Ordinance 220, 220(a), 220(d)f CIi v pit C'UPER".~`INO ~.: ~; r ~ ,,,~... . o~xx.~c~s ~~. 2~0, 2~0(~ ~ , ~~o(~) end CI~R~."AIN PARFt?T:.'~PH i G:~ d T~INAZiCE N0. Ot ~'' (R ) RR~iU' ,~'.'I`ING Tti~: Fir.S2JE~II'IAL uC;;ES Urs~itvd-r~ce The fol'tawi.nf; Ls a c;oncnllatfon of t'.:e valid require- Sec..:Psra. mentu and provisi.cns of tLe afor~a~:id Ordiran.~.:e;~ of -the City of C•apertino. Rc~, cinded or re~3~ced state•- ;lert a 8re t~~a1 tte. d . THE CIT'X C013NCTL OF CU°ERTINt? DOTS O:iDAIN AS FOLL(1WS : hMENDMENT ~ {~ ';~I•Cl i:l~ :? ~ E' ~ ~ ~ . U~~~ I~c:1:1~ i !^,~ {lt`(j i 7k3 S1f '~ <~ ~ (: 3)1r a T!u t. ~ ~ 1 ;Y ,:;ante C?. r,: -~ Zcryi r t~.'~.: i:~.a: ~.F r;~-1~:~;~a .'.n ~~ i f~.r t, ~s ref tits d8tc c:' t.nt ir.cz~ri:cj:^~'.i~..:-, cf `; F Cil;f -..F C~r~ertSr.;+ ~E hereby rrcxlJ,Cted a~:d a^:~.r.:li:ct t~ Ltlt~ ~rc~r.:sJ.4~azs of than Ch~~fr.aT~ce. :Y i.:~E` event +~~" 1rcG.ry.3~tc-nc,ie~, the p~r•avi~ icnr: r:' :.., ` C-r• ~ _ ~~--~:.~:e zlaa l :. prevt~i 1 . I:: the abaer~ce of 1~t3~?u~:....r.icrz~ L;; tYi~.;. '_':dinar:re, the prc:•,ri- sior-a oY` t ~~e ,`'~r;t.3 C3ril~a Ct~>>;ll.y i~rc'ltrancc~ Na-I2`}~ aQ iL M3~ in ef't'eet nri C3cLr~ber ~;~ 11,5, xt~ll re.:.ain Ir. .full f ;rc,Q t ~.~ affect. P.EPF.ALIIvC CL~UaE 22C~ Ox~:finance Nos. 196 and .~1t3 are hEr~:by ~•eFiea'led Lis of 2:1 the effective crate o" t:tli~ Crdir~crc;e. DEPI~T3".; i^N 21t' 31r~1~~~miJ~Dwellin~: A Uuilciing cox-txir..tn, b~:t axle 3:1 lc,itche~, deniEned aru! used '.o b~~use rust more t`~ax~ oz~e laalYx. 3s':~ :~ d,~s~, . a~+Q. rr~d to ~ ~ r ~ fro ~'~ ~ . ~~:1ir~, 11,~'iq( ids ~eti-,~ t~L' +e~+sb oar . +Y~(~}v:r~[,p6'o~rr~~~ l'~. ~+I'h~~~'`';R"~-: +?s7F7s~iR~fAii'{M1~ ~n~'~":i7gIF.,.~~~'`Syif'j~t e;~' `i~tX';,a'»~sr~G~a', ~v~`~'.,.., ~! «'1.~- ' Ul?PrINZ'Z'x:XNa (continued } 2Z~ ~~t"t~;c'a-~ ~s~~ : ,A b.~' lding de 1~~-ied a.~.:i used to 3:3 hGtwst~ ~chrc~e ~or mc~r~~ !'~crailie~G, 1!vi.n~, inde~mndantly of ~agah athe. . ~2tJ(a~ Lea+cs; "Lot" ~2v~1:~ mean ~, parcel r~r p4~•tion of land sep- 1:1 =tr~ated f"rom ether psrce.la or portlor..s by cicaoript~on ~r~ +~i~ a ~ubdiviaion or reer~•r9 of aur~r~y map ar bq m~ ` ~m az~l t~o~.;ryda far purpo6e of aril ~~ ; le$ag ar ~ ae gate use R~Ul,rk' fiIONS FQR SIPICILE FAr+ix.%Y UW~;LLING (R-.]. } X20 PIo perscsn shall construct nor shall an<y tentative a~4 it :~! final map b.~: ap~rcved nor. applic~-tion f car b~zil.din~ p~r•- mit be ~rant~:d for S.in~lf. Ram11y Hesidentl~~a Uitzt:.ri.c~: urile~s ox• until the :c"r~171c>w,i~n~ minimum lc~t sta:~darc:r~ Uer unit are comUa:j.Ari ~rft.:~~ , The follawin~ regula.tis~n~ mli,a~.l at'~ply s.ra aa1 ?~-.1 ni~- t.t'].Ct3: a . Uses Pe. emit L-ed On~~ ;a.) fara~l.ly c?wc1?ir.~. b . Lui idiz~ Hel~tit i.icr~it Pao a*ructure shall c_r.:.eed ar~c:~~':z;d-rr-~~~-~?~:slf `~~;} ~sta: ien r..r txpr~ty.-fi•re ('~) f~:et '~n t.eignt, Mh~uh- ever 1~ the leaser . l~c~cesscsr~ fl;.~i~±~ ~ rgs : .SixLr:ef~ (16} feet;. c . H;iildir~ S1te Area fteyutred : Seventy-f~..ve hundred ~75~0) :~q~x'e 2'eet w (Note) I1' 50 percent flr mare of t}'~e ]at:s in any single tract face or. a curvilirY-a^ s±reet pm: tern, a reduetlarz ai' 5 pPr~srnt of rhr r-et area per lot; in firm±~ ted. d. Zit u~:atr,: Seventy (7G) feet at build!.n,~ set--t;acx l;~ne exc•e;tc that on a ~.+al-de;-aaa s9.xty (f~J) feet is ~~+:raaStte~l, providia'.g ,~ald lat be a minimum cf z.i~.xe thau~az~.d e . flax~,ou~ ~u3.1dS tag ~: wrsrage ~~tfl~ p~r~s~rt at lob a-~w. f . ~d~ Yaz~t ~fst-~~ak s ~aa +~.!' b~.~iq~ try ;Cro~-t p~aq~rt~ ifns a 1 j. yy i ~~#~ ~ ~~ N~.F= ~. ~~ ,, r-, F lii`.':~~i.re' 'iV::, ~ ~1F; ,. , fi:i ?. ~ L';,',n"i ~~.~~~ Pr~i~i ~'(i ~:i•-.I 1 f f.`,QAt.~riLIG~C{ ) :yititc: a~u,•~.s ~ r:., ; 1 t;:t,~.l t~:-t ~.e~c trxan tw:rrxty (20) 4. ~ :'c3°cex:~~~ , ~` 1,~:.. " t.'.; w~td,~.h. and :::, yar r^.ry be leap ,fir tia~n ;_1.:: ;~i~ :~~:.L. ':t...F:•. (:y} 1'ee:: ah~t"!.~ Da ~c~detl ~~~; t~~ ec~ti:!'a z~eq:.~ir•c.:? 8 ~~E ,j~:.'.'•t: t'cz~ ~.:::ct'a atary ttbo~te tL'~e ~` i'a.rat atcr~• on ate. t,~:1ld~.n~ , 't'he a1.d~ ~•~ rct oz~ L'ta~ ~tYrs:e: side ct a Go:~ner lot ahi~ 11 b~: ;~,:~ :; ? c ~;~~ ~ ~:.~~ :• ~:~rc~:'.•re (7?_ } feet .• h. Rear Yazd Trrc~.nty i F~* ! ~:~ } ~r twenty (~•U) r c:rc~nt ~~_:' :iat rt4~p~i.;h, wi:i^,:~~ ;rc}.r~ :.~ firer *:er , cr a rear v$:~ci eras, c,f r:c't ?r. ~~ tY,ar~. t<wc?aty i,i-~ac::: t.h,~ x;idtiz of t3~e~. let glue ten ~;10 } per ;etxt . t3U'? (q) 1. ftu2,Crrt~nbile Far'l:ir cz3: j : a Two (2; ~az~Fig~9 p+ex' 11vix~g :xrilt . (P'or genera ~. re- ~uir~pc:ents, ae,=: Ordinance C+C7?(gl. } IaErl'il.u~`1'TUNS r'aR DYTF'.;~~;~$ (H-2-'.-.} X20 2Jr~ pe~~sc:,n ~-.ha]1 c~~zxstru~; t .Tea. sra11 arty ten;:ative or 5:1 final. ma~~ Le ar~cz~o;~~~d nc,r applicatlorz far bua. ~d2np, pLrm~.t bE: gra;:t?d fir dut~a~,~c di^i;rlct dW•~llin~s un- .e.ls car ~ar~'., i. 1. c,1e fcllc>av~_.~, r~~.ni;~um. ' of etanr',~,r~~!;~ ~r U2li* aT°C' cvmpl~ed klith. The fo).:l;~wir.f; r,-.:~..'~_ta.~~~n^ :.;4:i1 ?~;Y73' .in al": R-`'-H .District:; b. 3uilcaing, Hci~hL i:;c~it: Ong a tee: ;) rc~~ to exceed ~ ixtee» (1G) fact i,~ t~? ig ht~ . ~~U(n; c . NiirxY.nr.~m Fsriil.d~.r. ~~ite .'1r~:•.~ Rcyu:~.r ~~, 1='~ 19yn{niur, yot size shall ~e ::~.gbt;;~--f.7.vQ hu.a~.lred (~C7; squ3Y•e feet T:E3~ area far ea,+~h tti~~~ (:' } fat:~j.iy dwe,1- i ~ unit . 2fl d. GG`'~ Width: b~ :lri ;S~Verrty (?~) feet at btai id i»g sei:-2~.~Gk ll.zle. V ~C• ~$ . ~xlt~4ttlp ~.~. ~.d~.l:.~ ~rOPRl,1"A~'! `~~_~ ~ 3I~~ { ~ti ~- ~~tr~ttt at ~ lob atz~em,. ,~ - , ~~~ ,ay '.ra.k~-.,3,. .r..r. ~~ .; ~ 4"-~^:°.~~61~7'++?~ ~#_ '~Y'''. _ ~tiF~; ,~, , ~~ ~. ~ se~"x.~.r'~A;:r$Ni`.l '~,s; :.~.'.. REGULA".t'.iG':... ~'Ok't DUPI~Y.ES {R-2-~H j {ec>.,.~irucid) g. 39de Y:~.~d~ Sidi yaxhti~r sh.;~Y:;. ;,ot3~ riot 2e~~ .::~n aie:nt oP thc~ 1•rt, ~wi.~i:::,, dnc no ~:~~xe In t:t~n ~'! 7[ ~~} 1•~~ii r nj.~ l~S~.e y~-rd C1n di` eras carnGr Scat e.~ll b+i not leee rua~t trd ~y be leans tt~ ~strr•eet B~.de than twe lv~: ~ 12 ) h . Rilar 7[a-rd T~-n6T {~O) feet, or twenty {2C} pe=•cent Af 2c~t di~ptt~. 002 { q) 1. A•utomobl.le Park~.ng 3:~ At least ane {1} gaa~age ®ha11 be provided for each dove?,Sr~g Lnit, p1~ 112 ,parking Bpace per dwelling unit. {l~`or general ~~egt~irer~ent8, Bee Urr2. Q02{q). } RECFULATiUNE F~(11t APAR~'NL?NT H0~tJ3E3 {R--3-E~) ^~'U No persor- shaY'1 co~rstr~ct,, o~~ ~sr~azl any tentative or final 6:1 map be approved nor applica~~tl.o:~ for bui;ding permit be granted for aru7.tiple dwellings a~aart+~:t:t dietr1.ct dwe]'i_ 2r~~s unless or ~u~til the f:~l:lor:l27g s~~inimu.ra lc~t .standarda~ . pea:• unit are ct~mp~.ied with,. Th~~ following regula t ~ cns shall apply ~.n a.ll R-3 _H Di~~trict~3: 220{ra } 1 :3 .~,: a, tlsea Permitted npar~t:aeht hawses of three {;~i } dwelling us~.its or more . h. Bui:lc'tin{~ Heights Pow, {!~) stox•1e:;, but nc,t to exceed Feet;. Structures in exep~s ~f four height may bP approved $ub ecL to t. a Uee kerRiit, a~plica':,.'..on inr which the Planning Coma:~ssiUtY and granted the C: aunt i l . {4) ~atoriea in he obtaining of shall be made to by ^esolution Gt' c . 1:K1rii mrim Lot Area ~liriimur.- lot; size sha~:t1 be ninety-three hundred ty300) s~~~aare feet net area for t:he first three {3) units. S~rr each addl.tional unit over three (;~), ttaere shall be added an adc~itl.3i~al 1 ow~ta:en hundred { 1400} s,~uare feet txet area. A g3•aph ie ~~ttached hereto anr~ made part hereof a+~ Exhibit "A " ~"ar ':he purpo$e of det ~r- a~.i.nlttg tbo agproximats rusmber off' unite peranie~8ible~ an at~r ~~ a,~ea e~:ut ~aac ~6 ~. - Thy a~,l~atwian. off' the , +~ ~e ~ ~oaci~d~cac~~~a ~r,~tb t~t+ toraga~~x~i ~#~ #t~'~MM' ,~ ~..~M~aiL '_x~q+~G~M+rf~ti#-a aA~l ~t'~ti ,s:~4t' dot~t+~~ ~ ~~ oatthtt ~~ ~t Cit~~~- r+y ,ia.,,,~s, ',ta~; ,.. ~ "R~% ~'' *:~~ d['t?~yjr~a~'1~~~.t~tJ4".~,, a~.,.~ ,y,,~a~t:-x :d,~~-„ ~ '?' .~y}~1~~?h;{ark~~~kte~. A~3t:;TK4".Cl.^~IS r''?n "_ t.r".'.~`•i~'~~' ~OU~E:•. ~" :_~_,y ~ rroxiti nuc~d • ~ ) 220 d. Lot K;~Lh: bald ,3e~r+snty' C70) f'e~t a'; t~u,ilcfir.~ s~t•--ba+~k ~.inm. eta . e. l~txii!ttlrri Fs..~i'~~an,; Cvr'era;;e . arty (40) percent. f . FY'ant Yard 'Ttnt~ty (:~O) Feet . g. S~lde Yards 8S•de yards shall tet$1 nQt 3t~s$ than tMenty (2~) percent of tha lot wi.dtili, 8nd no yarrrl msy be leas tl~tn six (6) feet. Ti-rc,e feet s~»3.Z be added to each required side yard for each t~ i axy aba~`e the first s::ory on any building. The side yard on. the street side of a corner tut eY:all he rot less t:~an twelve (I.2) :; eet . h. Rear Yard: Twen~~y (2U) feet c~^ t•~•anty (20) percent +~f lot depth. 002. (q) 3. Automobile Par}tl.rg ~ :~ At 14ast one: (1) garage ~',~al? be Frovi.ded for each dwe113.nb uri.t, pl~a~. orz~: (1) ,~a.rk.ing apace for each dwAliing unit. Parking s~;ace stall not be provided in the re ,u.i red franc yard . (r'c~-r general rE gaits - m~• nt a , see Ur 3 . OG2 (q) - ) 002 (q) That the locat~.o:~ of parkir:g ax'eas sha? 1 be deter-~ 3:~a minas by the Arch.itc~ctu.°31 and Site Control Com-- rnittee pursuant tc~ Oa^uinance No. 00'2 (f) of the City. ARCHITE+^TUI: ~L AiJ'J STT~. AY~'fitOVAL 220 ~`he provisions of Sec* i c•ns ~ :1 urul ~ :1 shall nc~t be 7:1 de+~r~ed corapl.i,ed with anti?. the aFplicant S.n eve,: ,r rase has camplSet, with tr,•~ Arr'tilr•ectaz~r~3. ax:•d Site 1:pprvva~.s of 4><'dinan+:.e K`o. OG^ (f j as ~~.c^pnded . 220 Wi.thiLt thirty (3U) days 8f ter filing hf tt;e applicst3c~n =2 for .rezone or witY-in such period at, may be agreed upon by the applicant arxi the Y.lanr~ing CummisE ion, th+t; P.fan- nin~ Commission shall -rake its recortrnexu.a` ion to the City ecuncil together with a~~eh cor~dltioru3 as 1t deeara apprapr.late. The Counc~,l shal3, then process tuadar the ~reaot:ixag pe~c~cedudrea of Ordinance No ~ ota2(a) (Ravie~d. j • --~+_ !~ ~,: , '+:r~ •Yti+~•`.~.w:,Mi?~"}ti115t'".~IRi'!~"Nr~v.~ ~aii~~A.vV~f+~~rri~•h.~l.+~!~'.Y 4~: '.~qr;...t.. '~ 1'+ ... .. i. ,.,w. •s~'ji~' . vi, +e~.:Jrjfpf~'.4`~r~:•~.'•.r•.a ~Y.~'.:' • . ~• "Et3~SC~3t ~A(d) prdi.~tnce No. :~ ~, ~.s ~~m$rd~:d, prohibiting ~ce~rtain land l a~. users rnr rpeid;:r,:,~._ :. ::' ~trict4, h~:i~:} ~~].e ramixy ~(R-1), dupl~+xes {H-2 •:~) ~n•~ a, a.~c;r,cn', h~uaes {~»?w1~~ eshal l be affbotife Por L-hA n~:riod from trio expi.-°atioz~ da:;~ thereoi' to sad i~tcsXud.'rf; 3MFtrerber 17, x97, ~~' t~ti.l :•eFe~xed. by the passage oi' ~.~:~: p:»rpot:: •i pesnxneat cs~ni~ ardilru~nae. UR~ICY CLAUS. . -~ 2"20~d) Pureu~tr~t to tiection f58Cw o.!' the Orw~riitnen± Code c-f the 2 z]. State of Ct~.lifnrnia, ~..~; ar~~~cte~i, 9~'ter duly held rwtieed pobliG hraring, this ordir~.nce ib ansciAe:d by a four-3'i.ftha vote of the C qty Council a.3 a temporary interim zon.i-~xg . ardlnance i'or the purpoaeQ of prohibiting the uses e,nd regulations of land wi.tt'ii~i the Cit;y that might be ;.r~, can- , Flirt with the FArmanent ordi:~nce herelraPter ref~:rzed bo. ~'he city staff has r-repared s draft of the permanent zoning ordinance, and *hE wcrk ant ,preparation of the final drai"t ie presontl.y being performaci. ~'UHLISHING C LAUSl. «:3(~. j That the City' Clerk be an~3 he hereby 1$ a~ithorized and 3:1 directed to cause c.~pie3~ of th.s Ordinance to be pub- . liahed at lea:,r once ~•r{ r.nin fii'teen (l5) days at ter its e~aoption i.n th? Cupert':~•, Coux~:.er, the official nee+s- paper o.f xlle City tit' Cupertino. cE'~'ERA.BILITY CT~AL*al~. 224 T:~ any seetioti, sub5ectiun, sentence r clause c.c~ phrnac ]0:1 oS thls Ordir~anc~i is fcr an;~ reaso:~ held to be unconati- tutiona~, such rle,cision ~:.za' 1 roc affec ~. the validity of the remain~.ng pofti.rr~., c+i •th1s Urdirance. The legSa- lative body he-r. eby de c 1e fie s the ~ it woy~:ld have p4; seed this ~ardinax.ce and each sect~.o~, subsectio», sentence, c lease or phrase :hereof' , irrespective of ihr• fer t that .any one or more sections, subsections, ~s~ntencea,. c3aus- es or phrases be declared uncanstitu41~na1. ~2A ORDTNANC$ Np. 22A =i~1TRQDUCED AIhD ENACTFS~ at a r+agular ~ne~rtin~ of the City Counci]. of the. City o.~ Cupsx'ttxvo, tb~ loch ~!e-y or ~sipt~ag-er, x96?. y-,, , tt~ ~`oal+arst~ ~ro-te . .. ,~ ~'s Gorrnoihl~eas. Ae~rpst:r, ~anah, ;~a~~-, Jwrwtt ~ . "7R':''le', ~3 'Y~fw'•~. .f:,4s , ~~~~ ,~•i ~, }'- s.~- ., ~~~;6 .r ..•~r,+j~.,:~ . _ "~w,-, ~~i~~d .%;., -~3~'. 'y. .... - .r 22~~(a) URI;I:Kaiw.E hQ. 22C (a } ::i;~'_'RO'OUCED E~'~::.~ ;::1+: ;. ~r~~ at a a:°~~,;;lz:~ar rnee~2ng o: ::hs ~;l,t~; Coun~~il of t:~:: f:~.~ wy of . :~i~~:tin~ay thie l'Tth day of December, 1~.;2, :~~~ t~',-p • go1lo:.lnF ~vot+e AYES: Cour-ci7.-re~n: Fsrich, .~t~t~rttt, 5aich, &:~netti t~~QF,S : Cc-une i].a~n : None AASEI~ : Cour-o ilmen : Dempa~:er 22O(d) OftDINAt+TCE i:O. c2O{d ~ I?~7.'RGJUCEA A2~ F.ti'ACTi'~ at a regular r.~tting or tY.e CS*;~ Council of the Ci*y of Cupertino, than 21st, day of Decer:i`~~r, 196, h•;~ Llhe following vote : AYEa : C~ounciia~~~a : ~Jempster , X'~tzy_er~3ld , Na~:l, Stokes, ~'ineri NUES : Count ila~n : Norse APSEN~' : Count 1.lrnen : None AT`.~I:~:T: /s/ Pau? F'. Fin~.t-. Mt2;~or, Clt.;~ of Cupertino •~~~ /s,~ T,~.iwrence K. N1~trtin ..,. ._....__C 1 ty C lark _~__ I hereby certify, tha*, this is a true cumt~ilal;icn of all parts, valid on .~a;:uary 11, 19t~•5, of Ordinances No. 220, 224(a) and 220(3) on fi?e i.n t:he a3't'ice of the ~~'ity C1-erk of the City of Cupertino, ~:alifa.rnia. Cupertino, Janu~~ry 11, 196 Lawr°nce~f~:..-M,aritln -----+---~ Cii;y Cle ~•k ~r ..7 . n ' Xr4'}F-' y~j,ly~i:~~ wr` ^ -.~. ,. --r~rs~w~,~,. , v A #n ~ ..1,~~ .. ~,rii - :-.~~ .. ~ :-r.. ~~;a..i... ~...,.i~11~?i~w'4,„ ~•~v a,ei ~..~~ ~'~ .~~ `r, .. .', r, , ~....,.,.