Ordinance 220(k)~~ .:,N +~~.'L`F 0~ T~ Cl"Y 02" CI~;RRTil~O ~3AC Ottl~tN~~t IK3. ~2 3~ • 22G ; N: GUI,~,TING i.I~';C TDt+Sl~T~.A~t.. (N#.a 2~i~ ~ CT7!"~• t'Y~CIL OF Y~E CITY Op ~B~I1aM? 1~-1sRS Q~-+11'~ ~ ~~l''44.A.~11fiS s ~Qs~t. ,L...Ci t wit tltru 3.07.1.: Ordiaanc+es sic. 002 a.~d 220 of ,..'~~i Cittr of t~e>Eti.~u, Ca:~#.1~ts'.tri3tre, .,~Y'+tt.lwi~+iebp aan+st~,'.a~d b~y sddfiny~ ~ect~4a~r 117' tAsoeq,."~ J,21, as etited is tb3at ~t~#3.on (Ic.~ of Ordinanr..e lto. 22U; bq, ,n~end!=t~ 0>rdi~n:oe 22fl(f), Appendix ~:, '!~ changing the Standard Sptebala "!g." to "!ur-30°t, '9`!~'`" tra '''~'-•4~" and "OY" tai "OE'-4~"; and by deleting Sae.c:iQns l0.1 frrn Ordinam~c:e 1:~t1{i). SRCcia?~ 1~U7. ~ : Ttcie O:.dl.aar,ce 23Q(k} repl+~cesa the prol-ieioa in Ordinance ~$x Section 2 of the City o3' Cu~~x~t..Aoo ~whirh appliao the 2oniug Ozdinaaca of the Cc~axtty cf ~.anta ^I.mra ts, the City a~ Cvpes~:imv; sarapt t;~~at the g~atral groviaio~,ts and +txcept-x.~a~s is :ierticro.~t ~~ aad 3(1 aid otttter appli- cable ptrovi~iions of said County Ordinaaacs tha11 cantirtue tea be applied to t,.,r^ City of Cupertino in. casez ~inere thert~ are no apscifiCc, graviaiona izY CitQ Ordinances . SE~'!'IQ.~1 108: Pusst~ae Section 7.08.1: This a,m~~ndment to t,Frdinancas +U42 and 220 providee+ sepsrate Gi~perttno reg~~latlar~s fvr Light Tndu~ctria]. (i~4J~ scaraea whl.ch nere~r~s-- fort have been regulated by Ordinance NS-1.2f?0 of tits G:otraty of 5anea Clam as it was in effect a>> nct:abQr 10, 7.955. 5ECTZON 109: Interim Nat~~xe n¢ ,tzoendse~nt .Secticsn 1091: TttQ eatir~ zoning Ordf.nance is being st~udieal fund aub~ectRd to public hearings. It is undaxetcod that the t,~egul.atfana contaias~d in thin (Amendment to Orsiinanees 002 aad 22Q ,gay ~,,e changed ~e~, Liter aurdt a part of ttae entire revi.rsed z~,ni.ng ©xdiaarace fax the ~'.itti of Cuperti.ea. SECTION 71Q:~~p7ica~ion Sectizan_11CY.1: No tui.'.ding*. staucture or land shall lie uetd„ and n~o building or at:xucture mh~s.Ll be hares#ter ez<.. ~^ted, structuraT.ly ~~.ltesed ~+r si.~l,arged is a ;i.ight Iadust:rial (MI.j zcne, o;`:htz •. iet than i.n confoia~w:.ca with the fcllovin~ gx~~:~iejona; e:ccpgt that uesey ti,~~Sl~i~,ngn~ ar.~d ~structure• law- _'uu:.7.y in e,cistenc_c at: th~c time this C-rdinaace Z?0(k) tak~a~- effect m~~y rensair, arc song as na rr', teratfons~ t:aks ~Iacr. SBGTION 11.1: Inttnt Section 112,1: Light Indts.striral {~.) zonea~ ase intended to prariae far certairt~hr-a~ryi~ con~erc ial and "I i,ght:" i.nduatrir.2 uses . Swch oats ar, e generally incoIDap~+tiblc with retail and central business district areas but 1 _ ~ ^.~ ~ ~ ps~cfarw f~rtaat. storage, aawauf~.~.t~~, ear s,es~rieaad tunatiwas f;s sa~ch a;aea aa.l fvr thr resid~ti~-I. axewt of ~~t3+r ~.ty. Li~bt ladwstx~.al veea c.~a alixawed bec+ens of ~+a r~ea~d f~: q~ikes tur~ aasL'E iadna~tiriaa~tnd bernwe the dear-- M,«t~rri,,eriaa of t3~. pans~ltted i~r~dwatri,a5i uws axe ltte~.y to ba siw.ilu tr+ *~.he p~ssdtted a+oworxata'~. uae~ee. 7bs versa pnxsitta+d ~ia tblau tae .ottan cra+ate saa~a +dl~s~ctioa~l~- irxfl~ce s4r~ as reoia~e as~d. la~cga Yolst~. ~ of tzvck tra## c,, 3aut are ~e~ssesY:~.~ vra. is the wCb.u . ac~cxyr. #Ae lsa-~r i~ t3cia gasua •.d•. ~ ~.o,,catad seas ca+~t~nsl •busi:w~sa~ asw, rn~arr tactexial tst#!ie srwtas, alvag rail- x~a.d liaR.; yr ttf-ess apeclalized sexrricee~ for tea xesid,~atiai eoewuaity itlauld b+c~ graupsd. SE~"I0~ x1Z ~ ri~r~e Parsd.ttad aritho+Yt gatuzcit~t of a Uaa PernEit 8e~c'Ciau, 11~.2a ~esic pa~;trcted v~tast (a) l~rauafac~,ariag, p.oct~asiRb;, asseaablP. raseaxcb and da~elopaaea.t factorise,. laboratcsriaa, shops, i°aeilitia. sad uses xhich ~-ra of the ehsractax that they, !ln the oE~inioa of the Planaiag Cowaission, can to r:aacnstbly controlled to co~iine the atfaaza of glare, ncriaa, dust o~~ aray athtx aseissians sad radiations within the preneisea. (b) Autonwbile,.trailer, ti~~e and boat salsa, rentals, service, Tepais and atarage, inc]uding body and upholstery shops, but lia-3.t.ed to new ar~d used vet~iclaa ie~ opaxabla condition and new, reconditSvned and used parts. if stoned inside a building; except that acceeaory gasoline and diesel fuel putapa and commercial car washing f.`acilitiea eha11 be aub~ect to the secur:tng of a iJ+se Pezmi,'c. { (c) Commercial park: rtg lotr- and paxkiang garages, truckl.iAg and bus ~ termina~:.a~ an3 garages; except. that accessory gasa].ine and d:4.eae1 fuel pe~~xpa .and ~~oanmexcial car washing facilities shall be sub~eGt to the aecu~~±.ng of a Use Pera-it. f,d) Flarehoaaes, ine:luding s~nrage of furniture and household goods. (e) Wtnoleanle and sro=~xge within completely enclosed buildings; excluding pecroieum pzado~cta. {f) Packing and crating eet~bliai~ments. (g) Auat'ion houses, a9e~.1 furniture sales, feed salsa. cold sty~•sga fas~.ili~:i.es , ixscludisag froxan food lockers . (U) Have. garden. and Farm equiptuent and appliaaca sales end xentaA. (:.) Macr~ine~~~ sales and zentals, includinpt heavy constzuction equl.pmsr. t . r (~) 1Gspalz ana servf,ca"~ahopr for light 1lachiaex=.._bouaabold appl,iwnras s+~td apparel. ... ~k~ ,~iias ~-aacds ~ bulldLn g nrateriaA sales; ice, coal +wad woad sal Rr; , N •~ t ~ ~ .~- (` ,. 9 .n ~ ..,, ~ ~ !'~ 1 M ~ a (1) Durasrias and prwet-bouass. (s) Dry clewnim0 pleats a~ad aiailsr sstrblisbaa~-ta; prwida~ that tbs aolvr~-u~s et,~sd in tt~ clsam3~ pra.:oas akall bs n+onflrwemsbls rnd aoassploaivs said _axa~ in .f].:a~ld~-tisiYr. cle+-a- ~a ~.t~ arpra~r-d ~ ~tba ages lira ~.bax.. (n) Aol~sa. clixeica a~i bo~tita].a= lacili~:taa tar batty cliPP~~ trimsia~ and ~eiwilaz asrvf,csa for pate ("poodia Parior,r") icoa~asir. tsxidaraiats. (ti) ?sla~riaiaa, radio rnd sotian pictnx~a studios aa~d stations. (p? 1Reblie utility f~ilitir-s sad sesarica yards and. sssociatsd baiRdhz~r; ca~^ruaicatioaa t .b~aildin~s; cor.~-aratioa, contractors' and plnoDsrs' shops, atoraSs aid yards. Ssctioo 117.x: All Haas ppssarittsd iu a.Csnarrl Casosrcial (CG) !~ a;itLoot !N ascturin~ of a Dies parnit ars paral.ttad in au 1Q. Zane; pro- yridsd :bat tia~ are s~ilL!!ry or s+ubsidias3r to ox an arasAt:ial part of axe sstsDlisMsd opsssticrE or un-e psxsittsd bq Sections 112. rod 113 of this Ord- ialitne~e it2A ('k) . Such auxiliary war sl~all~ it~cl.ude personal sarvicer, retail aertablislenrat.~n sad rwcreatioa lEaeiXit~.ss, laeated oa ~ tba t-aues lot as th+E< priacipai urn, ansi eacclurivsly for the comraaience of par,~o*u Deployed is ox cuetowsza of tiu pxiuciprl ass. ~actioa 112.3: The abo~a Section 112.1 nothw~.thstaadlag, the fol- lo~ uses a*a pareittird ar iadapwadant operations: (a) Stanosrapbic and dupiicrting aezv:icas; raeaaeager sad talajrapb offices. (b} Dsli~cry ssrvicect; ja~altarial services. Section 112,4: Residsaics far xcup•uscy by caretakers of eratehOeeu es~a.ayad for pxatectl.oa t-f the principal permitted use will ba permitted vhaA lctc~ted on tba let occupiaa by the principal uas. ~ectian 212,x. Signs confar~ins ~w~itb Cho SSSa Ordia~aaece (Na. 15.3) a! the CZty of C;~partina era per:itted is rxt 1~5.> ?;,one. Ssct~ou 112.6: t7t2Ler asst nh:~eh, is tba apinioa of the Planai.~ Cosraiseior~, sere co:asisteat ritb tra cbrractsr of an 10. Zone; are of the arm~i gwaaral cba:acter rr the usa~s lirttad !.a t2wr above Sactioa 112.1 of Chia Ord- i:-rtace 220(1) ; sad da not exceed tbs. lavetr -of odor, . dust., awoke, glare, fumes, radiation, vihraL3on or yai9a slat:d in :~sctioa Y.1S of tbis Ordiarnce 22a(k), Keay bs permitted is as 1~Q..Zone• SECTION 113: Uaaa Permitted, Sub„~eet to tha,Secuxiag of a Use Persit Section 1].3.1: l'hs follovlt~ eaass soy be permitted, subset to the sscurlag of a Vas Pesmit in sacb separate cas~a, in loeatioas ~rhare they, is the opinion ~f tho Plaaai,ag CaamaiasioaN ors corp~atible witb existing ar planne~~ user 3A the asi.glrbarhoodi .. g .. ,. ~~ ' . t, X ~ r. ,.w~~ •~41 'I ~ t (~) Aut~voeo631r ie'lelYir~r r~tatioae mad eo~vrarcia-l csr ++aslrioy fExcilitiew; ~c~sinr aaod die~~l fue3 ~uaips as ac~cs~au~vey uass. {bj Catsrarr: {cj +Ca~srrlal-ae~srtR e~-trtblirla~nt~ o~-+trated vruillq or pszs`:Yfr !.n tie spree, aaaTt w ~lti~-fs fees, *al# ~darl.~-is~s {d) !3wita cisArs, rv3~ ~, a~i s+~oairrxciarl rvis poo~lr. {e) lb~taii roles of sizrtd soacrsts +sold i~ bitcdss trot ex•,:aedins cs;s antic Twr~d. {fj stone curttia~, nno~w~t ~factnss. {s7 Mortuaries. (bj 8eliporte ar arces~uary acres. (ij I~+mufa¢tate of radlioacti~n- ~,tsrial, pso~vridsxi tibat osiasians dr not sxraed pantiwibLs 1risJls, as ru~ertaa+tistrd throush inapectiati by the AtasAc taezsy- ~ssioa. Sectic~m 313.2: Otbsx urns nbi+eh, in the crpiraioa of t2~e F~lanning Gasaissiwm, ere ransiatsnt eoirh the ctrazacter z~f as !!~. sans; azt of the esrne senezal. character as rte uses listed in t~-e above Sectiom 113.1, and do nat Exceed the levala cif odor, dust, smoke, Blare, fu^rZa, radiation, vibration or noise stated i~a :~ectioa 11S of tbts Ordiaancs 220{k), ~y De perwitted iar as 2'Q. roes; pub ject Lo the sscuxis-s a# a t3a~e f'exasit . SECTION 114: Excl~~dsd Uses Section 114.1: The foilowins vase shall :wc: ba pszsd.ttsd in M. Zones: {a) nrs cleanins; blast fuxa~scs; bailer oz f~aa~u vo~rks; candle faCtor~-;; canner3-; csnts+~l eixins pleat for ca~ss~t, rrc,rtar, plaatex ar paving sw.tsr~.al.r; cake o~sn; curio;. taaaia~ or starase of rxv hides of mina; distil.atioq of ban-ws, coal or vaad; distillativa of tar; driliias f~+r ail, gas or aches hydzoca~bon subatsnew; duupins, diapossl, incinerstioa or :s- du~ction of sasbase, sare~e, offal, dead aai~als ar rsfurs; fat rsndurins; cores p1.~t; taam-dry or~setal fabrication plant, hog fares; jam-lc yard •as tbs balms of toss or junk: puapins, refimins or col:ra~.e rtosass of studs petrvleuw; slausht+erins of amiswa2r; saeltias of capper, iron, tin, s1nc, or other ores; stsaae power plant, stack f:rd; stone •111 ar ~uarxar; eusar refinind; wool pullias or scouring. ta-j !laautaccurs of acetylesrs; acid; Alcah~rl, slc~halic beverages; ataaaiaj bleaEhina powder; chlorine; ehes~icals; .soda or soda cot~povo-dr; brick, pottery, tai rra cotta o: t lle {except hand•- .. ,~, _ ., ~. ~, ~.: ~ .. craic: prvld,~t+t a+~.1.y); c~d3.~w; ca luloid or pyrvxli~a (or tYS,RbOtZLi. of +ra~:a); ar~a-t, ova, liuas or plaataz of paxi~; ctiasr Ui d t>t:1-INSe~o {os rxy-st~rat of sss~) ; disisi`~t~ts; dyo- at~a~s; sa ~~ nlotb dr sir; axplosirx* ~ firworks oz ~s= f+ss st~sradu a~ erir~ i isrtilt`ar; ,tars; iXw, rim o~ ~~':~ i a r xilO` Ot • tallal' (tro~tfaictutad or raiitwd f~ o'. • a f = ssis:ai i~at); ' ila.p~satian or ~ sea (or storap o!' seer); tstasatidiass; lsa:p tila~; liaolaati, oilcloth or oil~il prodnats,; liaswd oil, pa~dt; ' obi shallsQ, turpontia:rr or rar- nisb (w~t~t ad:tt-~; t~atolw; psp~r or .pal?; Pick2.ra, aawr-~ kraut air vior~-x; }~otaRb products; rubber or ; gotta percha p:aductd (or treetasat of ssr); shoddy; sboa palish; sosp (other tS:~ ~.iquld soap); starch, glucose or dextrin; stow polish; .tar ara~o^fiag or raterproofiag or ot3-er tar prodnctsr yeast. (c) Cosmarcial sx+savating of buildias or can, traction sa.csr~aals. ~. 3~sction 114 ~ 2 : Uses not ~ s~nticifiad in this Qrdinaa ,a . 2't0 ~k) vhicl- itt Cbe or anion of. thQ Pl:tnaing 'Cosaaissioa, .are sia-ilar to thoa~ iistad i.n th+~ aba-we ,Section 1]b.lr nor pauld i~posR .baxard to . life or pro;~erty is the nei~hborh~:~~dr shall ~he .~rcluded .from ML souse. S8L'iLd-DI .115 r Performr-aee Staadar~~ it- Relation to,_ ~niasi~ans 5+scti<,n 125.1: ~issiatis n£ noisy*., vibra.~ion, radiatian, ligh't~ seeks, fta::eu ar has. odor, dust, and iokic caste ~thall be ].area*_eri to qus,ntiliee indicate+i i.n t:rz:s scctioa. The limi+~atioae sbr,,l,1 ap;',Iy at any point ou+:eide the bouo~iaicy of. each lot in an ML cone; the -.outxrtary assumed, for the pur- ~-ose of this OrdiAanL~, to exxeud in a varcical glans abm~re and bel.ov (;round. a. case of • further subdivis.om ox lot. st+iit, thr3 limitations shall apply out- side any resultant lot. (a) ' Noise: '1'ha noise level in various oc~tava bands a:~all not ;~ccedd the :rs'asrrresenLa ~lvsa 2a Table I +af lrppsndix /~ to this Urdiiiance Z20(k). If the noise as not smooth and continuo~r .sad is not.radiat~d.brt~eaeu t*~a houxs of 1V p.m. and 7 a~ta. one or ~o:re of :the c~rrsctioas , ia~ ttte ar.'.ac2~ed Table I3 shall be appi:risd to .Lha octavo baa+! levelti giv~ea is Table I. tb)~ • Vibrations: In the non-audible ss+ass they shall not be oY such intensity L1~t-t they caw ba gsrceivsd xi~~:haut instruszants. (c) ,~wdi~~tloa: Rlsaxa:saRnsti.c radiatian: shall not result .in psrcap~ibla: disturbance of television air radio reception. ' (~,) 13 t:s T~wa S.utansaity of lisbt .wt the isouadary of each lot shall trot -a:cssd sevttaCy •fiw (7S) foot-1.asbaris Bros a saszca of diriict light, or one bvr..dred (l00} foot-T.asbsrts fros a source of regl~ac~d light.. Ztis intensity of .l.i~t at the boucsdarr of . ~aaa.fssduat's'ir~k sos», err nn ioawttlal u:~ is a Pls~rsd Drvelop- nnlt (t)• mw~, ~~r;welx :at cevaswr~l :fifit'r f;W) foot-L.sabests ltca+r • ~ .~--sore '~-;+ ~I~:,,, ~pw~W~ra ~Td) ioob~z~cs ~~ ~ tpwr~ e~ x+r~~ .~~~. ' ~;~~ +.¥!. tea c~;,`.+~ ~~.t)i+, v2'ri' : K ~p';q.,, '~'w ~'i .~~.':ti'~ '~M,,... ;~.r. ~,.~.. y~. r W".1,~,. ~ 3 A~.L` i ~~ '!4Y.'.r0~.c e {i~1~x ~Yr~,s~.. ~~~.-~~ nS,- _ ,, ~"~,'_ Hy! ~. 't - .-.. ., c. s ,3.'~ ^ d~ z5 . .y r'~ ' {o) ' . ~ ~s~eloa ertt~.i bo perrsdtt:~ed, fsoere asgr cbisasy ox otiwex~fao, os ~-teileir ~ eaae~t of tt e<lrwrdla equal to or ~lr ter ~tn-. l otr< ~e =M• ~~tiaa~ matt„ pa~li.~ad ~-yr ~tll Ptulwil~~ltteg 1a~, xe~a. rwd aopptt~pterd iti l'~X# {~stug a met !`tsa~d~ s~px+~riteet#~oa a~ • Ntwdas~ds ~aisuma~a sn ~terasud ~- t~1er '~~Derd '~tdatw of ~:ptes) : etstca~,-t Rb~t a ~s.~eLr ~q' eaeisi~ erf w atl+~IN equrel to ilia. 2 ~ eu sa+do- • aip- he errdtsets •~irs ~.~ (+-) a~awters iar< ~ t~i:rtj- t~t3 tf~ ~~x ~~ taste etar is~-ttat~ i~t~ieegaetli ia; eard,t~d fps .err gau ebaaii a-c sotat~s~s~td w~a paetaat {lq~ry of the uta~trp-- tsstiaa iadiaatard i~ ''~Qrsees~al ~fi~cy Orr-rIC" i+rsa~d br State of Callter'tiis. A~at4s,~at 'fir! X1.ZeLstlsuars, _ Divittrion of ~s- tyrie4l l~afety. {~rit-ted Jatieiarp al6~) Collerctiaa of bwvy gas at gra-vaa lervsl sbail be prorr+s~-te~. {~ Odes: Mo esata~s,toia of o8mt+o~r gws or oalwar irraterrr ~l be psxirritte~d in twsft gnautitias as to be readily detest- . sble~whs~ d3,luted iA the ratio of oo~s volcae a! odorous air of liquid or su~lid rfratter •to tea volnrraa of clsm air. ,qty process which say in.volw the aseatiaa os etatssion of ~ odara shall be provided with a sacc+tadaaf safssnard • systeatr so that coatrc>l will be mai~taiaed if ttw priwaxy safeguard syatea should fail. There is hsrsby es~;ab~.ishsd as a guide in dstex~aining such qusatities cif offensive odors: 'Sable IXI "Odoss Thresholds"', in Chapter 5 of "Air Pollution Abatesrant 1Saaual", copyright:d in 1951 by ,Manufacturing C1aaa9.sts Association, Inc.. Washington, b.C. (tz) Daat ~xnd othe~c solid paxticl+~r l~io asissian shall tye permittedi whiet, ran cause auy dosage to health, aniarals, vegetation oz other germs of property, ATo sseissioa sh:11 bs permitted its excess of fifty parcaaat (SOX) of the statada~_rds apacifiad in Table I, Chaptes S of "ZiGdustria~, HrgisAe Sxandserds, ~imut~a Allowable toncentratiatas" of. the "Air Pollutioc~ .Abatement Manual", capyrigbt~ad in .l'.-51"by Manufacturing Cbatatsts Aasaciatiaa, Inc., Washington. D. C. ][a no aveat shall any etai~esioa, from any chirs-sp or otherwise, excesd oaa~-ttntku of a grain (0,1 grain) per cubic foot of th,+~ conv~sying gas. For >Aeasurasant of the ,. a~•,~C o¢ particl~as ise g~-ses resulting Eras casbustion. stan- dard corxactiotas shall be applied to • stack tespszatuze of five humdrad degze~as Fahrsnhait (SOOT) and fifty psrcent (.SOX) excess ai=• . (i) Wastes: Ida di,wchargre into stay public sews, pr3vs.te seuaga, private sas+age disposal rystes, or atreanrt, or into the groun~?, of any taatarial• a# such aatura ..of tar~psratura as can contas- inats any water sripply, interfere wi`:h bacterial procesaRS in sewage treaetment, cazrods or otherwise da~aase sewers or taipe- litaes, or otherwise caurs the etaissio:e of daoseraw or offen- sive els~ts shall be p~*zroaitted, exe~:pt in accaad with stan- dards approved by the California Dapartaaat of Public aaalth or tether such uo~t's;~esatal agency as •!ull bwv~s ~urisdlttiota ,- $- . of woch ectivi~:iaw~. ~ ~itt4oo, awl~id, iitgaid oar g~wreaaw tsat#c ~sot~t aeta,aii srt ~eat~d tan pes+rs~s (10X~ of .the ,cae~ea- ttl~tloti .faMisaat~ed lt- t!w ~~ irMoets~r gafety Oreler"~ i.,raewd ~ e! +~Ii+~a-~, Aepa~rte~a~. of Idduwtariai 1~~tla~-- ~..troan, •ifrt 4! LwNwl~slGr3 #afat~-. (8~aria•rdeed J~caaasy, 19~d4) t3~ : ~~ ~"•'..i bs retie fau se~ah ~ raty that ~ #ri~~cb -tri~+s d~ t~+t the gwistttia or cvac~u- . tsatis~r . set !~-sffi .!~ RAii ~ ktst3oa. 8~;~;~;~~~ -.2i" ri~r ~sy-~.tt~d l~r Ef~r ~v~,tBAt Ordinsr,-x~, 220(8, of the G'ity of 4~psr+t . a SZLYtOIf 117: Lot drawn Shape .ens OQwsrase 'Seattt+aa 11.T'.1s ' ~,aaK lat to a Ll,gbt Indwtrial (liL) sane ahcll hwv+e so area ie tboasrtQd sq. ft,. • not lwss tleao . iodicatwd by the auaber after a dash is the soning aynbol; this >iaMber sleall oat be less tban tan (l0) aorr+ea- poadinR to 10.000 sq. ft. ~ lot assn. Section 117.2: Each lot ~rhall have such shape that a nquare with • side at one hundred (100) ft.~ can bs lascribeti in the lot. Section 117.3:" buildings and rrtructurea.ahall not cover uwre than (4a) percent of Lh~s ,lot :area. SEC?IOIi 118: Set P ~ :ka Section 118.1: Front yards shall be at leant tventq-five X25) ft. deep; except that the Y1:asrnin; 'Co*adiaaiofl mey apprave a plan4 with lass or na front yard when thiap i:a the opinion of the Plannia; Coswiasion ~yromotaa the overall excellence of the dsvelopsrat. Section 118.2: lio aide yard shall be requirsd t~tere a lot abuts another lot zoned Light Industrial (M.) or Transportation (T)~ but is xequired in all other inatancear. Vlaere a eida ysrd ~ required or provided, it shall be at leant fifteen (l5) ft. wide; r.xcwpt for the psovisioae in Sectiua 118.4 of this Ordinance 220(1c) . Sectioa- . loo rear yard Rhall be required vhera a lot abuts anothes lot coned Light Industrial (Hl.) or Transportation (T); but is required in all other iaatancea. lthere a rear yard is requiY~ea flr rravided it shall be at least twenty (20) ft. deep; except fox the proviaiona in Section 118.4 of this Ordinance 220~Ic) . Section 118.4: . l$era is lot to w Light Industrial (lQ.) zone is adjacent to or separated by a street froo an area sotsed Raaidesntial (lU or Agricultural-ltesideatial (AI), yards sLaa.ll ba at least fifty (50) ft. deeep. +- irotiat,ooa tan effect .ire 3. 196A: lieu bailtlt~ga Goo stories road 40~~ft. Aoawaaos)- bvi ~ now wtaxy- wai 16 ft. tisMa~:~s p:'v~ririoew, see rbe twatt of Oe~9lirrve ~1d~V • . ., ~ .. i _ Y~wstf-~!`iwe t2S) i~wt of at-~ rocl~s Tas+d Est d~ 1~ 11~e ~rsl~ 1~oe ~rsd at~i >,+t3at~tss~d Daly as a Y/a~ecap~d plt~rsi~#s* +ms' ~~ ~~11 ~a~'it fas aecctawrays~ oo d~ci+eh s~11 be ;~.lacs+t , e'd's=it~r• oar otl~sr tra'tt~obltt pla~st3std or cccroa~ias astarta~ls. 'Y'!w swwe#trdatr o! ?asd arse r~qq- be •rad ooly for off~stt~tt ~aark;tat. oz ttl~s tlrs at~iad'~ ~d r r~+aiY ~ taie~tair-ad atr a landscaped plmtsa: stsi,~r in t~ra tie rrsar as tt~ fts+rt 2S ft~t. Sactiaa tld. S: lb part ~ hls6as rhea Ctiaiat,T (!~? feet of a D~ltl~ riral.l be closes to a lot lies tburan nee halt of its Wtislrt. SSGTIai 119: Part1~ imd Loads Stetson. 119.1: .Rs pro~dai itr the !"aziciagi asii>,aace ~ Q03 (q3 , of the City of +Oupertino. SgC?IiS+ 120: DeasitX of Fag-lo~°a~at Section 120.1: ~tco~nisittg that a hisL danaity of aaploytree-t ssq creme tzaffic volumes that exceed the capacity of tht truest syetas, tine following procedure shall apply: Wlkr's the nunbez +~f parleiad t<pacea pzavidad exeaed c7-aae 9er fivs hundzed (500) squ4rw fort fatal. lot area, the use shall be subja~t to ~+ specific written approval ~ thr Director of Public Mos~~t. ~sfore lswuing such approval the Mzectos shall study the effect as the Cit~-'s street aystes of the traffic generated gay the eubjcet nse. and the approval shall state that ansuins pr~bl~as have beta soly+ed or riYl be eolvwrd with the p,ezticipation of the applicant. Denial oz otbez deats:a~ by the Direetot of PubZ is Wotics nap be s~+pealed to th+e Ctiy Cecil . SgC1'10~t 121:_ E,xc~tioa Section iTl.l: West V'all+-9y Industrial Pazk. vhicb :~ 'baaa rsaotred to 1!lY.--ra by Ordinance Sl64 of the C~,t7r~ of Cupertino. aba12 :,e a:cludad from tbs pscvieioaa of this Ordinance 22g(kl, arud shall ba r~.zulatsd by the pzo-~ viaions is 1lasolutian 406 (aas aaaindad b;r gaesa2utiat: M?!;- and ~:aolutioa 4T6 of the Plaoaing Costaissiun of the City a!`. Cupazti~. SBC?IOl1 122: Sevarabillty Clause Section 122.1: If any section, subaaction, s~w-t+rnca; clause or phrase of thin Ordinance is far any zeaeoa bald to ba ura,cor-s+titutional, •uc:h derision shall nvt affect the validity of the tretral.n3.as portions of this Ordinance• -a-~ ~~\ :k,ro t'}-• ~~~': Tr^'k ti. u4~ ::,~.,~. ¢,~.; ~: ~~~ ~~. ~~ ~' <<. ,,. 6 ~~y,~ ~~~ 2~a~r^o_, ~r~r, i off. ~ ..._ ~ ol; ~k~D at r rs~nias ~rieatlnY ~-f tb~ ~ttlta- Ccn~cl:! ari` t1~s C~ty-~~~rCin~ on tip ,.~'I,ed~'-~' "~ c°",,~a..,~.::: x..~.._..-r• lAd!~, aAd 1~IA+L'r'l~ ~-t ~ ,r-t ~t~ of tha City C~mcS.l ~-~f tM City of Cue~-~cr+tia~o th!• ~i ~ ~~ b~~~s w~, 19ig, b~- !6~ tul~.ovlaR ~+ts: :tAOa~ciYss~ - Dsisea, fits=etald. Stok~a, Desps~:er ~: Couaciaw~ -- llaaa -9- °~: ~: .,.b . i:. ~~: ,, .,, i Cot~flC1L~ li0l1 ~i. . 1r~' rs~ a~alaa3eQ, QCtfN~'! 1'~~~ l:+t CfQX~R1 YWt! srcotad _.., ~. ~.,. r. r....... _. s. r., 3tJ~ aoo-z,sus~ ab~ra 2 kOG ~l,M7'~ ~~~ M~ pri ItlRZ ~ stil'It~~.~ t! ~.~~ t~0l~l~~ t ~ ~~r~ i£ ~! V~- A~ 4~} 30 Yf thca noise i• aoR ~rur,~~-th +erx'i contit~~yaats sx~-d is aot radiated bat~aen tlsc hears of 1©:UO p.ww ar~d ~:fXi K.a., oat as Dona of the corrscCio~ts itt thi:4 Tabla I'1 altaLl ha ~-~lt~-e to xhce octrns bw+,~d Ar~re~s ;~lvwt !a tha above Table Y, wltatltar atc lot L~r~aNS•~.r~r~r ox a~c sirs 'bewdazy-. T7gs cis l.oc,ation of c~+artr9or. ou cltasactas o~i tx~1,i-a 1. I~ayti~te vl+erat iaa omly ~. lloiss Nwuxc~r c~tc+tX~-ts lass flout: (a} zOx, o~ srnl a+~-•Lsou.s Period tb} 5;L of ax~+ oere-Hour ltariad {Apply net+.r of Cltewe corrac:tios,~t ~s1,~) 3. lbioa of itrpul+ri~o cbixact•t• sttclt ~-s has~artay, 4. lioisa~ .~i par:tudit :.Itaractcr ancb as husaia~ or ecx~chi.~ -~10- totrractlo-t is dacibala + 4 ~~ S • 10 S