Ordinance 154~~z~~~~ ~~~a, x54 ~~ ~~~ ~-~~~ A, z~'o~X.A`3"~~fJlF o~ t,TA tit cx~rTx~~ ~ ~ c art ~c~easr~,~s a~ ~crTt~~ ~~ err. ~, ~ xF~ ~~ t ~~ ~ c~ , ~a~t.~~~~a : r.......__.....~.~.......~..~~,.~....._.....~. _~ ._....~..,...._.........,......~._.~.._..... ~~~- - ~ r ~~~ 6t why a pstitio~n sigraecl b=~ o~rrs of nt>t: Irde than cir~e-~fc~~!trt~~ ~._ that ian4d Sn the hersiar~d-i`ter de,acr:~.bc~cY tarr,~t.ox~ by are~~. a~,d by ase~ssed ~-s-lve a,4 aho~r: an the lust equals~ed aea~r:su~ttent x*ozi of t:t~e C.c7uu~nt.y of Santa C;ta~-, ttas dul;p 1'i$ed Stith tl-.e C:our:cil of ttut City of ape=rtina x~questi~ et~next~.Li+c~y oY' th+~ hereinaf'tarr Qeaaribad territory to i-aid Cgt'~, w,he.reae aaicl t~rritv!~~- lies outside or a-nd s.e contiguous to t:he hocar~i~i. a"' the City of t~,tpe~1'.irt4; and ` R~Il3, the City Ca~~.nr.~.1 0,*_' the ~::it*,r oP G'~!a~~i~tln~a dldl, an the Ord day cad' ik:taber,, 2960, pae+~e a,r~ aGapt r~. JR~rsolz~t~,azl for tix~ pr<sp4sed annex axion` oP said terx~atac-y ko the C~ ty ar Cupertir.+u, ~3a which acrd Rr.:t*al~i- tiorz notice of the da~~, hour, atx.~ piP~ce phon and e~he~ e.;na~ pez°~son ~wt3x^,g real property t~ithSn ~uc~h terMtary ao prc~~eed t6 be annexed and ;havAng nr,y ob~jectione to 'Lh+e propoee~i anneuation m~.ght apptsnr tap2'o.c~ thy: 1ep,,in~- lAt'~ ve bedy and ahoy cause why eurh territory a'tzc~uld nat Ue ,eo al~nexed; an~i +CourYez•, t~ t~ewapaper oC gez~z,ral , .lrcultYtion pa.zbl~.shpd wit~~ln ~:.he ~:tty of ~upertinc, and in t!ae Stxxu:yva'_te Standard, zi nE~~-a~pa;Ner cif get~eMal cire+4~la~ t2an pub3iahPd within the Caunt;~ of :~antA Claw, the count=~ ,n ~r:~ich i.a 1ocAtQ~3 the Le critoi~,r Yar+~lZo.sF ~i .G,„ be anne~ec'i ~ awl e 1~Rt~S, Maid R~tsolut,.Y.on way ci~i} J, r°e~.laarlg, and la«tfu'x1y ~rxtiAzs~'t,ed .Y~ 2eaat twig, but z~~at more ctfteri t;t~n orire u Mit:E~k, .i.n t;tze C~apNrtino ti1l~c~.REA,3, such hearing ~~~ hel,d p~trr~uant to e~aS.d notice cvntalned in aai.d ~iesolution csra ~;l~ze 3rd day of ~~~:t4ber, 196U, at the Cimc and piaee .fl.xezA therein; and WNER~AS, s':^.h hearir~ rir^s not zees than i'ifteen ~:t5) ctaya f~~M tl~r dF-te of the ~ az~a~,e o.f aRidl R~sa].ut Ion; and 1-~tiERl?`AS, ~~:t ~~he acid hcar4 n~ ttzc 2'c, wc~~ no vat;d p.rnteste by an;+ t~wnc~x ar ownPrye caf one~ha.lf (~) of the valrze of tY-e terr~3.ttzr-,~ l;~x~o~aaed to be annexed., accordix~A~ to thc~ last egtu~21 zec! an~-eas>aerrt ~ro:13. of the C;otlnty 4!' Santa Clrra, 9tat:e of ~:,a7;ifrar+zi.$, aa~d a:~ detgral.»ed by thEr c2ty caunaii and ~F.REAS,, thr~ C1 ty Council t'I.ntiia thgt thQ terri toyy propK ~z~ed t o t,>e anra~xe~i is <:~^r~ i.guous to the iaaux~dazd.es of tt~~ Ciey of C~upertinr~, arul th$ the z~ieae ie uninhsaUAt+ed tern^ito~~,~ Ica dei'iread by e~r:l.d Q~~varnar~nt ode pax' ~•.aAiforn3a, `°z3 that it is far the beet iilte~r~e~ot ardd c:onv~x~ierac:e oi' uup- ei~tSano that the said tex-rltor;y b~ r;.nnezed to said ~C3.ty of ~"tcp~!rtta~~.?9 110, '~#~Rffi, thrt- City Cour-~e.? :1 a-i` th+s Ci t7 o f Comps rt ins does tx~ re by orr~l.» H~a fvl.1©w~r: ~..ax thlu ~.tl+a~t' ~+f trcw ...d~t~b~.t~ud t t~x*~/ ~roi~a- •~ ~.i"i~'''°_., ~#~ ~, a~ ~b A ~~ l~tb~~!,~' !1~'A~~ ~~ /:~tt lit11~ tt.~~-i isorT: ~~~ arr~~! ttnr a~s~ is ~~~. an.~wlex to tits qty o.P ~~x~ti!ao muyA it , ~:~.;»~ ~lae~,~-rl~ 4t+e~.ra~badt aH r~Yl,~ ~ fit: .~... ...p"~~'.g,.\~~r ~2,: 4i.• ~.~ ~ ~,~"' ,~. ,. r..+!~. ~,,,. ... ..~ - '1iM1t~~f~dr~~:{. ,}~ .~.~,,e{n<z„'u!~14h . r.-.r~. ^'rex~ ~ r.y, _ ~'`~ ` r~. !l:~.i Lt~t r~~aa. prG~rty situate lr~ t:h~~ CQUr~¢;y of .~~rtta G'2ar~a, Stake of G~lit"az~.a, ~iesc~bod. as x'ol.?,~~ws» (ZeAaI ~3esc.ri ~-~:f~hr. mark~e*~ 'L~::.h:i,~ha t ~. attt3cr~-nd~ . Pr~apetr9t~r krxrim ata ~C~'~t ~icx~nt+~ad Ar~~.t, thY~~~t~ew, 3.r~o.~ted on th+e ao~tth ai d~ of ~eeast~d tioxtd br:Gween I4t t3:9aR t~rxd ~tw~nc+cq, G~ontatning apipr~~rir~te3y ~:~-~ ~~~ so~~. ,3gc~t~.c~ Puareu~attt to the pro~~i.~-tar~a of the Quaid t~ov~rn~nt Cadta of th~'~ets c+f (~i~y~'oTTi:ia, the ~C2ty ~Irrxk rx~etiJ and Y1e ~ls 2~reby direa~ted to fA1e t~7tt~t the Secretary of State of t~1~.1'orrtia a oas°ti~Y~d copy QP thin 4z~iti na.nae 1~i~edli~.te~y upon the c~_id l~xrdir~nce beco'~.tnR ofXetstive . Sect,~„~1.on__~. ~'laat a13. ca~,p~naea a~" p~ooeedinga Pax the axsrae~cr~t'!on +~f the aa~iic un~p bi ted tee rri tc~ rY be pe;idi, and that the aa~ be rind trxti are hex~'by allo~ae~i. Sec:t3on 4. Tt any a~,~cti~on., suB~ection, aF:ntence, ~;l.auee, p~re~s~e ox~ portion a~ thAs OrdtnenCe is, ~'or $n3r x~~ason: h-~td to De waconotitutlona3, void, ar :1nWrs3.id, D3* an~r caur•t ai' competent ~urri.adictioz~ the val~.dlty of the t*emaini.ng ~r~rtlc~h ~+f tt~.~a +Darr~tna,r,ce shall z~cat bas ef~'ected trieret+y~, lntx'ociue~,ci at Fi xticgul.s~r tneet.~n~ of the City Ctzt~;~~rii ar the pity o" t^uper't? no on thc~ •t1~r- dRy vf' ~€~~, , 1.9~b, and passed at a :regular rneet:~.n~ of tho Gi.~t;y~unci~. on t,a,~ ~i r~ day cif ~~ad~rr~h~ , 190„ t~~' tr.~a f~~l I.owln~ wot~ : -.. ,. AY'~?~: Gr,ut'ir,i 1cr~~n. (~,tr'~ ; e i, a~.:.~,~-: rt~ l~R~.A~.~.: ~ S~A-~ ~- s~ , ~`~~.~~~ ~ AtA,YS. Cot~:~cilrtten: F'~`s~= t~~.SEIIa'i': C`c~aanoillrrr~n: ~~ Of~`4' APP'~b. ~' Arat_hanY ~J. Pelasi yor, r~i_ty ~~`~~pertina ,~L ~a'~rY'enc~ K~Mar~Y:~:; Gl. L~ Gl ~.~ r~ ~_.,.~_ ~~X~~ n~u ~TBAD w 5 1~aiNiS11C~ at the paint ©t inter~wrction at the aaeter].q al.ne t-t tiro Avef~2ett {~tJ ~'~rat xide~, au u~-id k~-~rines Avenue it st~e»nr~ on 'l.`t~aet ~~ 841, ~oeaestasew! ~i1S.~t, ~. aesp~ of +rh2.eh ate Wiled! tox x~vaard in wok 33 of ape, st ate lb arrs3 17, Santa C`la~ra Ccrw1'ty Aeaur~as, ~r9.~.h the er~r~aterlq pxr~lc, tin Qt t~i~e ~tth~srly lima erg` hot ~l, llltt~ak ~, o+f sr,-id '!'re-Ct l~ka. fl01; the~nae r~i~, weeta~.~1-~ a1.c~ns aatd easterly pt~i®ragsr4lon arwd alor~ }..3~* southerly lima :..~" sraid~ Yet j Yea tt~ l,nter- r;x,etiora of aMsid sntyGi~rr'llr liter ra:ilh th4 easterly 11ne o;C ttrat rertnir. pmroel of land eanvaya:d tc~ H~-ths~*~ ~a~,tl~et ~narah` a t~l~.t'ar~i.a Corporat.icara, by de+~Sl recox~~ In ~cok k~b9, c~Y'fiaial ~;cardar +at pt~.ge lbi, Sar-ta GlgY~+a County Acu+~xt#a; the~~oe southerly along said easterly line of aa1+d patrrel Cr~nvayed to Bethany Bl~.ptxst G'~~uarc.h to tlhe sautl~t~it~rir:rl Corner ther°c~~af; thence ~e-terly al~-ng a aoutF,erly line of ea:~.d pe.rcel convclred to 8e thany 9aptl at Church to tr~a mast ~ra~.xxh~gterly corn~:r the~tc+ec~f; thencae northerly along a r~esterlb 13ne of` r,~id p~arCel aox~vei+ad to aa.l,d Hethr~,,y Rapfi;:ist Chur~:h to an txrrgle pnirrt thers~in, sa~.l.d point h~ir~ also the noxwth~:,~s±,erly Corner of Let 1~, Rlt~rk 5, ~-f tsaid ~'r~ct Nc}, ~t'i1; thc;nr.P wez~terly along a sflutt,rrly ~l.lne of eetid parcel f~on~eyeci to ~thary Bap+;3st Church to a so~,~thaei~tcr~ly rc;r:~er ther.~;cf', said Cc.:uthweaterl~r eortier be`.ng elmo the cnot~t ~:~ steely corner cx E~~t 1~, Black 5, of ye,id 1'ra~ct No. F3t)1; tt~anGe nflrthoxly alarm ~ t~sterl~r '.ine of sail parcel. conveyed to Bethany ~..ptx~t ~'hur~ah a:~c] slang the northerly prnlongmY.3on of said w~reter:l,y line to the ,tn~:ereection of s~:1d ;~orthc:rly prolan$atiar~ w.tth the Co~~tcr line c,f Mc+rcnestesd Read, as said Cente~~ line is showtti o~~ slid map of 'Tract No. B~QI; trerrce eaet~exly along, said Center 3i.ne ot` Hor~eatesd Ans~d ~,c, the ~.nterse~^tion ther~n.f. with the northerly proXa,.ga- tiot~ off' th+~ easterly ling oz ea.4.d pe-rcel conveyed to Rethtiny I~ptist Church; thence ao~at~rly along said trot•thcarly prolong;atio,~ anc! along the eaetez~ly li~ie of said. petr+c~ t conveyed to HeChsr~,y Hapti.st Chu.rcli to the intet°seet•ion caf eErad ~•asterly lime oa~l.t'.ii the rortheriy 12re of the aPorementiona~d ',a't ~, $?,o+ck 5s Tre.ct No. ~Gl; ther~c~:• easst~~rly $lo~~~ aald x,ort.l-,er1y ].ix~e ~rL' aa~d Lot 3 ~~r~tl ~:lt~n~; e~istc~.r3.y prc~]ongation cif aatd nor~:3~erly ,".^.~ rM* I,ot 3 tU the intersecti.an of ans.d easterly rcalongation Mi.ttr tine atarem.~:ntl,ancc~ easterly line of Me~:in~~ A venue ~40 feet i n erldth ~ ; thrnce ac~utherl.y along aald eaesterly lixae of ~'.a~cine tiwenue Co thr~ point of beginning. u, . ~:c°+."',.! '~ , t ~. hl^y it .... ~; ~.? _i:ix°:,,yqQ y~J'', ".,.~ . . , .~, ,.F,,•~ g• 7~},~t~' :-w!"~.A _ ~ ° Mt 4+'"jfti. ~',vu» ~ kv.. _ .~ „~ ~ ~MJ~,tl~d~'RI~'~,tz~t ~t 9l' 'y~;,~~;'rwr, ~,.. tlrw A+'~ ~:e~~.y~r„ •. ~t., .u.,vv ,~ »; r ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, , ., ~ ~~ r . , Z ~._._ ~ ~ __,____.~s t i ~'~ ~% c ;~, Q, a '~'~ ~'*ar ~, f/'J ~~ t ~ ~ .~ ~~t ~-~,s~~a*r f+'~f e~ ,c'~+rM•;-.:s C//' / OI"' ~d"~t~Sf.4"`/r'~~Y19. ~^ 1.~Rs~s.'s r->~rt--•~aar~L' ?'"a.~ .~t~' ..~.~r.~v~-.rpo ~ ~%i~"~ ~C~ro3er.Pre~-~n. .ff1,r4~ .:~I~.i,-9~r.'9 dr ~',~1'~..''~.~ I~~.~'l?.Tid~.G' ~ .w` r Tr% ..~GeF' .•4G.r~irrYd~X~ ~% ?"C Ti4~.dr" ~ ,_ `& ~•~ rs* ,w ~,. s9~+ I,-- _ 41 F r i i f rs...~ „~ M4 "~ L.