Ordinance 220(h)J , , ~ ~, ~
• `a.
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3+ri6~.....,~ P+~!«t
~~~ei ,,~, t,;,~,;, Ardi~xa~~r fk~. S'~, as a~s~+~d, prot~~~.b~ting ees~tsi~n
2anr'! Lade~r r residential d~t~striets beir~ si~agle taa~tly ~(~, at'oac~aeac~ly
R-1 ~, dupite~s ~R~-i, tarererrYy R 2•-b~, aarard ataxtment houses 4R~-~.z,
tors>aaarly ~-3~-H, ie heraby ~t4tQd s-s ~ln ~1tt~n6s~ o~t~di>tis>r~t eBa-`~blis3~itarg
araQulares~ents for seartain taffies xit~,~.an the City or: ga-Mauuds raea~4z~eta~'ter
set forth to re~asin iart etttat ~~urntil repealed oar until e~nncto~et~t of the
C1.ty's paroposed percaptnent zoning oardixs-nce.
Section 2r~Cy Clause
3c~ction ~• 1: Ordit~nce Mo. 220 and atnendn~enta ther+et~o t~ve been
enact~`~'y e • City sa ~.nte~arzaim amendme~nte~ t+o Ordinance No.• 002 xhiah
tlardinanco incorporates tY~ ,County Zoning Ordinance N'S12t'X~ purrsuaar:t to
t~oveamrnent Code Sect~,on 6 3~G~6. The prov".c-1. ns to that B,a~~t~.nti are no
longer a~vaiiable since txa ~e.~:tenaian~ Sn aoraa.~ cases has-~e beer: adopted.
Thin Ordinance is there:~ore enacted as an uargrncy flardinarac~e~ pw~auant
to Section 3593'j(b~ oa£ the Ouvernment Code and 1a enacted by a •~/5tha
vote oar the City Council. The City gty~ft is present~.y v~orl~i~~g en a
pErmanent zoning oa~a,nanee which Ordi.n~-nce mny nc~t be enacted for some
time, Such Ordinance x111 replace Ordi~~anae NS121S0 and xi 11 incorporate
the pat•oviaiona of this Ordinanae or provie~iona similar thereto. Mean--
xhile, huild~.ng pearmita are beit7g iso-aeci and must be corstroiled for
the preae:~vatio>ri of the publle health and safety under reasor:able re-
gulationa rehiah taavr been; acceptable :tn the past and x117. be unt~.l
fut~.tre ordlnax:cee are enacte4 aaPter hearings.
Section 3: 8eyerabgy,r,1~~ Clause
Sectio,~n.~,,.1: Tat' any section, $u»-section, sentence, clause of
phrabe o wth.ae ~rdinanae 1a for ar~p reason held to be unc~institutloru~i,
such deaisitsn aha11 not affect the validity of the remaining poartians
at this Ordinance. The legl,slativa body hs-ar+~by deClaares thin it >r-oul~i
have passed this Ordinaarauoe anQ'i each ae~tion, Aub-section, aentenae,
cla-use~ or pfi:are>t-e hereof, irree~yeetive of the feat th~~t any one aar• rnora
aeotlons, sub-sections, aer~tenres clauses o>r phrases ~,s dealar~ad atnc+ax:••
Section 4: Publlshi C1 use
Seetioxi ~: l: Tire Cite Clerk be and he ! a fnearob~r .-utherised end
dlr+sctad ~ oause ot-,ps•e of its th~it~r to bye gybl3.alr~+d, t-+sr~tla~
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~~` "~ 4~ ~Z~~SIlttyt Ght~ '~fith t'l~t~' of De~~er ~., b~ ~'bllt,-~r-
~1: ~. ~~a~:;~: ~ln+~h, ~iC~~,~;~+~~e,?!~", l+t~l, 3~1:ee, i,+s~a~tser
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iaxr+enr~e K. 1~4-x_'tin___~._ ___~~_.
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