Ordinance 1527• ORDINANCE N0. 1527
Ct~INANCE 1452 (AGRIC~lI[JRAL~) ?ANE ~I2~U1b(CE 575 (DUPLEX) ZCt7E
Section 1.1: Ttse purpoEe o: this Ordinance is to add amending text to the
above described residential zoning districts to allow far the replacement
oP the existing rmt~ber of dwelling unite ors the site, and in the same
buildirri oonfiguratiat, when said emits era destroyed by a natural
disaster, act of God ar other irnvluntary action, when such units are
non-oonformirg in relationship to minia~aa lot area per dwelling, setbacks
and lot coverage, ar other prescriptive requirenents of the underlying
zoning district.
S8'~i 2:
Section 2.1: Any section, subsecti~,, clause ar paragraph of any
Ordinance heretofore enacted in conflict .with the pz~ovisions of this
Ordintiirsoo No. is hereby repealed to the extent that suds antecedent
legislation would alter the provisions of this 02dinar~oe.
S~J 3: ~ICI~
Sectirn 3.1: Except as provided in this ...Section, all words and terns
contained in this Ordinance shall have their meaning ins ccnmon use, except
where suds woz+ds ar terns are specifically defined in ordinance 2453.
S~OYi 4: 11?II+H!~
Section 4.1: Zlsere shall be added to Ordinance 1449 (Single Family
Residential Zone) the following text oonstitutirg Section 12.2 thereof:
S~ecdrim 12.2: Aeglao®att of Iegal Non-C1~~fonfinq
Buildirt~: Notwithstanding anY contrary Provision of
this Chapter, a residential building which Eras legally in
existence on a site at the time suds building was
destxvyed by any natural disaster ar by any other pose
cony be replaced at the owners option as it existed prc~far
to suds destiuctim even if said building is
rsa~-oonfozmirq with regard to minimum lot area, lot
ooverdc~s, setbacks, parking ar other pre-scsiPtiv'e zrnin4
z+equireoelrts, provided, however, that this section shall
not apply to any destiz~ction of the building ar other
imprnvao~ts whirls results from willful actions of,.the
Pr'opertY owner.
C~2D]2U~DiCE ~ • 04/16/90
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Zhis provision does rnt apply to those buildings which:
1) are illegal (g.g., oot>stzucted without a valid
building permit.)
2) have been abated as public niicatv~e~
3) are Located an sites in whics the use is
`: ''"".'~°'ID all fie, plumbing, electrical, building other
life safety codes in effect at the time replaoenerrt
- ooaus.
She term "building" as used in this prwisian tsttali
refer to the principal stnscttus3 aryl aoo~sso~y buildirt9s
suds as car parts, garages, .utility sheds and trash
Section 4.2: Ztsere shall be added to oidinanoe 575. (Duplex Residential
Zane) the following text oassstitutinq section 7.3 thereof:
section 7.3: Aeplnoet~est of Iec$1 lirn-~araini
Btsi]dings: t7otwithstarsding arty oatttrary provision of
this Qsapter, a residential building which was legally in
existence on a site at the time such building was
destroyed by any natural disaster ar by arsy other cause
may be replaced at the oFrrters option as it existed priar
to such destruction even if said building is
non-oatfcamirg with regard to miniman lot area, lot
coverage, setbacks, parking ar other prescriptive zoning
requirements, provided, ttaraever, that this section shall
not apply to any destruction of the building ar other.
itts which results from willful action of the:
Pi'oP~Y arrrter.
Ztsis pnovisiors does not apply to those buildings which:
1) tme illegal (g.g., oonsrructed without a valid
building permit )
2) lave beers abated as public nuisances
3) anti located an sites in which the use is
Nty building replaced order this provision stall conform
to all fire, plumbing, electrical, building and other
life safety codes in effect at the time replaoanent
4he term "building" as used in this provision stall refer
to the principal structure arxi aooessory buildings suds
as car parts, garages, utility sheds and trash
1'dge - 3 - • 04/16/90
Section 4.3: There shall be added to Ordinance 779 (Multiple Family
Faesidential Zaie) the following text constituting Section 7.3 thereof:
Sleotion 7.3: A~at>~!t ~ ~1 Na-~~nPosilr3
~ ~r~ ~ ~ °°ntr'dr5' Prwisirn oP
existence ar a site at the mine which was legally in
destroyed by any'. natural disaster ar by any aty~cause
to such~destzvetior~i ~ °~ on as it. existed prior
ricrraontan-ming with reed to minim ~ lot~a e~ lot
coverage, setbacks, parking ar other. P~-~riptive zoning
marts, provided, howeviaz~, that this section shall
~ apP1Y ~ arry destruction o! the building ar other
s ~~ results Pram wi11Rt], acticrl o! the
p~Pe~rtY owner.
This prwision does not apply to those buildings whidi;
1) ara illegal (g.g., oonstrveked without a valid
2) have a~ted~)as
public ruisarnes
3) are located on sites in whid- the use is
AnY building replaced under this provision shall oonlarm
to 'all.. fire, pltm~bing, electrical, building aryl other
..lips solely codes in effect at the time replacement
The term "buildirrl" as used in this pn~ovision shall refer
to .the. Principal structsu+e and aaoeseory buildings suds
enclastrzes.~s~ ~~s' utility sheds and trash
Section 4.4: There shall be added to ordinance 1452 (Agriwltasal Zane)
the Pollowir~q text constituting section 13.2 thereof:
9ectial 13.2: Aepl,- ~ ~1
thisthis Qrapter, a resi~ ~5' oontrarY Prvvisiomdof
existence m a site at thbe time ~ ~1~1 ~
destz~oyed by any natural disaster ar by are, other cause
may be replaced at the oi+r~ers option as it existed priar
to suds destruction even if said building is
rtat-oonformi.rg with regard to minimmm lot area, lot
oO~~• mss. Pang ar other larseriptive z
~, Pr'~~d, however, that this sectirn s ~l
not apP1Y to anY destruction o! the building ar other
marts which results Fran willflrl action of the
property owirs.
~ ~ ~ 04/16/90
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this pm~vision does not apply to those buildings which:
i) are illegal {g.g., cacssYsvc:ted without a valid
building permit,)
2) have been abated as public nuisances
3) are located on sites in whid~ the use is
~Y builr9iM replaced under thin provision shall oa1fo21n
to all lis+e, Plumbing, electsicai, building and other
life safety cedes in effect at the time replacement
7rie term "building" as used in this provision shall refer
to the principal slzucttag and accessory buildings such
e~nclos~~ • Pte. 9~'~. utility sheds aril trash
Section 4.5: There shall ba added to Ordinance 1451
(Agricultural-Iesidential Zane) the following text constitutitx~ Section
13.2 thereof:
9ec**.iQ! 13.2: Aeg]ao~ent af' ig~ai !fit-~~~q
~ ngs: Notwithstandirr~ an}' eartraxY ~+isim of
Q~apter, a residential building whidr was legally in
ertist~oe an a site at the time sum building was
der~troyed by arty natural di Caro,- ar by, may, other cause
may be replaced at the owners option as it existed prior
to such destruction even if said building is
rnct~oonfarmirxl with regard to minimm lot area, lot
~'d9's~ ~*}'~"''~, P~~1 ~' o'ther' prescriptive zoning
requirements, provided, however, that this section shall
aPP1Y ~ ~Y destrvctirn of the building or other
3nQrcovements which results Fran willful action of the
pxnperty owner.
Zhis provision does not apply to three buildings which: ,
1) are illegal (g.g., ar~ted without a .valid
building permit.)
2) have been abated as public nuisances
3) are located on sites in whic3r the use is
Arty building replaced order this provision shall conform
to all fire, plumbing, electrical, building ars3 other
life safety codes in effect at the time r+eplac®ent
Tt1a term "building^ as used in this provision shall refer
to the principal strticta+e and saoessory boil
as car ports, garages, utility sheds ar~trash''
p~ _ 6 _ ~ 04J16/90
S~.`,mQJ 7: ffirPt~~IyS OMS
Section 7.i: his No. 1527 shall talcs effect and be in full
force and effect thirty (30} days- after its er~ertt,
INIR00[)C~D at a regular of the city Councj,l;,of the City of
Cupertino an this 16th dam y off q~iL, .139.and II~CPEDr at a regular
~tin<I of the city Council rn t3sis ?l:.h._ ~Y of ~; .. 1.24x_ by the
following vote:
RIPE: ~ _:
' naen, Szabot'Rogers --
NOES: Noneman Sore
~: Koppel
• APPl~VJD $;
~1~. ~ _
City Clerk. Deputy Mgt.
. ~ 3.s,.A..t ..,~.,..r Ct>.r f;:"Sts .. ... .. .~E ~1,~':L'.4~'~ ~Y2'L? ~~
r. .. -~~w .___ ~l, ~. ,_ ..
r~. ~ _ ~xr ~~r~~~° _,_,
i, ..
~- 2'~ c
aRDIDiAtdCE ~ ~ 04/16/90
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Section 4.6: Zhere shall be added to Ordinance 1450 (Residential Hillside
Zone) the tollawing text constituting Section 15.2 thereof:
Sec*33~on 15.2: Aeplaoa~nt at Iecpl tlQe-~r~foc~irq
HuildinYp: Notwithstanding any oartrary pmwision of
thi® Chapter, a residential building whidl was legally in
eocistonoe an a site at -the time such building was
destroyed by arty natural disaster ar by any other cause
may be replaced at the owners option as it Qxisted priar
to such dastsuction even if said building fs
tnn-oonfarmirq with regard to minim~~ lot area, lot
~~s. P~~xl ar other prescriptive 2onirri
requirsm~ts, pmovided, however, that this section stsall
not apply to any destruction of the building ar other
ia~ovements which results from willful action of the
property weer.
this provision does not apply to those buildings which: ,
1j are illegal (g.g., oonstnrcted without a valid '
builditx) permit.)
2j have been abated as public nuisanoPS
3) are located on sites irs whirls the use is
Any buildirxJ replaced under this provision shall ooasfarm
to all fire, plumbing, electaical, building an3 other
life safety codes in effect at the time replacement
1lsa term "building" as used in this provision shall refer..
to the principal stzix-tssre and aooess~y buildings sufi
as car parts, garages, utility sheds and trash
Section 5.1: If any section, subsectirn, serrtersoe, clause ar phrase of
this C~iinanoe is for any reasrn held to be su~oonstitutional, such
decisim shall not affect the validity of the remaining pardons of this
Orsiinanoe. ~e legislative body hereby declares that it would have passed
this Otsiinanoe and each sectim, subsec.~tim, clause ar phrase thereof,
irrespec-'rive of the fact that any case ar mare section, subsection, clause
ar phrase be declared ta:oonstituticnal.
Ski 6: Pf~s~~ CIA[SS
Section 6.1: 'lhe City Clerk is her+et:y authorized artd directed to cause a
certified Dopy of this Ordinance to be published at least arcs within
fifteen (15) days after its enactment in the Cupertino Cosier, the
official newspaper of the City, published arxi circulated in the City of