26357 (2){ 02 FF WmV V �Qi N 000yp Fa�� a0 U tx3i 3 a l �u.0a NJ �yy�yy f CY O Q as 0 o (2y 41�N r EFD Cm d3— APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO '- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING. -MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT IDFNTIFICATION PFRMLTNO. 26357 BUILDING ADD�D7RESS. SANITARY NO. A^PT]CATIONSSUBMIITAL DAM /O�OG� / aC Q/�G UNITY LOT J OW lA� HONE SLIC o% ,/ NIC CONTROILY RCfIHE (QJGINFER: LIC NO: V�JJ99O'l^9Yso CONTACT: PHONE QTY. HE PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT (NFD NLDG ELECT PLUMB MEOI PERMIT ISSUANCB ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACIOR:SionsoCATIGN sofChaper9nd] my erense with I hereby affirm that I am Ise Business Section )0(0) M Divuin 3 U dhe Bmtsirca.nd professions Code, and my Ilttrue o th full face uM effec ueenae n•r I. //__ [ APPLIANCES - RESIDPNML l� w - — . ON PANELS uP To mo AMPS Dme Coo*,rar fcxsi; c( 201-1000AMPS ARCHfTECI'SDE.CLARATION I mdenlaml myphn.v shall W u asPublic recoom. OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA ® B VSQ. FT. SIGNS EfECfRICM, r Licensed Profuaional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CBtCIIR'/MISC. G I hereby ef! that 1 am . cropsBusier fisc the Ca arsons r'a cl. Law My rvo for the rmgruwo. (Satlm)ancorr uamrnm,r Refusions YaryacomtY n r, r�P Irll.iy IEwhich TFJNP.MEfER Oft P(HE (NST.= < wisich require a penrdl b conmum, Jcr, improve, denmmt fi repair ed evuctwe or rep uiconellearvarmgolreatheappicanlfthe Chlmmlmfikaai IIrm Imo• POWER DEVICES he T h(c M1e i ening with euam m the prmvI a of the Camracta(s l.icenue esimms aper Law Ctust 4(camvncncing with Section )000)of DlrLim Jof thcflusircv and Rufeulom Code) \� SWIMMING POOL FIPCTRIC ON or that heir excmPl ih:rtfrnm anal the twain for the.11eged exemgion. My viclamicantifOUTI. Section )031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the appli®II to a civil pmalty of M- SWITCHPSFIXTURES z CC ml mac than five hurdlrl lotus 15500). E)I, asowoeroftlhepropmy,armYempbYcewith wagnutlhebaokcmmpenulion. NEW RFSIDEMIALELECTft _SQ. Ff. STORIES TYPECONSTRUCUON wart, and the eVYClure is mlintendcAear note(Ser.]DI4,Bwloea anllmthe awdo(m i a littme law does ons apply lf am owner of mW PmfeuioIm Coda: Mscmpr vesdresc popersy who buildsaimpmvatheram,andwM deer Susi wmkldramelfmthroughhf, smt intendimofferW fs.wo If, m,Ilwtauchimisand C.GROUP RES. I'ti mebm1dIo vskin oneyevofcompletiogNeowrcf- however, ilihave the varimpmvenw-muhMdcdid W e.). ll have sire W Nm ofpoving IMI Ac did ml hwld a improve for purynse of Qom' PLUMBING PERMIT FEE ale). ❑ I,uoemeroftlme popvty,emezcltuirclycmtr.ctingoiNli¢nvtl rowslm to FLOOD ZONE APN mmtrva the project (Sec. ]Ola. Bte'vm and Profusions Code:) The Contr.ctar'a Licaac lsw Anes;..,Ply. anowmofpropenywhoddldeaimpnovu thcsmTand PERMIT ISSUANCE wlmcanuacla forsoch projects with accn iscarma) licensed pmuant to the Conuarmi's License Law. ALTER - DRAW & VENT. WATER (EA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ Iamexemptunder Sec. ,B&PCfmmivreason BACK FLOW FHOTIM. DEVICH 1 I I SANITARY Y N RI:CEJ PI'N Owner Wre DRAWS -FLOOR, ROOF, AREA. GOND. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL TAX Y 'N Fl%TURES - PER TRAP - I1. ef! tits lluvcacenifirere ofroncntmxlr-irwve,macvtifudc of Wmken'Cargensuian I. aacertified copy ahnmf(See. 3800. Lab C.) whicJi HF.M"0 PARK FTE Y N GAS - EA. SYSTEM -I INC. 01IHETS cava all mmpbyec'a under this permit. PJiry N RECF ,. BUILDING DIVISION FEES Canpany GAS - rA SYSTEMT)VIR 4(A I ) PLANCIIECK FEE ❑ CrnifiM MY iv' M1ercby funJsheJ. GREASEINDUSTRL WASTE. INTERCEPTOR GRADINGFEE ❑ Cmificd copy it fled with tM oily inapvtim Jivisim. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE GREASE TRAP SOILS HE. SEWER -SANITARY -STORM FA. 20017. ENERGY FEE (TM1it saction rxd and be completed ifdu Permit is furore bimAed mlW(SI00) a teas) WATER HEATER W/VEN'DRI-CIR I certify that in the prfmrwm¢ofthe work far which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any penin In any . to as to becr ne subject to the Waken PAID WATFRSYSTEW/T TMG Cxnpm mer E_&wsaf Califi.w Date Mtricsnt Date RncipY NOTICE TO AP%JCANT:If. after voting this CenIfi•.ee of Pxempitm, you ahold NEW RFSIDFNTNL PLMB. SQ, ET. TOTAL: becarne subject to than Wakeri Cmopenwbn prmisions of the Klaus Cade, you tan faNwim comply withand povisiuu or this permit "I W domed ocva4aL BUILDING FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FFE I thereby affirm that there is a csm a ivn tending a6c Y for the pvfumvmce of (he work for which Nu permit is iaual(Sec. BaH, Civ. C.) Irnder's Name TOTAL: nECRIC SEE Lerida Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE 1 certify JW 1 trove read this application and . that dna above information Is erect. Iagrtc mcomply wlN aD clty artl runty arunnrcu and rats lea rtletirmg to PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICALFEE building conared poo, and hereby wthoris nepurntahvpof 1M. city to ester upon tier abw e) inspect ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX IWc)agreemcore if City caCupcnaera ( apace to save C liatdlilie' rnw mTdch y' ywyemmc ag.irmt ssid uid Ci AIR HANDLING UNIT (f010,000 CFT1) in oft it AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVPR 10,t00CFM) UHAUS'T HOOD ( W/DUCID PAID .',store of Appllcun/Cwnamm HEATING UNIT (TO mm BTU) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE One Receip t Will the appliam or future Wilding occopam more a handle havardoua mmerial as dcfmred by the Cuperiro Murdcipal Code. Clasper 9.12, surd Jac Hca th and Safety HEATING TWIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TO Code, Seetim 25532(.)) ID Yes ❑ No VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) Will sire IiconlafutureMmilding a¢'ulmnluw cyui app pan oralericu whichemit hastnmus air cnnWmirwts as dcBnW by the Bay Ara Rif Qwliy Marm.gemrnd D:arictp BOILER -COMP(JIIP ON Il)P,Iyp BTU) ISSUANCE DATE F p p BOILER.COMP(OVP,R 100,000 BTU) ❑ Yu O No VAY NEW RFSIDENHAL MECII. SQ. FT. I Tuve read disc hacardaus mater ala reipid rnts under Chester 6.91 of the 0,9 1994 California Heabb & Safety Cafe, Seclimr 25505, 21133 and 25134. 1 tindersmil Nu if the bro building does t currently have a tevnt, That it Is my responsibility m notify the scupam of thc rcquismcros which must be mel prim w issuance m a Cerificate a Ps/] la I r L, Lit, Occupacy. ISSUED BY: OwaermeuthoriuJ agrnt Dare TOTAL VtYIGt