Ordinance 16201 • • .. I .. ORDINANCE NO. 1620 ., . n~~, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF CUPERTINO AMENDING CHAPTER 16.32, SWIMMING POOLS, OF THE CUPERTINO MUMCIPAL CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO EIEREHY ORDAIIV3 that Chapter 16.32, Swimming Pools, of the Cupertino Municipal Code, shall be amended to read as per the attached Exhibit "A". INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 15th .day of March , 1993, and ENACTED at a regular meriting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of April , 1993, by the following vote: Y4LSd M4ID~rIII 9f S~f .S~L~it S~4llII411 AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo NOES: None ' ABSENT: None ;: ABSTAIIV: None ATTEST: _ APPROVED: City Jerk Mayor, City of Cupertino ~, `,, Chapter 16.32 SWIMMING POOIS* Sections: 1. 16.32.010 Purpose. 16.32.020 Definitions. 16J2.030 Scope and application. 16.32.040 Safety requirements. 16.32.050 New construction requirements. 16.32.060 Enforcement authority. 16.32.071 Application for permit. 16.32.072 Cost of permit. 16.32.073 Schedule of fees. 16.32.080 Violation-Penalty. 16.32.090 Severability. 1ti.32.100 Effective date. 16.32.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the protection of the public health, welfare and safety by prescribing minimum standards for the design, construction or installation, repair or alterations of swimming pools or other pools of .vatcr. public or private, and equipment related thereto; requiring a permit and inspection there- for; providing for the administration and enforcement set forth herein; providing for the qualification and registration ofpersons engaged in the business of swimming pool installation or alterations or equipment related thereto; and prescribing for penalties for violation thereof. 16.32.020 Definitions. I. "Approved" means accepted or acceptable under an applicable specification stated or cited in this chapter, or accepted as suitable for the proposed use under procedures and power of the Administrative Authority. 2. "Approved testing agency" means an orga- nization primarily established for the purpose of testing to approved standards and approved by the Administrative Authority. 3. "Administrative Authority" is the indi- vidual official, board, department, or agency established and authorized by a state, county, city or other political subdivision created by law to administer and enforce the provisions of the swimming pool code as adopted or amended. 4. "Backwash piping:' see "Filter waste dis- charge piping". 5. "Body feed" means filter aid fed into n diatomite-type filter throughout the filtering cycle:'' 6. "'Cartridge filter" means a filter using car- tridge type filter elements. 7. "Chemical piping" means piping which conveys concentrated chemical solutions from a feeding apparatus to the circulation piping. 8. "Circulation piping system" means the piping between the pot structure and the mechanical equipment. Circulation piping sys- tem usually includes suction piping, face piping and return piping. 9. "Combination valve" means a muhipart valve intended to perform more than one func- tion. 10. "Design head" means the total head requirement of the circulation system at the design rate of flow. II. "Diatomite" (Diatomaceous earth) means's type of filter aid. 12. "Diatomite type filter" means a filter designed to be used with filter aid. 13. "Face piping" means the piping, with all valves and fittings, which is used to connect the filter system together as a unit. l4. "Filter" means any apparatus by which water is clarified. IS. "Filter aid" means anon-permanent type of filter media or aid such as diatomite, alum, etc. l6. "Filter cartridge" means a disposable or renewable filter element which generally employs no filter aid. 17. "Filter element" means that part ofa filter which retains the filter media. "El(HIBIT A" 18. "Filter media" means the fine material which entraps the suspended particles and removes them from the water. 19. "blur rate" means the average rate of flow per square foot of filter area. 20. "Filter rack" means specially graded rock and gravel used to support filter sand. 21. "Filter sand" means a specially. graded type of permanent filter media. 22. "Filter septum" means that part of the filter element in a diatomite type filter upon which a cake of diatomite or other non-perma- neni filter aid may be deposited. 23. "Filter waste discharge piping" means piping that conducts waste water from a titter to a drainage system. Connection to drainage system is made through an air gap or other approved methods. 24. "Fresh water" means those waters having a specific conductivity less than a solution con- tainfngsix thousand parts per million of sodium chloride. 25. "High rate sand filter" means a sand filter designed for flows in excess of five gallons per minute per square Foot. 26. "inlet fitting" means the fitting or fixture through which circulated water enters the pool. 27. "Main outlet" means the outlet(s~ at the deep portion of the pool through which the main flow of water leaves the pool when being drained or circulated. 28. "Pool" means a body of water sixteen inches or more in depth used for other than swimming. 29. "Pool depths" means the distance between the (loot of pool and the maximum operating water level. 30. "Pool plumbing" means all chemical, cir- culation, filter wash discharge piping, deck drainage and water filling system. 31. "Portable pool" means a prefabricated pool which may be erected at the point of intended use and which may be subsequer-tly disassembled and reemted at a new location. Generally installed on the surface of the ground and without excavation. 32. "Precool," in a diatomite-type filter, means the initial coating or filter aid placed on the filter septum at the start of the filter cycle. 33. "Rapid sand filter" means a filter designed to be used with sand az the filter media and for flows not to exceed five gallons per min- ute per square foot. 34. "Receptor" morns an approved plumb- ingfixture ordevice of such material, shape and capacity az to adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste piping, so constructed and located as to be readily cleaned. 35. "Return piping" means that portion of the circulation piping which extends from the outlet side of the filters to the pool. 36. "Saline water' means those waters having a specific conductivity in excess of a solution containing six thousand parts per million, of sodium chloride. 37. "Separation tank" means a device used to clarify filter rinse or wastewater. Sometimes called a reclamation tank. 38. "Skim-filter" means a surface skimmer combined with a vacuum diatomite filter. 39. "Suction piping" means that portion of the circulation piping located between the pool structure and the inlet side oC the pump and usually includes the following: Main outlet pip- ing, skimmer piping, vacuum piping and surge tank piping. 40. "Surface skimmer" means a device gener- allylocated inthe pool wall which ski ms the pool surface by drawing pool water over aself-adjust- ingweir. 41. "Swimming pool"meansanyconstructed or prefabricated pool used for swimming or bathing, over sixteen inches in depth. 42. "Swimming pool -private" includes all constructed pools which arc used az a swimming pool in connection with a single family resi- dence, and available only to the family of the householder and his private guau. 43. "Swimming pool • public" means any f`J swimming pool other than a private swimming pool 44. "Turnover time" means the time in hours, required for the circulation system to filter and recirculate a volume of water equal to the pool volume. ItiJ2.030 Scope and applirntion. A. Administration. I. Administrative Authority and Assistants. Whenever the term "AdministrativtAuthorfty" is used in this chapter it shall be construed to mean the Building Official or his authorized rep- resentative. :. Department Having Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise provided for by law, the office of the Administrative Authority shall be part of the Planning and Development Department. 3. Duties of the Administrative Authority. The Administrative Authority shall maintain public office hours necessary to efficiently administer the provisions of this chapter and amendments thereto and shall perform the fol- lowing duties: a. Require submission of, examine and check plans. specifications, drawings, descriptions or diagrams where necessary to show clearly the character, kind and extent of pool work covered by applications for a permit and upon approval thereof shall issue the permit applied therefor, b. Collect all fees for permits issued as pro- vided by this chapter, issue receipts therefor in duplicate, the duplicate copy of which shall be maintained as a record of his office; c. Administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter in a manner consistent with the intent thereof and inspect all pool work autho- rized by any permit to assure compliance with provisions of this chapter, approving or con- demningsaid work in whole or in part as condi- tions require; d. Issue upon request a certificate of approval for any work approved by him; e. Condemn and reject all work done or mate- rials used or being used which do not in all respects comply with the provisions of this chap- ter, f. Order changes in workmanship or mate- rials orboth essential to obtain compliance with all provisions of this chapter, g. Invtsiigate any construction or work regu- lated by this chapter and issue such notices and orders as provided in Section 16.32.0608 and C; h. Keep a record of all essential transactions of his office; i. Transfer all fees collected by him to the proper authority provided by law to receive such funds; j. Maintain an official register of all persons, firms or corporations lawfully entitled to carry on or en~e ~ ~ , B. Application. t. No provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to require a change in any portion of a pool system or any other work regulated by this chapter in or on an existing pool when such work was installed in accordance with the law prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified i n this chapter; except when any pool system or code work regulated by this chapter is determined by the Administrative Authority to be, in fact, dan- gerous, unsafe and a menace to life, health or property. 2. The provisionsofthischaptershallapplyto all new construction, to any alterations, repairs or reconstruction, except as provided in this chapter. C. Repairs and Alterations. On existing premises on which pool installations are to be altered, repaired or renovated, deviations from the provisions of this chapter are permitted, pro- vided such deviations are found to be necessary and are first approved by the Administrative Authority. D. Public Pools. Requirements for public pools shall comply with Division 20, Chapter 1, Sections 24100 to 24(09 inclusive of the Califor- nia Health and Safety Code, and Chapter 5, Sub• chapter 1, Group 6, Sections 7774 to 7833 inclusive, California Administrative Code, Title . 17, Public Health, and Chapter 90 of the Uniform Building Code, and plans shall be reviewed by the Santa Clara County Health Department. Structural plans, site location, and structure relating to public pools shall meet the rcquitemrnts of other sections of this chapter. not le 1632.040 Safety requirements. A. Every person who owns or is in possession of any premises, whether as purchaser under contract, lessee, tenant or licensee. on which there is now situated or at any time hereafter may be situated a swimming pool, fish pond, wading pool or any other body of water regulated by this chapter, any portion of which is sixteen inches or more is depth, shall maintain on the lot or prem- ises upon which such swimming pool, fish pond, wading pool or other artificial body of water is located, and completely surrounding such body of water, fence, wall or other structure 88 than five feet in height, nor more than six feet in height; provided however, that except for doors or gates, the horizontal dimension of any open- ing, holes or gaps in said fence, wall or other structure shaA not exceed thm inches and chat no offset Perptndieular to the horizontal dimen- sion shall exceed one-half inch; and provided further, that an apartment house, dwelling house or accessory building may be used as a part of such enclosure. All gates or doom opening through such enclosure shall be equipped with a sell-closiaa sad self-latching device designed to keep, sad being ppable otktepiag, such door or gate securely closed at all times when not in actual use, with such latching either placed five feet above ground level. or otherwise made inac- cessible from the outside to childrca; provided however, War the door of any dwelling unit occupied by human beings sad forming any part of the enclosure herciaabove ttquir'ed need not ~ so MuiPDed. All such gates or doom shall be kept dosed or latched when We pool or body of watu is not under We constant supervision of a qualified adult guard. i' B. Manmade decorative pools of water looted within a commercial or iadustda! devel- opment or withla a planned unit development project where the pool will be owned and main- tained by a Homeowners Association may tx maintained at a depth in excess ofsizteea inches provided that the design of the pool has all of the following safety featura: 1. Then should be no large abrupt changes in water depth in uw of uncontrolled access. 2. Slopes should be controlled to insure good footing for persons is the water, regardless oC whethu or not entry to the water is allowed or prohibited. No slope steeper than five to one (one vertical foot for each five feet horizontal) shall be allowed without approval by the Administrative Authority. 3. All slope areas should be designed and con- structed to prevent or ratrict weed and insect growth with minimum turbidity problems. [n general, this requires some Corm of hardened surface on We slopes. 4, Shoreline erosion should be prevented to preserve the safety conditiotu built into a project. The Administrative Authority may rcquirr. the applicant to obtain and submit a safety report from a safety consultant to assure that all safety aspects of such pool have been considered. C. Fencing to provide adequate protection, when required in this section, shall tx installed immediately alter excavation. D. Exception. Nothing in this section shall aDPIY to anY body of water owned or operated by the Gty. 1632.050 New construction requirements. Unless otherwise specified in this chapter. all piping, equipment and materials used is We plumbing system shall conform to We current Uniform Plumbing Code, published by the latu- national Association of Plumbing Officials, as adopted by the City. A. Approvals. AU materials, piping, valets, equipment or appliances entering into the construction ofpools or portions thercofshall be r~ u of a type complying with this chapter or of a type recommended and approved by a nationally rec- ognized testing agency or to other recognized standard acceptable to the Administrative Authority. For any items not specificallycovered in these requirements, the Administrative Authority is authorized to requite that all equip- ment, materials, methods of construction and design features shall be proven to function ade- quately, effectively and without excessive main- tenance and operational difficulties. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide such data, tests or other adequate proof that the device, material or product will satisfac- torily perform the function for which it is intended, before such item shall be approved or accepted for tests. B. Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction. 1. The provisions of this chapter are not intended to prevent the use of any alternate material, method of construction, appliance or equipment provided any such alternate has been first approved and its use authorized by the Administrative Authority. 2. When there is insu[licient evidence to sub- stantiate claims for alternates, the Admin- istrative Authority may require tesu, as proof of compliance, to be made by an approved agency at the expense of the applicant... C. Engineering Design. Alt design, construction and workmanship shall be in con- Cotmitywith accepted engineering practices and shall be of such character as to secure the results sought to be obtained by this chapter. L Every pool shall be equipped complete with approved mechanical equipment consisting of filter, pump, piping, valves and component parts. EXCEPTION: Pools with a supply of fresh water equivalent to the volume of the pool in the specified turnover time will be allowed. 2. Except where inlet jets arc used, the pool piping shall be sized so that the water velocity will not exceed ten feet per second for the pool design Flow, except that the water velocity shall not exceed eight feet per second in copper piping. D. Pumps. 1. Pool circulating pumps shall be equipped on the inlet side with an approved type hair and lint strainer when used with a pressure filter. 2. Pumps shall be mounted on a substantial base in a manner that will eliminate strain on P-Ping. 3. Pumps shall have design capacity at the following heads: a. Pressure diatomaceous earth, at least sixty feet; b. Vacuum diatomaceous earth, twenty inches vacuum on the suction side and Corty feet total head; c. Rapid sand, at least forty-five feet; d. High rate, at least sixty feet. E. FuUway Gate Valves. t. Fullway gate valves shall be installed to insure proper functioning of the filtration and piping system. a. When the pump is located below the over- flowrim ofthe pool, a valve shall be installed on the discharge outlet and the suction line. The valves shall be located in an accessible place. b. Valves shall be made of materials that arc approved in the Uniform Plumbing Code. NOTE: Combination valves may be installed when approved by the Administrative Authority. F. Water Supply. Unless an approved type of filling system is installed, any water supply which. in the judgmeat of the Administrative Authority may be used to fill the pool, shall be equipped with backflow protection. No over the rim fill spout shall. be accepted unless located under a diving board. or properly guarded. G. Waste Water Disposal. No direct or indi- rect connectioashall bemade between anystorm drain, sewer, drainage system, seepage pit, underground leaching pit, or subsoil drainage line, and any line rnnnected to a pool unle approved by the Administrative Authority. ~~ ~~ H. Separation Tank. A separation tank of an approved type may be used in lieu of the afore- mentioned means of waste water disposal when ,. connected as a reclamation system. L Tests. > 1. Alt pool piping shall be inspected and ~~~' ~ approved before being covered or concealed. It ` shall be tested and proved tight to the satisfaction ( . of the Administrative Authority, under a static sr,„, , water or air pressure test of not less than 35 PSI , for fifteen minutes. ~„ 2. All drainage and waste piping shall be ~~ s ~~ tested as required by the curcent .Uniform „ ~~~ ,,.,, Plumbing Coda ;, r.. .,-r J. Drain Piping. ~~~3, I. Drainage piping serving gravity overflow , - gutter drains and deck drains shall be installed to „ { provide continuous grade to point of discharge. ,, J e E, ; 2. Joints and connections shall be made as required by the current adopted Uniform .. ~ , Plumbing Coda _ ; K. Water Heating Equipment. Pool water ,- .. heating equipment shall conform to the design, construction and installation requirements as set forth in the latest adopted edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Mechanical Code, shall bear the A.G.A. label, and shall include a ,,; , considemtionofcombustionair,ventingandgas ,:,;.~, , supply requirements for water heaters and in ,.,., .~r .`. ,„ addition the following shall be required: , ,., „, _ ri jrs,.. , . .~,. ~`- „ 1 • 1. An approved permanent by-pass or anti- syphon device shall be installed to provide a positive means of retaining water in the heater when the pump is not in operation. 2. When the heater is installed in a pit, the pit shall be provided with approved drainage facili- ties. 3. All water heating equipment shall be installed with flanges or union connection adja- cent to the heater. 4. When water heating equipment which is installed in a closed system has a valve between the appliance and the pool, a pressure relief valve shall be installed on the discharge side of the water heating equipment. For units up to and including 200,000 B.T.U./hr. input the relief valve shall be A.G.A. rated and for inputs over 200,000 B.T.U./hr., the valve shall be A.S.M.E. rated. 5. A check valve shall be located to prevent backtlow of hot water from the heater. L. Gas Piping. Gas piping shall comply with the current adopted Uniform Plumbing Code. M. Final Inspection. Alt pool installations must be completed. The pool shall be completely filled with water and in operation before final inspection. N. Setback Requirements. I. Five Ceet required between property line and pool. Z. Five feet required between structures and pool. The above setbacks are to water line except when easements are present that prohibit encroachment; the five feet dimension shall be to back of pool structure. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The five feet requirement between house and pool may be reduced if the design is approved by a registered professional engineer. 2. A portable pool containing 600 gallons or less and erected or placed on the surface of the ground or concrete base may be located within one foot from structures and three feet from property line. The threedoot setback distance from aportable-pool to a property line may be reduced or eliminated if the affected adjoining property ownersigns a written statement approving the reduction. 16.32.060 Enforcement authority. A. Right of Entry. The Administrative Authority and assistants shall carry proper cre- dentials ofthe respective office, upon exhibition of which they shall have the right of entry, duri ng usual business hours, to inspect any and all pools or portion thereof in the performance of their duties. B. Dangerous Construction. Whenever brought to the attention of the department hav- . ing jurisdiction that any construction or work regulated by this chapter is hazardous, dan- gerous, unsafe or a menace to life, health or property or otherwise in violation of this chapter, the department may request an investigation by the Administrative Authority who, upon deter- mining such information to be Fact, shall order any person, firm or corporation, using or main- tainingany such condition or responsible for the use or maintenance thereof to discontinue the use of or maintenance thereof or to repair, alter or change the same as he may consider necessary for the proper protection of lift, health or prop- erty. Every such order shall be in writing, addressed to the owner, agent or person responsi- ble for the premises on which such condition exists and shall specify the date or time when such order shall be complied with, which shall allow ten days in which such order shall be com- plied with by the person, firm or corporation receiving such order, but shall never exceed the maximum period for which such construction can be safely used or maintained in the judgment of the Administrative Authority. Refusal, failure or neglect to comply with such notice or order shall be considered a violation of this chapter. C. Authority to Stap Work. Whenever any construction regulated by this chapter is being or has been done contrary to the requirements of this chapter, the Administrative Authority may order all work stopped on that portion of the installation on which such violation hasoccurred and to order the removal or correction on which the violation has occurred. Every such order shall be in writing, stating the nature of the violation and fixing a time limit for compliance. No per- son shall do any work on any portion of the equipment regulated by this chapter after a stop terrier has peen issued, except in conformance ''~"~wnn a~r+ ec ons of the Administrative Authority. 16.32.070 Permit-Required. A. No pool installation, alteration or repair work shall be commenced until a permit to do such work has first been obtained from the Administrative Authority. B: All bodies of water sixteen inches in depth or greater require permits. 1. The issuance of a permit, based upon sub- mitted plans and specifications shall not prevent the Administrative Authority From thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications, or from preventing construc- tion operations being carried on thereunder, when in violation of this chapter or any other pertinent ordinance or from revoking any approval when issued in error. 2. No person shall permit any other person to do or cause or permit to be done any pool work under any permit secured by such persons, except licensed subcontractors in his employ. 16.32.071 Application for permit. A. Any person legally entitled to apply for and receive a permit shall make such application on forms provided for that purpose. He shall give a description of the character ofthe work proposed to be done and the location, ownership, occu- pancy and use of the premises in connection therewith. The Administrative Authority requires plans, specifications or drawings and such other information as he may deem neees- saryand as prescribed in Section 16.32.070. B. Application for permits for new construc- tionshall beaccompanied byplans and specifica- tions in duplicate and in sufficient detail including the following: Plot plan with site grades, dimensioned, and drawn to a scale of not less than one-eighth inch per foot, and showing at least the following: I. Property lines, easements and rights-of--way of record; 2. Existing structures, fencing, retaining walls, and other relevant characteristics. Any portion of a pool which is constructed below grade as regulated by this chapter shall be designed and constructed for this type ofinsialla- tion and for possible surcharge from a structure on the premises or from a structure located at property lines or adjacent properties; 3. Proposed pool shape, dimensioned, and located to show setbacks, sideyards and clear- ance from existing structures; 4. Proposed mechanical equipment pad, dimensions and location. All heaters, pumps, filters, and related equipment shall be bolted to a one-piece, three inch slab or thicker, if weight of equipment dictates; 5. Proposed deckwork configuration showing its anticipated drainage; 6. Anticipated overall drainage of pool site. The contractor shall provide an elevation at pool and at a fixed point in the vicinity of the pool to correlate height with overall yard drainage; 7. Volume, system flow rate in gallons per minutes, and turnover in hours; 8. Type and size of filtration system and means of wale disposal; ' 9. Type and size of pool heater if included, including method of venting and provisions for combustion air, 10. Pool piping layout with all sizes shown and types of material to be used, and showing the location of the main outlet, surface skimmers and inlets; • piping shall have an approved ~,vrap and be bur- ied aminimum oftwelve inches unless protected by concrete walks or decks; !4. Show location of any overhead electrical service drops.. The required clearance of over- head electripl service wires shall conform to the current National Electrical Code, az adopted by the City; IS. Pool contractor shall provide information on pool excavator, City of Cupertino shall pro- vide forms. Sce Appendix A. C. Engincering Requirements for All Pools. 1. Plans are required showing structural steel design and layoutsuppotted by calculations. The design shall comply with the currant Uniform Building Code, az adopted by the City. Plans and calculations shall be signed by the engineer of record. 2. The engineer of record shall indicate acknowledgment of site and soil conditions for hillside pool installations. E. Ground Fault Interrupters. Electric power extended to rear yard or new added receptacle outlets for storable or portable pools shall be placed on an electrical circuit protected by a ground fault interrupter to conform with the current adopted National Electrical Code of the City. F. Bonding. All provisions For bonding of metttllicequipment, pool lighting, miscellaneous valves, piping, diving boards, slides, ladders, rail- ings shall be clamped, brazed or welded to pool reinforcing. G. If the Administrative Authority deter- mines that the plans, specifications, drawings, descriptions or information furnished by the applicant is in compliance with this chapter, he shall issue the permit applied for upon payment of the required fee az hereinafter fixed. The above requirements shall not void any requirements by any otherdepartment oragency having jurisdiction. 1632.072 Cost of permit. A. Every applicant for a permit to install, alter u or repair a pool system or part thereof shall state in writing on the application form provided for that purpose the character oCwork proposed to be done and the amount and kind in connection therewith, togetherwith such information perti- nent thereto azmay be required. B. Such applicant shall pay for each permit issued a fee in accordance with the schedule referred to in Section 16.32.072 and at the rate provided foreach classification shown therein. A plan check fee shall be paid upon presentation of plans for plan checking. C. Any person who commences any pool work for which a permit is required by this chap- ter without f rst having obtained a permit there- for shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, pay double the permit Cee fixed by Sec- tion 16.32.072 for such work; provided however, that this provision shall not apply to emergency work when it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Administrative Authority that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not prac- tical to obtain a permit therefor before the com- mencement of the work. In all such cases, a permit must be obtained az soon az it is practical to do so, and if there is an unreasonable delay in obtaining such permit, a double fee az herein provided shall be charged. 1632.073 Schedule of fees. Fees shall be based on valuation and conform to the schedule az listed under the current Uni- form Building Code, and in addition, one-half the permit will be charged for a plan check. A. All Work to Be Inspected. All pool installa- tions oralterations thereto including equipment, piping and appliances related thereto shall be inspected by the Administrative Authority to insure compliance with the requirements of this chapter. B. Called Inspections. It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by the permit to notify the Administrative Authority that said work is ready for inspection. Such noti- fication shall be given not less than twenty-four hours before the work is to be inspected. The Administrative Authority may waive the requirement of written notice. 1. Pregunite inspection is required when all steel is in place, piping from the pool area is in with pressure test, all steel and related attach- menuare properly bonded and underwater light housing is installed; 2. An inspection is required for all conduit and gas piping under slabs before decks are poured; 3. Final inspection is required after all equip- ment is in place and operating, the pool is filled with water and all fences and gates arc installed; 4. A reinspection fee of fivedollars per inspec- tion will be charged for each inspection over two where the work is not ready or rnrrections have not been completed; 5. The owner shall arrange with the Building Department for inspectors to enter the property to make necessary inspections in connection with the pool 16.32.080 Violation-Penalty. A. Any person who violates the provisions of this chapter shalt be guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1.12. B. The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not prevent the Admin- istrative Authority from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifica- tions orfrom preventing construction operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this chapter or of any other ordinance or from revoking any certificate of approval when issued in error. C. Every permit issued by the Administrative Authority under the provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and becomes null and void if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within sixty days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period ofsixty days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained. 16.32.090 Severability. If any provision of this chapter or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or appligtion, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.- !632.100 Effective date. The ordinance codified in this chapter shall be effective and operative thirty days from and after the date of its adoption. 456