Ordinance 220(l)1 OE'A3"8{IIICB 110. 22Q (1) A~ -~mz~woca n~ ~ crnr ~~ c~-awer~n ~~ oa~~I~-NCa ~o. 2au ~i ~~r 'Li!'t1~ P'~LIG ~ttY3'.DIaRB (~j - QC~i~-'L'~LIC BUiLDI1~G8 l~2) AilB! 17Aitl;M'Jlk~Jl'i`I0~ ('!`} $ I1lg CZS! tIL ~! `Tglt CI?X 0~' 4B3''!"Y~3IIr10 DOES 0~2!! A!9 FOLLOt~: t~6C27A~2.24: Assndaaat Seo.,,~ tiaa 16.1: Ordinance Aa, 220 of tb~a City of C~~r~aertSaa, Cslitorr-ta is lrreby d bq addiag 5ectiana x?4 throti~h 137 ss st.sted in this ezt~sian (1) of Oxdiaaace IBa, 220. SeCtioa 124.2: Appe~ndia~ A to Ordinance Z20(g) is t-ereby arr+er~;"ied by adding hsight rdgu~.atioae for BA, D's{~, an~.d ". Zones; the Hasher of stories `ce be restricted to tMO (2) aged the height to thirty feet (30'), urax.seas ott~ezbri.se egulaxsd by Rssvni~rg, Bevelopaa~nt Plan, ar L'se Permit Pracedrare~t. SEC?ION 125: psrpose Section 125.1: It is dPSirab~.e that meabers of the pgablir.. ~-haG~ her developers or prospective t~uyars of ho~aee<, ~:an get informaei.7n or: irsteude..d land use from the zr~ning maps. :Chia xequires etpec_ifiat~d zoning for public hui.~.dings and uses, quasi-g~,`~lic baild~n$s and uses, anti tr-~nbport.ttion pur}~ose~s. Such {.reformation from the coning muss is aleio vaS.uab.~ to City officials a~zd staff and for statistical purposes. Section 225.2: Par reanone~ stated in the above Sectioq 125.1, the Committee on Uniform Zoning Nomex~c2ature, repar~ting tea tt,e In~:er-City' Council of Santa Clara County, has introduce:,1 the zoning ea~cnbo.ts LEA (public Bui1413ng), BQ Quasi-Public Building) and T (Trars~~porl:at.ion) . Th.4as s~~mbolt+ are adopted by the City of Cupertino through Ordinance 220(.f). Section 125.3: Phis Amendment ~o Or~dinar.ce 22t~ prorides ~rpecific Cupertino regul;~tions far BA, BQ and T ~One.a. SECTION 12b: Interim Nature of A4~,e~.tdmen~ Section 12b..1: The entire zoning ordnance is being rstu~iied ar..d sub- 3ecl:ed to public hearings. it is understood that the regulations cnntaiaed i1 tbii~ A,aiendment to Ordinance 220 may be changed when later -~ada~ a pact of ibe entire revised zoning ordia-ance fox the City of Cupertino. S6C?YON 127: Uses Peruitted in a Public Buildit~ BAS s`aos Section 127.1: Buil.dix~s and othea• uses on land ~~u7n~sd or aril ised t'7 a federal, otat~s, county ar city government or authority, or by a Disti•irt created for public purposes under the codes of the State o.f Culif~ornia i~r~a pet- •ittsd in a BA Zons. 5BC?IO~I 128: Uses persitted in a Quasi-Public Huilding.~B~t,'1 Zane ~w~~a lsst,ldl~s aid otlisx uses as ].sad ossssd do sit il,ise~l. 67J IC~i Mla'irt+st~rio~ws, l+~dt ~ t~cps+~s. ~-~rttsal t,~. tbMt1~ SwMai"~I~t apt ~ .11 ~ R -1- Ca) Puletic Utility C~'aaies regulated hY tea lablic Ut>~.lity Cotrniss~,oo; u-srs reatwit:rwd to ad+tixs~atratic~ and ottiae huLtdin~-, cos~unication ~Sti~rrnt bdildioan, i+acisn3lrt pa;e~ctj aid i~amelscaFiai; railro~, weiateeMae~a~e and •tars~e p.,ncds are not p+ar~titta+d. (b) !tali=frow, civric and caogassabie organfxatioa4+t; ~era,ittad uwa iachade chuxctr, baiidiass, coarssvitp bslta, aewi~ziatra- tion bniidfn~, school x~, recrratiooal taciltti~-.s +rard a~laletic fields, con ante, ~peadaatrs asd ~r~ilwr uee-s cwtossriiy aasaci.t+ted vi..b cburcbss~ all aassa to iacTude p+srt- iaR and laadscs~ed areas (c) 4'~-iid cote canters and day n~rrsc~r'~es, voaratioaal arad specta2- ised sc""aaola. (d) Dodges, restricted s~et¢bterahip clubs, eountzy c2ubn; irccludigt accessory uses such as sR+i~rrting pools, picnic mre~ta, golf cautsas, driving tees ax ranges, n~inixture golf courses; all uses tc be zestricted to members and th-air gue,+,ts only. S~:~TZON 129:__ UaeR Permitted in a Transportation (T) ~on~_ Section tx9.le The fallowiceg uses are permitted in .• T Zone: (a) Airports, ai:r.fields and helicopter terminals, including admini,~tration and service buildings, a~intena'cice and st~srage yarda~ (b} Railresads, including terminal8 and stations, freight yards, marn~hal:l.ing yards, storage yards, administretlon .end service buildings. (c) Bus tere~inais and at~aciong, including admini.a~tration and service buildings, r~a'~cte:~nce and storage yards. (d) Freeways, ex;+ressvay~c and other roads t+ith limiter or controlled access, incla-dia-g a~d~tinistratiaa buildings and maintenance yaxds. SEG7CZO~T lit?: I~ee Permit B,aquired iJnlers tJre is S~acifiett Tttrougt'_ the Zoni.n~Procudure Suction 1311.1: Unless t~ptcitiad thsaugh s condition to the resoning, each u,:a aba11 ba sub)ect to the t.acuriu;, of a Use Permit. TZv~ Use Permit shall specify the use ar uses tJa be permitted an,d shall specify r.~hetlher then vi12 be permitted am the entire area ~:overad by the page Permit or a +r_ertain part of tt~c~ area. SECTION 131: Developrwtnt Plan Required Section 2:11..1: A Devel.apssnt 3Plan or successiv~~t siadificatioas ox additions to t4~ D~eveJ,.aprrea~: Plea shall bs eui~aittsd t~s the plaur~ai~ Caest~rtiaa tds' apMseeorl. ~-eb ~~L~n a~t~11 csiyiataai,~e ealraq~4 at+aa to a~t~as po~eaibla, ~ tea ~ Nr~:,~1 ~~ '~lt; - ~It ~ +~ ~ ills ' '+0~~111t~t ,off' ~ ,~u~osts. ~ ~ ~~f~~r ~ a- pant of >~ art dal a~~tt qtr. _'~ ~ ~ . ~ '- ~~. < "~~,'b~wf %":'i ~.~ ~~.a.~' .~,~d~+^;. , , vri?~ y . ' S~, +,t '" t? X i- %iA .' t ' ++. ~, ht :t Y' "- ++t' ' ,~y~ .$ ,'gr.. i'.x'.` ~ ~'u`d,~°'~ .A :~'"tm.F""u:•. ~a~A. "4 «`7v°.~ r '`'!t'~ t ;ri?'a~ Sectiota 1.31.2: aq Dewelopme~nt Flan ~-hall include (a) I"arpeo~ of buildiaH• sad J~~cuticra of areas w~-ich ~:ay b~, covered by buildit:as nat+ or in th+x i ~ituzt. t'b) P'r+c~osed syst~a of public atxd private mtr€±a_ta, including c-oss ~~Cioaxs far atl typrs of atre«ta. (c~+ G~enera:l tyye of l,aand+~cipi.xxg. (dj Other inforsstiaa which night bt regc~es'ted by thra City Council, Planning Coarisaion or tk-e City Staff. SNL7ION 132; Architectural sad Site Ap~pxov~2 Rr: aired Section 132.1: &A, ~1 and T Zones ara +~ubject to Architectural and Site Qev:lew as set forth in Ordinance 30b of the Gity of Cupertino, defiaiug procedursa for Architertural and Site appraWatl. SL~~I`ION 133: Height of Suildinga and Stx-+actui~eR Section 133.1: Height of buildings and a~:ructures shall be as xeEulated by the Height Ordinance, 220(8), of the City of Cupertino. SECTION 134: Setbacle, Screening and Landsc~a~in~ _Section 13~s,1: Front, aide oc rear setbacks may b~s required by the Planning Camnii~sion, in order to provide adequate light, air aa.i :-iai!~'_lity at intersections, to show general conformity with adjacent and near}~y zc+nes, late or r~a'rcrls, or to promote excs J.lence of development. Sectiy~n 1.34.?_: Screening to limit noise level, to reduce g:tarE~ f?•om liv,..a, and to prevent obnoxious emissions shall ber,rov3ded to the ~~atia- factio~ s~' the 1'lanning Commission. The provisions in t.ie Light Ind+-strial Ordinance, 4±-dinance 22Q(h), Section 15, ishall serve as a guideline. Section 134.3: The required Development P18n sha11 specify landsc.ape:d areas to the arxtisfacti,~n of the Planning C.om~misttion. SECTION 135: Parki-'-g arnd Loading 5sctie~m_135.2: 'The required Development "!-lan shall spa~r.if3- parking rind loading areaa.^ 1En~,ugh aft_street spaces sh~e.ll be pro~~ided Ht a.ll times far custo-eers, visitors, employees and for deliveries, to tt:e ar~tisfa,::tion of the Planning Comaiasit~n. The of.f-street Parking Ordinance, OCi2.{g) as amended, of the City of Cupertino shall be adhered to vhcre applicable . SECTION _136:_, severabili~ Clause Section 231.1: If any section, subsection, een~Nn.~e, c?.ause or phrx+at of this C-+rdiraace i.s for any reason held to be uuccanat~tutlonal, such daciaion shall not affect tht v~sJic~ity of the rPeea~ining portions of this Ordinance. .»} Z~'~Q~lCE~3 att tn~ ra~~ulsz a-ee~ti~, of th+e City Council df the Citq of C+~pe~rLinv, +'~ tb~ ~ ~. d,ry of ~,~R~,ru~#~5! ~9~ +~u! 1:`'1~~ aY A rn;ul+~s ae+rtt4.sw= of tt~e Gtty Cs~tmcil of the ~a.ty of G~cpnrti~ao tbi+a tad ~, +~a-r . of h,,,,,.___.~_. d~ ~~..~. b~' Lb~ fo.llaro~-f,~sg vosa: AY~''R.f1'V~! : Lira x ;K, ~~; +1YES° Ca~xnaz ~u ~- ~a~ ~'e~n . 'F ~ t~gc:ra l d, W~:e ~ , S to~c~s , ~~np~ ter I~RsSS: Cou,:wcilwtu - Nr:A~y,` Aag862i`r: Cauncilmx-n _ Norre AT'T~ i~' .-a~ ~~ ~~r~ ~~: ~~~~~~. City r,2e "'/!~ f t, 9,>~:, _~,. . ~~i~R~. -'. j; L'A'N ~IPF OR~IP~AxC~: QF" ^a~tE CITY t?F CUPFR`T'INa A.I~NI?TNO ~'' ~ CRDIIVA~ICg 22O AND RHt;tJT..A`TIN.. k~[fit'L:~C BUI~,AINt°.S (13.A , ;; /G~;/U~i~[/~S:i-~'[~.1CC [3UII,DINt~S (84.x,) hPII~ T[i~lAr:Pt3l~~1TgO1V ~,T`~ 4~~r Y. V `~ . ,.r...-y-_. ... __._ "r' .F" .is i:''. 1~! ~w ~r~rTt ^~E T ~Y~s s7 eft ~ri~s ~., is~~: ~i1'1 i CQYa~V3.JJr QJ~' ~ C,i'J. E Or' ~L-n;~.11~IV Wiw .:F 4r ~~ ~~~_~~..........'...---.~.~-.~....~....-...--..._..~..-~-~-.-__._.-.-~.~z. ...-._~___.~. _ ~.. ~~--.~.. ~.--__ ..~ .~.-_..~_~.__~... ~. .-. _ . "{~ , ..3.. ~~~....---_..._..._ _.._ __ ,~?l~1._ flrd3.nance Nn. 220 of the City of Cupe.r~tino, Ca111'ornia i~t hereby amended ny adding Sect3or~s `' 12[- 1~~hrough 1;x,'7 as suited in this extension (1} ~.,..-----. - --~..-.._ __ - - of ~'~rdinance No. 220. ' "~~ ~ -~ - ~'~~ I~ppendix A to Ordinance 220(8) is hereby amended by } add+.ng height regulations for BA, BQ, and T Zones; "'"'-- - - ~ ~ - - the nuaiher of stories to be restricted to two (2} arad tt~e height to thir*y feet (30' }, unless other- ~~' _ prise r~~gulated by ~te.zan~rg, Development Plgn, or [1s~: Pe rani c Procedur-es . -_ - . . _ _ .-- -s2.f.!„- It is desirrsble that members of ti:e public:, whether developers or ~~rospective i payers of homes, can get ~,,,_... _.... ..._ . .. inforrnat;ion on in'~ended land use from t;:e zcning maps. This rcequires speciYied zoning for public ~.. ,.- _, buildings and uses, quasi-public briilc2ings anr~ +.~s~rs, and transportation purer}sea. Suc~~ 3nfc~r~matian y.. _ from the zon:inq_ maps is $lso valuu~;,~Ie tca City ofi;'3cials ar~d staff end gor stat~.r~ii.c:ai puapusen. ~'~` - ~ >~ ~ ~P'or reasons ,e to i:ed i n the above Esc LS; Qn l2~ .1, tiae Committee srn Un~.t"os'm Zoning nCletr~rMa rapc~rting .,_..o. .. _. . .__ _. to the Int~er~C~.ty Coon.ril o! Santa C'i~rra Couryty, has int~roduce~l i~~~e zox~f.~-~g aymbo3.e BJI ~'ut~lic Buil+dir~ ), ~...__ _ . _ _ _ ._ _.~ ~ ~,Quesi-P~at~.~3lc Hwr3.~.ding) an~~ T ~?ra~nsgcrrta-tion~. TAeea symbol, rkre edop*ed ty~ this ~l.ty of GupertZn~~ w~~.._ _ .. _. _... _ _ throtagh Ordin+a.nce 220(i') , --°-.. ---- ~ . - ,~'~~~-s- Thia~ Arm+~ndment to Ordinance ~~?0 provides specific ~z~pe~"Cirio ':' regulations i'or'BA, NQ and T Zonea. ~~,,,,..._. _ ._...... _.._......_.. _.._.. ~.~..._.._._..~___.y. ~ _~...~_.._.. ._ ._ ..~ _.-.. __ ..__ _ _._.__...._..~. ..... 1 . 4,~ ~ 1 -«,•~z1Yi~..-a.s..,..,.....v....,+...,..,..,.......w...._,_.w-...r..w ..7..~...-..~....~.......,,..r.~.~..y..........r..........~...........~..+~-..--._.r._. .. .,w......+.,...,, ...r-... ..,. ,.-- ,~ ; ~ , ,,,;. ~'Y ~ ~ ~.. ;A:~ __r.~lt entix~ae nan~lt ordit~anca it beiu~ etudi~ad atul' sub~asctad ~ .. ~ . -._-_ .------ to public 2~~.rir~s. ~Yt it unlwrx~tot~d that tt~e ulatia~ ° contained to this 11~t~etat to t3xdinane~e 22ti ~ bt Cad ,~.,,.._._----------___ __...._.__ , - when l~atax• wade ~- part a~ the tntire rerire4 s~ix~ or+dt.tsrr~t. _ ' ~ or the City at Cuper*-ir~o. i ,,[~,~ ' ~uilditi~e and other Olfe~ On land oR~T~r~i.-d or us:iliser! by a ted~ . ___ _ _ . eral., ~,tatQ, county o.r eit,y goverment ox' ~el~thority, ar by a Distri~~t created tpr ~li.+c puracaees ur~de-r the ~~odes ~of tlse _. - -~ State of California a.re pe:r•uitted Zn +w Bg one . ' `~---' d~ _ _. .`ads.! Buildings and other oats ~n land awr~+ed or uLi used,, L3,~ the f~ol7.owing types of araanizatior~ss, far the purpoaeF encimpratad ,~ in this section are penaitted in a Hiq Zane. a. Pub'l.i.c t3tility Companies regulated ;~y the Public UtiliCy Commission; use. restricted to ad~iniatratior~ and office buildings, comrsunication equips~nt b+~ilr~ings, .including parking and landscaping; rai 1 rc>aci, as~.intenanc~ and storage `,+ar:is x-re not permitted. b. ----- c. Religious, civic ~.nd cos~iarablz organizations; perseitke~r aces include church ~+ui2din6s, ct~wnity hwlas, snain- ietration buildings, schooX tc~s* rexcreitlv-a~-1 Teti 1 ~- ties a-nd athlatic flelAs, cvn~en6r~ ssrai~-wrs ~~~~- alex gar uses custoa~rily associatfi~ w~tl'1t ~?fwirditi+s~~ A1.1 u~a• to 3ncl.uda !~arktry~ an4 lrr:draagwd atriA. C'hi.ld care ccc~terr~ and day arnf specialised schools. nurseries, vocs-tiona2 .------ Y- - ~ d. 7..cadges, restricted raexnbershi~p clul~a~, country fi3ub~; ,~ __.- ._ . including accessary uses such as 11~ri1+Meix~g popYs, . picnic areas, golf' courses, dris~ ir~g Lets ur rani6ea, miniature golf coure~es; a].1 uses to be re~etricted . '"" to members r~.nd Y.heir guests anly. r; } • r i ... ._ ._-.. _ _.~~,~' ._ ~e toll.oving uses are perwitted in a T~ xone : . ___ ... ~.. _._ . _ _ ~ __ ._ ~• 1lirports, airfields and helicopter terstiinals, ~ _._ including at~nistration and service buildings, . _ ~i.crtenar~ce and storage yards . _. _ __ _ , b. Railroads, includ~.ng tearncinals and stations, rreig!-t yards, anrahalling yaxd$, ~torage~yards, -- - f _ _ _ _ ada~inistratic~n and service buildings . ~__ __ _ c ~s.~~a ~:erainala and stations, including administration _ and a~ervice buildin$s,~ m~-intenance and storage yards. d. P're~s~+ays, expressways and other roads' with limited ar co3k~rcalled access, iracludi.ng administration buildings and maintenance yards. - , ~~ ~ /.,~'! f ~.3iy x ~! UnlesK speciSied thrpu~r-- a condition to the rezoning, each use shall be sub~sc:L to LhR securing of a Use Permit. T,he Use Peraait shall sp~etrify the use or uses to be per- t~~itted and shall ap-acif3~ erhether they will be permi.ttE:d _ on the entire area coveb•ed by th,e Use Permit ur a c:eri~ain part of the areas . ,~ ~'",~"`' Jt Devplop~nenG Pxt-n 7r succesr~ive modifications or additions to the Development Flan shall be submitted to the Planning Gbamisaion for apU:•oval, Such plan shall compromise enoug~z area to make possible, in the judgment of the Ci~;y Plwnnei~, an evaluation of the overall efi'ect of the separate buildings ,end activities in each part of the development ~-nd on sd~acent areas . A Development :,plan r~hall include: a. T„f-pes o.f buildings and l~ocatf,on of areas Mhic^h may bE c~,~vered by buildings now or in the future. b, Proposed systea oP put~lic and private streets, in~:luding crosM aeat~,o~s for ail types at streets a ~~~~ -~ .W ~'~1` ~~~t1AA 11 gtS„~t be ra$el~t#d bar th~- ~-.».,~ s ... ..„~! ~.. +~. -. . __, ._ .__ ..,. - - - - . d w ~ r ,..__.__.~~.~,._..___1~._1 - ~e'rZ1'LM a~ •et~Q th in ~x'd~~~~~ St~E ~1t~~st#d ~'~~ Cupertino, d+stining procedures for llt~hitsctor+al and ~i~ -- ~~ -=~- ._.~...__..,.__ ~____...__..~ ~1 _ ~... ,may.. . . ~. _. _Gir~.~ali~Gca~_.~L ..~t...__~~ ...__. __.~.. /41~wy/~ ~' ~~i tJ - - - - ...__ _. -___.. _. _ _ ~ ~ ,. ..__ _ , ,Cpy! / Front, side or rear setbacks ~.y be raqulre0 by the Planning Gommissian, in order to pro~ride adequate tight, _ _ _ air and vis:tbility at interaectiona, to shc~r g~;neral conformity with ad~aeent aRd nearby zones, logs oX __ __ parcels, or to promote excellence of development. ~~~~ ~' Screening to 3imit noi$e level. 'moo reduce glwre t'rom -- - - ~ - light F,, and to preve:~t obnoxious edias~ ons shall be pro- vi~ipd to the satisfaction of ttre Planning Co~m~mi~saion~ __. _. __ ___. _ _ ___._ _ _._._ ___. ~,G pro~risi~,ns in the Light Industrial. tirdinar~ce, Ordin. ' ?p0(k}, Sec. 15, shall +serve as a 6ttldelinE. ~'~i•~ The required vevelopment Phan ai.all ~;pecit~ landacayed --- -~ --- areas tc: the sr~tistaction of the Plsnnning Cusssission. ' - ,, ~,~~ ~e required I.~velopraent. 1~2sn shm11 npecii'y parking and ~' loading areas. $noufh ot'~"-street spares shall be pro- vided at all tines fot c~ :stoners, visitors, employee~r - - - - -sad tflr delivp. ies, to s.l' a ast18f8tt1an cf the Planning Cownisreian. T4~e ofP--street Parking Ordinance, 002(g~ -- ~ - - - -- ~ as sreended, at the City of ~,"upertinu shall bps adhered to r+!nere applicab?.e. 3: ~ ~~ £ . ~.. ~.,.,w..,.,w.....~... _................ -~.. ~r............+.w.r+wnw.riw.:-:.......r..w~........•..+~.r«. »..w.M+.~.~•,w. ..,,.,....w`r.,.~rOw-i..hY..«r.~..q.~yr.,« w ......~ -,. ... .~ ~ d ~F u: r :'? , T~' -t. ' wv' r'. ~~, K".' .'? '~, , Y4._. jir..~.....~ .._. -.~ .... ,..~_..._. __ _......._ ,.-- -.... _ _ - _ ......._-~ ~-.»__ ..r.....__ ---_ _. ~ ._.. -. _ _ - _ ~j~,r ~~~. ~;~,..,.,......~._.-~ ?.f' any e~+~ttiork~ subsection, sar~tanee, sl+~aaist or phrase .. ._ _ _- of this Ordit~t is for a~ r+esson held to ba arrn~const~.- ~,~ -- tu!lonai, !tl4~i doc~isicrn shall Oo~t ~Ri'!'~eet the validity flf _ . - .. _ the rt~saining port tons of this +t~.iM3narjce . :~'~ ~.f.~ `~D~f)CED at thh regular areatin~ of the City Cowncil ..;:,= the City of Cupertino, on the d4y o! j 19yp _ .. __ .._ __ . E~RG'T~ at a reg~xler ~eetsng of the City Coure i. l o~ ", City of t;~apertino this day of ~ Z~,rp ~ ---___-_..--r..-_-_ _. _._- _ . ;" the fol2owin6 i-ote ~2"~S ; Counc ~ l.uk~n ~tAZ3 ~.. _ _ _ ~SEIPT APPRpYED: '_.. A1TE3T '- ~ y 1eT yor, t.; ty o Co~pertl:~o ~ - -5- .....---- - - _ i ..«, _ ~ y I -~