R-3985 (2) PERMIT 3985APPLICATION FOR CITY OF CUPERTINO NUMBER R INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT EXPIRATION REROOF PERMITPERMIT EXPIRES IF (408) 252-4505 EXT. 228 WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERM T NOT OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. BUILDING ADDRESS BUILDING USE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL OTHER OWNER'S , HAZARDOUSROOF NAME FIRE —�— COVERING AREA CLASS ADDRESS q. c i EXISTING ROOF COVERING PHONE\L_6D e�J 2L "-7 6 7,0 NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS CONTRALTO S TO BE REMOVED TO BE RETAINED NAME 2 TYPE OF ROOF COVERING ADTDV RE8f SS / 7 O q/ 0. G/ EXISTING PHONE Ir/IL/ Sey' ' O 6 '62 BUILT-UP ROOF LICENSE /.> b ASPHALT SHINGLES NUMBER WOOD SHAKES LIC ENSED CONTRACTORS under DECLARATION 1 withherebyS affirm that I of licensed under Provisions of Chapter o Prov g(commeo- ing with Sectile .L-A of Division 3 0l the Business ma Prot s'o cone. WOOD SHINGLES and my Ilcm(le.L-A sena and enact 4 j License `.E Con racto'r OTHER (SPECIFY) Oat I mBUILDER DE the Contractor'. ont I haowin affirm that em deempt M1Lm the CLnfrassio s License Lew toy PROPOSED the county following niton. (Sec, permit Business and Professions Code: Any city re e°V ny tructhich re.prresior • permit t0 issuance.els oct.re sins, im Prop°,tlamortn,°I perms any ale a sign,prior fo an that hi also require theapplicantthe p for such BUILT-UP ROOF permit to fila apnea License Law that he is licensed(commencing it the provision{ of Dia Contractor's oft Licame Lew (hepta. % Ico e)or that wi to exempt 7000) th... from Division h 01 the Business and Proalleged exem tion. or that he is n of S ctio ASPHALT SHINGLES from end the bels for the alleed •u•mpts th Any violation of Section 7f031 no, by any tfive hu for°permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty Oi not mon that live nomad property, r my employees.1: WOOD SHAKES ❑ I, ti hwne of one Pro rk,y,or he rwith were as r offered fomp..(tic. 1 do Nd work,and ins{ Co re is not intended°r License WOOD SHINGLES for sal. (Bac. apply Beano{andProfessionsfrarty Code: The Co.tnno:s License.... LOW who not apply to an Owner of through his -no nudes to ees,provided In ded that and wno doe{such work not int or ed or ones own(male. It,provided foam ui: ng or improv a His innmatl o one year for ale. It, however,othe OTHER (SPECIFY) such i improvement the b r is tole within th • e di hl completion,on. mne own err Purdeepose, will have the.urea. of)ronin)Ne he did not Huila or improve 1°r °°rP°'°°s own PROVIDE I.C.B.O. REPORT NO. ❑ I, r. owner construct the property, am(Sec. 7exclusively4, connection with r lemon& code ton to tractor's the project les not Business an owner and Prpof roperts Code TM1e or improve$thereLicense Lawand who co tracts fol such Pr acts with PROVIDE MFGR. INSTALLATION SPECS. -no bud&f °r imbed pursuant su nt t mtl who actors Li for a La Projects wain e contractorl am licensed under enc[O ln0 COntIOC[0I's License Law. ❑ I em ev(en)t unser Sec. ,B.&P.C.for this reason APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE Owner Data — WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION P A I D Building I hereby elfitm [n [ a�tiliceme of consent to self insure,or*Car fifecata hl WorYkeeri F-Mfur o a iiia•(copy Thereof(Seo Seismic 4^ 3800, R 17 �qviro —�W— Polic No.� om n^i ^ �/� MA Cat Hied cop eby f toed. + Total Car I.I{t raw fn:cityQoe_ fi ya!Wsion. CI Ty A°Dlecent 1 4n��J V CERTIFIC TE OF EXEMPT ON ROM WORKERS' N.C. PE fAtlryORIZATION DATE COMPENSATION completed INSURANCE (This{action need not be completed it the permit is ter one hundred tlob man($1004.r or that i I ceIih fnet in m° performance of the work for which eco permit it sou°e, I shell not employ any Peron in any manner so as to become tubj.Ct to the Workers'Compensation pyic Lows of California. Date AT: If, NOTICE should APPLICANT: . sitar Work.,.' this Compensation Certificate of Exemption You .Houle become object to Ina Workan'Compen(tion Drovi{iono of Na Labor coda, you must forthwith comply with wcn provision.or his permit All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being {hall be aaame l revoked. I certify that I have rand this application and{ten that the above Informs Installed. If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an Tom Is correct. I nor°° to co tons weh all city and county ordinance{and Inspection,I a nee to remove all new materials for Inspection stat. lent relating to builtliIT eonftrucnon, end hereby authorize reDe(eo- tetivet Of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection pur(We) / (We) .brae to (vat indemnity end keep harmless the City of CuPotino �Q9--3p� 31174 .gain abiDe,judgments,costs and expense{which may In any way a«rue .wins[(id CITY in consequence of the granting of this permit. SIGNATUM OF APPLICANT DATE ' PRE-INSPECTION: PLYWOOD: IN-PROGRESS: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BATTENS: FINAL INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION OFFICE COPY _