Ordinance 1525.;_.
c~reauar~ tx~. lszs
' Q OF THE QOR~iC.Q, OF '!HE QTY OF Q~'IHp A!)Dltx: CHAPPII2 16.42
f8~ AID OR FHIQi l01Y 8~ TCroQC C,A,StS 11RE FOLI~p
ice, ltrti,cle 80 of the 1988 thitacm Fire CUde cartains provisions
Pear the *,•~•~ ±~,•, of tazan3ous materials, 'ir~cludirq regtlatim of
COmpt7eeed gaaesj and
iBiFliEal4r the a!C!'1laLd 71r't1C11 80 la:7l~ not Ltiq~ilate aRl1e~' types o!
gasaef and
._ , - ~.,.
J19r tht :1989-88-Santa Cl+O=II' QO~IIftY (mod J1aY =aa~c! !flat t11Y use
of tAOtic cases in ii~y pond a threat to the health aid aalety of
local z+esident's, and reotesiended that the ~~
(°ICaC") "daV~lap an oniinailoa aooeptable to ;nduattyr citlZen gro~~sr and
lOCal gOV927mYfYt'r, and
idiFltF7~Sr in r~eeponea to the aloc+esaid z+eo~ecriation, the IGC
developed a modal ca+dinarca which oauld be used as apart o! anti a
ocaplement to, the Utitar, Fire Cbder and which is pr+opoeed to be adapted
by the govenfing bodies a2 all cities within Santa ~ era dota~ty, and by
the Qty Board 0! evpeavisat~; and
.. •~ .1
~IIRtPJ-8, this N~aril daeires to adopt the nodal ar~inarxaa to Fxavide
!ar rint pr+rYantian. oorrtrol, and aitigatian os darr3erous caniit.ims, to
prwlds livt builtiirg standassis and far smergerY.y smpansa to pratec,,t the
public tsv acute ~~e duo tv aoc3~datttal releases as toxic gases;
2~%i, 1~~t~, the Council ~ tR» City a~ (~tino] dos Qifl11IIi as
, 'F~" 53"T.3.'~r7'I rtt:.:; :?'Ff3:.E ..~x ~ La.?`#'-`."!'Y.X~.'zY: i~x , ~",~i`.?~ar
.. -, €a `.:''+ LetdJ. „„=x~ [3~#X_'f,;; ;a.5.C1"f'e>; `.~AS.~..:Yb." ~.!,i~±',:Y;S'.. f ~.~.,..y6.
_~,~ -2-
~xizat cF FAC:uartFS ~
i~ AR8 at twx B~oa~~ zuoac Q1.4E4 ARE ~
~'IClt 16.12.1ei AR+rrcya+rr>wa
(a) his C2sq~tear `~ to nll nw and aocistiiq lacilitles wt~xa
regulated mtQials subject to this article era pa:rssatt in
aAith excxed the Level of Oonoean ~ detersir~ed in
aooacdm~as with this article.
(b) It is intscdsd that thin.. attiCls a~Plamrzt. and bs used in
oonjuncticn with, athsr sections of this dsepkear and with the thiform
-_c~711di1]Q'Cbdei` 1988 aditiati.
(c) In the e~nt d coratlicti:g ar cvax'lappinq r~~IItaay pr+wisiats
within the Q~sartirn llaticipal cods, the Firs odds anti this article,
the aaaocs stringsrat requir+~arrt shall pa:srrail.
(d) In the avant ~ conflicting ar aearlappirg regulatory ~ovisions
ti+ith a fadernl'law oar state law ar r^agulation, unless the applicatianss
of thin dapter is exEa~essly poceea~ted by an Act of Qxxgess or
ernc,~ertt o! ~e state legislature, the ~irgertt r,en+,irtte„enr
shall be deemed to apply.
(a) Geneal. Lhlees the oarttext othexvise requires, the wt>ttis and
phrases in this article shall haw the meaning set tarth is this
eectirn and shall gousrn the oanstrvotim o! this dsfptsr. Fbr woxda
aTd phrases not defined in this daptar, the detirfitiar set lacth is
c*!mm c3~srs a~! the Utitat= Firs Oode shall oontxvl.
(b) Limited Appl.icatione. For thepiatpoes at .this astiale, aartain
terms and woRls are defined as follarsz
1. "Oontrols" are a means to regulate materials so as to pcsvertt
taauthcrized died~atges.
2• "afiCL01 Ju"ea" meallB a aperoe :within a building Where
regulated IDatetrial8 may be 8tar+ed, handled, disp@11sed ar
teed. l1 CC[1t201 area 38 an arse teamed by Qf8 ar more of the
tOllOwing: `°~ ~-
(i) M aaaiparxy segaiatirn with a minimao cr~e-hoar tine
reeistiw rating, ~
(ii) Rlie exteriaa' ..wall, root ar taa'datian at she building.
-4- _. ,.
A at tae control areas s~ be permitted within a
~~nl ~mept buildirr3s cs partia~s buildirx3s used far retail
salt, whidi shall have a mexi+~T 9t tL.a cctrtxnl areas.
"!t~ iit~,~ Wear Conoerdiatlon" ("EVC") means the state o! a
regulated ~r.~,.~ at which vapor presses has Arabi ~ ~ ~•~ and is
n~ laYpr risirq ar tallirq. Etlr value ad a zequlated material
dstexmirfed by ~~P1Y~9 vapor pr+raeaae ("VP") by 106, and
dividing ~ ~ pCee~71j ae ah01d1 in the tOllWi,ilCj
• _ ~ Hgt atao~er'ic pe+eswav is assumed to bs 760 ms at
sea Lvel..
„_: Atmospheric A.~av (76oj ...
. _ .... , tio~Es:.~ Vt~at pcesaaas tar mnkarials' with a boiling point
=equal to ar lees than 15°~C shell be '760 mm Fig; materials
. ; , arit3i : a boiling point greater than 23~C sh0~11 use the actual
,: > vapor pnnaa tar that matd.a,.~ a.~'Z5aC Atmospheric
pcsssm'e is assumed to be '760 m• at sen level.
;. 4. "lecility" meads ~ buildi~~ sttv~ctsa~a, irntallatian,
. ~F~. P~~ container, sit~,ar~a, aPp«tenant stxuctaae~
ar aa~rau~ding lard area where regulated materials are
stared, used, disponaed,handled, placed ar• otimrwise have
came to be located.
5. "Fire ~" means the Qiief O! the jai Fire District o!
Santa Clas'a Oo~rrtl+.
6. "lire Cl~ie" IDsan the (Atifotm Fire Cade ("fJEY.'") , as adopted ~
soditied by the 4~ee-tino M~idpal Code.
7, .."Gas" sssas an asritan !laid ~ 1a in a gssoous state at
mtmel,tsspszat~a~ and prssstae.
y ~• !~Ort Canstructi,an MatsriaL"~ assns materrials u3iidi tumr
ztiesonsbly taceseeabla accditians will rat dsgrade or react
t~f oQrtact with the regulated materials to ba arrtained.
9. "Isvel 02 Oodoexa" ("IAC") cleans tare mexim<a oornerrtratian
of a s+rbstarne in air that will rat extme serious hc+alth
enacts in the mnjarity of the populaticn when exposed to the
substarae tar a relatively ehnrt period of time. For
,;PsPa~ o! this article. the IOC is equal to o.l o! the IDIH
,. value, as defined in Article 80 0! thr Fire Code, if the
,;, pa=tiailar arbatanoe has an established 7DIiH, ar it not, an
e~timetsd IOC value based a~ aauGe caocicity data of
O.OOlIC~, 0.1 ILID, O.OOlIffi.50, ac O.OlI~[,o.
10. "Isth31 Carraerctratian" ("7~0") means the median lethal
axnarrtsation level, at which 50 potoant o! appcape:iate test
animals die wheal exposed by i~a].atim far a scientifically
aphz+opriate specified time period.
11. "Ethel oonoa~ttratian 'Ian" ("Edo") moans the lowest
aonaendratian of a dssical at midi acme fast animeL died
-, _ ~~q ~,.r~.,.. a,a
12. "I~tthal Dana !ledian" t+u--) meers t~ doss at ahid- 50
pa=+aent o! fast anianL die lollaw-irq a~a+e. ~e lethal
dose _ is given in .i>>igrams pec kilagraaa of ~Y weight o!
the fast anisnl~.
:: 13. _ "Istbnl Dora Iaw" (i~v") ` meea» the 1,a~st do~a of a ~ical
at which sass fast aniaaL di,as lollonirq'~'e.
14.:: "li4tstial ~aZ+d indeoc" ("!~~") moans a ramerio value used
tar raNdrg of chemical a~stanoes (materials) in order to
dstedins the level of ocnizols neoaeaa:y tar regulated
,. . ;:. mat~iaL. 1~ is determined by dividing the E~1C of a
mnterial at 25 C by t2fe IDC far the material, as shown in the
follavirg equation:
. , ` ~ ?~ ~ ER fSiIDl @ 25 C
• o
1S. "!lydsta ~eshold Quantity" ("l~Sx. T.Q.") mama the maxim
quantity a! 4 Class II ar Cl.aq III stipulated material which
say br stand in a singL vassal bslare a stricter Magary
a! ragulati,an is requls+d by this '. Malt. T.Q. is
~, ;; _ da'ta7dnrd:by the lollordnq aquatian:
Max. T,Q. {].bs) ~ 1.l~X14
16, ., "Sirsiaa hold . "Quantity". ("Mitt. .' T.Q.") mserr the
,; ate .quantity in a aQttsol ease vttidt, dus to the
» tittianl aggregate q~~ ~, need only aatply with
specific aaett;~ol raquit:esscits astabllsltad in sttbaection
16.41.104 (e) o! this. , and not with the t~+irsnsrrta
!ar_,Class I, II, ar III regulated materials. Min. T.Q. !ar
_ .. ~ mixtures shall l» bead an the appreciate weight (in pamds)
,.,_ ol,ths rapulatd aoeQonecrts.
Fla D.O.T. Poisart 1l (those materials . ~.aacte2~ized by the
iklitd States DeQarttmm~t of Tsac:epartatian ("D.O.T.") as
Fbison 1l) : M111. T.Q. a 1 lb. ar lase.
Fbr ether regulated materials: Min. T.Q. ~ 2 lbs. ar less.
Minim threshold quantity cantrols are set Earth in
subse~-tian 16.42.104 (e) o! this d~apter.
17. "~~s" means an individual. ~, firm, joint stock
~~yr ~at'i'glr ~, aeaoCiatiCn of other
busirbss entity, CitYr ~Y• diatriCt, the state, arty
d~partmint ar agency thYCVOYr C~t'ths Lhited States, to the
eoctent authorized by ]sr.
. 18. "Aa9ulatad 143t1riaL" assns all satedaL, s+ynrdlw o! loam
(i.•., liquid, .solid a qr) ~ahioh asst the csitrria
establishsa by subs.ctiori 16.42.103 (b), below.
19. "Asspc~snible Prrsans" or "Terser respansibl,e~ moans
psxmittess trder this articL, wnsasr mar~ncpcs and pss:aons
rrpansibL !or the day~to-day c~ps~atian a~! any facility
subject to this article.
20. "Ct~ut2lorized Disdlargt" mean, seLesirg, spillinq~ leakirlq,
P~~r l~~~r ~rt~lr ~~r ~~'~r ~P~9r
,~ 1~MJr ~P~4 ~ ~in9 a regulated mntsrial into the
a[TlirOr~itr including any sRieZ'r store drain, ditdi dCainage
canal, ,lal0e, riv$r or tidal kRttexway, s~st~+os water, gctnud
water, lard surfaos, sidew+alkr atseet ac ~ugTiway, subsurface
strata, Q ambient air, a~ac+apt:
,, -Y(i), 11 "P+edev:elly Permitted laslesss", as that term is defined
in sectim 101 0! the om~uetrnsiw F7rvirortomttal
Keepers, 0.~~satian and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. s
9602(10), ar pursuant to a pexmit o! the Bay Area Air
Duality- Menegemar~t Cis's'ict, or Weste disc3~arge
::" rrquirrmerrts of the san FZanciaoo
.. ~Y gegicnal Water
Duality Contzvl Boned ar local rssta+ater R+~mat~~
~i'~'e fa' P~~Y oynd treatmorrt vtzks; or
_., _~ .__
,,.., _;~~~(ii)=tee ' meal aQplicatian o! saterials used in treed
. ~._~ ._- , abat~rt, erosion aorftrol, soil asirdmertt ar similar
lrpplioation trt1M1 aced in aoOCCdeitoe with mat143faCtla:+~7r
instxacticns ac natiatally s~oognized standnzde.
SF)L'PIQ~116.42.103 RB131II11d2f18 - `'
(a) Gt1Q8l.. Rhis article 9~'m the stocager diapaneiitgr t~se arcl
-hartdlitq 02 regulated mnbrials. Rb the extent that tine
appllcatim o! this article to the registration and tme of
pesticides is preempted by an express provision o! an Act of
c~rtgtass ar a statute adopted by the atatr-legislaturer this
~ ._
article does not apply.
(b) Regulated Materials. "fdegulated Materials" i„r,ttdinq but not
Baited to, gases, are thoea meteria>s rtiidi meet the folla+iig
L Thn material has an established IeNe1 of Wnamit ("IOC") as
defined in this article; an3
~. 'Aa tatcial resets either c! try :o:lewinq csitaria:
(i) ~ ~ shippe~cl iR Oon~+asaad gas G]Ilitldara, std the
_.... _.. ~•~ 3a ae beocetaa or acts as a gas open release at
._, .tfaosl ~ ani, perswuv, (70 P and 760 mm Hq)
..'~. '•-
k . , s (ii) '~ ', ~'~ is `used' tt' han'ldlad as a gas, wt1et21er QL T»t
. ,. ttra satedal mfats the desir-ition o! a oompc+assed gas as
sat laeth in artlcla 9 of t2ta Firs Coda.
tlsteriaL utiidi meat the loregoitq criteria era subject to
the Fs+ovisiarr o! this article.
(c) Gsefezal.Obligatian. tto peYaan shall c~tss,'su~ler ar permit the
:_,atacega, lardlitq, use ac dia~neiirg of materials regulated by
_ this article:
HOCFPPiQUtt Flammebli anesthetic 'and rsrrllammnbla medical
gases used at hoe~itals or similar lacilitiee and li~aed
inatallatlcns apt medical gases intrtYSad` for sedatictf vharein
the patient is riot renler+ed ttrnonecicus, such as, but not
!: limittl to, analgesia systems used !ar dentistzYr P~a~Yr
veterniary std other similar uses are not regulated by this
article but do remain subject to other articles itt the
LAtitc2m Fire Oode.
i. In a~amer udiidi is oort~ary to a ~irn of this article
oc any other federal, state ar local statute, coda a2dirarr~a,
ruL, regulation or startdaai of performance relating to
aateciaL subject to this article; or
Z. In a manr~ rhids causes an tatesrthorized disdjnrga err Whidi
.. ~>•~
.- t poses a s~gnilipent risk of Sufi tt~eutt~orizd diadsary,a.
_ .~<
1- - pion ; s+~spocrt2ue ,: tar a leaility et~sll, as soon as he ar
-,. std has kt~ovledge of,: an un~hnizd disd~args ~+am or at
Sufi facility.. imwdiately notify the Fire chief o! suds
(d) Permits.
1....C;anaral, No pex'an shall sta~+a diaprnalt- ust'oz~~t~ar~dle any,
. ,regulatd matttrial in a~ooess of an eomspt amount at a
facility unless a o~Qlianoa plan has been submitted to the
Fire Chief and a permit !err the facility has been ismied
. ..:',.P -to this d~apter. 2hs epscii~c requiz+~nts far
._ ' obtaini:4 a permit shall be ~r•~+~ i ~-+~+ by the Fire chief in
aooordanos with the pmvisicnet of Article 4 of the Fire
Code. 'Ihe Fire Chief may dmzye a fee err fees in oamection
-, -. _ -, with. the filitg of a caiQlianoe pleas and the issuance o! a
..Permit, in aoaar<lanoe with the Flmicipal Fee Sd~edule.
2. !~ calailatiorw f~ each z~gul~d material to be stared,
dispensed, used ar handled at the facility shall be sutmitted
to ttls Finn Chia! as part o! the aa~,iliane plan. 'Ihe Fire
Cliirn! may require the subaission a! airy additicnnl available
acute tmticity data to suppart the 2!ff value proposed far
each material.
(a) .
1. t{Tofariths~tandirq anctioR 1.103 0! ttis ...Lira Cods, psrsorra
rerpansibL !dr any facility lavtlully in aadstenoe on the
ntlactiw data of this which is not in cooPliarne
with the pravisians os this diaptnr stall sutait a casQliarre
plan to the Fire Qiiaf no later flan one year after the
atfectiw data o! this dsapt~r. For p~upoBes of this
section, the term "lawfully in exiaterae" irfcludes, but is
not.. limited to, those facilities far whidi a building pezmit
has been issued and caistzuction tae begin. 'ihe aampl.ianoe
plan stall set forth t!a time and warner in which the
.._,,, facility is proposed to b bsvught into cmpliance.
2. Pnaorr responsible for facilities lan~fully in existenon on
the elective date o! this daptar stall cause their
facilities to be in full. ocaplianon with this article eat
_._~_., later then three (3) ,years attar. the adoption of this
ctaPter. T2a Fire Qiiet may euctard this time period at the
request ,of a, responsible ,pereor- far, a maximsm of two (2)
addit~l years it the Fire ~ makes a written
datorminnt.ian that tuu'dshiP~ ~19~ cizcam~etanoee ax' other
good Canty exists far suds extension. The Firi C2sief may
~qe a fas far Ptn~~J a ~t far extension, in
acoat+denae with the Mullcipal Fee Schedule.
3. Person rerponsibls tar a lncility not lawfully in existerne
or aperatitg on the atlactiw dpi of this dsapt~r shall
aubsit a caplienoe plan affi obtain a permit Friar to
strrirg, ~~l, uming rr handiirg any zsgulatod
., ,
,1• General: It shell be tailawlul fcr any person to aberdcn,
~~, cr alaea a lacility aac'c~ttlex' area regulated by this
... articlr:, until a cloetiae plan has' been sutmitted to and
. appruard by the Fire Chief. The Fire Ghiaf may d~arge a tea
` ar !ew far z+sviewing and prooessir9 a,. clasia~a plan in
acoacdatne with the M~aticipel Fee Sd~edile.°
2. ` ' Cloaa+e Plan. A closta~e plan shall be submitted by a
zaep~sible person to the Fire Chie! at least 30 days priar
to facility clc~s~a+e. ~e closu:+a plan shall demonstrate tc
the satisfaction of the Fire Chie! that regulated materials
. , ; whidi are ' car hs,+e been stained. dispensed, handled ar used in
facility will be traneported,~isp~ of or reused in a
mercer oorsistent with public health and safety. The Fire
Chia! may uaiw all or pnr} of the 30 daY P~~ ~ a
tiMirq as goad cauM.
(q) Ssimio Ptotactiat. Parsons zeapansibla !or a facility with ms
or, moss staticnasy tanks and piping systems used !cc regulated
mat~arieL stall case suds taNcs and pipitg syst®s to ba
~--±~~cc~y Isaad in aooacdsnos with the provision ar Caplet
16.04 tts thifocs- Building Gods o! the Cupertino Rmicipnl Ooda.
(h) saaaity-. Responsible pecans ehau cause laciiities s+t~a
metrials .object to this article era stored, harYilea, dispasad
or used to b. eaoiaad against uneutharizad entry.
(i) Bnathirq 1-ppnratis.
i. , . L'1 an~ler to pavvids far inmediate initial"a~r-soma zmsponse
in the event of an tuautharized disdfatt~ and to prwida
a~-scans aasistanoa to rice ric¢~ters anc~ other emergen<.y
_ _ swpcnsa psx~ar»l, parsons responsible cat' any racility
Wbas~a Class Z or oatz~osiw regulated materials are present
stall prarids a minims or ts~,o salt-contained La~eathinq
apparatus. i~t~en salt-Carrtainad treathing apparatus wauld be
,iiadequete pQOt~ection due to the nature o! the cases present,
other appraprc~iate picotectiva equipment shall be px~wided.
2. zhathing apparatus or other ve equiaooent ~,a>>
b. suitable far use with the material Eaeeent and shall be in
a car~spia~ously marked platoe '_masiiately Haar the aren where
the materials are prseer-t in a location that provides safety
fac those expected to don the apparatus.
3. A. "location that pcwidss safety" is one which is not likely
to be imDwdiataly affected by the rslasae of a regulated
(j) Ir~ntible I~teriala. Aeapansihla pNrrsons shall cause
ir~aaopntible classes of regulated materials to be separated, err]
stSall c~atrse regulated materials to be separated from other
inocspntibla lsazardamt materials as listed in Table 51-110-A of
the Fire Oode. Sepnratian shall bs maintained by means of
ores-hoca' fits rssisti~+e oorm~i~ctian, or by the use apt separate
gas cabinets. For p~apoeas o! this sactim, the term
"ii~patibla" shall mean tltiose materials listed in the above
merltiorled Table 51-110-1~.
(k) leaking 2~estirrg. Aespa~sihle peasone shall ~atise containers o!
z*gulated materials to be listed tar - leaks immediately upon
dalivnY, and again immediately prior to depnrtcse of suds
aorrtainaxs iron tacilitias. ?lasting shall be approved by the Fire
Qiief in aooordarros with appcapriats nationally reoagni,zed
industry standards and practices, if airy. Appropriate ~iai
actions shall be immediately tadertaken when leaks era detected.
(1) Plugs/Caps. risible shall cause the
pca~tectiw Plus} and caps of regulated materials to be in place at
all times unless and until the materials era properly plead into
(m) ~'9~-Y ~~s Plans.
1. Zt. the; pnpatati,~sf apt en emae~fty raepQ~se Plan ror the
raaillty is rnt z+sr~ird by anY ~' law. zsspondble
pessans, stall prapszs, ac c~suss m be pcspared, and tiled
with the Firs Chief, a written eabxgency tsapQ~se Plan.
2.,, r It ; tt~e p~sQaraticn of ~ emex9~Y Plan is z+eyuired
by anlf ~~ law, a responsible parson shall rile a Dopy or
the plan with the Firs Chiat.
(n) ~Y ~~ T~esID.
1. ; :, Ir rfat s+squirad to do so by 'anot2~sr law," a pe~zson responsible
!ar a facility subject to this articU shall desicg~ate, or
cause to be desic~nted, an an-site eme.~ncy =seporfse team
_ , - tisidi ehnll bs acmpased a2 an adequate rnm~ar o! trained,
s~epafsihU pexaa~s, and which shall serve as liaiarn to the
Tire depert~mant.
2. Eaiergency zmponee te® memt~ars shall asoerrtain all an-site
locations whexs regulated materials are stared, handled and
used, ~sall bers~e Familiar with the ~gcany respati:.e Plan,
and the ctlemical nature o! suds reguiat:ed material, shall act
a. facility lieia~an to the Fire Department and shall be
RrPai'ed ~ ~~ in an emn~ncy.
(o) ~Y mills. ~
L ., hale patscrr shall cause ameitptsy drills o! eadi
. ~ a~-sit+e ~x9~-Y taut tees to be conduc.'td not lase
~; 1y than anoa every three month..
2. Aeoo¢ds ad drills oaidu~.^ted shall bs nu~inFw~rrr7 at the
;facility far thane y~eers and shall b mado`avai]able !ar
motion upon request by the Firs Qiiltf.
(p) llrrual Meintsnanoe.
1. Pe.ponsibla persons shall cause all safety control systems at
a facility to be tested not leas fraqu~tly than annually and
,.,maintain.d in good wazidng condition.
Z.. ; l~+it~tenenoe and testirq shall be perfumed by P
qualified to perfc¢m the mairttsnanae and tests.
3. t~irttenanoe reoards and certiticatiand shall be available to
_ _, the Fire Qiief upon i~pe~'tim ax' re4vest.
(c~ Plow ~t,i11q Orifices and Dev3~ !or D.O.T. Yoisrn A.
containers far those materials classified as D.O.T. Fbisai
A,zragazdlees of the amount of D.O.T. Poison A, shall b• equipped
with a flow restricting orifice, ut~t available fa=r the supglier
a!' the D.O.T. Poison A. I! a flaw restricting orifice is not
.available, the containrar .shall k~e useds with ,a tlow limiting
(r) Fis+a Hctirr~ttahitq systssa.
1. E~n7e~t as ~,•~,•;•+~rr~•- P~+ovi,ded, raspansible ps=sons shall
ca~~se all intmdac and extex'icc -use areas and interior
., , : stccags arses and storage bui],ditgr to be pe~otectd by
autCmatlc sFrinidez systems.
2. The design of the sprinkler systems shall be not lase than
that zlquired under t~ifane Building OoCie Standatd,No. 38-1
faC Ordinary fiazaiti Gt'o-~ 3 with a mi,nimmm_ dssicy~ arm of
.. .F' _. ~ _, .
.3,000 squasi fast. Ft~ere the materials or starage
arrarr~t require a hic,~ .level of .sprinkles' system
po^oteetim in acoor+darna with nat_.'=ally recognized
starfdards, the higher level of spti~clax' system protection
shall bs pawided.
3. If the c3>emical prCpertieb of the regulated materials are
suc3i that the materials will ba inoon~atibla with the use of
a sprinkler system, the Fire Qsiet! may require alternative
forms of lire p¢otec-tirn.
16.42.104 C[ASi~IQ-ON OF ~~stTars •
(a) Csertal. Aagulatad materials n-T-7tted et~all b~ classified
soooodirg to their Material Hazard Itdex ("!!~") valt>a.
(b) Class I Asgul,ated Material. Of the materia]s regulated by this
article, Claris I materials pose the gt+entest potential hazard. A
ssgulated ~.~.~ rtiidi has an !~ value equal to or gc+enter than
!iw tiIIlcbrd thousand (500,000) cc vhicfi is Classified as D.O.T.
Fbison A, stall bo classified as a Class I zmqulatad material.
-;: (c) Clans II Asgulated Materials. A regulated material rhiditas an
M~ equal to at cR+seter then ten thatsard (10,000) but lees than
live tsa~dt+od t2~oueard (500,000) shall bs classified as a Class II
requlatod material.
'(a) Class III Regulated MaterisL. A regulated material which has an
:ice equal to sac greeter teen far thausatd nine hurdr+ad (4,900)
but loss than ten thamard (10,000) shall be Classified as a Class
III z+egu]atod material.
(a) Meotisa 'IZa+sstfold Quantity ("llax. T.Q.°). Regulated materials
which aeeoead their Max. T.Q. shall ba Classified sae loves higher
teen otherwise datacmined by tho MHI (i.e., Class III ar Class II,
or Class II to Class I).
(!) Materi~ flat DOpBedinq ! imnn ~ Quantity ("M1n. T.Q. n).
Regulated materials whidi do not exceed the lain. T.Q. etsall
se~tisfy only the epecitic reTdt+~sr~s established in Section
', 16.x.104, and shall flat ot!>ezarise be required to meet the
z+equizrantm a~plicabla to materials claseitied as Class I, II or
III rsa9ulatad materials. ; ;
(4) ~ Amotmts.
-:~: s:.}
1. Hooept ae jrovided in e4~section (Zj>-o this serctim,
material whic3i would akhnwise bs regulated is easspt ft~
s+sgulatiott u~r this article i!:
(i) ~ material has an !!~ lees tharf 4,900; ar
. ='{ii} ~e aggregate quantity of the material in a
aantrol area does hat aoooeed the
Min. T.Q., and the quantity o! the material
in a sirgU vessel does not exceed the amounts
specified as lollows:
D.O.T. Poison A 1/4 lb.
Other Regulated Materials 1 lb.
2. lJOtwi~tanding the exs~tion in (1), above, ro
Class I ffiterials, regazdless o! the aan~att thereof, is
ma~pt tt+~ the p¢cn+iaicrr relating to "llov limiting
deviws", eat forth in ail~sction 16,2.103 (t~ ncs fry the
~awisi.ons rtlatirg to "lira extirr~tishicy systems", set
. lorth in subasctian 16.42.104-(r).
_._ ..,1 i t:;
(a) General. ~ ;~~~u_ ...
1. ~a specific p~wisians requxyd,by° thisd~,tex' shall be in
addition to those requirements epacitiad in ot2~ar articles o!
the Pine. Code. Zhs requiteewtts ,lor the us. ac irr3oar
storac~s of regulated ,~r..~~i. shall be annilativa as the
haze=d class .of regulated material 1ncr+ea.es, in aoo~o2danoe
with the lollovinq table:
t;:~r~~~f ~, ._
• tiro c~sszFZCaTTaas ~
Class I Includes Class I, class II,
s ~ d. ; , , Class'1x2' Minima 4tmestiolri
Quantity and Pksopt 11ma,uit
v_, .~~ ~~. ~ ~.-r L i , . T.,r.n+.~.~. Class II, , Class III
ltlafma~' Zhs~srhold' Quantity
,~ and Somgt 1lmautt Contt~o]s
. C1t~fs III ;: a.- I1'1Clt~s Clay III, Minima
.. ..- ,. ... _ mold Quantity eM ~P't
-_- ..._ _
_. x _. Jrmotatt oontLrole
. liinima ;Rhrs~hald r Irrludea Minima 'threshold
Quantity Quantity and-F.~oempt Ama~att
Doospt llsatants .. - :: ..
~._ Ottlaz ]Ipplicable Statutes,
r+ ~ .. ~ t ~ ~ : 1 fb~~"~
2. ncteri• storage of regulated mauls is covered by
subsection (f) of this section.
3. 1111 cbntxol equipment for materials regulated by this article
. stall meet apprapriats naticrnnlly recognized standards it
,, any,- a~C'oved by the Fire Chied.
(b) Class I Oa[ttxvls. Prrsans responsible !or arty facility wtare
Class I materials are Present stall ooapiy with all o! the
r'!duis~ents of :this ^rbsaction (b) and with sub~sectian (c), (d).
(e),,ard (f) o! this sectim.
1. Piping. (i) Piping far Class I mntariala shall be designed
. _. and tabcicated fztar materials ornpntibla with the material to
;bs cartainsd. Pipirq shall bs o! stx~ngth and durability
sutticient to wittrstand the pc~ess<a,+e, struchu~al, and seismic
stress arcl e~os~ae to which it may be subjected, as required
. ;, ; by ; Qre~pter 1s.02 (thlifarm Buildiig Cade> o! the Cupertino
-:d,;;Mmi~cipel Uode.
(ii) Seoorx3ary ccntaitment stall be prv.:'.ed for Piping !or
Class L materials. T!a seoordary cartairsent stall be
capable at directing a sudden release into an approved
disdasga treatment system, aM shall be matitored
cocrtinally with a oontirnrous gas monitoring system apQzvved
by the Fire Chief. Seoaxiary containment includes, but is
not limited to, double walled piping.
2. tic Stn2t-off. An autcma~ia shut-oPf valve vhidi is
of a "fail-safe to cloeo" design shall be provided. E~
of the following shall activates artc~atlc shut-ott:
(i) Gas detection.
(11) Mmunlly, lrca roa~ota locsstian.=
..(iii), P511n~+e of e~gony pa+er. u .
(iv) saiasia activity, i~an a aei~ic avant
.;_ . , -. trithirl 5 aeoaYls o! horizontal
s~wigolid ascillatian having a peak
,, acoeLerati,an of .3g (~4.94m/~)
and a period of 4 seocrde.
(Y) ; :.: F~il~+s at priaasy aaatair~t.
L .. ...,_
(yi) llctivatian as manual fire alarm.
3. ~gan~.y claitsol station. Sigtfeis fzam emesz}ency
,aquiprnt shall b trarmmitted to an eaatgency oontroi
stat3an which is oalt.iixmlly staffed by trained parsocv~el.
...,., ..# `.411.. .. ...
(c) Class IZ ~ls. Responsible pereocis shall cause materials
1$lidl al+a classiliad as Class II materials to be provided with the
o0lokzols speoilied in this suheec-~icn (c) and in subsectiano (d),
(aj and (!) o! this sectirn.
1. cbmeatians. (i) Piping and tubi~ artsali ba installed in
aoooCtlarloe idth ap~iste natiorol2y rsc~:g~ized statdards,
it +~i+. apR~+ed by ttfs Fix+a Q11al, and shall haw welded
carfsctic~s ao~atibls with the r.gulated material t2sioughout
unlsss an eodaustad enclosta~a is p~+ovidsd
(ii) !lat~rial s~ict~ is not ooopntibla with
i'esro~s pip~l ~Y ~ installed in
rae'!•z~+au piping appa~DV~ed by the Fire
(iii) Ftia+s c+cmnscti,ans other then added
ootmsctioro meet app¢~opriate nationally
ztioognized irtdustzy startdnttis; i! any,
a paraan responsible far a lacility may
semlc an eoaoeptiat !=+am the Fire ChieC;-
, ~: by lil3n4~at z~+~at !ar eoooaptiar with
<, . ` r: - . ' ttla .Fire Qua! ~ iahiCh shall d0amynt th!
standards and reasa~ tar the mooaptian•
2. Local Gas Stazt~!!. (i) Manual activation controls shall be
pCOVided at locations near the point o! use atd Want the
s~.ie, as appc,~d by the Fire
(ii) 'iha Fire Chia! may require additirnal controls at
~'~ P~~ ~l~~J. but not 11a~tted to, the
.; , e~y to 13~s building. the aran in the building
s Ft1~0.Y rsgulatd mtQials aLr aged or uswd, and
<_3 ~ 's s,.. .
.+a `; c, ~c+g~ncy omltvl stations.
.. ,~., , .
~~i~ . v _ , . ,Manually. activated atxtt:-o!! Valv~ae shall
~_.. z F,~'.~
ba o! "fail snlf to Clcse~ design.
...-~ ,~x:i ~.. ..., ,__.
. ,.a ,..,
:~: -.-.'y Powsz~. nmet~gstny Power shall bo prwidad lar:
(i) Hd~eu~st ventilation, including the power
supply !ar treatment systems.
:. .. x,
..~,.~- ;(ii) ~ Gas-data~.•ticn syrtsms.
,, ;; ~x~ ,.,,
..... -~~~:: Y alarm systems.
(ii) ~ Valves shall be pnrman~ttl~~ ~
indicate the may i~~!n* design flaw rata.
S. ., Cass Datactian. A contituous gas~detacticrt system in
aaootdanw wit3i tt» 1988 ffi. tA11larm Fire Odds. Section
_,r80.303.a.a) stall ba provided to dekect the p¢esenoa of gas
at err bales t3fs permissible a limit. ~ detection
systas stall initials a local alarm and trar~it a sicFtal to
_.... a .oonh +~~ty stsKad remote locatiot- to prwida an immediate
reepcriss to an alazs. ate alarm stall ba both Visual and
audible and shall be dasigrtd to provide warning both inside
.. dnd outside at the ' e~tozage, use err ttaidlirg area. 4he
audible alarm shall ba distinct tna all otMr an-site
.. alarms.
6. Rec><ned Flaw valves. Roduoad flaw valves may be utilized to
reduce the mnxitsm flow rata trr>m cyliidses std tanks under
full flat corditicne. Valve llaw rates may be considered in
detetminirg the size of treatment systems recKir+ed far a
woxst ease release.
~. Seismic Shut-ot! Valves. A ~i+~iatty activated valve
meeting statdatds approved by the Fire Chie! shall be
ptwidad for automatic shut-otf a! raqutated materials upon a
seismic event within 5 seoords of ttorizarttal semisolid
....oscillation having a peak aooeleratian o!
.3g (• 2.94m/seC'3) and a period of .4 seoords.
8. ~ IZ Corrosives. Inert ion veterials shall be
used !ar the primary oantainn~ent of Class II Regulated
Materials whidi aza oo~xosives. Alternatively,
seoondaty containoe:tt shall be provided far Class II
materials whidi are wrmsiws.
9. 1~etgancy Alarms.. Ftmn material z+equlated by this article
J _ are trar~artad thrarji exit aasridae~ ar exit anclostaaa,
_~~.. .
thets shall be an margsncy teleptz~ne systm ar a local
menial alas station ar a si,gnaLing device approved bjr the
Firs Chief at not more then 15otoot irttexvals and at each
exit Y thxougt~out the transport route. Tt1a signal
. shall be relayed to an apps+ouad oerttral, proFsietary ar
remote station servioa ar a constantly attended on-site
. locxtirn and shall also initiate a local audible alarm.
(d) Class III Cv<ttrols. Persons r!espansibla far a facility shall
cause materials which era classified as Class III materials to be
provided with the controls specified in this subsection (d) and in
subeaetians (e) and (f) of this section.
1. Piping, valves, and fittings, {f) Piping, valves, fittings
and related oa~Qonartts stsall be designed and fabricated fry
IDet'rials ccsQatibla with the material to be cotttair~ed. They
,: ,,shall. have stt+ength and durability sufficim~t to with stand
the pressure, structural and seismic, and any other stress
aM e~cpos~a~e to which they may be subjected.
(~) ia, a>ambexs shall be •iaed between valves
wrenever the regulated gas ~, ~ ~ ~ thermal
exper~sian. Chembrnz~ sia'.1 be sized to p¢cvide
pieiteetian !ar pipitrq, valves arts irm~rtatian and to
aoaoDandate the expansion o! regulated mnteriala.
•;'; :, . (iii)' ; gigue shall mt be ct~eaa~ed ar removed.
'" `='(iv) ~ . _ ' . gigns ' sha7lpl{~ bs ~}in~D~~ghis_h and~surdsj~oth}er~
~,^_l! ~ ~s's~T18WN aS~a.i1i4W Rl 7
the Fie! CtLie!•
(v)'° Sic~s shall be dlaatala.
_;' .. - ; : , : - (vi)' . 'fis size, polar and lettering shall be in
oanfazmartoe with nationally reoogrtized stardattls
`detsin~tned by the Fire Chief to be applicable to
the regulated material.
3. ~ Gas Rn~ge System. Gas sys~ far regulated materials
shell ba provided with inlividually dedicated inert gas purge
systems (a.q., nitrogen, heliu<", u"Ion and Wean).
(e) ltiniraa 7lrreshold Quantity Cbrttrols. Responsible persons shall
:.: •; oauM mtax'iala whidr do riot e~.red the Miniminn Threshold Quantity
.to- bs provided with thi corttrola spocitiad irtthis subsection (e)
and in subsection (t) o! this section.
i. k]d~eust Ventilation. (i) Stae-age o! oYlirdets stroll be
'within vrtrtilated gas Cebinet8~ e~dausted errclosta:+ea ~
within a ventilated separate gas storage roan as defined in
:,: .: , :.thr Fis+s taode
(ii) Storage of portable and stationary tanks shall be
__. ..~ ~n~ ._~ ~witliin~~ aseparate ventilated row without other
.~s a. ~ OOCa}1errCS-'o~' tree.
- y .we:a.
.:. - ~~~ (ii.1.)a~~ - ."' i!" gas cabinets are provided, the roan ar area in
~; r ;t_r~ , ~: which t2rey'°'at'e < lOCated 8t1a11 t3aVM! independent
.. , ..*.~ .L x .- ~ ' .
.., rodsauet wetttilaticn
(iv) F~dstust systems far gas cabi~ts, erdsausted enclosures
>"ani separate gaa storags roans stall ba designed to
handle the accidental release of gas. Suds e~draust
systems shall be capable of diluting, absorbing,
neutralizitq, burning ar otheswise pe~or.~essirg the entire
Vita of the single tank a~ylinder of gas Which
presents the hic~est potential hazard.
(v) Systms utilized for such prooessirq shall be designed
as a treatment syste•, as deecsibed in wbeectia~ (e) 3
~ ,.. < . as. this seetian. If a total aantairtmnt system is
,_ ..: ttt1317ted, tht syste, shall bs deaignsd to harYile the
maYiaa aAticipatd pcsers~a+e a2 raleere to the system
rM the systsst readies ac~,~lit~-i,~,
Z. c~s_ c~inets. U11on cps ca~binsts acs provided they shall ba:
(i) Operated at negative pcasatss in relation to the
s~ssourdinq area.
,(1i1 Prwidsci with sell-clasirg limited aooess pats
,. ;~
ar rise-rated virKia+a to give aa~ess to equi~ent
omtrols. ~e average walocity of ventilation at
: ±
: the faoa of aooess posts ar wirtiiows shall be nat
; ,
. .
r-~-rr~; ! 1MS ,.than 200 feat per minute (fpm) with a
minims o! 150 fpm at any ether point of the
aooass pant cv: winder
(iii) Oocr<7acted to a treatment system.
... (iv) Provided with self-closing doors.
(v) Qonstn~cted of steel with a thicv~esa not less than
]. ~tment systems. (i) TYentme~systae; shall be utilized
to Paa~ all e~d~aust ventilation to be diectatgod frQp cjas
cabirrte, iCdtntlstad enclastaes or sepnrata staraac~a rooas.
. Ti~e~sternt sytteos shall be desicyied to reduce the maximtmm
allowable disdatge aor~aticn of the gas to orr-halt IDLH
at the point of disctasge to the at~oospt~ere as specified in
sut~eectlans (e) 5 and 6 below.
. ; ,: (ii) i1~en mace flan ane gss may be emitted to the treatmeJrt
mYmtm•r the ttentment systa shall he designed to handle
a .. _ the worst case releaw based an the zeleese rate, the
quantity and the IDlti for all the gases stca+ed ar used.
4. ~'OCas#aent systed sizirq. Zi~ebmnt systems stall ba sized to
Ft'ocwse the wrist case releaw of each gas based an the
mexiaw flaw .rats of release tsm the c-7'litd~' or tank
utilized whidi pests the highest Potential Lazard. The
entire oantents of tanks and cylirdexg shall be considered.
5. Stationary tar~cs. (i) Statiane2y tan)cs stall be labeled
with the maadma rate of release tar the ies oontaittad based
. an any valves ~ tittin`ys that era ir~rted directly into the
_ ,:: (iiy Ire nultiple walws ar fittings era Prwiaed, the maximu<a
_ tla+ rate of release tar the valve ar fitting with the
<,highsst flan rate shall -be indicated. It liquefied
_.,._ ; _ ~
g~ are in oantac.~t with arty ~ve ~ fitting, the
liquid llaw rate shall ba utilized !or ptaposes o!
oosptirtationl o! the mxim~mm flaw rate a! release. All
_,- llOlt sates indicated on the Label stall ba oawetted to
wWa test per ain:t',e a! qas at n~amal temperature and
6. Pbetable tanlu and cylirdexs. (i) inaz~ postable tanks and
~;r :r~:r ~,47fli~das, ..the _ aaxiaa flow raps o= release stall ba
c~lan]attl bared an aaRadnq the fatal release ~ the
._ cylinder ar tank witb3n the -time spacitied in the Table
..,_, bslow•
Puctable Tanks 40 ,..240 `. .
. ,. 1,
_ . e:: (ii) ii1eR portable tanks ar CYlifldeLf era equipped with
apptvVed T'e~gOBd flaw valves, ttls worst case release
will ba dateLmined by the mlXimm, achievable flow tr®
tt1! ValV! aS detaxminsd by ttla valve marutacturer ar the
_~: :~_°: - qas supplier. Red~oed flow and euao~s flaw valves shall
ba parmartently marked to indicants the
indicate the traxirdsn design flow rate. svctr marktr,cJs
shall irdicnte the flaw mte for air under starda=d
7. Gas Detrectlm far D.O.T.` Poison A. 1- portable ar firosd gas
datecticn system capeblw of manitarirq at PFZ, fcs each
s+tgulatsd material classiliad as a D.O.T. Poison 1- stax+ad or
. ~ treed within the facility ststill be prwidad.
(f) BctstiaC Storage. 1. Gorntal. Fe3~sons respa~sibla for a
laoillty whets there is exterior sbarags o! any regulated material
stsall amply with provisions of this subsection (!) aryl of Chapter
[16.0]] (tire Building Uoda) of the Cupertino Ma-lcipal Code.
Z., Distatroe Limitation to EKposra+es. Exterior storage of
regulated materials: shall not be withirr~5 lest of a tuildirrg,
stszrcttme, property line, street, alley, public way or exit to a
public way unless the storage is shielded by a sts~e which has
a minimum fire resistive rating of two harts and which interrupt_a
the litre a! .sight between the storage art. cha expoerse. The
ahisldirtg stzircttme atoll bs a least Live (5) feat frctn arty
axpos;ae. Ttfe shielding stzuctan~e shall have not mox+e than tw
sides idtirh shall ba at apprcocimately 90-degt~ae directims.
3. Opertirrgs in Buildings SUbjact to FJq~oslrre. Fen art exterior
stara~ area is located within 75 • oP a buildirx;
apenirr~s into the building other than pipirq shall not be
abo~ue the bright o! the trp r! tha shielding stsuchue
ratexsed to in aubsectim (t) 2 0! this section ar within 50
last horizontally from the storage area, whet2mz ar not
_t!r -p~'aGscttl;by a shielding
4. ]fix Irstakes. Ho anterior stafags assn !ar regulated
aeteriaL shall be within 7S lest.:.as any air intaik~e.
5.:.-~• P~1.a tanks and cylindez~s stored outside o!
_ ,.. balldirfcp shall be stsz~ed unier a canopyr oanstivcoted o!
.- rmoambuatib~lo material. Svds e~ctetior storage shall not ba
oonsidessd irYloor storage. J1n automatic lire-sprinkler
system, ar alternative systems as determined by the Fire
....::.:.Chia! !ar materials irt~ntiblo with meter, shall be
;_; ~, P~+ided .far cxrgpies installed !ar the starege o! regulated
. , .materials.
6. >, Statiarm~y ZhNc .Control. - (xx~trols on sG.aa~y tanks shall
. bs 3a aooatderne with the lollarings
(i) Ht+sssuttrelia! dsvioea shall be vented
to a treatment system designed in aooordanoe with the
. Pewisians o! subsection (e) 3 0! this section.
_ -- ~.~,~
{~ Ft~ex~a lillirq or dis~ensirr~crrv~ections are Esovided,
they shall ba provided with a means o! local e~Csaust.
9tstt adat~st shall be designed to ~ tt~ a~
vaQors. 7Z» eod~aust stsnll bo directed to a treatment
systse dricp~ed in aacoxdanoe with the pcavisions o!
this subsection (~) 3 0! this section.
. ~~ ._
~~,-:~~ (iii) ; Y tams shall bt prwidd with a means o!
°s :: ~msss !la omtsol an all tank inlet ac outlet
aaestisctians. Ealat oomsctions that at~s ds~igned to
pitcluds bedctlar and prma~arr-nliet dwioaa era aoomQt
,. , Liv this requixa~~t.
_; ~ :. 7.-, 6ec aebinats far leaking cylirdsts. (i) 71t hest one gas
_ "rt ,. cebinat or aodmusted errloenu+s shell bs provided !ar the
hatdliiy of leekirfq cylinders. ~s cabinet ar enclosure
3~. ada11 bs within ar adjacent to the eute~riar starega area arri
oocmected to a treatment system as spscitied in subsection
(a) 3 0! this section.
,; (ii) A yes cabirfest ar eodausted encl.~ae need rot be
pe:'widsd !ar leakirq CYlinde2~ f `all cylinders are
stacsd within gas cabinets ar e~austed endascaaes.
8.:" ° IoCal ad~aust Poor lee)dnq portable tanks. (i) A means of
local euQ~aust shall be provided to captsne regulated material
leakirq !~ portable tanks. Tl~e local e~d~aust may consist
o! plsbla ducts ar aollecticr. sy~ desi~ied to tY.
applied to the site of a leak in a valve ar fitting an the
tar~ic. ~s local e~dsaust systa shall be connected to a
txsntastit systsa as specitied-. in suhBecticn (e) 3 of thSs
(ii) 11 looal exhaust systa shall bs providd within ar
t~t,.rlY adjaoant to sassy sxtericr
;. starags arsef and
~P~'a~ 9n ~~ sods used far portable ar
statiarmy tanlos.
(q) Tenn Cars and Pipiry. 1. ~e ptwisica~s of this daptsr shall
not apply to tonic caza wd~ich meat all r~quiremnts of the U.S.
Department of 7Yarepartaticn, While curb tank cats ors used far
the trat~spartatiact and tuiloadirq of rsgulatsd ~r.~Ai ~ as suds
terms are used in the Fiazatdous Matsrlals TraTlsportaticri Act, 49
U.S.C. 1801 et seq. "tALioadingN doss not include the use o! tank
Cars to stac+s regulated materials.
2. ~s ptovisians o! this article shall ~lY ~ PiP~7 and
CICTICIOl Bystls~s, Afthe~.a*i[~ Qhlt-off valve ~"emergexy acrltSOl
...stations/ gas dehect+ irn syst®s/ tt~ltmerlt systems and alar0
systi used with piping whic3i coru~ec.-ta tank cars to
lacilitiss Par the unloading ani delivery of regulated
^ material, and to tank care u9ed to stCic~s z~egulated
~FaCTZQd 16.42 MI~?rsumrtS
(!!) PiVYitiCrll Saverabl8. '>he p~+wisicns og this are
ssYacabla. If any provision as this ~P~' ~ its application to
~Cf D~~ ~' cStuastanoa is bald invalid, the invalidity stall
not effect other piwisiarn or applicaticrts og this a,epkr s+hich
cam,be 41vri effect without tha invalid pcwision or application.
{b) Vio]atirn. ]ltty person: list. ar aocporation violating tta
pttivisians ag this daptsr stall be dasmd guilty ag misdsmsenar
and t>pon oanvietion thsnot stall ba punist>,d as provi,asd in
CiapGrr 1.12.
SDCIZfN 3. Zhis ardiratna stall bs stggaetiw an tta thizty~-litist day
alter the data og its adoptica.
~, _
SFICTIQd 4. ~1a City Clatk stall Cauca this oxdiranos to bs publfsta<+d at
least area in a neirspeper o! general circulation publistad and ciraAated
in the City within liftean (15) days after its peseaga, in aooorstanoe with
Section 36933 of the Got+et7iosttt Cbde; shall otartigy to the adoption of
this aRdinanoe and shall cause this orditanoe and her oertigicatim,
together with proof o! publication, to be entered in the Book of
Otdinanoes o! the ocxv~cil o! this City.
,. "'.
;.II~00~ . at . a : ztigsiler sustirsg' , ~ t!>. City Orna1C11 this 16 day
of-, April, ~ 1440 -,and ~~at a ~~ z~3~g'o! t2~ City OotIIlCil
tti~. 7th ; day;a~ Mey ,1990, blf t2st lollovLg wlas
3f9S0 !twl~cs ai.' tlsa City cxz~ail:
Ayoa: Goldean, Sorensen, Ssaboi Rogara- .~- •==`~-~` =~'== ,
2TOe82 None , v: r .. -s.> °~:i,°~
Ahe~ant: Koppel
7~sta1A: None
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