01100065 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DMSION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT N0. 10345 EL PRADO WY CALIFORNIA SECURITY ROOF NG 01100065 .OWNER'S NAME APPLICATION SUB DATE ROSS KEISER 90 UMBARGER RD 10/10/2001 HONE SANITARY NO. CONTROLNO. ! (408) 363-6400 OO ARCHITECTIENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO Z BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH I_-I O I—1 L7 S H 1 benbLICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description i Z-0 y offuh that 1 am Ifcanseciwider,m visi.n of Chaper 9(cammenciog _tw .wihseedan7g0)afDmisi.n3.rh<Busin�eaanaProre"mnaeueaanahyncrn RE—ROOF int is in run(..a.Ja 3/3 Oee U Licerue Cls" Lic,g EES Date /o/gyri i cmuncmr i 40 .I'i ARCHITECT'S DECLARXET519 1 understood my plana shall W used u public records 1 E p O Licensed Professional "ICR OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 0 9 effum that 1 am exempt from the Convactor's License law for the - n.(Section 7031.5,Boniness and Pref tendons Code:MY city or cowry Z r w or to a issue p"n it m construct.eller,Impm pair any swcee $15000 C follow n6 easo ve demolish,or repair 3$ .•p teaala equ reglhc ep beam faeuch perm uofleengiied WlerMnn th5l hats lremselpuduenitotheprovls m tdIhe Cwmx1m`1Limma Low(Chaper9 3 S��F�.)~'10}1r f�Cg F}4•+ i ' Valuation (commcsiu g Ih Sa ami 7000).f lurniou 3 of the B rime. pt4 Ptyfrions Code) C111-IN 1 (I 3 flo 4o w_ ;All 0,", 1 or Nal he rs exempt therefrom eM Ne bas s f.r Ne alldged eAAdmduon. y vtohnoa of Section 7031.5 by any applicant nor a permit wbjmu the applicant to a civil penalty of nor me to mn eve hundred dollars($500). 3 05A PN[4t/(lll2e� Occupancy Type r tttarin, 1 ❑Cas owner of the property,or my employees with wages"their sole andcompensation, will do the work, d the structure is not intended or oHeea for sole(Sec.7044," 3091u Business �In$ fictions"' f mid'Professions Code:The Contractor's License law does not apply to an 6 01 - ROOF TE q VL^L' P owner of property Who milds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself _o1 throuh his own employees.provided nut such improvements am not intended or. 602 - ROOF_ PLYWOOD ..NAIL p . Rered for sale.If,however,the Wilding� -t is sold wiihin one y em of -- ---- - completion,Ne owner-builder will have the Wdcn of proving Must he did not your w 603 - ROOF BATTENS Inflows for purpose of We.). s __-- ._. _ 604.-.- ROOF_IN-PROGRESS:. ❑i,"Owner of,the pm,P,9y an exclusively contracting with licensed contractors 1. co inn thePset(Sec 7044 B nest and Pref ons Code)The Contractor's i•In I\;P Li La doe nm apply 1 an owernof property no W Id r mp c.Merton, ` .and h vac".for such meRctamth ronwnm(s).1 me pormut to.Me. _ _ .. _ -__ _ _ _ _. _ J omrectLima. C ! ma V L u i ❑lame amq riders B&P C for this mae.n -. _ Owner U Data . 1••, 'WORKEN'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION / I" I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury orie oflhe following declarations: _ 7 I have and will maintain e`Cenificom of'Consent'lo self-inure for Worker, �6 ompensalion, as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.,,,, ❑1 hnv the will maintain Worker a Cohpchatinn IeMnnca"r1dell M by Rnion 37W of y labor Code:Compensation Insurance .f ere work(m'which this prmit u iuunt:MYWorkcfs Comps tion lnsisiwce cam _end Poliry�number Clmerl�> �r wHid•4F Policy No.. /. - -.p e, \ 's:;. i tti'a� '�a' ) y -Y.♦.: may', �1'1..(rn,• ___.._._..._ CERTUICATIONOFE%EMPIONFR MWORI(FJtISs (�•,''7`• - t COMPENSATION INSURANCE,,, w.. .. tin.. .c•, -n' (This Senion need sial be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollar '1• " ($tw)or Icu) f 1 I certy,,that u the pert mut Ne ark for which N perrmt a issued 1 ... -. .. - t 1 \' f 1 ! •_.._ . . ... ..._ . . . ahhll not employ on osubjectl - P Y Y a any manner,sa ox to become t Wo kers 'Comps noon fC IIT Ie:Dmei /ti,7 -APPbcmm � 'NOTICE TO LICANT If after Me t ism sof Exemption,you should Q 0 become subject h the Words Compenalion p i ons.f the Labor Coda you must fon usith comply with such provisions or this permit Nell be Manned rtwkcd. ' y. - .. _ _ _. . . . _ --•di ..._. I i',i' " •""•' CONSTRUCTION'LENDING AGENCY' ' '� �.� =whichw_na - ewhich....NN.a.st.'permit eml.ii.s is s'ic.ssoun.d�(S.ee_...3.l,0e..n9d7.i.nC{iv C...) .rh.. p' Lorder'sNue... s " Lindens Address• •'r -_. _v. _ -. _ ._.... ...__ _. .. .. T.., .1 anify that 1 here reed Ws application Bird mme Ihn the above infonn"iw is Tec TO correct:I agree to comply with all city old county ordinanc"and sae laws elating to Wilding construction,and heeby'sudorile representatives of this city toenterupon - Ne eWve-m<mioned property for inspection purposes.,, , Fpr (We)agsee to nave;irdehnifyrod keep haimini the City'of Coperdo6igeinal (A liabilities,judgments,costs M expenses which may in any way amm against,aid f.7 Cly consequence of Ne gm n g of In e 'AP LICA NDBRSTr1NDS AND WILLCOMPLx WITH ALC NOIJ-POfNT " so�i cuLATwNs. I. .•i+.'' o-m Issued by: i Date Sig ameor ApplicanOConimct r' ,' '\ ,Date"'.., Re-roofs i s 'HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WiII the Opplicant ter falUR W(ding ocLUpwt start Or haMl h"eNws inetedd Type - as defied by the Cupaninolva ,pal Cade Chepn 911 r d Me HeWh wd Saf ry sof Roof-, _. .. , Code Seetion.155321e)7 k \�i l'I(Itsh ❑Y",• y Sflllk- No'I: t 4r 11L1;ys ft hla4 ' t t • .dr . - All.roofs shall be inspected.prior to.any..roofing material.being installed. x Will the applieani Ofu[ueW;iMn'goewpsm use equipment or devices which If a roof is iiisEalled Without first obtainingins ctiori;'I'a ee'toteimve emit hezeidous sir con1e111irW""defined by thManagementBey Area Air Quality Management an Pe District? _ all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with - ❑Ye ,, P, y .❑Ni,] ;1', •t t -.'', , all non-point source regulations:'L ha a ked the Wxmdous memnals equ re cats under Chapter h95'of the I CelJomu ll' tb&Safety Code.Sectio"15505 25533 end 25534 I nderstaad that if Mebuilding doer note retlyheveatrnant Nal its my responsibility to notify the --'- o' prom of theegoism ms which must be'el pdor'e issoonce of a Carnificals of Occupsm Signature of Applicant - Date a o eor a i .n:eaag'��7`"�?� �P. Data,.. Al] roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE-