Ordinance 220(m)
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t~t~ 110. ~~ (+a)
ilf ~G~ C$[" 't'Qtt C~ ~ COP'~l~i AM~.~xIIG t!~IMAN4`~ llq. .OQ2
~ili:'!'7~C " si1~A Cu-~A t~'i`Y f~lIDIQ 03rDYyiAOi~G 1~t22Qdf, AS ,~1~11~'D,
dM'Q M~Mt ~. 22a, 4~ , i'il ~1~ A iMt!'xDfl?Zt1lt
'ice +~Y'!! " .1. i~!' R~ ~"t"tt t'~! +G~'ER!'21~t D0~ 01~' ,b8 l~.tAii~
feet is 3actiat li of thMlnsoc~r ~,1~Q0, Santa ~".Lsa C~tT Zaeti~
4rdiotace, ai mod. +nrd 8~atiov 3 of Ordinaa~ca 220, s-e ~~dad, are llsts+d-y
arsaded to dstinae the acrd "faardly" sa ful2aws:
l4~sil,,,,,,~r: A co22actiet body of aay tr+ic- ar sicre Pates ].ir3ag
together is awaa tyot~se as their cona~on home with a sSetsie kitttwna
utder otwe bead or t ~aaa,gesisxat related to aeac~ other b7 ~rload, adoptia~
or carssrva aaaceato~ . or faster children, or living toses~sr as sisa aad
arife, or two persons; serrrants wt-a devotee a s>ac)ority of Chair tisrc to
the haauisaebold shall be included. A aixiglae pecsar~ shall tail within
tine definitioa. 'lSsa unit siuat be non-profit.
Secttaaa 2: 'This dsfinieioan of the word "fasiily" aha11 prevail over a1Z City
ardinaaacea to tlas coantrarp.
Sectiaiy 3: Zhis ordinance is enacted as an urgency ordinance purscu~t to
Sectiw.. ,;!'~,'f7'(t~) of the Govermsent Cade of the Statr of California. The #aects
- cons+atut.tn= tb~e urgency are: Single fatrill- residences is the City are be~coaiiae
occupied in ~sflr~e than. ant fastance by persons zelated onlT by club are~abership,
fraictrnal ozaanisati~ns or si:sply a place for traasienta~ tv reside tes:parari.ly
at their aura whisa or cap~ricae; that cosiplaints have h~een~ registsered at the City
Hall by bona fide faail~~ss that they catuwt sleep; that the yards are u>Ykegt;
that such dwe111nas sa occu~piard caxutot be polkaed ar eae~trolled, that Or:1lAawate
i~c+. 220 fails to apecificml,lr define the yard "fasfly" and Santa Gla~ra CauntY
Zerniag Ordinaace p;S1Z00, as mended, is seat specific es~arugh.
Section d: This ordinance shalt be published after its es~actsa{nt aace arith
the Haase +~f the ae~eber:! va~ting for ar against thae s++sr a!e xht Cuptrtiee Ccwrier,
a newspaper parb~lish~ad in said Coemty of Santa Clr~za.
IMT'SODUCiD AiiD PJiAC2'ED at a zargular areting of tbs Ci tp Counci 1 at the City'
of Copattxtwâ tla,is 3rd day of Ara<gust, 1970, by+ tics follawi~ vote:
AYES: Cooacl.lssss -- sitsgerald, Praalia:h, Greets, Mayor Stoi.ea
Ii0E8: Gautucilas>Q - Moel
AbBGNY': C~ wocilasa - liotae