Ordinance 220(j)r~s
t2Rt+ rNA2~GE N(~ . 2?0 (~ 3
lI1E (3i~D1~3A,NCE t)!' 2'HE ~.YI'Y Qf' CtJt~;UTA I2tG ORDIKAIiGE 224 AND
SNGtl'GI-?ll+g: GOAL Cn~tCL4G {CG) ~~CES
Tlli CfT'1' CbClt,:fL CY!' 1`~ ~TS"1' Of C~'itSINCt 3X3ES 4tCV~X1f L.S pflti ~ t
~~~,~.R'`'' ,~ tfr#f:i~ce 224 of t9~,s City of ~.rc.t~o, c.x~:, !.a k+srr~b,
a~a~w1 bar tog lOaat3oas !t'1 chiraa~b 1Qi, as stated is tluta ~~*tr~ten {a) of +Oadfrrratic+e
Mo, 22t-.
ts~ct 9p. fit: ?i~.".a Otdis~a~ r ^'~~) rspiac+~ t~ ~rrvtirhstara ts~ Crdis~+~ fib.
002 Se~etiai~o2 t CieY of Gaprertis~o rAtic6 applies the Zoate~ +DrdiaatrcE of ttwe Cou+at~
of Santa CX.ara to the Citl cMf Cvrpaat~ttaa: axca~pt tlist said Caaat7- Qhrdi~aaa~a sla~ll Coa-
t~rs, to bo a-pplisd to fisbt L~dustra.a2 (~.) xouoa i» the CSt~r, aa4 that tlba sacral
ps+wiatoeas acrd excspt~tor<s to Sertiaos Z9 .cad 34 of said l.:ous~~y ardtaaacas sl~ll catr-
tinuo to bs applied is +casss erhssa there sre nn specific pravi,ti,vae io Citp ordias~nces.
Sectio~a 90.3: Ordinances 002 (b) and 41a of thrs ~:itq trf Cupertino are hereby
SECTION 9l: Purpose
Section 91.1: This auendaeu~C to OzRicucncr. 2z0 provider separste Cupertino
regulations for General Coss{aercial (C`G) zvnsac, which heretofore Have bean regviated
by Ordinance NS-1200 of the ^,c~uaty of Santa Clara, as it was :n effect on October 10.
SECTION 92: Interim Kature of Amendment.
Section 92.i: The entire 2~:u;,.g Ordinance ia~ beiax Studied and uubJected to
public hearings. It is understood that the regulutians contai• td in t.~is J-m.~ndment to
Ordinance 220 asap be changed r+hen la:Er made a part of the anti 'e -evfsedl Zoning Ordi-
nance for :.he City of Cupertino.
SECTlOh 93: Definitions
Section 93.1: Comunicetians Equifnnent Building: A building housing elec-
tri~:al and mrschaaical equipaienE nsceasarj- ~r t'~i~c~r~uct of a public utility cossruni-
c.at tune butei~nass with ar ~rithout peznonrtel.
Section y3.2: Dr:;ve-ire establishmant is dtfinecl as x commercr~tl ar office
establishment where a siattiiicant portion of thy!: bkginRSS can be conducted without
re9uiring the custo+~rar to leave his car.
F~atioti 93.3: Drive-in r~sstwvrant !s def in®d •s s re:taura~nt is ~+lsieh a
substanttial part of tMs lwsiaess is sax~rimg real,s or refreshs~rets which mad ba r~oveQ
i:rast toe premises or co~asu~d outside the exaclosed porr.~an of thR structure.
Section 93.y: Tatio is for the purpose of this Ordissac• 22'0(,0 defined as
an area esclossd t~j b~ui d a. veils ox faacea, a~ad with ~-atrax~ce and ec-it thravgh thi
c.avsrsd part of the bui3dins.
M --1-
4 ~:,
(~ l! a&`,~~ ~~~ , ~.~t
y.5 ~ ~ ,4j' ~ .~~~ "r~ r } RX?~ .t~ yy~,,
~ ~+ a
; ,;a~
..'` 'f#~E4'~~ ?sssllrlwrd Ds~a (lbt Rartryiria; a i3se parmit ~
Cir~ra^t;ial tt.~)
saga, ~l -tt
ei ~ sp
arnrs o~re1 build!
~ ~ ~''~t~ ~
~: a~cea ft ft~ ~gCltd~r~ s
~'~ (a~ Mail bases, arocb a,r food stottas inciad.iar supar~nrL"its,
~t, d~ ~irf~• ~ ~~'~~ '~l~~Cy stores, sad be-rdrwtx~ar ~-'4~~s•
~~' {b? trafss~rt~l, fl ad+sia~tsMarstlw Med bot~rs afficr-s.
'`~' (+e)
~aatka, istsKt'tpttt aAd YaaY. atstat~r a=saei~ea, trsn~sl ag+~cias,
photo;~:aphi.+r std s3stiiar studiotr.
'' (d)
Eu-a~Liaers swErrrtca~rs. rac!- ass adwrtiaiug bureaus, r.rsdit
w report~o,;, accoawtin;. and siailar ca~asulting s;ez~cie~s;
atrna=raphic sand dawpli~atin* ~ssices; iwssen;sr sud te~i~e-
graph officos~; t~+awnicatires a;aip~nt buildisys.
(e) Lodges and rrat~ci~ca~d wsasbarship caubs ar subordinat+~ usss in
` buildings intead~ pr~lsarilT far vsss spe.:ified in thla Saction
9y of this Ordia-nt• 12+A(j) .
', (f) Personal sersice astabliahwienta ,such ars lharbsr shops, beaauty
y parlors, shoe xrepair shops, tailor shops, clothes cle~enicg
and laundr~- sgencies and sslt-service lauAderettes.
(g) Limited repaiz servic~ei, such as je~lry, do~eestii. appliance,
type~-riter and ausiness machine repair shops,
(h) Retail dry cleaning eatablishassats, provided that the solvents
usRd in the clraaning process shag. be aon--#latrable and non-
: explosive and are in fluid-tight caseni~ng waits approved by
the State Fire Karshal. No dry cleaning is psneittsd of
ciath+ss gather than those delivered to the sstablishaents by
retail eustc>euers.
(ti Restaursnts.
Soertan 94.1: Si~-s con#arriag ~-ith the Siva Osdinance (rao. 3S3) of the
City of Cupsztl.uo are per~ritted is a General tc~trciwl (CG) sons.
Srctian 96.3: Otbitt uses than these enus~erated in Srctiaas 45.1 and S+S.2
of this OrdinanCi 220~j) trbich, accept for parkix~, are coQduci+sd satiraly within
rnclarsd btcildira~s, and vhieh in th`s apinian of for ?lanais Catwirrl.oo err consist ant
with thr ctcasl~ctex of a w^amaesrsl Cac~szelal (tom) sane; err of ttia ~ta~r sanrsai eharutar
as tba u~rsa liatad is tie abovr Sacttan 96.1 of th~.r Ordisaace 220(j) sad err eat
abjsctionsbis by r.araa of cedar, dust, rAOka, gLrr, fwar, radiacioa, vibration ox
aoisr, viYl br pe~sfttrd is a Gmnasal Cawssxcial (Caa) soar.
~w~,,,,,,l~aruirlnt a Uss trrwit
-: ~ l,~,,.i 3'bs tal.lor+iaq; vr•s ary bas pisa-itRri !ai locatiass Asa tfi~,
"~ 3r atMr q tb.. t1MSMr~ Cass~asiaaa# sarv cag--stt1~2,~ wltA asd~atls~ Auawt fl~aiMaMi >NSM
ir- il~- ~~~!i. I~~1 ~ a~3 !rr MaatM iana~~ wr~R~s ~~+rwsii #afr w
Prt;,l+4~; tt~c2ad~ prrrk~tw~. of vehiclta reb,)act to repair or atbs~c r+orkt or atvx~.~t; lat
~aae~M~ s:~plalw a~i 4t+t^-~ pa~rtcis~. Trae ~s~e P'es~it sb+~ll s~ciEp c?~ae #se or rrawsa~
to ~+t ~ar~aletad,
(a) Ao~;ase-ia, tsailes, tine arcd boat sal+~w and z+~+twls; limited
xo a~ and Htsd rreteaicxw~r za a~raib3.a aat~disi~,
(b) Corwrrciwl paar and parkiag< gaxa~ss.
(t) ~alale, rrotalr aaad bo+ardiag .
(d) DriAlcitss esta:bAisfsents su+:h as cacktai.l laungss and bwrs,
si~bx clubs, entertdi.ra;~ent an! daxwci~ establis2ssa~ata.
(s) Cawraascial antertaianeia~t trstabiisls+wsnta suck ae Sadoor tiatsaters,
boralia~ al3era, billiwrd pool pariats, dat-ce kalls, skatiag
rinlra .
(f) i~odgesc and restricted a~bership clubs as pri_ncipa3, uses of
baildS.ngs; frat+ernitP cad soxarit!- boosts.
(g) Child cars csaataxs and day auxseries; pla7rgrovAds acceasor~ to
a coss~eaxcia2. astablis'tan+ent.
(h) Vsacational ani spaci~slised schools, dance and siusic studios,
g,~saaiusrs and. haalth clubs.
(i) I.Saited food processing with r+stail outlets on the same
prs:aisrs; cwtar~ra.
()) Pat shops cad facilitlas for bathing, clipping, trinoaing and
sisi.lar servi::.ss for pats, camsor-1T called "Poodle Parlors''.
(k;- 1brCUariaa.
Sa+:tion '~5.1: Tha following use» :.ay be permitted as outdoor uses, in
loaatiaas ~fi~st.~ tb~ey,'Mia the epiniotx of the Planning Commission, are compatible With
the tacistlag cad p1r.Ywed uses in the aeighbarhood. 'the Use permit shall spac{fy tha
usa ox aces to ha pRrsizt,~,t, sFw: rrhall specify ~+hethtr an outdooz use will be aer-
+rittad on tba eatir~e let. oa a certaias part of the lot, ar confarq:iag to a 1`.rvelop..:~nt
Plan app~•o~rod by the Planais~ Comaisslon.
(n) A~wtor~obila warrrice stations, including minor maintassa-nce and
xrraix w~ost cnsta+warilr conducted blr service stations.
t!b) iwtarobile uashia~g fscilitits,.
(•e) Iwt~~obile, trailer. tirt and boat sates and rautala; liaitwd
to oev cad weed ~ebiclea in opsxabl.e conditioa.
(d) leas tar~e:tn#la cad sew;ions.
ts~ liR~lrt~s~wti, #iaaca, 1te-crawr pslosR +utd aos;a i~+~r-ataitar
~ ~as~ ~ i~rtwM»>~as tMEt~caaiiss st ~ol~X ws it ~';~ '
4, r.
'~, '.
o tiara 95.3: Ot~sc uses ~el-tcts, in flit ~oplreiot~ tt1 tba Ptanariasg t'•~1arLD[t,
+etK eoauista~t tat tba cbat•sscCes~ of s GsnsraJ~ C+~raial. ~~6) utuw; ass of tblt w+re
rdtttactsx a: tthc uses lirtsad is thw alto~rs ~ctio-as ~i~i.l amid 95.1 of tbis
~r~p~ ~a 1Ytf~'); acre ~t ab~chao~sb3a by s+~~-a +o~ ter, , aNwlaa. ~i~rs.
#aMre~a, ririLrtiao, tidt~atioa or treisr, uty bs #r+~ar~dttat in ~ ~r~l C~rclal (~6?
ass. 9rthar Sara l'esve,;l.t slnn~.l ~Q~y iiu, use or use so lNe pa~ra~'.ttad, and ~al.1 alrefiiflr
r wiwr C•a~+rl~ i~~~ or a~tdovr Leo pessittad asr flea ar~t~ra lot. a c+~rtain psrt
v! firs lot, ox~ ua-ufotnri~ taa aY llwralap~eeac lt'ssa.
Sll~'tI~ !6: ~w~'n'~ca~~r tt, ~r
Zssctioa ~i6~ 2: Twrgeoratc~r salsto aa~d adaitbita, itn+civdin; stands oY other strac-
tugrwa not heain; s psarwanwnt tow~ati,us, wsay be perRitta! fas a pwriad not acc+ae~liu~
thirty (30} days through s Hinutw Ozdsr by the City Couaoil.
l~CTIOK 47: Exclads+-d Ua«a
Sle.tiau 97.1: 7hrs !'ollovlas uses shall sot bas ~+Nsrsdttad !.n Csnwral Co~oer-
cia3 {CC) zones
(s) Autosobilw rwaulr shops, tars xwpair shops, sad other rev+rir abnps9
sxcwpt for lisi.tsd tspair azcb as lie-tsd in firs •boae Sect±on V4.lg
of thfs O~sdinaac~s 220{j } . sax! ^inar ants s+sintsnt-~s sasi repair
custcxwsri2y coadvctwd by swrvic~e stations.
(b} Carpwntsr and cablstst rRopa, plua~bsr shops.
{c) L~ratbwr yards, wrwbewNwss, sstora;w ga:~e;wa.
(dj llsirririws sax! g,rww~taes.
Swctian 97.2: Othas feast which, is tMt opinion of tht Planning Comm;scion,
arse ob~sctionabls by :rr:eon of actor, dust, saok~e, slate, fuasas, radiation, vibration
ar noisw ,shall bs sxcludwd.
SQCrion_ 97.3: Uaws not apwcif led in tlhis 4tdixssttcw 220 K) } :+hic'h, is the
opinion of tM Ylaaaiag C.oa~issiart, arse subatsnti~ally induatrS.al rather ri.+n commer-
cial shall bs w~cludsrd frost Gwr-wra'1 Coasearcial (CG} tones.
SFat"'iY!0~ 99: Nelght of llasildin~a dnd Structures
Section 9t.1: As rw;+alatad by the Haight Ordituncs, 220 (g}, of the city
of Cupertino. +
S14CX__-_,lpll 99: Lot Asn~a and ~-tr~~
8~tioq 9~ : :~hurs s1r1:1 bte no •pscil3.t arint~ws lot assn rsqulr~ed, sxcapt
that thwrs shall bw aaiticisao-t area to satiety say o##-strsst psrkiaa; and loading araa
sequirwwota. "tlrs +mtire lot ssoa snsy bw coawssd by balld!inga sad rtructur:s, sxcwpt
tc~r ~•equtrssasnta in the tollovis~ Section 100 of tbiw Crdinasacs 1zQ(j}.
+l'ra-isi+oao~a to slfsct JarwMarr 1, 1969s b!alas lwilitit~s tw stor~ias
art 3Q ~t . Aar~r Mstl~itLrps ~a r said ~.fs !d-a~. fi6aaual
.aye ~t~, fx ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~'#~ ~ ~ y ~ 1 ~ ,~ t*' ; ~'
'~s.~.; Pxan~t ;p-r~s trsx be rsgaixed by the llaaniq~ ts~ri~ma, ar
~ t~~~~c~i~at:tuxml acid "itce Appem-al ~rc-ce~ure, Zte axdrr to pro~rd+e ade1,~~!tm
Z3ybt, air, acd rislbiility a. iutr:rs~tlaec*; to assaxe ;eraora2 +~oavtaYtsity to yazcl
serrexsarits e~' ad,)acuat ax ns~rxb~.r smess, lots +ar farx+tala; ar to prassota exaalle~ace
of 6etiia~L~at .
~tiaa ~ . Z : Ida eidr or sects Tam a~tl l ba ragaiarted, escer-t erbaxe a let
~t a Cansra~Caw~traitl (CG) sons aborts am scat sand ~raidt~otia-1 (k) ax Agricultural-
Zssidential (Al), in Mhiclh CABs the fallt>wriJttg requ;raaants shall, appllr:
{a) Side yard adiacetnt to a lot or pascal izt an R or Al sc~cre shall be
nc~t less than eight ($) fast.
(b) &ide yard a~~~ atceiat *_o a trtx'~s+Gt shall bs nos less than hafelve
(12) feet.
(c) Rear bard adjac~:at to a laK ar parcel in a:~ Rl ar Al none ahat:l
bs net lase than twenty (20) fast.
(d) Na pa:ct of a hulloing in a CG sons ahal.l be clx~asx to a lot or
parcel in an R or Al zone than the h+rright of tbwt particular
part a# the building,
>EG"TION 101 Parking aGd Load~a
Seci.ion 10;1.1: Aa ptovidad in the Parking Ordicunce, 002(q), as amended, of
+.:he City of Cupertino.
S~CTIOAT 102: Cem-ermion of Residences to Coaw-ercial 1;ae
Section 1A2.1: Nc sesidsnti ~l #r.~il.dfag sha11 ba converted, wholly or in part,
to cosunercial or office use, unlsac a Use Psrsrit foc si-ch canveraion has been secured
as pro•ridsd in prdinancp G0~ (st) of the Citlr of Cursrtino,
~:.t1O~1 103: Inctsr~~.a.ion of This 4rdiaaat• 220{0
Section 103 ~I; 4~sa+sver application ;for a Luilding Permit in a General r:om-
sarcinl (CG) zone la scads, anticipatias a uaa vhlch in th+a api.tainn of the Buildin,,
Affieial it not tht sane or clearly coa~arabls to uses enu,aerated in this 0rdinu-~ce
22Q(3), tht, guildiiy t~fficial shall kaaap then Iiuilct.ing Per~ait in abayaaca and consult
with the City Planner xtw cchall place intaspretat:.oae ~af the ardinanca under "~3awr Aueiatas"
on the ageanda for the first ar aacood tollaering rs~sisr iwsetit~ at the Planning ;:otemis-
sio~n. 1'hs Plannfag Caasrissian shill ra~rderr a doei'iar~ by Mirruta Order; except that, i.f
the Plannins Cc~wissian finds that an intsrpreution ~aau d ba aquivalaAt ro a,a as.Gndm~-nc
to the axdinaaca, the pxaceduxes fax introdruins an ordinance shall be tolloved.
Ssctiop 1Q9.2: btha~aervsr firs #ttildiet~ Otfl,cial finds that the uaa of a building
to s ~:enrert•1 Cowtreitl (iCG) sons hsa bts~a cb~e~ to /r use prat the ears or clearly caw-
pit.~ab:ta :a wrt~ s~ssatai in thLs 4~tl~narcer 2200. tbs procseh~re is tbt aba~re sactioa
3p~.a shill 1tr te-17.aMrd. I! t6a tltasl+~ Co~it-s#eha fiords tit the sore is not is cor.torr-
~rir~ f~io (~~, ~t Cwr~at~wt a1wt11 st, nett to t;,tirt .City Ciar+rseail, dos
[ _ ,. E., _ ~. _
8.~t,,~„ 4 . t An o~-:esr of r ptprcel or tha w~{r of s bai:-.diag Nsy ra~+gwat~
rki~s Ditty Plrtaae+~wr co isa~-.3gete the pt~ot«~a>E~ o! ~ iai;trpsntwtian }r* tb+e PZeaaa-it~ C~aor-
4 e A d+cls3oxe bit tllte 1~:.aten~.ta CarraFi~tsi~an tswy ~ rppn~let! to
1~ Oity , i1 tr~tlta~. trt.tb-t~s ¢~.ve is~ ds~M.
iil~.'T ~~ : tt11~N><!>I N x ~ '~s
S+sct~d 1f34.1: T~se~ proca~iri ttoz a tlss 1'~r~z~t es st,~t+~d in Qrdi.rtaace ~7(a~
=ewised, Section 3, •!jal]. st;~xy to Edo pet~rits rtrgerit~tt,d iry ffierctitosx 95 est this Otdlit:au,ce
Sectlox- iWi 2: 2'be sbogre rukse~ction 1d~1. ] motvl.s~hsta~tditty~s. public hearing,
pastirq c>" a~otice r~-11 be ra+gnired tar fsttes~iic-ns c' ~risions taf psevissuoly ~ss~.ted
'1we P,~rstits. 5'~ucta pgctLenutioae ar. rwnlslot-s asy be pla-. 3 on ttac a;ea+da for !hs f'lstmnia,,~
Gssrnissiou ua~dez '''natini,~2cad E~asias+ss", ptrowidrod tbnt tht City f'loo+attc t+es.kss a .`.indita~
tlha.t the charactex of tl~e ne~3arlwoi has a,ot chae+a~ad niucR zhs Ersnti.xt~ of the ari,~.t-
xsttJ. Use pexxait ustd, its cast cry atiwis#.8s of e~iblts, t2+att car eltrsai~e is s~or 1i~k.:1]r to
of#act ad~ac~at propert7- otr r_bs ao3;hiorbe~oq. Ths pAa~rrori~°s CLadris~riass mray appra+-s car
~]eay the exteneiort or re~-i,~it»a by !l3,tbuttw Urisr, aY ~y ,vet: a d*tc for a , abi i.c heeri»,g
iEi' this is da~anesd to be in tt,a pu~-:ic .sat~rxest.
Section_ YO4__,3; 'Cht grata;iis; or daal,al b7 the Pl~-ne~tn~ CosrolaaS.~vT of a terse
lertnit utxier *_his Ordinatace .Z'20(j; twsy b+~ app~a7.sd to cYse ~:it~e Catiu:cil, is ~rriti g,
n-ithin fire (S) days.
SJLt'TION 105: Se«~ersbi2it C~_ lrwe
Section 1Q~1; ]f ,rnr s~cxirsrs, sui~t-r~a:t2.an, sscntrnc~~ r_1a.~ss+~ or phrase of
this CrditaancP .:s tar aany rea,na~a he7.d to be uarecratasti.twt.isatwnl, tet~et~ daecie~:to*z sha]I ncrt
kffec[ the vsli+tlty of the rerae~iaing, portions of S.his ~srtli.nazacc.
SECTION 106: lntrroduced and irutcte~E
Section 104.2: 1rT~10AtSC:,T~- xt a regular tmeetir_~ of tt~ t:.ir.~- Gau.rFcll of ~?~~
City of Gupartino as tie .,,~.j,~]_... de1- of .__~~C„Y_.__....-...• 2g6a, ~-~S Ei~'Cp,U at R
rcgs:2nr w:eeting of the Citg Council. of the C1ty of Cupart2cw t:hi~a 2~~1~~ stay of
~, .~alnua'~' ____` , ,964, ay th+e fio1 ]oY+ix>g vale:
aYES: Courciisuen: Beaver, Agr~ep~t~t~, f= i txgera)d, Stokes, No~~
l>DltB: Co,u~ciivien: None
A113EMT' : Count ilteea : MOne
~~~~.. ~,
of ,~
R ' ~,~~ .
~ i. l~