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M. ~'.,...t'~`{~~T ~ Sv ~ it e.' ~1 ~' ar' 'ice ' . ~' ~7+:.t3"~~ jr~'~.~+t:~TB ;s.Tt k~4c.:t'u~# ra~.zr's>'r't~ , ~~~L1~xi ~ : 3: ~~~ Cc»r~rc~r~ r.:.;~ :°a i.;;: i" ~~,~. a 1 c~e:.~:i , ,~, r~f~~+~;~p~-~::r'a°a, 3~fad~TT~x" pap~r~s car pct ~:rJa ~.;rr ~th~ r~ `,~ n ;;F ~.~~*~~«r ~ ~•,~ '~ e~! r~J~~ ~L ~r~p s~i~oyzptk~; pl~c;>M• ;gar carp a~q ~~."c~~ ~. t'"~:,~>~'a"tc,~ ~° ~~~ +~' ~~~rr-~'~•k.~, t Lam: >:•i~~ J~z~~~>~~ txut~t~ ~.,.~~.<<"r~ x~~,. 't`1t`~+,~~,~~:~, ter<, ~~'• .Q'~~,~.~,...,d , :' ~txr~;~ :~I~ `iLl'C~'1 ~ 70r3~ C?1.~ '~i~i~."i` s~i~ '`..1~ ~+Y'R:,~,'.;I~; ~}"!~" lY...:'s'` l`,i.~t1'~{:~.'~(~' .:2t`~:~ ~?'E !1C)fTi~~'1~ ~~L:~. 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' ~~ ~~' ~r~ 4..,~ i. ~~k' ~C:r?t7llT,lC'.x"'C.~.?'~'1. #~'C~V'.'X.''~.;~ 8~r1~; ~'~IIf~7a.tla$* ~1.1?'3:~k'''t..~. _~ ~ t;~;'.' :..t'! ,," ' .. • C11 ~7~X`g'+~ ~."L;?cJ~: ~.~?t:~ ~7f` tJ~.~`iC:I` Il~:~~~ ~.l::F~+.! ~;3}'' !c.~1~'!~"t :.''~'e~F~' ~"t .r '~,Y',5'..'. ~`:~'; ;ar~~~~pat~ts<-a Lea L~* di~rr~~.i~~;c+~, t~rs~d Fzlx~~~ a~x~+:.~ ~.cr .fix, ~~,r~~t+ ~;su~_:h m~L+~rf~~,~. `,.rx ~r..c~.rcia~~r~t~ with tfi->v ~r~ravi~{s:l~~..,;~~ ,:~x` ~l-g. r.~~. ~~1"irrt"P . ... ;~ ~~ ^ ~~~ ~ M ~ .~,: i ~~ ~- r ~: ~~C:T~:QA~ ~: App~lt~a~ io:~; ;~.~.~~~~~., i. t'z•,:ern ~ic~r~:iY~~ ~f' :is:su~~nce. ~~ :3e,.~::~~.,t4 ~:2: nr.Y p~:r~on d+~slrl.ng r;o abtal.n a paxr~it to -~" diatarf~~*'~`~' ci~.y f~;,y cam,:.c:x~~~ ~i ~.cXvex•titix~g P ,rnp7e, I~:r~d•r bi1.l~ c~4^d~;ez^. cl z~culrs.xy., t~~~wklc ~ car c~!:Eacr ~s~,L1.c~ t~~' gur~h ~dv~rd~•-- tiq:~r~nt Mha,„.i ~".i:te r~rf a~:~p2 tc.'~t..i.ori ~n carat:~r~~; *,he~r~for v~ith t~~ `C1t,~" car.:r~gar, ~!.~.vi.tY~, ~.tit~ nt~n.e ~1Yld. reddt~r°t~~ cat' the . t3p~~ ir~Ynt, ~ ~:nc~t°~-z ~~.temt~t~z~~tl.rer~ ~>~' tho s crts~r. c~~i nc7trcrti~.~.r~g 1lam~f~.Clg, 4~~bil7-sr dat~~,ert~, ,::l.rcu:c.r~x~g, T.x~ca~+~~.+c:e air ot~r.~:t~s~ea of ~,r~aR~ t'.dvex•t:a~~:m~anL pra~a~+~c! 'ta ~ 42.tst~~lrn.i~.~d; -r~xuY ~iw~,~.~a~x°~N -t® ctls~tx~.4~+~e-~txc:h ut~tfie~1.~1 in aCCa~atlce 'r~xth the ~arcav:c~:l.canra p~r~+~a~ a,~rie ~~ Uy the r. ~' ~ui~~y irk' c~lt~ a~ens-~ac to f.a~~t a p~x~~.b ~t~e~~. tc+ t&u.~ cawr~eai2 :~~r :C1.11rxg s ~o~ritten raaL~.~~ +~° ~pp~~ tn~tb .tha e.t.t~- clwr}c ~tS.thl;a• ~lr~t* d a:Cter ~`~t:C~:~.'i~3.2'i~? ~It~li~.d kX7~ltlRl t3~ ~UC~t t'+Lx"1t~4~~. G-P ,C-~`f:R'X' ~ ~x3Y3arig ~' •~ua3x ix4~1~G+~, ~hs.ch~v'rsr ~#.rat~ ~occ, . " Aftex* h•~~~ ~ 1Cht~i c~i~~+et~tiett-~t t~~. ~uah pax':~ mrud g~v-:Ln~ dve ~art~ld~~ wi+~n ~ . 'thtsc~t;~, ' ~e ~ctSC~fl off' the cotxx-all n~.13 ~~ ~`'.I.tx~i ~ attt9~,c-. _ . . ~ .,, . Sec~t;l.ara ~:2: '.the ~o:ar-c~1 ratty at, ~.rry 't!~ x'evcrke •t2n,~ ' . p~:rmZ.'t 1.a~s~Rd usx~er tho p'r•cevSsiUns a~ .~tXr.Ia 7.rtiiCle 2~r £fs:~.lure .»t~ ccrs~],y ••~ith tt~ de:m~ir~,i, regtacat ar , r~r~l;ice cif. t~ owrnex~, oe~ct~p~rkt car person ixr eharAe at tth~.,k~+.:m~aezs _'~hi~~ ncr_~:~ivh~saQm- merc'1~I. ~~cl~Wer~tAHix~, matter be cilr3trte~~'on ancYr ~pr+~i~ead ... SEG'Tl~}1~T ~: ' PpX`4Zi~'~tE:e " t0 abta to li.cerlar~ ~ .._' ~~ r'_ ~ . _... gect ~.r~i~ ~i: ~.: AS't.P~b obt~;ir~.ng arty pcrmit~ rec~titred day this ord- irr~a~; ,.~~~ per~3.ttee sYk^..i3. abrairr t~hc gpp~.~.cnhlc ?.taenr~e x•e~ qu:~.c~d• r:ir C4~:1CCSal Gdv~ax't1.r31.n~'~' ~ ~~~ •;~:, ' . ~+ l~.c:ens~ ~ha~l no': bG issued until iruch pc~lrniit }zaa bceC~~obtairac.:1. ';,,~r~Q~ '~: ~ann~:r Zn Mhich p~:rmittE~e may dl.stribute comme:rci.al :~ verve ~'ng ~terie7.. ..... ~..._ ~_`_..~. 3e~L-Son 7:i: f~r:y per~c7n who his obtai.ncc!' a _pex°xp~,t Pram ~ w.~.+. 'rt`~+r C:!>ry nagc~'~ t., dc: t3c~ tnrl h2s o"r-ta~.rae~l tti~ li.cenac requlxed r~.r~i t~~s a~~tt~4.~zQ:d thy.: 19.ce~n~c resqu.ir~'~c~ b3• tine prececitn~ ~aect5.o~~ ~~~ dl+st~•~ibz.tte r~amrne~,`c:1al advc:rt.:it~:itlg :~a,d~p3.cr~, ha~b~.'13.s, dodgers ~:irc'aiax~~ ~s~ other y~ot~.re~ ai'' such edvcrtS.aer~unt :fin t}ir: - ritj. by v.l~c~rYp t!-~ agate r~z~ the ~>«rrI-,r~ : or ¢z•~.vE:w^t,., al' x•~:~xdcnrea ].n ;; r~- vsrt~ cl~~ ' 9Z' ~devxCB pl~:ced c~n•~~t.tch pc~x'sh ~'o:• th~t ~prtr. p~sae, cthek'' than zFd wr.z:clLa::~:~y aJ' r.n~r ~arc'~ 7~"f`~c:;)~:iC~w o~c tr..v:ct is the^~; ar, 1.f ~~xone z , p;~v1;:~~;~, tncta ~.~ ~~uv~t Ue hti~r,~ed ~:c ~t» ox~er" U:~ uccu~•:arxt c>f ~r3..i~: pre~.z.~es. _ ..c ., S~GTY~l~ t'+: PerYUlttce nat to da.atrlbute +rarra~aercirr:l mdvc:x~isira{~ -~.:~~•~a'7"~i{pan premiae~:, kkacn garner c:~preseca u.nw213ir,.gnas~e try ~~c~: irsc ~. t . ~ t 2 ~. ~:: .~ i' t _~ ' i , ,~ . ,, ~:, ~ a' r+~~c4i~>ri ~3..i~ Tf thr: cwr~~:~r, w~^c.~.t~,~~:t7r a~~ ~.»~rtl~r~ 3r~ r.n ~rF-,:: of any reaa.d~nce, ca~tx~t, rajt~r : rr~zzt, t~otc:l vx~ u~t~tir px^~~~r.at ;~ elhn~.2. ~'rsbXd the da?~trt>~utlott 4Y aama~ex*ci~a~. ;~+d~r~art~.airr~ a~mp~.~:>, her~bi.21a, darl~era , G~:'~.P'Ct128:-°8, bcaok.~era Or a~he:,1 n~t3~:~~ o.f ~~1i:h adw~xti,:~a~~nt ,~n ttte: prt~~slaea cawtac~~ ~~ar acrta~~3.ed b~' h: r~, ur ~i w.hi~xa l~ xr~ .fn cr~ri~;e, ~~~ uh~.~. ~;,v ;;c~ :~civ~.~~.rr~ti Lhe IFc~~.c~+e~t of and, p::r~n.lti ttsr,,uc~c~ uncicr .~•h~, pzw~~j~'iaxi~s of thic~ artlc;lc~ ~r sany c~Z° hi.~ agents ~r ~:utpla~ee~, t7.r x~y I'~eai~irR.~ ervt n~a:Lxat~~,i;n~.r~ a si~;n ~:a~,~ a~+it~ pp~a~~.esea, rc~~ci:~n;,~ "ldo ~:~rad't:S.:tia"j or w~~de ~.}f t~~.a~1~.~x" 1t~i- pc~r~,, ~.P: ~pu2"l.~ be unl,~w~'el:?. fs:~~~ l:ka~~ ha~.ler R~4' ~~"i,!.t`~t ~r~zwrtr~.'~, r~,.~ rxgea~ta rar etn~~~2a~reea, t~, di~~•.u~r'~ r~ae ~.,~+ne.r, +ai:~~ag~.rrt ar pera~an in ehaY~g~ r~'• a.~,r regidetx;e, ~^aa.u~~ r~~~artsaent„ t~±;~t or A'tat~er ~` ~:'~~~ '""''rxf.t~ orciinmrree ~+tua~.J. take e~~r~at: ~-»d be Sn fart;e ~~- F,. ~"~`~r ., eth (h~ ~~~y' a.f"c}x' lte~ ptsc~aag~, -~.nti ~;k~.e ~i.~y ~"~.t~x:^k 3e he~reary autt.~ori~c~ araci ir~tz°~:.ct~3d eta cause s e~:rtifierl copy U2' ~, ~chis 4a~ttaaz~e bo bQ p~xb~~.atx+sd at 3.eae+at anae ~~,th.ln tittFen (15} d~ n~t~~' ~~,a adopt~n fn tXxt ~,per"Srw Courtier, the aT~'.i,c3s1 neres~per e! t~~ ~St~ cs~' ~up~trt~nra. .~F~'I'I~UU~4. -~.'~ M ;~:~;tk1~...,.~ x_tw+~t'-.z~ >~f tP'i~.~ ~:~t;~ M~u3`~'1`1" ~:~. ~1Z~.~ a"f ty ~) ~~ ~ >4' Y't..i riQ x h l z~ r• . ?1::t, c?.:zy ~f F4Slax~-a..:r^,,r, ~;~~-~').; ^n~~ cct3~_.~t.ti,ik ~t; a. ~- rr~ui::-r~ r.ks~. ~;a. r~,~ off' the (' ' , t;~,uzt~ .t l an '~~,e ~L`i~ :l, :;, a:i ~.~;.r~;h, _F~,~61., hy' ~ he ~01:ka~w~ tag; yvu to :~yT.:~: fk~untttmen~ ~mr_~t~, •~'E:w+~tt, ~zn.xZer~, S~ict~ "+F.'.Y'S: t:oua~Ci I,t~~n: Rkit~: ;~`rfS C.vsastiet man c ~r~ AAS~',# ~f: C~urrc 1 J.~ee~n : Pe ~~. a Anth.o.i J. ?~'el~~s~ y~ r,`~~t y~n~~upfM .rt; i n u ~. /~~'3`fi: ;t ~a~," 7.~++z~na~ K , !~ rt 1. n _,~ 1. ty~Z"~e"~~_~.._..._~.. --•. , . ~, 3 - -• ;# ~.