Ordinance 173~ 1 i ~ .!~ .w ~sa'r -.~,;. l~,~J 'E),$.A'~.t11' .~RD''~'i'1; '~.°~`''~~ ~li~.~~'~"`;~~V' ~~~"' +,~~'„~~,,".:'~.;5~~ t::tyPJx"~c:#C.`s,*,~~~~5 ~~~~:~~f"~ ,."?;;~'F`",; !t°~~~F~~P~ ~~"ai~~',~{J" l~y~~ ~'~''{~y~Y~.,-~~~~-y ;~'" `~':`~ ',,~~~Ck'~ ~`~~X~~s"~ ~~, ~"".y~+?'yk't,~'ry~`~;IE~.~.)dty~v) ~ i i ~~~~twp,~~ r}~,t.. t (i.+~~ 'I~~*I~, ~4-7G~ ~ ,CA's.-vM ~il1 4~'~~ 'ti+'+S' iv°,~'.~.i .d~'.J~ ~j~. ~1, f~t.d ~;ai~r+~'y~.r ~~ ~+~[~ bi*~J -I X'+J~~.a4~ :- ~~~.?t 'A w/a~ ~~ w~~~a;@~M ~~ rw n.i w.M.~a.Uwv.•wwn-ww~wwr+..r.w.,..w.w..a n..-.ww.w..u....y -`..w .r«..+......wrs+,. m.h..«.....ao......•. ... ,~r~`~ !~ fr,.. J' ~~~, a ~~t s~~.~7a,~t~ ~jr o~+-,~s~*x~ tai ~ ;1.~~~ae ~~~~~~ e~~- ~'"~; ~ ' ~ ~:2` t3~ ~ 3~~a~rinP°~a~° ~l~ze~x°f.t.~>~ w~:~~~.~o~- ~ ~:~~,~ ~. ~~ a ~-.e«cE ~tic~~LY'! A 9~,1"MMCt til'i $- Itt:iwt +~t~.i~-,+q~~ ~;~t~'E~art .~.'~+~~ ~~,#`~ t~ g.~~a~'a :~ ~ ~ ~', SAL ,~,,`,'~~ 1~aii ;,~' ~~~ '~{:P.$~I i~~m~ '~Rd~1x:i°~.~. t~~' ~~a-L" r~~.'~;~' *~~" ~.!~"e~::°'~,'x "IC+ x`li+c~,t~~~~~;t~° ~~~~.t~zt .~~' t~ ~~x~~.a~a~~,~'t~~ c~a~:.~Sb t~ca,tor~~ ~tra .f.aa.~~ ~;;. ~:,. or1'~'~t~`+~«~ e.^~1d ~er~"ll~I ~~e~r fJfat~g~.t~ ,~! a lts Ce~n't~~vmftts tra 4he t•c~~a;~ ... '~-I~Y:..'3, Lcw ~'"~~ ~`. ~aa~.2 ~~:~~' ~:~.~ ~'~1sa~• off" ~r°~:atnc~ ~.dw ova ~,~ firth 1l~''aA.S, mid .R~r_a~vi~t~.oxi a~:a daxlyr r~r~a~'~.~ar:~~r, aa~ 3.ar~i\a~'t_u ~~ul.,~ ~ •.:?-~~~c~ et ~,~Ret t~~~R Attt ~n~ir: ~arcx o1~t~n t~,ra !'>n~:.~ a ~tree#~s its Gtxa~ `.'txp+~rt~~~c.~ Coux~.ex`„ ~- ~a~~~epl~~x`r c~,~' ~;src~.~c:i ~~i'ctxleti. on ~na.7~liw~~'ied awrit~112r. tr.~ ~, ,..~, ~r C~pez~fno, eJtd ~n £F~ t'~Un3tvair, ~'t:andax^d., to ra+~x$~~~r° c~~' ~,~,~c~r~z1. :~ 1 ~~cu~ ~att~x g3ub~ly}hit w-Sx t,11ra tt~ ~:au»ty of Saxtu ~Clazr,^., t2~s: ~.oua~.ty ~ ~~ ~~+'~.c3~a le Iacated tt.~ 'tnll.t+a r~~pat~d rn 't>e sxxnt'~xc~d„ da~r off' ~e~~lr 3 1., peep ~d ~c~t r~ lE~~s~3ut~.c~~x rr~x~ t~ p~ta~~,~oex,s3 ara•- ~ ax.~ * !~. ~ o~ d ~ rX•~. tc~ r~ tts tie ~~ t,i~ ~°~~" t~~po r"~ x rra, ~x~ Mtn G h ~~+C ~u X n~ ~, a ern fint~ca of 1~fi~9- t'l~ty', i!~ixa-~,~ end pare xS~rr t-r~tl wr~x~ ~y '~:.r~sor, owr~:~7R read ~~ ~s.~t~.ri ,:~la ta-:^x'tt+~x-~ ~4 ,~T1-~j~";r;~"~ °t~t7 ~°I ddyl~':C~ ntl~' }1t~~Y,~it'.R; c"iT'J 1 {~a,~~t~~~~~+,..~~t,,~~i.,,,~~c~~yy~a~yM1Co a~y~r~ ~'-x-o~x~a~'f. ~z.~u~+~:x.~.~:~an i:~l. y~,,~,; ~t~ nra ~^ b~:~'o.~~C tts~: ~tYY.~~;.:: j ~~r.a. ~. . L/J'.:y i/~75i ~`R~ WrV.s~~..~ ~ ~C.°l~. ~~~rxrd, tQ~'°wY ~I: T7~..1 x d n~~ ~~ ~~ easy j~lA.ri.~~.l ~ 'C' ~ ~. ~ ~~ss ~'iy.S, sr.(aiu~clt~,y~~aw sx"'~.r~,~' ra&ay~!'u~~.tY ~~~:yi~/~~{~~; ±L' *:~~ ~~a~xq ran. ]~y~t~. }o ~~~rjC~;~~J~.~:~:r~t~~ i,n 1A~3~~, +4 R". V'Y ~~6 L~,S~ VIG• ~vba~ 1~.~~~ 1~~~~ ~~~f 4~~i'V'~{' ~~~~~,~ ~?~J 4.i t4~ ~+J.'iiFar [ii,.~~ ~~_R ~.,~-f~ ~3 Xtf$ t~~'1~~,t'Ap 8~1'AK~ d~!.5,, ;~uc?~ haer,~ng ~-~ nvt lc~~t t?>~~ra fatty ~~~C~~ de~~ a~.c-s mox~ than ,~iz'tg ~fCr~ tia~-a Pz°om ~:~ze date of thc~ ~te:~~r~ sai' ~a.9.d ~'t~.:~sa~.~ti,ytY; ~:nd ~,~.Sp at t!~ sai~`i heaaM.. ~:~~~ wcz~- no vax~.d prot-F~ata by a.ayiy o~aratr i~r ovm; x-e of arty:-~'t~,.,~.,~x ~~ ~a~° tt~ ~~.l~,c of tho ter1~i.tar~r ~aar~r.,g~c~~~d tr; ~ itrasexcd, e~;coac~t9.rag tQ the ~t.!r~t r°~~a~.34~:ci c~~~e~~su~cazt ~•n1~. u.4' t~-~~ County oi' ?.anf;a Mara, State of tralti.~`'rra°+niat .~Rd a;3 det:r.:x~nrz.~~ed by r,tz~ ~:jfiy f otu~t~.~ i :1., and i~fltl~,tiM;,~ -;~ ` ~~; ~, #:y C:c~~.ulci 1 f.~.xtct s t~ t the t~ x~rl ~.c:-.-y l:,z•s~~a~ red t r~ be ~,:~•:~exe~I z~ ~~~x, vxg~e~art~ to x~Z~-s t~r~u~d~:~ xric;~ of t2~r CI ty off' ~'<~~ertar~~~ a~ ttaa ~, '~:kae s~r~a: .i s tan9.r~:a'~v;. tt+~ ~:erx~'at to r°y ~,~ de ~':± t~e~~ by- ~a:~c~ [~v~rrarnt~nt ~ ci. , cr,~' +~a~f S'op~r~~a, ,a1-~c tit~t; it ~.~, ~'c~~ the "taut ~,n~Ckrr~a~S: ~ci, ~;r~~;v~~.wr~cs~ of ~~x~rtinv tbnt tt~ ~w~.d ~r,~:~# c~uy dom.'- :ar-nexe+d to auAd Ca.ty or ~a~:tir.~~, .t~A/~~- ~~ii~wFij:w val3~ii,~ i.~i~ 1~-A~i~' ~Mwi~u~'~I.~IL j. i~~ ~. rY~ 4A ~r,~ NJ• '4~~.: ~.~.k1~ 'Lld~!I. ~i ~~a ~•M ~• by ord~a.a.n a;~ i°o11o~-a ~ - S~ctS's~rs A. 'Phut tt~ aa~-xeaca.t#.an r,+f O:tte txt'tj.rth~~'r~,te,~ terx°4L~+x^,yr ~werc~#~.~t.. ~ft~r +~i~wGt'x~~d ~r:,, ant f_.rxs* one ~d lx;~.-by ~ippac~~v'~~d, ~t'rt! that st~l.d tr~ar~..~ -1~ ~.~ ~.~ ~"""., ~~ Vii' ... ~~~ ~s~~G,1!'~ ~ - .,:' y~ /~~~~ at t/h~e ~n.y:{i.. ~~-'~; ,..~ .'. rt~te.~~+y~..+~ti~afx;f.oafy~tne~ n:tof,z~~the~~*~.,{~~~.:.yn1~+~y~~ yf~ ~V~~~~..i4idlR y ~~ ~'"stL~ XY •~,,~r ~J. t~~, t~' g1~Y44ri ~y ~~n•~ ~3. ~I~$~ M~L~ ~ ~E..k"L~l~i, +~"~~ ~ CiJi~I.~1'~, ~~ ~:.1 ~:".rJ~T~$ i~.r~l~f.~t1C~1 ~,~t' dC~Sd 1`~i:1~2'G~~ ~.'.~ .~.~"?„ Ctt"""~t4~.aYt~1 i~'~rr~strd~a, .8;< p~grt x.12, SSt3Y.~t l+3ar~a fiaauntj!' ge~ivr~la, ~~ ~.~'d4'; 0~ b~rg#.t~rtlltrf~ ~~~.X'1~ ~11~t0 a pO.~ tIt C11~1 ~.~~' ~TX"Pt:@t! ~it.y 11xai tt~ ~,.3rae~ a8' the t,~r o~ G'~p~e~~#:it~> n th~'nee x~xnx~l.ng eaatc=r~. Y a:..~xrg maid ~sr't,~7l~ 2itt~ cs~' f:Ie23ttt~ d tv the interaectia.. Lt~rac~~' x~.tth the ~o>i"at~;gay ~.1:n+e oP the :~:sutr~e~~n ~'a-B~ t1e Railroad Rii.ght-~f'-~rr~raaY: 1"~~2~2.~` .''3an Jaae-tai r~tta>° Itxf=ezr~.rtsan Asiiway ,t~l.gttit-4f-wray; thence ~rautheaateY•~.y ~~e.1ar~ sa~.df rr:arttx:a.sxerly ai.ne oi' aa~ d Souther ~'a.ciPic~ ~~,Xrad R~gtit--a~'_.~y to ,~~ int~:a:•t~~+.ti.c~tx t~herer~t wx .,M t~~e :shutl'~e.r•Iy l cne opt' y~h~°d. r:a;=°ta~ir~ ,patrol of :tan~:t etis:ve~*ed to G~spa~a Su.iaver, et ac:~l, bit d+~et~ re^c~r~cled in tx7a6c 1t~3~+-, ~ttfii:Lai Neeax~s, at ~z~e 7U~;, 3aratr~ C1i.~~~ Cc~urxty iter:a:ris; tr~~,~nc.e ~;~:~rt„ea•.ly ,~.Iong the r~estc*r1y pro-- 7.onp,af;i~srs o.t' z3a ~.~ ac~u~rrt,eri~+ .i:~z.t~ of M~.id paz-col conveyed to t~r,?sp~.~~a '~ia3ae~e~r,, +~~t a,1, t:o the ir~L~:r~e~4:~4c~rz n.:` mid westerly pz~ra? ,ragation w;~~:i;~ ~:tr~ c.rsrt:~easter~~r line v2' G~tBt ce;~•tain ~rc:e1 af' 13nd ccs~rreye~i ~ R. '.all., et ux, by cieeu r~°~~cvs'~eci in yak ~f~fd4, 4rf ici.a'i Recr~rcDs, at ~~;{~ ~b'~a, Santa ~:'ilat~. C~un~:y i?ecord~, sa.i-:t nr~rvherxs~er?;~ line 'being alaca the aaut:l•,xr+~s~t,F.r•Z,~ :f.:ir-~;• t~'' t,he* afor^E:mer^.t:i.c.~r-c~d Sryuther Pa+clflc 3~ilrnad f?l.rht••a1"~~lRyr; Thence ~autl~east~rr2y alor~ s~isi r~rtYt~r~s:~t:~r1y 3.i.ne u1' ~~id paz~n:ei L•aiiVe~ye~rt tQ 1~< Cal'.t 'r,u the aa-.sth- ~astex~'fy s~rarx;er tt>ex~eof.; tt~enc~= crest-~a~bJ.y ;~i.cr~,~; the ~n•arhe.r3.y ll.rxe v.f Skid 1r.~z•ce ~. ~o.~rse~Ieri tc~ H, Cr~l..i ax d web ^:`ly a,tor~ ttae westerly p*v-- .loxsgs<~ior~ tlaex~~~i' to t:he lart-~x~~,ection at" .~aj.d wes~:erlRf pra~.ongatinra >Mrlth ~GAe ~~era.t.e r• '~.i.ne of i3L~ti~b Rc•~d ~ f"~~rirt~ r2.1,Y itr•-~a.vra a ~.~ H:~~;CtAI°t: .f~~ad) , $f~ .'~e,et in wi3t;3~; Y,l~erar:•[; „uy>>t-~~r•i,y~ a.~nr.~; t;,l~s~ c~ntex° J.ine ni' said ~f,D Rand '~r:> t.h~~ 1.ntQz•se-.t:ion t;ta~=rtieof with irhP ce,.tt~x~ iin~• t~f the .efurementls:~n~ra3 .t~cC~:::~.1:lan I•toac.t, ;; °a.fd puirst ot" 9ntes^sect.xorl being j~:lt7t on Lht~ pT•~.~ent: c_tt;y .l.imj.t~ J.ir-e of the C'. t, ;+ 01" ~up~rrt.;•~~-tcy; t.,.e!'lC~P easterly •:~.lon,~; ;;~.ria ;~pntl~.~~ 11r~~= C)~ MCG~e~.l.an Road al.~.r.- Doing a pretsent. Cl, tyr l.~.snl c s J.l.r.~ off' f:,he C.i ty i~Y' Gupert:tno ~ tc~ t ~.e .intPrw aectio:~ of tht~ :i.~ut?rex'4y ~aar~7an~af:ian of the s.far^r:tenf;iane:l ~rt~stE=x<ly ]irae oi' sal.d x~~~;rrF~•.1. r.~ynmeyed t<n ~?nc~r; ~a Krii,tt:.t.~'h: !..h~:r-c:~.= r>ax•1:herr"ly alvrag ~-!d ~•~oi.ither~Xy Ilr•Q'c~rytrz~tic>r~ of .,<~1,~ wF;~t.~*:°ly 1.1«µ ~.,.~ ~ai~:i parcel ~;Or-~re~+f~t~1 t~.~ L:;~+rl.~;t~ ~~r.t %t1cY-, a~l:~u Y-e.°t.r1,p, a rr~rser~t l;it,~ 1.irrzit.~ Tirse tyf the City ni' t:,'a,.x~x•1~int>, tc~ t.k~e i:rotr,t cif t;etx,~nn.tng. i u• r '"4r k