Ordinance 2344:! ` t i ~"` w ~ ,~ . '~" kZ'~ :fit ~~ ~` SAC ~~ 8'! ,. C1t i~ isx~ ~rArell~i r{~._ ~rae~~l'f~ 4i !~. i~1A~11MM~Ifigll~lrir~~i OY~ y~~rr ~• iii ia~`R~t3, the Citg Qc~eil of the City e±t C~artixro Qid o~ nth dar of ~`+°b~'~'7-, 3963, i'+~as and t R resolx~ti~ ~ tear cage pa~pored station of said targit-0-ra to tare t~t~r of Cupl~~tityof on ah~.rzh Pict Resolutio~i noti+~e or the tom, hoar, az~ place u and irhera way ~esbwn owing real property rit#~in ouch territ.+~ry ao propodod to bey anaeeaced wad having ana- ob~ectioetx ~ the prtposecl anryc~catioa might appear 1~fox-~a t2ge le~isla#~.:~s. boar and sl'~ra~w cau~ae rte ~e~uch territos~r nhauld no1~ be sa ana~=ed; an~3 rtHKR8l1S, said Reaolutior~ ea-e duly, regularly, and lawfully published at least twice, but x:ot Dare ott+es~ than once a see3-., in the Cupertino CouriR.r, a n+earapaper of geners-I eircuiataan published xithin that Gity c.t Cupertino, and i~n~ the Siuirnxirvalt Sta*x3ax~, a neuapsper o!' general circula- tion Xublisaaed ~+i.thin tbt Co•.uttq of Sari#:a Claz+a, the County in -shlch le located the terr~.tory proposed to be annexed; anti ~iHFR.E~1,9, au,.h hearing sae hold pursu~iot y~o aaid txltice contained in aa,1~1 1Rea~ol,:.tion c,+IS the Tfsth day a1 ~3rCh, 1953r at #..h~e tlma and p1RCt fixed therein; atxt gaAS,~ au~~h hearing ~+s,s not lest than Forty ~~~ days nor rwre than ~eixty 460 risys rrr~ the ..ate of they p..asage of the said a~solu- t'tan; and 1~H~tBJk.S, at the said M=ar there were r~ valid protests by ~S` oxner or orinsra oS one-ha1F ~ (1,~2 off' the ~ralue .af the tes~ritozy .proposed to bQ annexea'ay s-ccardltz~ to the last equa~.ixed ae$eaeee~it, roll of the County of S~rs~tat ClaYat, 3tatee of California, and aye detereo:ined 'by thf,~ C±ty Council; and MY~LRS'AS, tht City Counci]. finds that the t~.::tart' proposed to foe a~u+e~red le contiguous to the bouncisrien of the City of Cupe1•tino, and tht~t the saes is unintrbited territory as defined ty. aaid Ooerernrent Coda of C~-li~'orais, and that it is for the bent interest and convenience 01' Cupertino thrt the ~:a~.d territory ba anz~ced to said City o! Ruper- txnos . axe, ?QRS, Tl~B C~.ty CQUncll of the Gity o! Cupertino does t~ereb3r ard+ttn as folloMes ~i~trir~t tbs axuxi~cation af' tr'~a wniahubited territor;~- bsre- .~~ loatt~r a t+a, ;,..~i the await ~.~r heraDy spps~-ved, ~cnd "ta.t r.~.d tsa~ritvs~l. ~, sAd t:A~ cwt t.s bars' ~tatsraced too flat C~td- o! art:aao ~' is rr~ewt ~rcS~ou,La-r3,~ ~ +~taerll~sd as- lo2lraws, to ~* ~ '~ :: g~ +~~~. ~~~~&~~~k~~ 4 SJ ~VI'ii M/~r~y~ at tt~~ ibrt2s-reat corner o:' the 3outhv,est .1~4 of SeeeSon 23, 'H~eashi~+ '~ SautYt, Ace 2 Wept, ~oue~{t,~ Diah2,o Vase a ~r~l~~/ ~s t~'1C1y1,,~~'w ~©f Kw ~? ~ Old tie;?' ~se ie~rly esid~ ~~ ~~ ,+.~ J1 te~ 1/~,/ a ~ta~ ~ta~1~ ~ ~~~ ~e~w~C,r~n ].f.~t$~~ li., ~' Y t~t~it'~cae t~ tsald sty,: a 1t. ~ _ ~., 1~ t~et -too • ~ ~' crass ~t ~ the rr~: tbetr-l~r~ of that a~ t~v.3s a*a~re tract of ~d +~ou~~i bar t+illi+r fit. ~ar~ahan to ~~ IG« ~~, tt wtft,, !;~" Drred datedl ~osrs~er ~, 19~i an!!I • ~, ].i t~ 1.~'r os aal~al ~ac-rds, + f l~,",~~i~~ c ~raC~rn~inty ~corC~-; t2xmoe ~3. ~ c~ ~ ~f' ti., al+rn~g t~ • sres~r l~ off' mat aer~rtai~ St.ao ~ecar+a tract of latxi oon~re~red hj ~fistern 'lxt3e ~~~y t~~~p~~ to ~atees bw Niliiass~-ri, #t sue, by met! rw~r+~d ~~h g, 1 1 in -Hndl~ 5bQ8 of Ottialal Regards, I'a~e 54, San## Ctarr ztjr Aeoords, ~ 1 3 w teat t0 a " iron pipe set at the t~twtb~t roz~ner thereof; thereca C. Oo 26' M,, ~.9i1 t+set to a 2" x 3" l~tb aaadt nail tset in a tsnc#, said tub t~s- i.ng iYt the e~tarly li,n a of that certain tract of lent! Gongetyed ~ls~a~rcordedtMisrtit~amt~3ty~I~ ~k ~$ot Otti~aly~ecoxrdsp ~' ~Ss 57, ~'~ Clara Cov~tty Aecos~Ys - thence cant4reuing alaaug the lmst xrsrad rest~erly line S. 1 19' X., ~~c-.74 meet to an iron pipe at the sauttrrest corner of the last xteveed tract' °ther:a+~e along the ' south~erl,I linen of the last eased tr~rat the tollowi.rsg tMa courses sextd di:etane~es; 8. 89~ l~' 30" Rw, 218.9$ feet to an iron pipe; and thence 3. 760 14' 40 R., 108. ~4 feet to the rso~etheaat corner oP the leaf naeoed tract; thence 3. 690 54' H. , x1onR the sostttts~iy line of that certain tract off' lazx! conveyed by Rrthur M. k/allace, et wc, to Bd-ward liw Haachert, et ux, by Aeed recorded {august : ~, , 1859 in Hook $52,3 of 0fticial Records, Page 113, Santa Clara County Records, 31?.~Q Meet to an Sroa~ pipe set at the southeast corner thereof; theme along the easterlyy linEt of the last named tract i N. t~ 10' 8., 235.19 feet to an ~.ron pipe at the northeast coaYeer ~ of the 1~sst naeaed tract; tt'eence: N. t?o 10' Ts. along the easterly j line at that certain tract of larx! conveyed by MargarFt L. Bricksot+, et al, :c> Ser.-r~- 1C. Qrl ttith, et uz, by Deed recorded February ~8, 1961 in Bock 508E of Official ?records, Page 257, Santa Clara ~'sunty Reaaxrds, to ~:he intersection thereof Mith the s-estttrly prc-longectian of Cbtr nc~rtherl,y line of that certain 1.401 acre tract of land convelyed to Frank A.^.e3, $t uz, by Deed rQCOrdeci til~utit 3, 1961 in IiooY 5?.52 of Ott~lcial Records, Page 126, t3anta Clara Cow-~Ly records; thence from the Ise;t na+sad intersection ~-t:tex~ly along ttie 1.asi: t~raed Masterly prolongation to tttc northeeest corner of said x..041 acre tract; thence along the boundary at said 1.041 acre parcel the ta32rneing tKO courses aced distances South 170.00 teat; L-l'eence ka$t 59.20 feet to the inter- section thereof eeith the westerly ling or that certain 1.~?19 acre (Bross) treat of land conveyeC to Nick Montesano, et ux., by Deed rtsaorded 1M-r~ah 25, Sg5'y in Hook 375$ oP Offi~rial Records, Page 6?2, Santa Clara County ReacorRls; thence ~. 30 14' 30" B., along the last natr~sd Mestarly 1lnR, 203.@2 feet to a 3f4" iron pipe, sal.cl iron pipe also brrisag the sc~st nox~theriy corner of tha~~. certain 1.124 aerrt ~~gr~asre) tsnaot of lrtxand ooneeyed by T. B. 8cleae;.dt, et ux, to George Bw Ia~ta!!, st wc, by Desd rveeot*ded 3eptet+ber 14, 1960 in 8boic 4g~ of OttlEial Asa~lt , Page t-72, Santa Clar+tt County Ae~ , = c~osds; t2 !Y~ said cross . piye along the mrtharh+ and sesterly ~ ~ , hp~ at asa~'1 .fit t tsyust, the tolio~r se-~ and ~ ~ ; sia~rrotsts: ~« ~ s .. -.i~'.!~ rr+-t,~ ' ~. c~ ~, y, ~ .~ f)1 °k`* ~ ~,~.. ~a ... ~{ ~s _ ~y ~ .^1115 ~ .-pf / y d! .. ~R ` /•~ .. + SR ~. gyp.,. ~, ~+lA,~ , JS r M ~ ~ ~ ,_s_~ ... _ ..._ . _ .. . ~. 'f: ..~.~ ~ ~~ ''~. aN1.~3 t+aQts tl~et~e.'~. ~' 4~ ° ~-,, 4+'x.5$ feet; an-r Lhasa ~. ~° ~l `~` ~., ~,.f~j feet to a ra-i~.::r: ~c!tie-:ne~ltdrriine of Lits~ ~; th~te , ~~' ~~~tMtst+lr~t asang th. +asnta 2t c-:c - Andy hax~ .the ~allon~r~, . ~`~° ~l~a ao~ te~t~c-es s 11t. 39 ~ ~"~ $., !asst f tb11t yt, 6~~`"' ?'~~ ~ lt~t; ~ axed theme ~'~ test to a ip oust aL ~ e~c~~xttrasterly asor~eF of tit oet~talr~ . _ _ _ .. . ' t +of aqa by ~obat ~, Aikore'u~, et +~,~ tq- ~.. -;~. 84hs~ldt,, Ott ~, ~~r 3rd x4soa~1~ J~prf~. 7, a955 io Book 3~ at trttsc~al ~`< ~eaords, Pie 1l53~ manta Clsrr t~aa-tyr ~ueaarda; is ala~g trig + +sasterl,~r lie of the labct ndsbd txrsdct lrorth, 7"~'d„~ fort to a point in the eat~--thtirrl~ 13ne o« that ~cax~tain 22.OL1 sere ~ tract of land QoAVe~r~Od by $. gear' to Neal ~C„ 4°tlde%~: et al, by DQad reCOTds~d ,laxly `~, ~.~'.~ in Hoo1t ~j24~ tx! QrtfiCia.l. $1 "~Ot'da~ ~'aj~1! 2~, 38Tt'~a CIaA's COUnty $e!COx7K~s j thersca ~ ~!. ~ $~ 5y ~ X„ along this ow~tstherly _. liens o!'. eau! -22;t~S sore . ~rsat~ to the owst aauths~sterll-. corner .. thie~eot; thsnce txrrthYsrly ahxasg this so-et ~,euater~,lr ?-.itse of said x,00 ar.x:~ tract to trio interseatS.o~n tbereaf with tba w~th~arly , ~ . line of that certiain $,QK3 acrz tract of land deaax~lbed sa parse]. f tao, convened by Riabatrcl lioeftel, et uxt, to Roaar~.o Cull by~ De®:t , ,;~~-;,: recorded Avgva t 20, 19~'t' in Rook 1~5 ot" Otti.c 1a1 R+~issirde, ~.' Wage 2~0; ' . Santa Cl~ax'a County Ret`.al~ds; tb+re~e along the ~south~ly and Mester~ly 3suuscsdaMes of e-aid $.Qt? acre tract the folls>«~trsg tao ~ courses and dietax~^eas 3. $9~O 55° 1~, ~$,f feet to s 1 iron pin; and th~ne® N. O~y 22' B,, 980.9 feet to a 1" Iron pin set ax the northrorest Gorntr of aaYd B,OC acre tract, said point alsa belzsg the uscet northeast corner of the aforeoentioned 2^,OCi acre treat oP 3anr~; theme along the northerly line of said 22.Ot) acr~• tract 3. 89~ ~ 55.' ~.-. 973.23-~-f'eet~ to ttae point o2' be,~,srinsmg. 4 Containing 3~6. f~ scree ox land, more oar 1*a,aa, and being ~a par ~. ts'.c~ of tl,e ;3outts~eat l~k caf Section 23, Tosvmah ~p ~ Sotnth, Range 2 Weft, ~011nt ,Diablo ~®t: and t~ridian. i, ., .~~~ _,Y ., 'Y' Sect~.o1~ 2. Pyrauant to the provisions at` ~t.he said t~ove.rnc~nt Code oxe mate of CuliPos:'nia, the City Clerk shall axed ha: ie here- by directed to File Mith the Ser:retary of Stags of Ca~.itorn3a, s +c+ertiP'ied copy cif this fJrdinance tsansed~.a.tely upon the sa~.d gsndinance becc-minE, effective. $ect:~o~,.,~,,,~. Tit S1I expenses of prucee~llt>ga for the annexation ~~f the`~a~d uninhabitet~ territory be paid, ark! that the sense be an3 whey arse .hereby allowa~d. $ec:tion ~. It any rection, stsbseetion, s~•iite~Ce, clasa~se, phra~re or Pow c-n +~ thin Ordi.x~wunce ls, for ~ re$:~on, heic~ tra ~e uncon:ti- tutiorsal, veoid, or Invalid, by ar~gr cavrt of roaipetetxt ~ur~.x~diction the validltY of the reeaining portion of thin Ordinance shall not tie affected thereby, Intr+alsxae~! at a regular tigg o! tri+a CSt~r it or the ~,`ity ot. Ctxpss~tino oxx the _,~~ ~da~r Qt 2953, and - ~ ~ . • ~r ~_ f A i ak ~~, •_' .M~ at 8 x~:•~ ar+ee~.7.rr$ n~ ~~ ~~,ty Ccr'»~l1 an fi:he ~ dot i ~a~Mdlrr arNA,- ti~„- i~~srttt ~~l1~s ~ `• ,: _'C~tipr~i~ men: , ~j~r ~ 1 r _ ~t~ ~1~': ,A~F~'RO\~l:fi~ ~': ~L~xr~nce K, 1~a~rtin .._~~y~......._..~._..~..........~.~. v._... ---~- Y(}s' 4 n i'4 t <.~