Ordinance 226 ' ~~ :, ~ ~.~ i ,t ,JiAJ-u7 iii ~Qrt'.~~i ~I ~ R°A~~i'Al +"~' ." ~r~ try' ~'ir~i~ iAC3 ~ PQRTZaS~ dF ~~GTs'~? ~'!~ ~~~ ~I'A~' ~1~~ '~AAE 1CLL'~I~![ ~r~~, air tl~ia 7th ,r~qr at ~t~x~a~r, ~+~3, tyre Cit~r C~o~u~tSt1 ~P the ~tt~ got Ito d~~t pwpMa rem ade~-pt R+rr~CO3.~xtic-s~ lic-, b$9, iai~- tiatiAg proc+~er~~.xags ~ ii~s ~ ~aa-i~i.aQn +md wing notic~- of the p~roprraa3. t~ +w~cclseAt-e a p~-rti+en at nrataa'ba~bite+i t~arritory t'roac the CitP', aei.d t~-xrri~'3' ba;t~g thisw3~a tl4~ri~ttad ,cta"RAE F~:C~STOI~ fit-$'~, and cantaX~.ng iieacription c-t tehe bauradariss a-t' terrltoxy so pr .posed to b~ exclud~sd sand rec:tti.n~ r-eaac~na there.~ar, and Y~E.aS, prior to the adopfiion of a a1d resolution, a i"c~~-arab?-e~ ~.•~port bir file $oundary Co~mia~e.l.o~: of the Cu~~rtty r~! Santa Clarra '~raa recei~red by tae City om J'~mue-.tYy '~, 1.963, i,rd id~t~FA~, the City Cour~ail of txs~r Giia of Cutpe,rtin~o did by ea9,d r~cealutic;n No. b$9 dive notice of thrs time anc3 place for any permcrn oxning regal property 'arithin ouch territory r;+o p:~ispoa~ad ~'to be e;~zc]uded 3 and having rftny ob,~r,Gtion~ tc *h~ p: opoaed excl4siop~~o 1: ile writl:an ...~, pz~oteat ~-howin~ caner: wh~- reach territory ahoul.danot b~c sso ~axcludad, '`"r ' t _. and 1~iE~3FAS, said reaolutuion eras duly, regularly tend lawfully ~ubliab.ed once i» the Cupertino Courier, the oPS'1 cial nekf~peper oS the City, aZ.'idavit fur whl.ch is on file with the City C].crl: of the City of Cupertino, aar--d ~r~EA.S, bush heruing wag ti•ld iu accordance with 'notioe contained in said reeolutuloa oe~ t.be ~.th day o! ~~rbrv.~, 1963, at the figs a~xd plaoe tined tbereian, and i.TAS, euab ber-rl.n~ +xae held nc~t lea. tbaa t~,tenLT i20~ dalrw after receipt est Rhe ~t'oraaaid report tree theQovutT ark ~~ ~ ~. ~" `~'' i meth ~ g ~+ a. ~+~. • ,3!`)'' ~ ~.. >t.yx. ~: Py~" ~_ to thttl ,Y,9l~t ~QN~a1.3.~id al~Z1t Z'i,jl ~.f th4 CQ~I,~ AQ Santa ~.a~`sy ,~. ~;~ ~'~t0 Qf ~-~~f`i»"!~l/f !~'l+it 1~ l~ria-"`~sl1Ad by ~"'.td Qif~r Caa~r~ail., ~,: . ~~: ~ ~~$ ~~,~ .the Ci'tY ~a~~l ti th~tly ~~~. ~i1a~! poor't~o~ d~' ~ t -. ~" ~,~'~ ~~'~ ~~#~L to M'k"A~,~ .~'Y'~ue~ '~Mi ~' ~+1- ,h , ~~ ~r ~;' ~,~+~+ wit ~~~- t~ a td ~# N~ tat it 3~t ri.:, ,~.- .,, ~:. ~t. ;~ ~1`~ 1~sst 3~~r~;~ ~~~~~ ~rai~r ~aa~2~t~f°a~s ~k p} ~', -~,~r dt tie ~i r '1~+~"~ d~a;'l~ 9~ ~sd. ~r 1b~- aata~t~t axi+d ~~; , +~ oP Qx-t~uo. s R~ . ~.~~.. ~~1's ~~-~~~ t~1r C''~t"f ~c-aad:tl 4~ th~r ~Wltr of ~ti~- +~di`aR ~`,: er;,, ~`eby oal'"t1Ai1~ as lollale~a3 S,~r+~t is mhat tb-s portion o! uuinhabi'~ed td~rritor~t' ddfi~ated ~;- ae nr'tae F,.-cclusion 62-din be and the saa~ ie hereby ssc~c2.tsdsd £rom s . ~~ the ~:Lty a2' Cupertion, mots ,~~tlculitrly deecrfbeci i.YS r..~7thA~+it "A" attached hereto and atade part hereof. } gaatioxa 2s That there w,~re no expanses of the Ci~"~r tors 2'uci~litiea t or' in~rnv~-mentb on th® property ezcl•tded nor irate there s..~„ takes or debt~a c:untracted by the City in r $gard to said land prior to ~~ it8 ts]CG111lI~OIls ~ S©ati<~~: What pur~auant to gectiou 3.55b1.~ a1' the G~+e~e~rr3n~ent ~" Code Uf th.~: estate rf Celifurria, the M1ty Cls;*k: is hereby authoritsd y and directed wo .file within ten (10~ days aSt~:~ enartn~nt of this e 4 ~' ordYsnee a eertifier~ copy of acid ordinance xith the SeeretgrJ o2' ~` Snare of tY,e 4~:ate of C~ ~Lxarnie and wr9.tk~ tkae Bvarr~. oP ~'~uperx~ juts ; } of 5sata C3ars Cau~aty. 3X~TAOT'UO~D a1 a rsgult,ar aa~eeti~.~r, of the Oita Counc4l of the Oity ~, .,~, s~f Cupsrt~.no, on February 4,, 14G3, and I~.C'T~'A ut a regular ~etixsg .. oat' they City Council a! flat, Ci:tY a! G~irartima, thin ~~~^ day +at' r ~ ~~~,i ., ~,S~~r 1- J~, N7:x..~~r. ~'%k~k'fk~r,~o- ~t d i ~~.-~P, .;I}, i#N:. ..,~,,•n y~~x r ' ,:~ ~i~ p psi q'y~s<` ~ t; T ~N. '~.: . ~}„ . ~~ Ll ~ tf :' „ At , ~,x ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~ `,~ . ~.i ~ 1l~,Xl~X d ,~~ti. 9~ 1 `I ' ~~. vrb3 . ft t~ :F 1 ~ ~ 1. }~, S ' 't +;~kM1~- ~'~ •`~ t y `R'iR~ t~ '~ ..s a ~ 'r'a~.. ,w4 {~..* .f>+-A~ -t a,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ -. 2i -~~ SEAS ^ 34 "d+ ~n.~tYe' y i ~~ ti i~~ f ' }