04060149 (2) CITY OF CUPEWfINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ,CONTRACTOR INFORMATION�-�.,'. Lw_t0N :Nr BUILDING ADDRESS: A B S HEATING & AIR COND PERMIT"°04060149 7625 ERIN WY OWNER'S NAME: PERMITI SUEDATE JOSEPH LEE 334 SHAMROCK NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 238-7178 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH yO Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ng Job Description Z5 p m C eM¢6yaffirm NuIamfthe Bo underprevisionsof Cook.and my licermu qU wiNSecionlgllpofDivi4an]ofNeeusir¢vandRofessioruCode.andmylicevcu !n� I� z a<<IlfZ IcIT '. �L� g (y' rb?U REPLACE FURNACE & ADD A/C FONA EF0 "=p Dam Cm,Ktd\ ARCHITECTS DEC RpU TI N JUN 24 2004 >v Curxnd my plans shall M usd o puMiFrtrnfds JyU 3 Licensed Pmfnabonal spy OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Bi U N 1 hereby affirm on 1 am exempt from me Contractors :Any c Law for the sed ILDIo�' po following.Imran.(Section I,?0 outs Business and ,derions CWC:Any cityorcounty m which its isu a e.alm re cnnswd alteq improve,demolish,or opsin ed twctme prior c,its issuance.also requires toe:ted visions of for such permit w Glc a signed summcm ,.a mashe is Ging.)porction7 )of Division of oW Comucrosand Prselaw(Chapiv9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation ��� (commencixempth Section7") basis for of alleged Professions Cadic)Mon or i 5$ that W u exempt therefrom and the Emu far the alleged exempton.Any violation of Section 7031.3 by any applicant for a Permit arbiters on,applicant in a civil penally of aro 0 . Occupancy Type not mom than Eve hundred dollars(5500). ❑1,as owner of the property.or my employees with wages u the'v sole camptnx ion, will do dam work and me structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sex.7044,Business and Professinm Code:The Contractor,U..Law does ant apply to an owt¢r of Required Inspections property who Wild,ortmpoins themon,and whodoessuch work himselformough his own employees.provided mat such improvements are not intended oro02red for sale.IL however,the building or improvement is sold within one you of complcuon,he owner. builder will ban the burden of Moving that he did not Wild or improve for porpom of sale.). T,u owner of the property.am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to consumer on,Maect(Sec.7144,Business and Professions Codc:)The Conuactari Li cense taw does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or improves Merton,and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s)licensed pursuant o me Convectors License Law. ❑1 on,exempt under Sec. ,B A P C for Nu remon Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby moi under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 1 bans and will maintain a Ccrufmam of Consent to self-insure for Worker'sCompco- satim,as provided for by Section 37W of the Labor Code.for me performance of the we" for which this permit is issued. _ ❑1 have and will maintain Workers Comptnsnion Iruurance,as rtgrired by Section 1700 of me Labor Code,for me peiformanee of the work For which this pmmit is issued. My Wor 's Co pematioo Insurance tarsen and PolicygB�W�n cmfier. CERTIFICATE Policy No.:I�a�SI IIOL J"'p OF :EMPr10N FR0lQW11RJ'.ERS' COMPENSATION INSUR fir icametion need not he mmpkted if the permit is forme,hundred dollars(Slml) or less.) 1 certify that in to performance of the work for which this permit u issucL I shall not employ any person in my manner an of to become subject to NC Workcr5''Compcmation Laws of California.Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPUCANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should become$Object to the Worker'a Com formation provisions of the Labor Code,you must .JZ forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall W deemed invoked. Z O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY (-+ 1hemhyaffirm that mere iso crmuuctinn lendingagenry for ted perrormmtx of fY. r1 me work for which mu permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) Qtender's Name 7 z Lcntler's Address U C I mnify mat 1 tine read his application and sur that the above infmmnim is (s. t•-' correct-I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws relating to 0U Wilding commuction.and hereby authome mprucmutvu of this city to con option me W morn,mentioned popery for inspection purposes. 4. (We)egme to save,indemnify and keep harmless the,City of Cupertino against ti liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in my way accmc against mid City Of me U Z APPL C9ANTeUNDERSTANDStarting of this pernot. AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Da SOURC RE ATIONS. (� �/ I 4 Re-roofs Signature of ApplicanAZARD or Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will me applicant in future Wilding occupant store or handle hazardous material m defined by dte Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code.Section 25532(x)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 0Yes Nr wdl be apn0txns ter rrmre Wmm�g actrvmt r,e egmpment nr div+=ea whmh If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove mit ha'rardnus air cmnuminanu m dc0ncd by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? UYcs [a Nr I have mad me hasardnus materials requirements under Chapmr6.95 of me Califon ria Healu A Safety Code.Sectors 25515,M533 and 25534.1 undeuded thoifine Wilding does not emrenty base a tenant Out it is my responsibility m madly the occupant of me myui cans hit mum W met prior m issuance of a CcrtiOcam of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date V 0All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Per M mmmned ag.t m Community Development k j' 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone(408)777-3228 a CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 UPEkTINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: r ^ PERMIT # �Y i1 I.v OWNER'S NAME: J PHONE # �J3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: y4,/3. C FAX # LIT (-� I am not using any subcontractors: U-I / Signature Date Please check applicable subcontractors and complete the following information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum/ Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing- Masonry athingMasonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock VL i Tile i -off Owner/Contractor Signature Date CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC SPERTiNO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # D / C� Date: / Q4 Building Address: Owner's Name: C G S� Phone#: r ^' Phone: License : ContractorG, I iI � /) J.flex i2 W�.i�TlOtlr 1��0 Contact: Phone: Cupertino Business License#: 9,4 , A Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect Q� Plumb ❑ Mech Job Description: C(--' OJ o - Residential Commercial ❑ For Residential Installations: Attic ❑ 151 floor El 2nd floor F1dhere to min set back requirement❑ or Commercial Installations: Replacement same weight ❑ Additional weight (structural calcs) ❑ Structural Calculations required for new installation ❑ New installation Planning Approval Required ❑ Cost of Proj t:��� Type of Construction: Occupan ulf JAV AC Strapped LJ On Platform LJonded ElSq.Ft. Flo New Location ElReplacement ❑ Qty. if A i able Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BENERGY Ener BUILDING BREMEURN Relocation of Furnace MECHANICAL BREMACOVER A/C Unit> 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL BREMARU4AN A/C Units <= 10, 000 cfrn MECHANICAL BREMRECEPT Rec tl, Switch & Outlets ELECTRICAL BSEISMICRE Seismic Fee Res BUILDING BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial BUILIDNGTT EPERMFEE Elec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL MPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICAL PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issue PLUMBING BPERMFEE Bldg Permit Fees BUILDING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BUSLIC Business License /S ` BUILDING