NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) Los 33 ,.,.�,..i ��•-�aJ Lot No. 73 No. str APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. Sanitary No. 6 03.,1 r v Dote 'S 196 O Application is hereby made for a permit to a 11, story, Type S L 7 to be occupied only as 'in accordance ith Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, 3P Estimated Values of Improvements f 00os FEES //O . S-0 /� Plan Check E �j Owner �s+�N Idl.E.R.� G+o. Address I /S/ Contr. Address Phone 6 9,2State License WILLIAM D. EENENIK.A , Approved APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT � p Date 12196 � FEES Contr. 17.LLu �/62A Address /1 Phone State License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Dote s 196 GAS FEE $ C �j PLUMBING ,FEE /$ Contr. Address 5 � - J Phone - ��� �^ �-� � � State License � 7 9 Approved _WILLIAM D. EEN&'Vf APP CATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Dote ��2T1% QT FEE$ /7"1-S p Contr. 'An ( 9 �YL /7t/�i{'�J Address 72 L%(d 6:9 41-1w�>tFan...G Phone /�� "oZloO�' State License f09' �2S/ Approved WILLIAM D. RF-^'E1'IGI1 Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS F--( BUILDING �/�[�//f y FOUNDATION IS- '/ u' 11 5cv D4TE I TOR UNDERFLOOR - �6 ^d 9 DATE NSYCTOR FRAME-3- 17- O T IN ECTOR LAT & PLASTER 1-( 7- DATE INSP TOR FINAL J--.2 '3 -� DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL ELECT. SERVICE DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND � � TE � INSPECTOR ROUGH WIRING D TE IN9 CTOR FINISH WIRING AT NSPECTOR FIXTURES DATE INSPECTOR MOTORS ATE INSPECTOR FINAL DA TE INSPECTOR n PLUMBING & GAS ' UNDERGROUND DATE ECTOR PARTIAL ROUGH. DATE I NIrECTOR ROUGH COMPLETE 3 "17-G DATE ECTOR MAIN DRAIN Cleo _ �/ DATE . .INSPECTOR GAS PIPING 5 A SPECTOR FINAL _ 2 i - DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR APPLIANCE INSPECTED �- 2� - 69 DATE INSPECTOR MISC DATE INSPECTOR t MISC DATE INSPECTOR 1, MISC -' ' DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO p Date ....15 --------.:t3................. 19.. Building Permit The Building Located at aZ ------------ --------- —C r - to !l.. '}:..................,�. Owned b �... .. _. A/_ _ .............................. l . . ...�1... (Completed) HasBeen For Use As: ................................................. .. . -----------..... Om�-- ........................................................a.�..?.(.........................1.................................................... ...----------................................................................................--.---.........._.------.........i............. I ........................................................................ BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/GLIM � ,� L.Cer Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S 'OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. M10'Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No.51-1-0.2,: Lot No. ......73............... Owner or Tenant ...'eny........Bwp;�- --ca- ............___.. ............... ........... At ------ ......pzffir....................................:.......... TractxP49JAJ-0L0-().........................W.............................................. ........ Date Connected ------ ..........................................................'19..... .5, ........... Date Final ......... ................ ...................... ..................... 19.....:.--- PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-1M Lor -73 ICE GAS SERVICE NOTICE 0C1TOPY, BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ........ 196-... To You are hereby authorized to connect the G I AS service for Owner or Tenant .......) A..y... ........ At .... ..... A.. E ................ ....... ......... ...... ... ... New Service ..... X No. of Meters ..... ...... . Rec'onnectl Move Service, .................. No. of Add, Meters ...... Move eter ... ......... ................ PLUMBING INSPECTOR �; r OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE- NOTICE- BUILD ING NOTICE_BUILDINGS INSPECTOR' OFFICE '- b' CITY OF CUP)ERTINO sy .) ilk .......^_...��. ..... . .._.,, 196..�, To You are hereby auu_t'horirized to conned electrical service for Owner or Teant .........'..._.--.... .._..._...................._........_..-.. A; 5-,- At �. Cel t r:,� } t�._._F�I� L.Q _.._. ........._........_.' ................................................. .i `Gur tze of Wires ........ .... Size of Switch �v�......... . i No. of Wires ----..-�..... , I � Motor Load ................ ....... Voltage .... .._............._._..._ Phase ...... HeatingLoad ........................ K. W. ............../.................... Voltage ms........................ . JLight................ IIU_.✓..... New Service_......:....... Rec'onnect................ No. of Meters..._..:.:/........ Heat................. 220.... Three Wire...... ......... Move Service........... No.of Add. Meters............ -` ....._.. .Power...:..:.-;:.... Phase_. ..._.-.: Move'Meter................ P.LEGTRICAL INSPECTOR ' P TO r� TE TIME u I_ AM 1 QQ PM F FROM - LEPN N NO.OR OPERATOR 90 M — I Al OF /4, O �V _ EXTENSION p J O s E W1 = M < 7 � - .O E W O � M � F SIGNED QPhoned PtRRRR Call lack O W and Tp Su Tau Will Call Again❑ WRR In SRR Opu. F ROUTE SLIP File No .YLIQ' 1 Date `- 20- Location 73 Subject � sf� Notes d Approved 6 gD-�9 Date pector . \�\ 0.0 o CD / § o , , p\fin . 2 \ [ � � � � � � ; � G � : \ ^ \\ � 2 : of CM") z�8' ESqkiire Place / •NorStree Lot No. 7 4 ' Nov n 4 0 3A b APPL CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CI` 1966 City of Cupertino GOj _ SanitaryNo. -� Date 10%30/68, 196_ Permit No. ..r//JP',� E Application is hereby mad for a permit to cons trllCt r 30 a tWO story,Type 5IJ Building [o be occupied only as a i n g l o f^�m l r a{a®11I1� in accordance with o o °' Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan Bled herewith. PI Ck Fee paid Estimated Value of Improvements,$.3 X 0 oy QA Fee$ 110 .50 a It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and '> o all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of n Cupertino will be complied with. g o e�IBu ng CO. Address 880 Hinckley Road A rpsq t.1 c Phone 692-3555 Approv u Inspector State License � ✓, LOT NO, S�LL3 I� APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT z < JAN 13 1969 CITY OP CUPERTINO wz I O Sanitary No. 3 or L- a �f�7ie �L` x-rl/�ITP 1��_� 196 Permit No— w o w LL Pee x Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing o 1- Pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices r and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto: 00 Use of Premises 3 Owner c� Address& 16�G ISD` Iekt Com, lw' ZJ J z 'B kxu'f'6 Address ee. >&2� ° CONTRACTOR, ANT 3 Q – z Phone w Z u f State License ApprovedWlt 1 IA54 9_� O / �niCVIGa"-i ✓ lw PLUMBING INSPECTOR FE ±. E � $ » � E � E ° 2 , � ~ ■ � § 0 0 0 a rzi ! , [ M/ ) ƒ ) § § \ o . ` ƒ 0 </Qs� • NO. ,, � s'rlll_ ' LOT NO, w QP LICATIOrFOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Y 0 LL 3U ?(jFEB 2?,1 1969 or cuPrarllvo W LL oDate 19' — Permit No, — o < p a m Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical W I wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said a 'o 'wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the j{0 City of Cupertino, and ll other laws apph lblle_theret//o/�f��� z J Use of Premise J I J o O 3 < Owner I Is I Address - N w w By Address — S 0 q CO ACTOR, AGENT /11 LIAM D. �Gi�a �f i�Kl a O ^ Approved\_ — U Phone: 2 9 JQ O ELECTRICAL INSPECT= (I State License LIF 7 38'1 / 0 � o 3 3 d u to tia w. 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 ., zzZ ZiY Zz in xxxF