Ordinance 252ry- ,:, ~~.~f~~ ....... ~}1Hl1Ht~L J4F'3'ktNINC3 T;1~3 ANlAT:Od~ 4F C'AI~ CQt~'z?~itJCU3 i~NZN1tAE4I't'EC ,;+~~tl"i~J~C, l1CI+~~7'~ "` P~AtI1~3VYA ~~-l+G" TO TN3~ CY'R'Y' 0~' G'tiP~'~'I4~ffl i!H' ACd:O~i- r:,~/ ~1 THE P~t~iiZSiOr~s o~ g~cTYaN 35~ ~' Sao a~ ~~~ ~ov.~~~c ~ h.~ /~r. .~,... ..~,,...,~ ,.... ,... ~ -.....a,...,.. ,. ~; ~J't~.'~, the City Council ot" the C~.ty a~f Cupar+titui di~~ oa the Sth '" _ ~,~~' Ar:.~tt, Y:~~y, p~~sas and adapt a reaoluti.on t'or thts gro~svae~d annanc» ~,~ apt ~oai+~ ~;$t~tox~ to the City at t`uprartino, on r~'~~'~ arx~.d A~fIr~11- ~~~ ~JIO~"~i"1+4t oR` ~~ Baja hour.", a3'!d ~~'.at~e Mh@x't ~tt7Q ~'hd!''~4 ~AY~~ j~R!''!!o~ ~~lfLt -:,~..~:~~ ~t~'tJ' trithin h t!r!'r'~ tor~r ~1~- ~~d~. tO ~;!~! ant>eaa~c4 d~ ha~-iac~ ~.: _" ~ ~~eo~iona~ try the ~~ aumexation trdght app~g~ before the lr- ,~.v+~b #l-i~ ~K amtume ~' Such terrl.to~- ahou3~d nR'tL: Qt+ eo a~f '~~, Bald Reaolu~aon ~,~,~,~! sit l~tat t~i~ae, but r~o ;~rt~rt~.no Couriez~, a neaapape ,~~_ a Clt~r ®t l~pR!rtino, and !n rax cira~xlation pub).iet~d qty in MhiCh fet looar:ed th it '~FRd1S, each tea t°i ng >fa e ~~ staid Re3oluticm on the 16th °~ ~~,'tae fisted therein j and ~e ~Y. ~x'1Y, and ].aM"~utl~;,+ ~tb- t pare often tharrx owe a ~, to tQ:+e r of genePa.l ciroulat~.~m pyb2lstta~! wi.t~tt; the 9unnya+ale Standard, a n~s~pcr of ta~S.thln the County of Santa Clse~,~ the e territory pra~~oaeclt to bs ~snzae~a~d; acrd i;ela pru~~u:3nt to Braid rrQt~.aat t;ont~ried day of Septeabar, 1q~3, at the tiae axrd ~~~iF.RBRS, suoh hearing sae not ices than tox~tr {4C~ days nom mare than si.~t~:y (64~ G.~-ys from the date of the perseage of the said Reaolutlort~; atx2 'MHB~t~, at the Said hea~c`in there otei~e rx~ vrAid protects by s~ otrner or os~era cif one-halt` (1/~~ of the value of that tex~itorq proposed to be annexed., according to the last Equsli~ed a~seetsment ro11 cat the ~1ptAnty of Saflta Clara, State of Calitornkta, and ae daetermined by tt~ City C~~w~cilf and t~,R'gAS, the City Counoi]. f1nd~ that the territory proposes! Lo ire arsnazed is a~ontiguo:~a to the tcat:uxlzr_3.Pa r:' thy: Gt,ty of t4.r~rt:.:~to, ae~ that the bane is uninha'~ita2 ter~~ttory ~.a deftn~d by said Gcl~-ex^nste-nt t~vde of California, a~ that it to .for tier: beet interest arut cson~rera- ie:r~ce of L°Ltperti.no tr~:t tl~e aa:~a. ire. r~.t :~~~ be anne~ced to said City ot` aatpert~.no N4W, '1'HF.~ X'QFtE, the City Cour~^.i~. of t hi: G.L~~y at Cupertino does hereby ordain ;irj fn1?+~wa: Section i~ `fit the $nnexat:ior of the unint~tbited territory heras- ltratte~ga bed be, ~r-t: tha came 1a hereby approved, and tlKt sa2d tetrritorar be, arks the saaae 1es h$rebY annexed to the City o~` GVpertino and is csa-re partievtlarly dcaaribed as tollcr~e, to uit: -~1- "~i ~~ ~~~..,r ~~ ti, ~` ._ ; ;Aa ¢?: k Fa r~ -.~ /~.1~,~'f{;Sp~~"~" n"'q :.k'~fW~:'~'#i'§` ~ ..3?' c,~~if~~%r+5 rriiw~ .'m' ~,V"; ~d, ~^l~'~'.`±~i.~~ .'"'~'' ;_, rc:+,~{~,+~4'~~~r~~ICS~'t' .c;;! - ~ -r 7. 4 .~ A7.3. tilt certa4n :'~a2 ~r~trt~- ei ttsRtrs i.m true (;t>w'1t~- of $antr- 1~•. ' ~tr:l, 5ts~te oi' c.al.~go~rnt~;, deacri#-ed ae t'o11+~~rg: ~"~jw ~: ,~ ~irtTst~g et: that Xncpx~aoti~ys~ ,at' tr~a •~rigl~ru~e1. C~ttltt~'~]lir~+r of ~Lnm ~Cr ~oul~±~~ ~~ taet rr~.3~) ~~ t~ no•~~t;t,~tarlx lieie ~~ e~' tae :st~u~Y~x~ i'~.~3.9°`fo ~.~*a~par~y=~ ?~;~~~: c,~ ~k;;;~ ~rnts ~2to~t Hx~~~h, 1~- t'3e2d~ to vaso~~ Ju't+otiase,, ~tt:s.~! po~,cyt ~~a :~~~,~.~.~~nf.ra b~,ir~ a~a tl~a ';. ~y ~od.t 't~hne of ~~pax-tir~•; tix.rn~~r rx~~hr:~seta:~l.~-• alb ~.td ~t+th- ~~~rty ling of i:!~,~ :.cn..tt'~r~i ~c:ff..+c tXsa~n~r~e R.E.~;ttt tom' to the :~+1!':'~-eoticrn th+eiwsao*~ t~a:A'~h t.ha 81fu~:ht~<~ ;t:er~3~t iiste cat 1M~Y~- ~ti~tta~ ~ix'st r~ ~.t~.ot~, u: ~cg of t~:~l~ch 3a lily ta~;.T rebo-rd fri thss ~~~t~ita O! tha ~~l~d~lr nt the t~aa~~/ aft ~ C~~-~# ~tata caf t'.9~~t+~~-~t, i~! ~~'" ~r~ ''' ~a ~a ~ ~. ~~ ~~~x~-~ ~~ $~1 ~t X11'. ~ trv ;``.,' :~' ~ ~a~rtharri~at ao!~r t~' tb~e~s tse ~.rt twat dt ~ +~ ~ ~1`lioa _ ,.t a~ tit ~iJ- ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ` ~ 9~0 ~~ ~1t~r+~-i frith the d ~Fi+li~ #~~° .~1~b Ie~s~t~ t~ Arta alor~ Yard a~~n~x~ift~a to t~ei Q~ Se~t#a~ ~aRt ~.o tyre prov~.eiOne oP tha e~tid t~overr~wnt C.~1t ~*!'' th~`.~'~"~~ ! 4~a13 #'~Ya, ~:he ~.ta ~'lerk adxit~.~. Arid h~- is h+~~+e. ~;tru~ted ~- t".~.~.a aith tyre 3ecr~etatq ~t 8~4e eat 4'n3~.~3~t3!~ sr ©~itY~ ,. ewer o~' thi~r Ordinr~ae iti~.acc~lji ups tt~-~ e~-id C1t~rlitrt~za ~ a1~''tacttitre. ~tctisM ;~~ mat all azpaxasas of px~c.~eec3ir~a 1.'ar the an~~at3an ~f the"` aa~'"~C~'"un2nha*_-lted terrftary b.~ paid, and what tha ease tie and th~rg ars hereby allt~tecj. Section 4.. If any sectiari, r~ubtsec~;~an. ePntc~nce, clause, phr~tee or pcaon .~#~thth Crctinsn~+:e i.s, f''o.r R~iv reP ion, held to be unconati- 'tution3l: vofd~ or ~tn~lids by z!x7 cor.;~ :, o~ eoa~pe*~:nt ~urlsd~.ction the rn3ldity of the x•et~a~.r~.1.t~t xx~rtion of :-h3.s: Ox*~L:Lnance ~-hrtla rat he aftecteei thereby. Intraiucer~ at a .~gular seet:r~g of t.ta~• Cii:y Counoil of tt~e City _. off' G'~~;~ertino ors the ~ day of .~.:~ir~smt~~_r._ 1~3, and pg.seed at a ~ re~.:2.ar meeting aft City Counc ot~ <<~ ~th say of October , 1953, ~- Lh;4 tol?~rntitxg pro}.e: _ A~t$3: Couazoiia~n: Benetti, Dempster, Finch, Saicra, Jexett 1'iAT3: Cour~ci3met-: None ~: ~u~~ci Lean : Narie Approv ~~: s~ Verne H. Jexett ~ycsr, ~tp- o~~upe rtr~ Ati~eat s~,_Ls+Mreix:e IC. Ahtt3n .,_,_ ~~~~ - ~ - I h+~~reby cert~,ty that this is ar exact aayy a_* dr1@;ina1 ordinanoe on f'.le in the c~tCice of the C~.ty Clark of the City o~' G'~pexrtir~o, ar~d that Ordinanoe lb„ 2'52 has b+3en published pursuant to r i f r 1 w C.. - ~ r • (.,. .# ~~~ ~. -~„~. ~.,. `~'~'~"',^e~~+`':,~r-'~.,,!~s;.r~f~., '': `"~'t~"`t"'!~"`'E."~ts' ;x ~1?G;,:~~ti~7{ ~1P ~u,+~i"' ',3.:u-. '~rs~Fa~sd'+F*,rc ~,}w~~r, f'^;,.+?t ,.r,~ ~ , ,.;;~, ~ ~: ef, t~'e ::, ~~., .~ ~ ; `..;,...„` „~i~ . ar~'~.~ii~'.~ 3 sew ..._. _......_._ ... __ ,; ~~ ;~~;~ 4~M .`~"~ __? ~~arr uo ......L._. os ... j..__ ; ~w «roP.._......,3.~tt.~r~.3 ...... ti ii