Ordinance 220(a)~-~' ~'~Si~ ~!" C2~' ` CUP~R7.'~~~ ~`!!~ tfF C:A~1~~A ~- (o) M'inir~sas Mui.ldia~ site A.ree Regis ii#.~ lti ~ siss ~YYMY~~SAwPMy~r11AY1~~M ~~ ~ti~A~i ~~~~ ~ ~~ titre hvtzdrsd +(8~4d) square feet net area tar ea4xh ~tvo (2f ta~ally d~rellis~, unit. Section 1:2: Seotion 6 of Ordinance No. 22C Whioh is +sxstitl+~d ~~ (<t) Miniaws xot Areas Minimum a..ot si ee sshall be ninety- tbayee hur,,dred (~,~00) equate teat net axes tae the i'irst three {3) uait~c. Far ea~eh addit~.onal unit aver three {3), tkere shall be added axe additional Scurteen hundrad (1l~AO) square feet net a;rea~. {~ grag:~, is attached heret~a a,,,~~ ~pturt here t E'~hibit nA'~ for the purpose of detar- m :;p .~..e approximate nWnb+~r of unity gern~!.ss~,'t~le un any given area bet or gr~oQe, the unpliaati~:.a of the speaitio m~.niniums is in accordanas xith th+~ toragoiri+g minimum to M size square _*oot require~se+nta sad s'iaaZl be a~aplied and determined in sash vase by the City ~nginaer. 3©ct~ton 2:1: T?~'s ordznanoe is ®nacted. as ~- temporaz~y interim f ~._ ~~. NU. 22~ (o ) ~ Cam. +f~' '!'~ ~' " t~' ~Id~'0 ~+~ i~-~' ~ ~{~3 ,~~~,,,,,: ~.r-~s+ra ~ of t"h.*dttn~esa lto~ 22o whia~- is +rr~x~a .: '~!~iii,~7Lrttl.oIIa Z'it' ~pi~o (~-2-~}* its hea'Aba` s~e~ed by the '~3,~soaD of ~rb•-p+aregac~pb (e) aired tbuu addi.tiida nt ter to11o~H.Ags "Result=bone for Apartment douses (R-3-R j" is hereby amended by the dela~ion o1' sub-parAgrs~ph (a) an-d the addit~.on of the tollovingt SECTY4.~ 2: IIr,_g,,®,~ Claube urgency aaeaaurs pursuant to Section 658Qu of the Govarruneral: Cod:~ ~~ the State os' Calitorn3ay as amen+ie~t, for the purpose of prohibiting the uses and aregulotioas at Lad within the C~ ty that ~ar1,$ht be ,.in aontl.iat xith the peri,Tc ordinaz~o• b-ereinatter referred t~o. . .. `1 of 12/x''6/,^ ~- S ~ J. ~ • ~ ~ ~~ Tls+e City hau centered isita ii written ooatraot with XlClaer, l laoat ~xa cnd Slal,r, I~.annie~ ~oansvltassts, xlt~- t1~ Stait~r o! Cslit~Lr~ said ,W ,~,. warr2c anti pre~aratian is p~lasa:t].y b+ci.q~ psrlcrr~asd. o, ,,ci..Y '~.,..~~,~ t~~~ t~~r ~-a~rar~~ ai~ s oa~l~a~s rlw~i~ t~o~i~d p~~++tta ~-urixu~; +.5i-~t #~/~~ ~3 ~~ a~,aard riiNi ~ue-~rt~a$sd ua +~iltitilti+ a ~t~i~ ' 11~!' #~~1 os!°dit~tri~r ~ ~ p~~fa~i at ~-ettt o~oa ~~.~tf.a i"'itbsaeo d~3 ~- si'fia~- it.~r *asat- i~- 'mss Cngar-l~,uo Couri~.+~r~ j ~ ~r~r#p ~,iab-+~d amt eix-oui~bsd wft~im 'ab~ Cif o~ tritgorRinc- at~d t~s o!Y`3olal x~-rpaparr of the Cit~• I~f'1Z"tfl~tTG,BD ~ ~o.1C~D at a regular aae~tis~y~~~of the pity Gomaoii oP fobs C~.ty of cupert~.r~o, this a~~ ~ day of ~,~~, 19b2, by tha foliotiririg vc~tie: ~,J.y~ M I+fJL'~Ti V,~ xiY~. ~ ~~~~~ y1~ t NQ~3: A14 Coun.w i xme~n ~~ ~-~~~ ~ Lour:ailn~n ATTF9~i` -~, l ~'~~;. PL+~~ +C+i'1,99I0lf ~$©LUTIO~I NO.. 12U ` 'dam' Q!` '!~ ~'3~1~ t8ii~~It t~! 'T~ C ~OF t;~3P~l~i'Z~t.~ E~M3 ~.~C~ ~ z~-t~l~.'tl~ !'~'D2~Ul.KCE N0. 220 a Z v ~P'~ ~ „ ~ a ~ A~KK-. 2,20 Altri PR~'G'Z~ '~ ll~ ~~1~~''~ ~ Ldp' Awl 1tFiZ~~'~ 1~~r t~ t'~ i3~It~o No. 2~0~a ~, orrp~- of 1t~31+~! t* ~~ -~l~MEO grid ttt~ pn~C heruaf, brat be`~n, detly eon- rditerrrd aid ~~ D7r f~'tts a~atrrtt.~e~, aad the tlorisrion lx.~ti~z 1. i'~a~: i.`• i• in aae~oat: frith ~eoses~rde-tio~t ~aa~~tollp+se ~~e ~ ibis Corratsalon f 2. Tlrrtt tbtre ,!'s~atr 3tuting urgreno~ awe trot and oorreot~ axrd 3. That xt ir< to the b~tsat latbre~sta of the City. Nl'IW, T~FO~„ NB YT R~BLYBiU: 1. ''That Ordir.~arac~e No. 22O(a) bt and hereby is favorabl~- rtpo+rted upon and s:+oorm~endt~d to the City [,'~s~utc~;; for onaott+tent~ art an uagency ordioanoe. la. That the def3nitian of the ~csrd "loL-" a~hal~ ber that ss defined it, the 3~tbdiviaion Ord3nanoe of the Cf ty . PA9gED r1~iD ADOPT~iD, at a regular e~teatins of the Planning Cor~rti;:sion of the: GYty of Ctzp+3rtino, this 26th day of Nov+o>,ber, 1962, by the fol'loaitrg •otcs AYES: Adaao, Fi.t~gerald, FrolSch, Leor>a~~,~rd, Sriea2l, 3nyxler I~48g z Mons ASNT: Nasgy ~: . s,~;~.:~:~ :. ~,, ,~ , .. ~titr,sr~i:~~:v,~~x'ye,~i?.a,zds,;~b~: ~u:,.~i.,~Ei::: ",:.~ ...~.s