Ordinance 209.. S 1 .~, A~ 4R~~t ~F~~i~R 'tHS A:~.~'ION 4F ~"~:~A~N ~:C~D'I'I4t7UU~ UNIT~tABITF•D ~~< Y"I~~~t7-#~C, D~Zt.`7 "3~~t"$~t;" C~ - ~.~" ~'i~ '.~H~ CI'I'7f (~F CUk`'~:~'~'II+K) IN ''°r; ~,. <, AL.I~CE ~~'STH 'i"" F~'ttyYISIG~ia ~OF ~'~CT'LCM# ~~~C~t3 fi'r' FrQ. 8F T~El6 -`it}'~Ei~Oi•~ ~~, =r ~T'~\t$ ~.C ~ 1~ ~~ ~;•, CAB, the Clt~r Cc~unc31 ~-1' ,h,r C1ty cif' G~~ertlnn ~ii~d, an the ].9th deer of I~r~h, 1~?f2, was a~ adap:• ~~ z~tsc~3u-,;i~en i'ar the prnpG~aed annexes-- tica's of certt~ln terri tar~v to the ~';i } r; cif" C.1a~.~ r~t::i nc~, an which raid 1~raoiution rtta-t~.ce at ache da f, hUU~ . ~ zed ,p~ ar ~; wh.en nzx'! t+~he:'4 arty persari oxning read. prr~pertsy nit,~.it~ much terra tarp rsa ~rvpo~ed to be annexed sx~d tu~.virtE~ any ab~~-c±~.it~na tc+ tI~ ~~rr~~.jed :~r~nexrAt:¢ ~?• ad.~ht av~ar before the ieg.~.:~i~trivE~ bc~c~y actd a}x~K ~a,~ae why su•. ;, territory should not bt Sa arxnexe~! ~ at~d ~'~~3HF.A:3, ~~ict R~•s.alut tan ~~a d;x3.y, regularly, a:-ici laa~f .:1.'_.y :.ut~.l.isl:tea at le8at t,w~.Ce. gut rzot; sroz~ nften than rsric'e a reek, .in the Cuper~lnc Coux^i.er, a :ienrspaper of gene,al Cir~culacti~}n ~?tlib.i8hl~ yt~.thin thE: City of Cupertint~, and j.ra the ~'+.:z~n~,yv<~.4~• Starzdurti, :~ r~ew:~}~-rer of geziex•al ~~2r~cul:~- tl.an pux7,isX:ed with~.n ti^P '"',:~unt~y ~,:~ Santa Ciar.~, the ca~ar;ty in wh'ch i~ loca~ed the terra toa~sr ~:,,r~~~E~u~c>ct t ~ ~.~ra ai~nexpd~ ar;~i ~'.~.~,~, sucri hears r~; w.'t3:J h~. ~.;~ C}UI'~3tk3!'it tU fic,~t~ riOti:ir,•e t'rI't+;ca ~ ~r•+`~ irl ~t81r't R?sr~3.ut;ion oz~ the ~.6t?r ritiy uf' ~i~,ril., ?~~.t~ , ~Yt. ± 3~e tir*.r~~ 3z~d i l~.n-~ i~HE ~A ;, such hea~•in~, eras rr.ot- ie s:a than f I f`Gt~ t~r~ (I ~,) d.~y~ f'rr~,m the date of tFie p<3sgs.~;~: ~t' the ~.-~~.d i~~ ~i~jXl.~tion; ar:d 'vI?~F~S, at Ghe ~afd hr~3x` n,£z t,l7~ra ;a~!I•e r~r v:~;.t.:l ~:;~•<:~t ^:~t ~ k:~y -.ray' owner cr owrzerN of one-half (-~; t>f' the ~~~.u+~ cif c,~~: '~f=rr~3t~~r~~ ;~r~-~r _,sr~ei t+~ ~'@ artrieX4'C3, 1C^+'}~+e13r~r, ?;~ iiZE' 8 `:. eQua~..z:'~!a :; ,`i~:.,:..?~r@'Il'. r~"a! .~ : 1 ~•'?r' L~Lln~~ C.,f :~'..n~.. ~~~rc:, .fit.:it,~? fji _;~w:lf ~t~y'1"t~c"3., ~rii~ .,. ~.~~ ~ ~!ZTl~f:E:~., ~,:.~ tt',L~, C1ty Cotartci, t; ~ratl WF;,Eft~.~t'.i, trhe ~'i ty C'~~~t~:c ! .l ~'i r~::. Y.:~ L *.t~~ t~'^z _ r, ~:r y ~rt.~~ s~= ± r..., t,e SInIN~X~'d :..'..' C~`".t~~,11~~1:~ t,o t!:~' ':,OW"2::'~.:"1.+~a q1~ ~Y2[.' ~.'-;.t.y ~ ` ,;'J~.'Y't1ri'.• i!'.~ that tt:e ~~~ne is w.?.~~y~~aY~~i.~~,~~c~i te:r~•;.4~+ry as ~~. flnr~3 ~;~ >?'~.:.d "~~ve.°nm~-r.t Code vt a ifor~ia, <S;~~i ~ :~~st .t i., : a.r thF• 1~~;•:tt, i:.- eresr, ~.~r,~ c~~ziven.ic~nce O.f Cupertiri~M r:yat: LY;..: gui~3 t.errit~~r,~ b~.+ mn.nexerl tc sa:~•a i::iLy ~}f t'!.1'~~?r'-- tino: M ?~~Ci~, Tf~FO~:, the Cit_r ~.'wux~.ca: ~~' the Cif:r~ :~f CG,~:.~ertin~y does h~r~by ordain as tal.`laws: ~PCt~.Qr~ 1. That the ann~sxa.ti:~n t~P * he unj nt-.ab' tc:: t.erri9,n. '"~ t,rre~.n~ aftec~ac~ect be, s.;d the sa~ra• is `terebY ap*,~xnved, and t:.ha3t sal~f terr~t•ory be, and the t~~a-e !a tw•reby annexed to the City oi' Ctaper•i;ina trrx! ire more p~arLlcu:}~~~ly de~a^.x1ba<i sA t~lio~a, to xlt; &~.~ ~~tt ~ ,~rr~ ~~t in tJart tk-t~n~~r o~ ~~-ta C:i~crah ~ast~