Ordinance 15281 • • ORDINANCE NO. 1528 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OU[JNCIL OF THE CITY OF QJpE'RTItdO AMENDING SDCI'ION 1 OF CII2DINANCE tom. 2 BY REZONING APF'ROXII•ATELY •9 ACRFS FROM CITY OF QJF~.1p R1-10 ZONE TO CITY OF CIJPERTINO R1-7.5 ZONE; LOCATED CN STHI,LZrIG RpAp NO~"QH OF MDQ~ZdAN ROAD (SISK - APPLICATION 5-2-90) SAS, an application was filed by James Sisk (Application 5-Z-90) far .the rezoning of property fztim Rl-l0 (Single Famil s4• tt. lot minianrm) to R1-7.5 (Single Famil Res Y Fesidential 10,000 minimtan lot area) zone; and Y idential 7,SOO:sq. ft. ~2FAS, upon .due notion and after one. public , Camnisaion reed to the City Council-that the riezoning be gr4rlted: Famil~dent~ 10 0~00~ to be rezoned is presently in 'an R1-10 (Single , sq. ft. lot miniimnp) zone and ~~ ~~ g 'p °~j~ Party is attached hereto as E~ibit Cupertino. the Master Zonis Map of the City of ~~ Tf~RE, HE IT QRDAINEp AS FOLi17W5: .3• TYfat the property described in attached Exhibit °A~~ be and hereby is rezaried to an 81-7.5 (Single Family Residential 7,500 sq. ft. minianmt lot area) zone, and that Exhibit eBo attached=hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. S ° ~s °rclinance shall take effect and be'in force thirty (30) days after its passage, ~~® at a regular meeting of the City Council oP the City of Cupertino this 4th Clay o! June , 1990, and EI~CIT:D at a regular oaf ~Ju of the ' ~~ ` ~~~ of the City Of Q~peirCiho thjg 18th da , 2990, by the following vote. Y Vote DfeJnbe_*'s of tt,e n~~.....-.__s. _-_ i Ate: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo. Rogers NOES: None AffiENT: None ~ ABST'AII~f: None .._1 _i , h~.LiAM I T' '1 ~ `Y Tr• f ~ ~ ~~M 422 i~ 55 I I PM 552 ~a 2 i SOUTH ___ IT~_QQ~ ~ ~ I ~~ J ~ . V '~' '~a a` .~ ca ~n '359-13-036 M~.w ~y~V~Y j ~ ~ -- STEELING ...i 1 APN 359.13 T -~. ~j ~~~YN u - in S ---P- ~`~ZG 3~ 8J :L 1•~ - ;_~ w ~n ,. J 4 Q L tT6A0 fWm4.iK Il~~ ROAD M a;' ' ZONE C~~MK,E PLAT Aru • M OR• Me~S.t u1C. CAU -OR M L1 ~~ ~ 40' WARCN 1990 * ~l20 ~i ^.° p, ;,, ~ 99 ~,., ~15`d~ci 6~ _ :' P.. .. ~ (RES, REC. ~ ,. P t - - ' 9.•7 ~ r^ I --.. f © CCNTt11 ' ~ BA a • ,,. ~:, :,... P 00O oo BA o _ ~: a • ~ ~~..: ~...- 0 o ao - - - P(CC _ ----~,-..~--.-.__ ,,,. RE; ^ ' ' _ ~ .. , [..~ ,», Ot ~Mi• B A i -, I .. ~.,I . ' G ._. - Rt-t0ag Fit-i0 ~' _ + - ~.~ .. r _ d, •a•,.._ .avo. SITE - ~ . _ 2-4.25 p ~ - rt. M • t_ Z . ' -- P Rt•t0 - .'~~ :~y_A,. ...,- ,..P, R 1 a t to ',. ., G ~ 1 ~ > ail Rt .5 ZONING MAP