00100031 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO .. BUILDING]DIVISION '. PERMIT ' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: .— BUILDING ADDRESS: PF.RMIT,NO. OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE 7.0792 W. ESTATES DR NOEHR MASONRY 00100031 PHONE: „ SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. CHIANG 17445 PLEASANT VIEW AVE 10/04/2000 O O ARCHITECTIENGINEER: - C L BUILDING PERMIT INFO 6,L 408334992? - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ao, 1=1 O CI CI 2 yLICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION-1 hereby affirm mal 1 ten licensed wader provisions of Chapter 9(ebmgteneing Pit. withSection Talbot Division 3 ofthe Bananas and Professions Code,andmy license , �mS is in full force und9�erGytppp License Chtss'_( I.ic.#—.L/ �_� .. . Connector . nEcF'SDHC A'fION - - ,. r �d y19hal'n °' d cres°rd' CHIMNEY REPAIR wA po O Licem J vd­�' oral It - 1%C OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I h redly mfina then 1 an,enemy,historic Carleton',License Law for the , I"Z< following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Coae:'Any city orcoumy .. ' F which requires a panni,to construct,alter,improve,dcinolish,or repair any struemrc C s, list he,filar ed no nimgo theprovisio ,.1 for Corm.nit lotileastgnpdsmnde,9 list wo Section 3 o Ce Business Licenselxw(Chupter9 - 5'(I, I+st, FloorArea - Yallatlnn or a ingwOh Secrfon7000)ofliehavonor the excimp Professions Code) s„ or Shotio is 31 5 by ,borefmm am ,he basis for ubj alleged replicant to Any l Pennon of Section e th n by uny applicant Tura permit subjects,he applicant m n civil penalty or nm more man fee hundred aounm(ssnJ). DPN.Number - Occupancy,Type ❑1,as owner of property,or ertpmycei with wages av their soic catnpeasa,ion, $2000 will do the work,and,he s,melm,Is not intended or,offered far sale Ises.7044, Required Inspections Business and Podowhms Code:The Command,',License Locs b,aw dnot apply in. CI " ocaner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who Lines such work himself r though his own employees,provided mar.such imprayemems are not intended or 36907032. 00 mrered for.ale.If,however,the building or impmvemem to sold within one year art e ' iemple,ion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did no,build or y' ' ntpmoe rorpamona or-.ale). - •,1'01 — FOUNDATION ❑I,as owner othe nopery.ardexcin.ivelyenmmcar,wonderrendcontractors" 312 CHIMhIEY .REHAB R' STRAPS ,nstruct mf mm e project(See 7044,Business and Prosomas Code.)The Coeme'a construct Law Lines no,apply loan owner of publicity who builds or improves more'"' 514 — FINRL PUBLIC -WORKS and who counters for such pr jects wbb a commentans) licensed pursuant In the Contraaoth License Law. ❑I am exempt under Ser. ,B&P Cforthis al - Owner t Dan, J " W'ORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I ncrebv mnrot under penalty orperjury one or ire r�nowing daaarmions: - ❑ 1n I umaintainren t 13 , , u'b rerewr he Counts, .mi provided ( r by i Seen.,, Cmna 1 to -Labor Code, for the - ,promm.el the wank for hichdat, vornit is med. ❑I hove and w II rCode.n WrnAer a Onamformnce of t e workce,as requ red by SentoS 371%1 leave the Labor nampl for the performance of the work for which this permit is sued.My Work a Campensmion Insurance carrier and Policy n tier arc:/yp Policy No.; BS �W CRI IFICATIONOF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section location be mmplmed if We permit is far one hundred dollars ($1 W)or less) 1 certify the Ia,he performance of the work for which this permit is issued.I shall not employ any person In any manner so as in become subject to the Workers' ' Cmnpersatlon Laws of California.Dane Applicant - - NOTICE TO APPLICANT If,after making this Cerifea,e of EscrO dim.you should - become subject[,,,he Worker's Pompensmioo provisions of the Lahar Code,you mus, _ zforthwith coreply with such provistons or permit sial t be deemed revoked. s z0 1 FCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY a I hereby afBmt that them m in a consumption lending agency for the perforance - - - W of,he work to,which this pennn la,ssued(Sec 3097,Civ.C.) .« A Lender's Name _ is z Lender's Add,,,, V 0 1 certify that I have read this application and state that IN above infnrmmian is ' W F. carmen"1 agree,o comply with all city and county mdur ancea and eInto laws claim, - - 0 [) ,o building construction,and herehyautherim representative.s of this city to enter upon - �„ W the h m tt pulproperty f .pea purposes. ti LL (W) be to s d 'lyand k , .stheC'ry fCprinn against h Cit I', j q a ts, n Li p ses h yin uny y ,aim,said �1.. U 'Z ata consequence or g t g nh p t tti OUL AM1 UN A STSNDSAND W MP ALL NON POINT Issue by: Mateo Signa fA iennocortmemr - D Re-r fs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hmallous material Type . as detinet)by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Head,and Safety Code,Section 25532(,)? 0 V0,- El No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed., Will the coliountorfuture,buudie,oceupantaw im,nion,oraeviatwhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree.to remove - call,linimousaircound units as defined by the Bay Area Air Quelity Management Di,tr t? oNn all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply, with 0 Yes all non-point source regulations. 1 baso read me'haedbdnuc mmedris requirements under Chapter 6.95 oldie - Celiftend.Health&Safety Code Seu'on 25505 5593 and 25534,1 u d r ural that t . J,1 b 'IJ'ngd c. nwrrently hevcoc S tl' mycw, 'Imhq :ffye, . cep fm giren pks Mich an'tb prior ani. arc f C 'fcneof or, uny. 1 - Signature of ApplicantDate o_ . 617 ' owner dagent Dme - All roof coverings lobe Class"B" or better' OFFICE