Ordinance 220(i)r~ y.:. ~ .~..
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~~ TN$ C I'x'~C G~'CI L E7h' T~tE CITY D~' i~k~li''I~+~ E B~RIt~ ~S 1~+0iL1Lt~I$ t
'~`;t di~lE~~N'T
rc .1 O~tDI1~A$~ N0. J~2 AkD 2~a of th~+ Cit~r off' t~gpsrti~~, f~Rl~„4'#.e,
ax*e hereby r~n~ended b edd~.mg 3eawiv~ 73 tM~"~ , ss st~-t+ed
ira ~;h:i s extenai on (i~ of t3rdir~anc~e ~Nv: ee~ t~*diA~tnae
• Nry. 2.catt'), Appendix A, by ~tdd~.r,~;° ~-2I~ ~u~d~ t'~dsit~ ~y~-
• ~ ~ bole" ), '"Agricultura~X" (under '"Ih~~c.x°ipti.on of 3ttS A"
• -~ - {under "Previaua 3ymboles" }, ttnaer~tt.~t~ d?r~$ t~tnce Igo. ~; , A
' pe~-ui„x A, b~ adding aA" ~uridC~ "ZG`3e*~, ~2" {urular ~+~N~~
and 25 ft . fonder height ); ens R~aneending Ordlr-emee lia. 2~'J{f ),
3~ectio:z X8.1 bar adding "wi~shln Agrf ~c~.~ltural Zones, ~lea~gnated A,
or" after tx~e ~-c;r. d "except" .
~3, 2 ,URI1~?NANCE i~t~3. 0~2(c } of the City of Cu~x:.•tino is hereby rescinded.
7u ~3,~~os~:
7f~.1 This amendment to C•rdin~ancea 0:)2 and ?_2:) provides separgte Cugert.ino
regul at t Qns f r~r Agr.~i cut t;urai. (A } and Agr3_cultural--Residential (Al )
Zones, which heretofore have been regulater~ by Ordinance NS-1200
of the Caunt;~ cf' manta Claxra, as ~.t was i.n efi'ect on October J10, 1y55
75 .iNTEF+'1M MATURE 0~' AMENDI~N'a' {
75.1 The ent~.re Znning OrdlnFince is being s°;udied acid aub~ected to public
hearings. It is understood that the zegr~Xatl.ons contained in this
Amendn.,Pnt to (3rdinancPa Na. 002 and 220 may be changed Kher~ later
made a part Uf the entire rcriaed Zoning tJ?•dlnance :nr the City
of Cupnrt].no.
7E~ ,~ FpLZC.l~TIOIv
76.1 No building, st;ructurm oz' land a~;hall be used, and no building or
structure shall bP hereafter erected, structttrally altered Ox• en-
larged, cat herwise than in conformance ~rlth the ~falXo~ring pravieluns;
except that ua~s., buildings anal structures laxfully in ealetence
at tlr~e ~Cime this 6rdinarsc~e 2+0. 223(1) tak+t+~e~ eti'eat qty rez~in ae
long as no alterations reytc~.ring a ~uildire~ Feiuit ere tnftcle.
7? ZN'x'ENT
~' ~s .<:
Agricultural Zones, xith the ~:oning 3ymbo:i "Jt' {~rithc~ut the Number 1)~
ore curable to Zama whicr. In sc~oe cities cr c+tiee ~na~e aa~led
"C#rrsenbe~.t ~ox~s" ux "Restxiatod A.tsulturel 7axur ~ mains
is intsz~! to be , perser~-nt, ~xn~.e~s ;~; ~aw~e tts~vrxe r::e~ Mast ~aw~-aa~pts
1' 'j ri ~ r H~~ ,,w _
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Ag~riQaltura).~-i~egidenti.al (A1 j ~ox~ea are inte~ttt~ed to :ln essexYae
aed~.ev~s the purp,~aes stated in the above suba+action ;~7.1 with-
cyutt excluding x~e~.idential development of sesti.-rurax <tharacter.
'fey area continuation of the previous A-2t~9-~ Count:y Zoning,
tne4 aoatpri.ac moat undeveloped lands within the G1ty of (Yuuperti~o
Ott the date of this 4rdinanae Ha.22J(i). .Eecauae of mi~cture of
ag~'icultural and reaid3ntitl uaea, the ~rmitted uses are mare
a~setricted than an 4gricultu.~+t1 {A) Zone.
~. 77.3 Aeaidential subdivisions 1n the hi11 ar$as of Cupertino shall be
planned in such a way that the natural beenty off' the hills is
s preserved and that viewpoints are made acce$aible to the public
~ ~ 1n general. The P1annLng Coaami.ssion me-y, as set Forth in C~rdi-
_ Hance No. 220{g) of thy, City of Cupertino, i.napoaa restrictions
in height of buildings and structures, above the ground level or
°. above sea level, in order to protect the silhouette of hilltapza
and ridges.
' 78.1 Agriculture, horticulture, viticulture and foreatr~r; Including
the following and aimi~.ar uaea, but excluding uaea specified in
Sections ?9, 80 and 81 of thia~ ''rd~inance ~Jo. 220(1), $rp permitted
• in A and Al Zones withoat tt!~ securing of a Use Permit.
a. Field and truck trope, including drying and storage.
b . Orchards and vineyards, incluci? .;;g bottling and storage .
c. Tree farms, botanical conservatorie:~ and arboreta.
d. Barns, stables and sheds.
e. Keeping of draught animals any animals providing products ~
used on the property, and household pets.
79.2 Ftea:.dence of the owner or owners ur lessee c:r lessor of tt;e land
upon which the agricultural o.r aimflar use is conducted, including
mamba ors of their immediate f smiliea. For the purpose of i,zter-
pretation of the ~-rovision in this subsection 78.2, the Maria
ovrner or lessee shall bf construed to includes stockholders in
Family corporations; beneticiarlQa oP family trusts and estates
owners of undivided partial interests in the fes~ 3oint tsnsnts.
78.3 Residences of farm workers and the~.r t8•milies whose pris~ryr
employment is inc2dental Rnd necessary to agricultural op~~+rations
conc9ucted on the same parcel of land on ~~hich said residec,ce• ~
are located.
'78.4 4[f!r-laaily dr-e111n~s Ofi ~.Ota ~!t used i'."~ a~~1.t1~M1 pagrporla.
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_:- 78.8
Accessury ~. ~....~~ ~.r~ye, irx:,.: a.,..s ~us,~t hr-uae,s not rerc;.ad or ottsr..r
wise 'acs ducted as a business, and a4at~aaory uses incidental to
atty parmittect udr .
~iCSae oceup~rtiona aflntarming pith t?ne Home Occupet3on Ordinance
(No. ~21.~ Qt they Gi.ty of Cupertino
83.grxa co~nt~~a~.ng t~ith thesign Ord~.ntnce (Nr~. 3g3~ of the City
of ~Gupertini~.
78. ~ Other uses x N~aieh ~rere lady existing ors a particular property
during any pert of the parsed Pram January 1, 1.956, to June 3O, 1g67,
xhiwh useee shell caritinue to big permitted on the same property,
until the property be ~rholly or partly rezoned or subdivided, or
until a use be abrogated by a period of eeasation of one yesx, ar
until the expiration of a Use Permit Por a particular use.
/! 1 ZONE
7y.1 Agricultural, horticultural tend viticulti.~ral uses Including and
similar to the following, but excluding uses specified in
Sections 80 anc3 81 of this ardinanee 22O (S. ), are pez~nitted in
an A Zone, and may be permitted in locations in ar. A 1 Zone whrre
• they, i*~ the opinion cif the P1a:~ning Commission, will not be
detr3.mental to adjacent property or nearby zones or to the future
development of Lhe City.
a. Livestock ranches and dairy farms depending rn8inl; on grazing ~
nn the property. ~
b. P'ro.^eas~ing of dairy products produced on the property.
c . Animal, brep:i in;g .
cf . Ftar farms .
e . Poultry raising ent~ hatcheries .
t. Aptariee.
g. Aturseries, greenhouses and landscaping gardens .
79•~ Mall sale of xir~e, fruit grid berries produc~rd on the property,
in such loeatlons that they da not create trarfic congeatS.a~n or
haze i•d s .
80.1 The tollariry~ uses sty bas permitted in lu~sations N2ssre they, la
the c-pinlon of the i'lanning Ccaamisei:~x~, x111 oot be dltr'1~lbtil do
;4 Nd~~rs;ar~t ~r or ~~etxby ~aorear, ox the f`utRw~s dereZvpMMe~t of
b. IKinec,• q~iai•r~.ec, and gravel pits.
c . Boarding karaus+a2 e . .
d. ~tan~»ocadr~rraial ataDl~~s for riding harae~a, in excess aP whet
is pex~at4tted by -a~ection 7'6. ~ or this C?rdinanae 22J(i) .
e. Rldi1~ aoa8rwal.~-s,~ oaa+~w~rtti~l atablen, and boer¢sng at horaesf
Mhc~ther public or private, pr~afit or non-pratit.
t. wrest rancrit-s.
g. dolt aaurses and country clubs; e~tsept driving tee or rarfge„
miniature c~aurse and similar uses.
h. C~oa`ereial swimming pools and picnic areas.
i . Transmission lines, trens#'or~m~r eta~;iona, television ~}nd
radio toMera, and other public utility and communication
~. public and quasi-public buildings and uses.
81.7 7.'he 1'ollorving uses e2ia11 not be permitted xn A or Al Zones s
c . Hog fa nas .
b. Cattle #'arma mainly degen~ding on reed brought onto the
G. daughter houses, Pertl.lizer yards, teed yards, bone yard,
or plants for the reduction. o:' ans.mal matter.
d. Comtuercial feed sales.
e. Other semi-agricultural ti~aes mainly deFending on raw
!sater~.ale, secui,--finished products or teed brought onto the
82.2 Oth~:r uses Mhich, in the c+pinion of the Planning Commission,
arw unduly oa3eCtionable by reason oP odor, duet, smoke, glaze,
t`umes, radiation, vibration. or noise or similar obaectionable
:^easono, or Mhich Mould isypuse hazard to 111'e or property in
•the n~el.ghborhood •het1l be eRCluded from A a~~d ql Zones.
81.3 Uaes not specified in the t?rdinanee 220(1} which, in th+e opinion
of the Planning Gsa~iselon, are substantially aoeamercial or
industrial sha31 be e~cclude4 troti A and A L Zones.
~ ~
• ~ ~. ~ ~ ~.
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82 Hn1uh;. ._. y- `.
8~.1' As regulated by the Height (?rdlnence, 22J(P;), or the CYty of
83 1,0-i' A~1~ AND 3HA PB
83.1 Rath iGt i:~ ah Agricultural. (Aj Zone shall hava an area i~t
' thousand square feet not 1®ss than indicated Dlr tht n~tier utter
a dash in the Zcaning 3ymbo3; this nu~~bax~ shall not be 14s~r than
215, corresponding to 215,:?D'J sq, Pt . (4.936 acres) atinis~ l.ot
83.2 Bach lot j.n an Agricultural (A) Zone shall have an area oY not
leas th9n 43,a3'J aq. ft. (°J.987 acres) per duelling unit on the
lot; th.ts provision Shall be concurrent with the provision 1n
the abovF~ Section 83.1. Dwelling una.ts in i'arm labor camps for
migrant car temporary laborers, or guest houses, shall not be
included in the computation of .required ar+aa .
83.3 Each lnt in ~~n Agricultural-Residential
cultural uses, or uses other than sped.
alb-sect9.on g9.4 sha11 have an aces riot
(4.g3u acres); and an area per dwe111.ng
than 43,JC~ Pq. i't. (C.y87 acres); fr7rm
houses no+; included in the camputation.
(A 1) Zone, for agri~
Pied in the follaNing
leas than 215,JD'J sq. ft.
~sr~it on the tot not teas
labor camp$ or guest
83.4 Each Ioti in an Agricultural-Residential (A I) 'Lone, for one fam2ly
dwelling, with the exciuslon of other usE~s except those accessory
to reaiden.tial use, shall have an area ~.n thousand square feet
not less than indicsate~3 by the number afte;n a da8h ir- the Zoning
Symbol; this number shall not be less than 43, correc~ponding to
43,J~0 aq. i't. (J.9$7 acres) mir..imum lot art~e.
83.5 Each lut in an A or A 1 Zone shall have suc2: shape that a square
with a aide of two k~undred feet (2~J') can be inscribed !n the lot.
84.1 Buildings and structures shall nat cover more than forty (4~)
percent of the 1 of area .
84.2 BuildMnga s2'aa1.1 be set back not lase t;asn thirty feet (3J') tram
a public street or road, ar from an official plan line delineating
future street or road ri~%ht-of-Nay.
84.3 buildings shall be set back not less than txenty t~set (2J'~ tro~s
any property line other than specified in the above Bub-section.
"Provisiane as amended by Sac. ?3.1 of this Ordintnce 22J (ij:
Main t~uildinge tMO stories and 25 te-et. Aoasssory' butldxngs for
agriat~ltural use as usual for the purpose, other +aa~sssaory
buildings care story t 5 fast. t~neral pr4riaiaar--sae the
tM~t Qt` 0~1~uM~ ~,~~ + '
.. ~~. ~ ~.
.,, .. 4~ .. ,. ~'
.,' ~r
~~` 84.E Animals other than househola pars shall La~ kept not lead tgltr~
,~: one tnuydx'ed trret (1CJ' ~ tx~~xo md,~acent property zansd t~eidential
.~~ (R) and devetloped x+ th :5, 0~ sq. tt~ . Gr less per dWea li!'~ rarrit
SF~. ~ ~'A~ia
.1, ;'
'.1 Ssch derelli~,~ty~ unit, except lara labar oaa~ for arrant ar
}' reapd~c+~-ry 3aborera or guest house~r, shall tae prarvidsd xitb Cxa-
~` ~ eno3o~ted garaaa spaaea, each 10' r_ 2J' .
8~.2 In c~taes where trucks, t~~e-ctora or tax~a at~u~p~tnt Grin rsarly
parked in the span within tMO hundred feet 24~J') a! a public
street or road, such parking places shall be 4creened trae e1Q~'it
of the street.
86.1 flrading shell be designed to prevent landalSdee and erosion;
aaPety measures shall include, but not be reetrlct4d tn,,thoae
prescribed by OrdinanQea ~7 (Revised) , ~7 (a) and 21~ (a 1 at' this
City of Cupertino. Grading that would extensively change the
character of hills and ridges shall not be permitted.
$~.~ Sewers shall. be required far all develo manta end buixdinga
constructed after this Ordinance 2~J (i~ takes effect; except
that an lots vtith an area of 215,000 aq. ft. (4.9 acres) or more,
where, in the opinion of the City Englr-eer, connection to the
sewer system S.s not practical, the Health Department may permit
septic tanks where feasible. The City Engineer ar the Health
Department may attach conditions to s septic tank permit, including
a time 11mit.
87.1 If any section, sub-•section, ae~itence, clause or phrase of this
Ordinance is for any reason. held to be unconstitutional, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion$
of this Ordinance. The lesislative body hereby decsaree that
it woulc+ have passed this Ordinance a:Hd each section, sub-t+ection,
sentence, clause or ;~hrase hereof, irrespective of the tact thAt
a:~y one or more secti~ans, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or
phrases be declared unconstitutional.
88.1 That the City Clerk be and ha is )Hereby au,thari.zed and directed
to cause copies of this t'lydlnance to be bl].ahed, vertsat±a ar
eondent~e~d, at least once within tittee~n ~15) days after its
adopflon, in the Cupertino Courier, tt~~ ottialal nerrrptper of
th4 City of rupertino.
~:, ~..
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d`'V IkTRtyDU~i~ wtrlL ~-Wwt-';iu~
8y.1 Il~&tilpC#k:~ at ~ ragvlar meeting oi" the City Criuncil of the City
of Cu~r+~itsa thls chth day of Dotober, 19+7, anti ~UI~D at a
reiuh~ ~rset~.ng of trae City Council +7f the City of yupertino
this t~ d~-r of De~e~er 197, by t~~he talloxind vats:
AXE$s Cow~cil~rn: pennpster, Joh~r3on, Noel , Stokes, Fi e~gerald
ACJ~Y3: Councilman: None
AB:~APT': Coixncilmen: Nose
( ~~~~r~
I~ r, C!''ty o pertino
ity Clerk
:;~ .,