IU Lcnde'sAddress 'f(HAL'. 1}" y I ttbay then I Mvc poJ this"slicanitm mJ,Lac Jut tc sluve adismeton is BUILDING FEE to tnrrm,lagan to nxnply with all city and awmy«dioarces mW sure law,relmng to QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE U Z huilJln,,-arecllou, it hereby milon¢reprwnwfivcr of this city E,m,,apulne SIiISMIC FEE Mmn uve- ui«Icd poppet",Re in,Wcctien parsecs. PERNU T ISSUANCE (We)emes,mem,indemnify ofd hmG keep andi the lyat Cupcnirm.gaunt I]SLTRIC FEE Iicaliuo,judgnums,coagp and exnteean s which may in y way aa cmeegauheI id City ALTER OR ADD TO MSCI I. I. ansamerc<of are emminp of fids perran. PLUMBING APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH PO ALL NON- I I AIR HANDLING UNR(TO ID.(Mp CPM) OURCE REGULATIONS. MECHANIC FEI AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER I0,00(i CFM) CONSTRUCTION X Gomm ofgpplicentConttanm Il EXHAUST HOOD(W4)UCE, IOUSINGMITIGAT ,19:1] HAZARDOUS MA'IH,KI S DISCLOSURE Will tc alTlkma of(uttuc WllJiog acapwlstnm anaodlc haat""v",a treeriel HEATING UNLTfIO 101000 BTU) as defined by rte Cupmiru Municipal Code,Clmper 9.12,and me Heehh mrd Safety Coca.tiu9ian 25514(a)7 1IEAI'INC,UNI I(OVER I IXforp I BTU) Yea C1No V ApDWATION PAN(SINGLE RESIDE PAID Dart Racip If WJI e n,h,am or la om tuikling acurn lm Ise c,aipnrem err S icca which t cant hvankus air aantwrumm,as defiad by the Bay Area Air Qaality hfaoagma'nt HOILHK-COMP(JHP OR ItMIIgq BTU) DiTOTAL: ❑Yes 0 N HOIIJiH-COMP(OVEH I(u.(10011N) I hose rcW me haauJws mutmal requirement,anal Chatterer 6.95 M the Cali- AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE funis Ilwhh&Sad'cry Calc.Smitne 255(15.2553)anal 255: .T mxkraand out if the NEW HCSIDF.NOAL MECIL SQ.14. ami Wing ak- -fund,nava.wmnt.anal it is my m,puninigty mtwtify tlmucco"in M the"mmat which muss be,mcl Poo,to mamrce oft,Cmilkwe M ocearmcy. Owner ur wtnoriml ngant Ihhm T1 rAL: ISSUE[)BV OFFICE