02040152 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO - - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7552 ERIN WY OLD COUNTRY ROOFING 02040152 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SU DATE URGUHART THOMAS AND MARGARET A 387 UMBARGER RD #B 04/ 292002 'HONE: (4 0 8) 362-1111 SANITARY N0. CONTROL NO. O z ZARCHITECT/ENGINEER: O O BUILDING PERMIT W PO z-' BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y a LJ C_I L J L__J 2 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ZK- tlOn mIhertbyaRrmthalamlittnscdundcrprovisionsolChaper9kommmcing REROOF Job Descrip Ew wah Section 7")of Division J oflhe Bminexsond Promrfc" ,Code.au nd my luen xs= isMmurnrtemee araC 3 / REMOVE 1 LAYER OF SHAKE, INSTALL OSB, a c< Liam Claaa Lir.e uo ' u Date o emamm° 30# FELT & ELK 40YR COMP . C ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION Y I 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records z p p Licensed Profc.uional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 1. exempt Iron the Contractor'svCoa Any a Law co the c'Z 0 following re>a anon to 7031.5 Business and Professions Code:Any cm or county zF O which its iirn n perm.ra conswn.alter,improve demolish,or repair any stammer,i 3 x priori is ss arc 1 q he PPI cam for such penmu fl a.grrcd t roma t Nathe s1i. sedW amledK ofO o sof the he B.,irrx Lear uLo (Chep 9 S Ft: Floor Area �J.r1 Icon g 'Ih Sation90D0)oI D' n3of the Bus nasand P f bsCod 7 , ,�v lt:t�9'1 ,.,x '! 1 ', t i'._Ll' $7 Y190tlon or that he is cxcmpt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation '' -' of Section 70315 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to o civil penalty far not marc than five hundred di llam(S500). 3 59PTib113r0e0 0 Occupancy Type ❑1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wroga as their sole compensation, will-do thework.-and the structure is not intended or oRered-for late-(Sec: rBusines,and Pmfessinnx code:The Contract.,I License Law docs am apply to an 305 - FRAME Required Inspections'°)=' owner of property who builds or improves Iheeon,and who docs such work himulf 307 - INSULATION or ofpciiod h his own employ's provided that suchimprovementslaofare not intendedor or _ _ completion. for role w how thewill building e ire en of Prov s sole w thm one yea of - -" -TEAR -- -- - 601� _- ROOF "OFF compleion,the If. bu Idcr will hoc the harden of prov ng that he did not bu Id or °�'� � - '.J-..<0 improve for pimpam.fsale.). 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL ---- __ _.......603 --ROOF _ coLasowner pmpcnyomadusrvdy of Ii Code Idmntmaorsm ------ conxwcllheproject(seo.]03a Business dPrurexs�onsCnee)TneComment's 604 - ROOF- Llccnle ICw dace not apply t en own.v of propcny who builds improves thermn, IN-PROGRESS. C cC' endxbo c' mcs fosuch projects with acomaors)licensed pumuam.m the ._ ----------..- ......... ....... ..._ ......_.. -...--:__-- - - Contmemrs Lcense Law. ,. - _.__..._. ❑I am exempt under See'-' ": ''r.. ;B&P C for this __ ' own Dam- :r WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION nII - _ 1 hereby aPrm under penally of perjury one of,the following declarations. �' �r ED y. 1 have iM will moimiin 4 CcnifSection Conant to uLabor for Worker's �o o� sf o notion; m ark providedforby Section J]00 nr the Labor [Mc.-for the MAY 0 9 pcdormonce of the work for which this pcnnil is issued. ❑1 have and 11 imaho Work - Cotnpmxmiin 1 s rma,a req red by Seci n 3700 of the UIxaFCaje,for Ne Performance of duc w6H,for h ch thu,pemut Is ed My Wo k/ Com section 1 mote c nd Policy n bar are BUILDING� /.:: Camey 1 �r-Po�fgn /�'y5�la s ._ a- , - - - �.- _._ . __. ' _COMPENSATION'NSVRANCEr"-'-' r ITh uaton need of bee mPlcmd if the Permit is for one hundred dollars " v'1�' •' I' AY:" x `TI l � -.�__.. - .... _ ..._ ._..... ..__..__-----_.............e..._... �..�... 1 Cannily that JI performancef Ne A fah ch th pc us sued'I i; t,; . : 1 ihall a ploy any pc y c so i hecomd cans b)ev t the Workers ,' ' Compensation Laws of Cal Tom it Date n ' -'Applit.._.: '.._. :_� `, .. I NOTICETOc,mrdm ANT If after tame glhis CeniOcam of Exemption you should -' ---- - bdd'ome s bl t io the W k t ComMn t n prgvs ons of the Labor Code.you must i 0 Q fonnwM comply with such provisions or Nis permit shall be deemed invoked. .._ _ _._ _. -. .. _ ...._ ... i' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - '"" I bomb' j•aR lh t Ne a construction lending e g 6encY for the pert rmance , r oldie abbhNspertn us ssu d(S J09];C C) dttNu Lis .7 z L de sAdd s - • .... ._ ...__ ...-._. U O _ .. - -c.-: ... j _.. -.... Ic<nfylh"hverdWs appl 'ton and tmina,the above information is IT+ F cortca 1 eprtt 'a 'amply with all city and county o d nc d stat laws relating I u Io build g onsmmtumiand hereby aahoriie reprcomaives of this city to mom upon �e Ls7 the abo a toed property far inspection purpous E.c (Z) Mjudgrcnts.eve, and dy mtl keep halmiss N'City of Cupenloggaioa h liabilities.judgments.costs and exPe wh ch may n y way aceagainm said V.z City in consequence of theg Ing of the permit • PLICANTUNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLYu car Arsons I %YTTHALL 1 ♦POL\T Issued by: Date .iB.::r i°. PP�cmV ontn2mrc, HAZARDOURe-roofs S'MATERIALSDISCLOSURE l l 'i;'WIINe epplicanPor boars ldingorc pat tore or Hanna na,;mmaterial ., ..Type of Roof:..... ._._. es defined by th Cupcmw M me pal Code Chaps r 9 12 and the Heahh and Safety - - - - - - - -- Code:,s❑cYon25532(q .' ;Z ... -- r.. Allroofs shall be.mspected prior to.any roofing.material,being installed— gain nstalled— _ ' worn pplcmt f t�renulding'ccupa t uequpm t rdc areswhich If a roof is installed without fug first obtaining an'ihspe Ftion;Yagree:to'remove mit haurdo s c t m a t a d f ed ny Ne B y Arca Au G a ry M game 1 D strieiP all new materials for inspection._A Applicant understands and will comply with 4 'a❑Yesi .'.e t '. .., i - pl?l _. all non-paint source regulations o _ ,. p or m usuenc o f C n Bc �e :: tan i 1 ('r •• . f Ne 6 Id dos nes-urea tl ha c lenmt dw t s res n bd 1 Io f at tn t Va iraments W h ua be t thhe < «<u m e H IN&S fn C de Se tions 25505 2553)aiq 25534 1 u dersde of he x read Ina.huardms mete elz req rtme u u dei[ha¢ li 95 of y B Y _Signature of Applicant D ,. -- — ._. _ ate G i1Cr a Ih m ..-. - . g_. I. y. Date,,, All roof coverings to be Class "B or better --OFFICE'—