Ordinance 1531Cff2DINANCE NO. 1531 Q~F~I~32 16.60 - ~ MASONRY BUILDINGS AN OF TIC QTY OOUNCII, OF THE QTY OF CVF~FIZTZTIO ADDT~ CI~,FI~t 16.60, tlt~fftEII 29~SOPII2Y HUIIDI2JG8 TU ~ CiJPERTII40 MUNICIPAL OOL~. ZKE QTY OOCIIdCZI, OF ~ C,PiY OF C[JPERl'IIAO HII2EBY ORDAINS AS FOIi0W5; The... purpose of this Oztiinance is to prcmate public safety aM welfare by reducing the risk of death ar injury that may result from the effects oP ~. Stx3i builditx~a have been widely rieoognized~far t~ sustaining of life hazaltlous damage as a result of partial ar complete collapse during past moderate to strcag earthqualaes. The prwisio~ of this Otdina~e are minimtnn standartfs for etruct:ual seismic resistance established primarily to reduce the risk of life lose or injury atxi will not neoegsarily prevent loss of life ar injury ar prBVent eart2ulualce damage to an existing building whirls om~lies with this Ordinance. SOOPE The requirements of this Ordirsame shall apply to all buildings oorstainirg unreinforoed masonry bearing walls. Esaception: This Ortiirsausoe shall net apply to a detached GrCxsp R. Division 3 Ooaspancy nor to a detached Group R. division 1 Oocaspatscy containing less than .rive dwelling units used solely for residential Alternate materials, designs and methods of oonstrssctian may be approved by the Building Official in aooozdatsos with the Building Code. 16.60.010 - pg~g~ For the purpose of this Ordinsansoe, certain terms are defined as follows: CR06S FAIZS are interior walls of masonry or wood frame o~sstrssction with surface finish of wood lath and plaster, mirsinnan 1/2-inch-thick gypsum wallboani ar solid horizontal wood sheathing. In orrlar to be considered as a cross .wall within the intent of this cisapter, the csaoss walls shall be spaced at not more than 40 feet apart in each story, arxi shall be full story height with a minimum length oP one and aa~e-help times the story height. U AASONRY BEARING FALLS are masonry walla having all of the following charactesistica: 1. Provide the vertical support far a floar ar roof. 2. Have a total superimposed load over 100 pourx9s per linear foot. 3. Have an area of reinforcing steel less than 30 per~oent of that required by the Building ODde. ~DINANCE 1531 • • Page -2- ~ (a) General. A historic building may oa~ly with the special provisions set forth in this ortiinanoe and the provisions of the State Historical Building Coda. (b) Unburned Clay Masonry ar Adobe. F3cisting ar re-erec,-ted walls of adobe oonstsvction shall conform to the Pollowirg: 1. Exterior bearing walls of tmreinforoed adobe maeoauy shall not esaoeed a heigtst-or length~to-thiclmaea ratio of 5 s 1. S~sch walla shall be provided with a reinforced bond beam at the top whidi interconnects ail walls. Zhe bond beam shall have a minim~an depth of 6 indies. Zhs bond beam may have a width is not leas than a inches, provided the resultirxJ width is not less than 8 itxhes. Minimmt wall thiclcsess shall be 16 inches for exteriar bearing walls arxi l0 itx3ses for adobe partitions. No adobe structure shall exceed arse story in height unless the historic evidence satisfactory to the Building official indicates a two story heic~st. Zn such cases, the heic,Qzt-Ito-thic~sess ratio shall ba the same as above for the first story based on the fatal two story wall height, and the second floor wall thiclmesa shall runt exceed the ratio of 5:1 by more than 20 percent. Hoed beams shall be provided at the roof and secorfd floor levels. 2. Foundations footings shall be reinforced ocnctBte under newly r+ec~sstrueted walls and shall be 50 paroent wider that the wall above, soil ocx'yditions permitting, except that the foundation wall may be 4 irxdses less in width than the wall if rock, burned brick or stabilized adobe facing is necessary to provide authenticity. 3. New ar e~dstirrg unstabilized brick and adobe bricJcaasaruy shall test to 75~ percent of the ocag~resaive strength required by the Building Code for new material. Unsstabilized brick may be used where existing bricks are unstabilized arri where the building is not susceptible to flooding or direct exposure to the weather. Adobe may be allowed a maximum value of 3 pounds per squats inc3i far shear with no increase for lateral forces. 4. Mortar may be of the same soil composition and stabilization as the brick in lieu of cement mortar. 5. Nominal tension stresses due to seismic forvea normal to the wall may be neglected if the wall meats the thiola>ess requirements and shear. values allowed by this subsection. (c) Ardsaic Matsrials~ Allowable stresses !or archaic materials 'not specified in this code shall be based on substantiatitq reseaz~ch data ar engineering judgement with the approval of the Building official. ORDIN3INCE 1531 • • Page -3- (a) General. Every stxt~sre within the Scapa of this Ozdinattce shall be analyzed and aa~stnx;ted to resist miniiman total lateral seisiaic fa~rnea asstnned to act nonccocurzently in the directico of each of the main awes of the structzu:~e in aooordance with the following equation: Ztse value of IBS need not ewoeed but shall not be less than .100 for one story kuiidiTr~e with less than 300 oa~artts, and need not ewoeed but mist not be less than .133 for one story taildiix~s oornaining 100 or more occupants and buildings over one story above grade. Zhe value of Z and I shall equal 1.0. Zhe value of W shall be as defined in Chapter 23 of the 1985 Uniform Building Code. b~ildings~shall be analyzed signed f loads aooordarre with chapter 23 of the 1985 Uniform Building Oode. E}CCEPFION: Unreinforced masoiu:y walls may be designed in accordance with Sectico 16.60.040. Fp ~ IC~b'Wp .......................................(A1-2) For the pravisicc~ oP this section, the product of IS shall equal 1.0. the value of Cp shall be in aooordanoe with Table 23 J of the 1985 Uniform Building Oode. Zhe value of Wp shall be as defined in Chapter 23 0! the 1985 Uniform Building code. E}{CEP'1ZCMT: Unreinfoz+oed masonry walls may ba designed in aoacrdanoe with Section 16.60.040. to be) analyzede3 by this Ordinance i~rlude~l~Iieic~t~to-thic]ayess ra~tii of masonry walls: 2) Tensico bolts in bending; 3) In-plane shear stress: 4) Parapetai 5) Diaphrac~n stresses and diaphragm d~ords in floors and roof. (d) Anchorage and Ini:eroonnectico. Anchorage and intar~onnectico of all parts, porticos and elements of the stricture shall be analyzed and desi,:gned far' lateral farces in aooordanoe with the 1965 Uniform Building CDds and the Fbrmula (A1-2) oP this Dods. Masonry walls shall be anchored to all floors and rvof to resist a minimum Ponce of 200 pounds per linear foot acting normal to the wall at the level of the floor or roof. (e) Iavel of Required Repair. Alterations arri repairs zequired to meat the pravisice:s of this chapter shall oasq~ly with all other applicable recd+~*+~TM+*+tA of the Building Oode unless specifically provided for in this Ordinance. (f) Required Analysis. 1. Ge7fer'al. Dooept as modified herein, the analysis and design relating to the stn:ctural alteration o! existing buildings within the scope of this chapter shall be in aoaordance with the analysis specified in the 1985 Uniform Building Code. ORDII~NC~ 1531 • • Page -4- (f) Required Analysis. 1. C,eneLal. (oontirtued) In addition, the Crnq~atibility oP the roof diaphtacpn stiffl~esa with the out-of-plane stability oP the unt+einforoed masonry bearing walla oP the atary ~~i~.te~y below the roof shall be verified in acoott9ance with the provisions oP Section 16.60.060. ~~;, Buildirxgs ~~•+.th rigid oortcrete or steel and concrete roof diaphtacyos shall use tt,a l;/t values far all other buildings in Teble Al-F. `' .~"7~~x.~r t+ «n~letBr castinuaia load path PLCn1 every part requited horizontal forces. ~ the ~~ shall be provided Par the 3. Positive ocnnections. All parts, portions ar elements of the stzuct<rt+a shall be interconnected by positive means. Cg) ~1's~ Prooed<rre 1. Gene2al. Stresses in materials and existing oonstruetion utilized to transfer seismic Pa~roes Prrm the gz+aud to parts ar portions of the sttuct<rna shall conform to those pe3mitted by the Building code and those materials and types oP ~ specified in Section A7. 2. Ooau~ections. Materials and ooru~ectots used Par the internonnection oP parts and portions oP the structure shall conform to the Building code. Nails may be used as a part oP an approved oonnect'.ar. 3. thit+einforoed masonuy walls. In addition to the saimmic !Dross required by this c3~apter, unrainfor+oed masauy walla shall be analyzed as specified in the 1985 tlniPorm Building Code to withstand all vertical loads as specified in the Building Dods. Such walls shall meat the minimina ~ set forth in the Building code. Fdien calculating shear ar diagonal tension stz+esses due to seismic !Dross, existing masanty shear walls may be designed to resist 1.0 times tha t~vired forces in lieu of the 1.5 factor required by the Building Code. No allowable tension stress will be permitted in unreinfaroed masaray walls. Walls not capable of resisting the r+egtrired design forces specified in this at+dinance shall be strengthened ar shall ba r+etroved and t~eplaoed. EXGEPPIONS: (1) UnrainPotced masonry walla may be analyzed in aooordarne with Section 16.60.040. (2) Lhsreinforced masonry walls which catty no design loads other than their own weight may be oansiderod veneer if they are adequately anchoi~,,d to new suppartirg elements. S1~bstantial in, wall thic~ess ar stiffness shall be oonsidarad in the analysis far out-of plans and in-plane wall stability, aril the wall shall be restrained against out-ofplana instabiliti' b'!' androrage and bracing to the roof ar Ploos diaphracpn in aooozdanoe with Section 16.60.030(d). ORDINANCE 1531 • Page -5- ;, Variations in wall stiffness caused by nominal openirt~a such as windows and doors need trot be oatrsider+ed. (h) Combination o! Vertical std Seimmie Forces. 1. New Materials. All new materials introduced into the st'strCtu>:e to meat the r>3quir~errts of this Ordintu~roe w2rie3r are subject to combined vertical and horizotrtal forces shall comply with the Building C-x1e. 2. ~cistllxl materials. 4d~en stress in existing lateral forve resisting elements re due to a combination o! dead loads plus live loads plus seismic loads, the allowable working stress specified in the Building Code may be increased by 100 percent. However, rro increase will be permitted in the stresses allowed in Sectiatr 16.60.040. The stresses in members due to only seismic aryl dead loads shall not exceed the values permitted by the Building Coda. 3. Allowable reduction of bendira stress by Vertical load. Calculated tensile fiber stress may be redtroed by the full direct stress due to vertical dead loads. 16.60.040 - NQ~TERIAIB OF C.KTTON _ (a) ,, All materials permitted by this Dods, including their appropriate allowable stzessses aryl those exiati:g oonfiguratians of materials specified herein, may be utilized to meet the requir+~razrts of this chapter. (b) t]cistina Materials. 1. Unreinforoed masornv walls. Unreinfonoed masonry walls analyzed in axart9anoe with this Crdinatroa may provide vertical support for roof and floor Construction aryl resistance to lateral loads. All units of both bearing and non-bearing walls shall be laid with full shoved mortar joints; all head, bed acrd wall (wear) joints shall be solidly filled with mortar; and the boarding of adjacent wyttres of multi-wythe walls shall be as follows: The facing and backing shall be bonded so that not less ttran 4 percetrt of the wall surface of each face is ocs~rosed of headers exterrdirg not less than four inches into the backing. The distance between adjacent full-length treaders shall not exceed 24 inc3res eitt~r Vertically or trorizonrtally. In walls where a single header does trot extend throuc~i ttre wall, headers from the opposite aides stroll overlap at least four itrc3res, or treaders from opposite sides shall be wvered with another treader Cause overlapping the treader below at least four indrps. Wythes of walls not bottled as described above shall be CDrL9ider'Bd es veneer. the veneer wythe shall not be irrrluded in the effective thiclmess used to calculate ttre treic~rt-to-thictaress ratio acrd the street capacity of the wall. ORDIHI~NC'E 1531 • Page -6- Unreinfotrert ~~'81']' walls (oontirnsei~ Tension stresses due to seismic fames rsarmal to the wall may be neglected if the wall does not ew>eed the height-to-thic3Q~esa ratio set rozth in Table Al-F aryl the in-plane shear stresses due to seismic loads set forth in Table Al-Z. IP the wall height~tA-th.icla~ess ratio exceeds the specified limit, the wall may be supported by vertical bracing meanbexs designed to satiety the ~ and the 198g Uniform Building ode. The deflection of such bracing members at design loads shall not e>~eed oa~e-t~tth or the wall thicin~ess. ~~ The wall may be supported by flexible bracing members designed iri axordarsoe with Secticas 16.60.030(b) of this Ordinance if the deflection at design loads is net less than one-quarter nar more t~ one-thud or the wall thio7asess at the level under consideration. All vertical bracing members shall be attached to floor and zcof oar~struction far their design loads independently of required wall anchors. xorizonstal spacing of vertical bracing members shall not exceed one-half the unsupported height or the gall nor ten feet, whichever is less. The wall height may be measured yertjrallyr ~ ~4 elem~it8 other than a floor ar root. Spacing oP bracing elements arxi wall arsctyozs shall not exceed six teat. Braci„g elements shall be detailed to minimize the horizontal displaoemesst of the wall by a~onersts of vertical displaoennents of the floor or roof. 2. yam. Veneer shall be arschored with approved anc3sar~ ties, oonformirg to the required design capacity specified in Sections 3304 (c) of the 1985 Uniform Building Code, and placed at a maximnn spacirsq or 24 irsdsee. ~IOTI: Existirx) veneer anc3nr ties may be acceptable provided the ties material condition and oontorm to the mirsim~ms size, maximum spacing and regsitreaiersts as iniicated below. The veneer andsor ties shall be corrugated galvanized iris strips not less than cne irscts in width, eic~st inches in length and once-sixteenth oP an inch in thiclaless and shall be located and laid in every alternate ooslrse in the vertical height of the wall at a spacing not to exi;eed 17 irrhes on center horizontally. As an altexrate, the spacing may be every fourth course vertically at a spacing not to exceed nine inches on cerster horizontally. Zlne existence and oonditiars of existing veneer anc3nor ties shall be verified as follows: 1. An approved testing laboratory shall verify- the locations and of the ties and shall submit a report to the Building Official far approval as a part of the structural analysis. 2. The Veneer in a selected area shall be z+etsoved to expose a representative sanq~le of ties (not less than four) Par irsspection by the Building Official. ORDINP,NCE 1531 • • Page -7- 3. Dci~tir~e roof floors walls footings aril wood ~ bcisting materials, including wood shear walls, may be used as a part of the lateral load resisting system, provided that stresses in these materials do not exceed the values shown in Table No. Al-G. (c) Strengthening of Existinw Materials. New materials, including wood shear walls may be utilized to stiengther~ portions of the existing seismic resisting system provided that stzesses do mt e:aceed the values shown in Table No. Al-H. (dj Mirtim~ le Quality of F3tistira Lhtreinforced Masonry Walls. 1. General rmvvisians: All unreinforced masonry walls utilized to carry vertical loads and seismic Poroes parallel and parpeniicular to the wall plane shall be tested as specified in the subsection. All mnsmty quality shall equal or exceed the minimmm standazds established herein ar shall be removed ani replaced by new materials. The quality of mortar in all masonry walls shall be determined by performing in-place shear tests. Alternate testing methods may be approved by the Building Official upon submissia~n of adequate eviderioe to indicate its equivalence. The vertical wall joint between wythes (collar joint) shall be inspected at each test location after the in~lace shear tests, arrl an estimate of the percentage of wythe to wytha mortar coverage shall be reported along with the results of the in-place shear tests. cdiere the extpsior face is veneer, the type of veneer, its thickness ani its boaYiitx3 and/or ties to the structural wall masonry shall also be reported. Nothing shall prat the poir:tinq with mortal of all the masonry wall joints before the tests are first made. Prior to any pointing, the mortar joints must be raked and cleaned to remove loose and deteriorated mortar. Mortar for pointing shall be Type S or N except masonry cements shall not be used. All preparation and mortar poinnting shall be done under the oontitnx~us inspection of a special inspector. At the aonclusioat of the inspection, the inspector shall sutmit a written reprtt to the person responsible for the sei~nic analysis of the building setting forth the results of the work inspected. Such report shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval as part of the structural analysis. All testing shall be perfornied irnl accordance with the requirenmenta specified in this section by an approved agency. As accurate record of ail such tests and their location in the buildirr3 shall be recorded and thes~a results shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval as part of the structural analysis. 2. Number and location of tests. The minimms numibar of tests shall be as fellows: At each of both the !fret and top stories, not less than two per wall line ar line of wall elements providing a o~ line of resistance to'. lateral forces. At each of all other stories, not less than one per wall ele®ents pr+ovidirfg a oa~mbn line of resistance to lateral forces. lh any case, not less than one per 1500 squaw feet of wall surface and a fatal of eight. The shear tests shall be taken at locations representative of the mortar conditions througksout the entire building, taking into aooannt variations in workmanship at different building height levels, ORDINANt~ 1531 . Page -8- 2. Ns~ber ar+e location of testa (coat rn~~~ variations in weathering of the exterior surfao~, arxi variations in the condition oP the interior surfaces due to deterioration caused by leaks and condensation oP water and/or by the deleterious effects of other substances oaltained within }~ building -dlexe the higher tyt ratios allowed in faotrates 4 arri 5 of Table Al-F are to be utilized, all the in-place st:ear tests taken at the tap story shall be irrluded in the 80 peroetlt o! the shear tests used to determine the miniaaan mortar shear strrmxlth. the exact test locations shall be cetsrmined at the building site build person responsible Por the seismic analysis of the subject 3. Zh~laos shear tests: 4he bed joint o! the outer wythe o! the maeanty wall shall be tested in shear by laterally displacing a single brick relative to the adjaoerlt bricks in the wythe. ~e opposite head joint of the brick to be tested shall be removed arld cleaned prior to testing. ~ minimum quality mortar in 8o percent of the shear tests shall not be less than the total of 30 psi plus the axial stress in the wall at the point of the test. the shear stress shall be based on the gross area o! both bed joints and shall be that at which movement oP the brick is fit'st observed. (e) Testi.ra Shear Holts~ q~e-fourth of all new shear bolts and dow~als embedded in unreinforced masonry walls shall be tested by a special inspector' using a toryua calibrated wrench to the following minim torques: 1/2-inch diameter bolts or dowels ~ 40 foot-~po~a~ds 5/8-inch diammter bolts ar dowels ~ 50 foot-po~aYls 3/4-inch cliaaieter bolts or dowels ~ 60 foot-po~usds No bolts esaceedirg 3/4-irrh diameter shall be sued. Ail rafts shall be installed wen malleable iron or place washers when bearing an wood and heavy cut washers when bearing orr steel. (f) netp*_TMi+,at{on of Allr,.~t,lp Stresses for Design -+~ Based on Vest Results. - 1. Desicm sh~,r values. Design seismic in-plans shear stresses shall be substantiated by tests perfozmed as specified in Item No. 3 of Subsection (d). Design stresses shall be related to test results obtained in acool,iance with Table No. Al-I. Intent-ediate values between 5 and 10 psi may be irrtetpolated. 2. Desicm ornamesslon and tension valves Ooa~Z+ession stresses far tnsreinfareed masonuy having a minim~na design shear value of 3 unreinforoed rnnsonzy shall not be permitted. OFDI2~NCE 1531 • Page -4- (g) EJcistira Wall Anchors: Five percent of the existiriq wall arrhois utilized as all or part of the required wall anchors shall be tested in Pullout by an ap~prcnred testing a4~Y. The mininara number tested shall be four. par floss, with two tests at walls with joist parallel to the wall. Zhe test apparatus shall be supported on the masonry wall at a 7tiniinm~ distance equal to the wall thickness from the anchor tested. 'Ihe rvd anchor shall be given a preload of 300 pounds prior to establishing a datum for reoon3iz~g elorx3aticn. Tee tension test load reported shall be recorded at 1/8-irrh relative movement of the anc3wr aril the adjacent masonry surface. Results of all tests shall be reported. the report shall include the test results as related to the wall thickness and joist orientation. the allowable resistance value oP the existing anchors shall be forty percent of the average of those tested anchors having the same wall thicla~ess and joist orientation. (h) Qualification Tests: Qualificatioa:s tests far I~ devices used far wall and~orage shall be tested with the entire tension load carried on the enlarged head at the exterior fans of the wall. Hoed ort the part of the device between enlarged head and the interior wall face shall be eliminated for the qualification tests. The resistarre value assigned the device shall be twenty percent oP the average of the ultimate load.. 16.60.050 - 17JFC7[3~TION RDO(T.g2ID ON PLAN9 (a) Gen Yale .t in additiar to the seisnic analysis r~equ.ired in this Qrdinaaoe, the person responsible Pon the seitaaic analysis of the building shall determine and record the infozmation required by this section o~n the approved plans. (b) Construction Details. 4he following requirei~nts with apPr~apri,ate oonstzvcticn details shall be made ea pert of the apPrnved plane. 1. A11 u:n^einforosd nasauy walls shall be andsored at the roof aM ceiling with tension bolts thraxQi the wall or by existing rod anchors at a maximum and~or spacing of six fast. All existing rod anchors shall be secured to the joists to develop the required lo~roes. Teats conforming to this ordinance will be required to verify the adequacy of the embedded ends o! existing rod anchors. EXQF.Pi'IC4~i: walls Hasa not be e:x3~ared to ceiling that, because of their low mass and ar relative location with respect to the floor ar rvof systems, would not impose significant normal forces on the wall aM cause aut-of-plane wall failure, Calculatioc:s and drawings to verify this exception aunt be sutmitted as part of the analysis. At the root and all Hoar levels, the ~enc~ors nearest the building corners shall be combination shear and tension anchors located not more than two feet horizontally fmn the inside corners of the walls. Nhen access to the exterior face of the maso¢uy wall is prevented by proximity o! an existing building, wall anc3iars conforming to Items 5 (a) ar (b) in Table No. Al-H may be used. ORDIHIiNCE 1531 • • Page -lo- mzTa~r Fmovgzm oN PLANS toontinueal Alternative devices to be used in lieu of tensirn bolts far masonry wall ar>chorage shall be tested as specified in Section 16.60.040(h). 2. Diaphracpa oord stresses of horizontal ~!ap!+ ~ shall be asveloped in existing materials ar by the addition of new materials. 3. tasere trusses and beams other than rafters ar joists era supported an masonry independent seoardary oolumna shall be installed to support vertical loads. ,., .,~s...~..-.~.~... _ ,. • .. ~.t .~.,~w.~ _ 4. Parapets std exterior wall appendages not Capable of resisting the fords specified in this Ordinance shall be removed, stabilized, our. braced to e:rsttrg that the parapets and appendages remain in their original position. The maximmi height of an unbiaoed, unrBinforoed masonry parapet above. the lower of either tre level of tension anchors ar roof sheathing, shall not exceed one and ~e-ha1E times the thickness of the parapet well. Z! the required Parapet height exceeds this maxiimnn height, a bracing systm~ designed for the Force factors specified in the Table 23~T of the 1985 Uniform Building Coda shall support the top of the parapet.. Parapet correC;tive work must be performed in conjunction with the installation of tensiari roof arx^hors. The miniaa>na height of a parapet above the wall anchor shall be 12 inches. Zf a reinforced concrete beam is provided at the top of the wall, the minimum height above the wall anc3~or may be six inches. 5. All deteriorated mortar joints in tuireinforced aasotsry walls shall be pointed with type S ar N mortar. Friar to any poitttitg, the wall surface must be raked and cleaned to rmowe loose and deteriorated mortar. ALl preparation and pointing shall be done under the oontinuaLS inspection of as special. inspector. At the oonclusian of the project, the inspector shall submit a written report to the Building Official setting forth the portion of work inspected. 6. Repair details far any cracked ar datt~aged urueinfor~oed masonry wall required to resist forces specified in this Ordirsanon. (c) sBxi.~nq Construction: zhe Fallowing existing construction info~rmati,ott shall bn made part of the appmoved plans: 1. The type std dimensions oP existing walls and the size and spacing of floor std roof met~ezs. 2. The extent and type of existing wall arid~orage to floors and zcof. 3. the extent and type oP any parapet bracing ar other stxuctuial reinforceznenYt to parts ar portions of the building which were previously perfoxm®d. ORDINANCE 1531 ~ • Page -11- 4. Aoarrately dimensia~d floor plans aryl masonry wail elevation3 showing dimensioned opening, pieta, wall thicJmess and heights, vm~eer locations and existing arrhorages. 5. Zha locations of cracks ar other damaged portions of tmraintar+ced 6. 'Ihe type of interiar wall surtaoes and ceilings, and i! rein~tallirg ar arrhoring of existing plaster is naopssary. 7. The general onnciitian of the mortar joints aryl if the joints need ~~~m• e. The location of all ir:-place shoat tests ar aa~re tests, shall be ehawn on the floor plans and building wall elevations. (a) The recd+i r,amwnra of this section are 1r1 addition to the other analysis requis+aaeirts of this Ordinance. the relative stiffness and sstrer~gth of a diaphragm governs the amount o! amplification of the seismic grauxl moticn by the diaphragm, and therefore, a diaphragm stiffness and strength tfllated check of the art-of-piano stability o! w~rainforoed rags au~ walls arx~aored to mood diaphragtos shall be wade. his section prooechu~a far evaluation of the out-of~lane stability of unreinforoed mascauy walls arrhored to wood diaphragms that era coupled to shear resisting eleaiertts. (b) Definitions: The following definitions are applicable to this section: Crow Wall: A wood framed wall having a height to length ratio oomplyirq with Section 4713 (d) ar table 25-I of the 1985 Uniform Building Code, and sheathed with any of the materials described in Table A1~7 ar Tabla Al-K. ~e total strar-gtll of all cross walls located within any 40 feat length of diaphragm meastmed in the direction of the diaphragm span shall not be lass than 30 per~rt o! the strength of the diaphagm in the direction of consideration. Demarrl Cariacity Ratio (DQ21: A ratio of the following: 1. Demand equals the lateral foroea due to 33 percent of the oombir>ad weight of the diaphragms and the tributary weight o! the walls aryl other elements anchored to the diaphragm. 2. Capacity equals the diaphrac~s total shear atrerx3ttr in the direction under oaresideration as determined using the values in Tables No. A1~T ar Table Al-K. ORDItU,NCE 1531 • . Page -12- (c) Notations• j? s Depth of dinptsrac~n„ in Peet, measured pezperdicular to the diaphragm span. ~ - height-to-thiclc~ess o! an urneinforoad mesaruy wall. Zhe heic~t shall be measured between wall and:oraga levels and the thiGa:ess shall be measured throtir~h the wall cross section at the level ruder aaa:sideratian. y - span o! diaphragm between masonry shear walls ar steel Yrames. yg ~ total shear capacity of cross walls in the direction of analysis imaediataly below .the diaphracpn level being . investigated es determined by using Tables No. A1~7 and Al-K. y~} - maximum shear strength in pounds per foot far a diaphracpn sheathed with any of the materials given in tables No. Al-J and Al-K. y~ - total dead load of the diaphragm plus the tributary weight of the walls ar:chared to the diaptsracpn, the tributary ceiling and partitions and weight of any other permanent building elements at the diaphragm level under oonsideraticn. (d) Design Check Pzvicedure. 1. C.enetal• Zhe demand capacity ratio (DCR) far the building shall be calculated using the following equations: get - 0.33 ~ L ~ vy D For building without cross walls g$ . (~ c~ L ~ yy~ p + yg For building with cross walls 2. Di Deflection: The calculated DC4t shall be to the left of the curve in Figure No. Al-L. F4:ere the calculated DCR is outside (to the right ot) the curve, the diaphragm deflectica: limits are e~cceeded and cross walls may be used to reduce the deflection. 3. Unreinforred Masanrv Wall Out-of-Plane Stability: 21~e DQ2 shall be calculated discounting any cross wall. If the DCR Isom this method ~ to the diaphragm span is to the right of the anrve in Figure No. Al-L, the region within the curve at anci below the intei~eectian of the diaphragm span with the curve may ba used to determine the allowable k~/t valves per Table No. Al-F. CStDINANCE 1531 ~ . Page -13- TABLE NO. Al-F AIiDi~ffiE VAIIJE OF HEIGHi~RfIIQINFS.S (k~/t) RATIO OF i]I1REII MASOI~4tY 4k1LL~s WITfi MINB~4M QC~I.iTY I+DIiTAR SJJIIDIIJGS WIZH ALL OTFffR oOMPLYING C,EiOSS {~ALIB _ One Start w,iidirg Walls ~ - 16 Z ~ 4 13 First Start' of Multi-Story Buildings 16 _ 15 Walls in the Top Start' of Multi-start' Buildings ~ - 14 Z ~ 4 9 All Other Walls 16 13 l Mininaan mortal quality shall ba datazmined by laboratory tasting in accordance with this Ordinance. ~ The minims mortar shear strengths s~equired in the following footr~otes 4 and 5 shall be that shear strecx~th without the affect Of axial stress sin the wall at the point of the fast. ~ The larger heic,~zt~to-thiola~ess ratio may be used where nn~tar shear tests in aaoozsianoe .with Section A7 (d) ~~~~ sh a minimmi mortar shear strength of not less than 100 psi or where the tested mortar shear strength is not less than 6o psi and as visual of tha vertical wytlsa-to-wytha wall ;Dint (collar joint) irxiicates nat less than 50 pet~oertt mortar coverage. 4 Where a visual e~nination of the Dollar joint indicates not less than 50 percent mortar oovarige and the minimm mortar shear strength when established i11 eccoZdanoe with Section A7 (d) is greater than 30 psi rut less than 60 psi, the allowable height~ro-~thicla~ess ratio may be detezmined by linear interpolation batwean the larger and smaller ratio values in dix+ecst pzvportion to the mortar shear strength. ORDID~NCE 1531 • • Page -14- TAH1E NO. A1-G VAII~4 FCR F~Q3I'ING MATF1ilPrLS (1) 1. a. Roots with straight Sheathing with thB roof covering applied 100 PLF tar sei~ain_~ar. directly to the Sheathing. ~,,,,w....o~..~,.~-.w,,C.< b. Roots with dia'gor~al sheathirq with the root covering applied 400 PtF tar Seismic shear. directly to the Sheathing. c, Floors with straight tcxz~ae and i50 PLF far Seismic shear. grows Sheathing. d. Floors with straight Sheathing 300 PLF far seimnic shear. and Finished wood floarirg. e. Floors with diagonal Sheathing 450 PiF for seismic shear. and finished wood floori~. f. Floors ar mots with straight Add 50 PIF to the allowable ~~TxJ and Fd~~ aPP~ed values in items la and lc. 2. Wood stud walls with lath and 100 PLF tar earn Bide far Pl~~' seismic shear. 3. Plain Cbtxxste Footisfgs r'c ~ 1500 psi wzless a othetwiae shown by tests. 4. Douglas Fir Wood Same as 1'985 uHC values !ar No. 1 Douglas Fir. (3) 5. RSinforcing Steel f'c ~ 18,000 psi maximum, (3) 6. Structural Steel t'c ~ 20,000 psi n~axim<mi. (3) (1) Material must be Sound and in good condition (2) Wood lath and plaster must be reattadsed to existing joists ar ratters in a manner approved by the Building official (3) Stzesses given may be inc[+eased far cmibinations of loads as specified in Section A6. OQ2DINANCE 1531 • Page -15- . TABIE NO. Al-H ALZAFAffiE VAIZ7F5 OF NEW MATg2IAI8 USID IN Qxi7fRJCPIdN WiZH F3QST.II~IG IOPI New Materials ar cbnfigutatian Allowable Values of Materials 1. Plywood sheathing applied directly over exi8tinq straight sheathing Same as specified in Table with ends of plywood sheets bearing 25,7 of the Uniform Building o~n joists or rafters and edges of Building code far blocked plywood located an center of diaphragms. individual sheathing boards. 2. ,$bear Walls a. Plywood sheathing applied directly over existing wood studs. (No value Same as values specified in shall be given to plywood applied Table No. 25-FQ, of the 1985 aver existing plaster ar wood ~ far shear walls. b. Dry wall ar plaster applied 75 percent of the values directly over existing woad etude specified in Table No. 47-I of the 1988 L~C= c. Dry wall ar plaster applied to One-third of the values plywood sheathing aver wood studs specified in Table No. d7-I o! the 1985 ~,, 3. Shear Bolts Sheer bolts aril shear dowels 133 pez+oent of the values for eeabedded a minimum of a irrh~ea plain masonuy specified in into w~reinfoxcecl masonry walls. Table No. ~4Z7 0! the ~9 ~ Holt oentez+ed in a 2-1/2 inch 1~L No values larger than d1 amnter hale With dL]T-paClC ar thOBe QiV@r fOT 3~4 11Y:~1 non shrink 4~t aruard the diameter bolts shall be used. cir~amtferenoe of the bolt (1) (3) 4. Tension Holts Tension bolts and tension dowels M Y h URFt walls secured with bearing plates on far side of wall with at least 30 square irrhea of area. (2) 5. Oanbinatian Shear and Tension a. Bolts ext.~+.rding to the exteriar .fans of the wall with a 2-1/2 inch surd plate order the head. Install as specified for shear bolts. Spaced not closer than 12 irrhes an center (1) (2) (3) ORDINANCE 1531 Pages -16- 5. Canbination Shear and Zhnsiop wall Anchors. (oontirnredl b. Bolts ar dowels eocterxiirrg to the exterior face of the wall with a 2-l,/2 irsch roturl plate under the head aryl drill at an angle of 22-1,/2 deyt+eea to the horizontal. install as specified tar shear bolts. (1) (2) (3) 1200 lbs. per bolt ar dowel for t~sicn(4). See Item 3 far shear Values. c. Zhzwgtr bolt with bearing plate for ternsicrr par Item 4. (xmbined with minimum 8 irxii clrotrted section for shear par Item 3. See Item 4 (Termion Holta) for tension values(4). Sea It® 3 far shear values. 6. Infilled Walls R.einforoed masonry infilled openings Same as values specified !ar in a+riatir~ unreinforcad masonry unreinfarrsd masaarty wall: walls with keys ar dowels to match in this cfiapter. reinforcing. 7. Reinforced Masonry Masonry Piers aril walls reinforced Same as values specified in as specified iriCxraptar 24 of the Tables No. 24-B oP the 1985 Uniform Buildirq Code. Uniform Building Oode. 8. Ca~Crete footings, walls and pieta Sar1 as values specified in reinforced as specified in Q~apter Q~apter 26 of the 1985 26 arxl designed far tributary loads. Unifo~zat Huildirg Code 9. Foundation loads Pot structures Calculated existing foundatiar exhibiting ra eviderrca of settlement loads dues to maximum dead load plus live load may be increased by 25 percent aryl may be increased 50 percent far dead load plus sai.s:nic loads zequired by this drapter. (i) Holts aryl dowels to be tested as specified in Section A107. (2) Bolts aryl dowels to be l,/2-inch dimneter mininana. (3) Drilling for bolts and dowels shall be done with an electric rotary drill. Impact tools shall not be used !ar drilling holes ar tic3trtenirg anchor and shear bolt nuts. (4) Allowable bolt and dowel values specified era far installations in miniuaIIa three wyths wall. Far irrstallatians in two wythq walls uses 50 peroerrt o! the value specified, exvept that no value shall be given to tansian bolts that do not extend entirely thnxx~s the wall and ors eacvred with bearing plates car the far side. ClE2DIPU~N(S 1531 , • Page -17- TAHSE N0. Al-I ALSrOFU~HiE &F~AR 3IRY~,S FC82 TES'I~9 Sfff9~t TF9I5 80 ~ or test results Avg.tast result o! Seifnnic in-p1At~e shear in in psi not less than: Domes in psi psi based on gross area* 30 plus axial stress 20 3 40 plus axial stress 27 4 50 plu8 axial stress 33 5 100 plus axial stress 67 ar more 10 (re.,.+,~, ^ ^ . . *Allowable shear stress may be irxx+sased by additioai of 10 pernent of axial stress due to the weicRit of the wall directlv~ig _~~~ AI~OF~ffiE VALUES F+OR E}~STIIJG MATfItiAIS ZU ~ USID OIJLY Iri 'IHE OQ~[IPATION OF ~ D'#r'8-ND CAPAiGPPY RATIO DESIGN (~~CZC E~dstina Materials ar Configuration of Materials Allowable Values 1. Horizontal Dim a. Roofs with straight sheathing 100 lbs. per foot far and roofing applied directly seismic shear. to the sheathing. b. Roofs with diagonal sheathing 250 ]bs. per foot far and roofing applied directly seismic shear. to the sheathing. 2. Crass Walls (2) Pier Side• a. Plaster on wood ar metal lath.. 200 lbs.~per foot !ar seismic shear. b. Plaster an gypsum lath 175 lbs. per Foot for seismic shear. c. Gypsum wall board unbloGaed 75 lbs. per foot far edges. seismic shear. d. G7'P~ wall board blocked 125 lbs. per Post far edges. seismic shear. (i) Materials must be sotmd and in good condition. (2) Fbr carves walls, values of all materials may be eca~bined, esacept the total combined value shall not exceed 300 lbs. per foot for seismic shear. ORDINANCE 1531 Page -18- New Mata*'iats or m„fim,.~,ti~, of New acid i i.,e ~ eri„ta rig 811~b1a Values - 1. a. Plywood sheathing applied directly over existing straight sheathing with ends o! plysaod 228 lbs. per foal !ar seismic shear sheets beating art rafters and . ~ of P1Y~d located an the center o! individual sheathing boards. 2. ~s Walls (2) a. Plywood sheathing applied directly over existing wood studs. No value shall be given to plywood 1.33 titoes the Values specified isr Table 25 K wood sheathing~~ Plaster ar of the ~ UBC. b. Drywall ar plaster applied directly over WO0'a studs. 100 p went o! the values specified in 'Table 47-I of the 1985 UHC. (1) Materials ,must be sound and in good cartdition. (2) For cross walls, values of all materials may be oc>mbined, e~roent the total combined shear value shall not e~aoeed 300 lbs. per foot Par seismic stre~ar. ORDINACIC3; 1531 Page -19- 54 E• m w °' 300 z M 2 d vai 240 S C9 6 a 2 e 180 N Q 480 O 420 _ O O 360 120 60 REGION OF DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIOS WHERE CROSSWALLS MAY BE USED TO INCREASE H/T RATIOS REGION OF DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIOS WHERE H/T RATIOS OF "WITH CROSSWALLS" MAY BE USED REGION OF DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIOS WHERE H/T RATIOS-,OF "ALL OTHER BUILDINGS"SHALL BE USED 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 DEMAND/CAPACITY RATIO - 0.33Wd / 2wD OR 0.33Wd / (2vuD.+,Vc) FIGURE Al-L ORDIN]4fJ(~ 1531 Page -20- Zhe Building Official shall issue a Cc'ag~lianoe Ostler to the }auildirq owner when it is determined that the build.inq is of unreinforced aiasoruy. 16,60.070 Within ens year fmn date of iasuanoe of Ckmplianoe Order, the building owner shall submit to the City a stnu~aai analysis and plans for the strerx3thenitg of the ty, t i ding Zhe planes mast be prepared by a licensed struchuai/civil engineer ar ari3iitect. 4he permit application process will be initiated at this time. Within two years frvn data of Building Official's Oca~lianpe Older, all corrective actions shall be oc~leted for full oomp].ianoe. should the owner fail in meeting the crnditions of the Building Official's OOtficial mama require the entire ~{~,otment specified herein, ttse Building the conditions of the ding ~ ~~ and remain suc3t ~~ O~liance Order are met. this Ordinance will remain in full force and effect Pon a period of five (5) years after its effective date: thereafter, this Ordinance will autanatically be repealed without Bother action o! the City Colulcil. at a regular meeting of the City Axuril this 7th day oP Mav , 1990, and II1AiCPFD at a r+eiglllar meeting of the City Co~utcil this 21st day o! May , 1990, by ~.he following vote: Yes *+3 of t-~ City CoL~*+~+i Ayes: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers Nees: None Absent: None Ahata{n% N..~e