Ordinance 1515., .~ OZmfaAtiCE N0. 151.6 AN SCE OF 'III CITY COLIIiCII, OF 'JT~ CITY OF QJPF3Q',II~JO AMi2JD~~' &DCTICN 1 OF ORDQZDINCE 2~A. 2 HY RELONII~K, APPI~@91'I£f~f 1.9 GI~68 AQtE4 FAOFI CITY OF CZ7FER'i'Qp R1-10 ?~ 'IO CITY OF CtJPFR2'II~ P Zl,NEf IOGTFa ]Z( '~ 90fJ~ASl.' QCII1CEtANP OF HIANFY AVF1~lE AtID F~7QiIGIJES AVF2JUE (t9O2iO - APPLICATION 10-Z-89) FII~iFAS, an application alas Piled by HarzY Gheno (Application 10-Z-89) Par the rezani~ of px+opesty from R1-10 (Raaidentiel single-family, 10,000 sq. tt. minimum let size) Zane to R1-6 (Residential Single-family, 6,000 sq. ft. minimna lot size) Zane; and Fd~iFAS, upon due notice and after aye public hearing the Plarming oommissian raoomnerded to the City Cota~cil that the Rezoning be grantedr and (Residential S ttls ~~ to be rezoned is presently in an R1-10 Ingle-family, 10,000 sq. ft. minimlm let size) za'~et and FffO'TtFAS, a map of the subject property is attad~ed hereto as EJfiibit "8" as a pzopoeed amerrLoent to the Master Zanirg Map of the City o! Cupertino. NOW, 'II~i~EFCgtE, BE IT CYiOAINID AS FOLLOFB: Section 1. that the paroperty described in attached EJdiibit "A" be and hereby is rezoned to an Rl-6 (Residential. Single-family, 6,000 sq. ft. minimae lot size) zone, and that FJdiibit "B" attached hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of Q>pettino. Section' 2. pia ox+dinanoe shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its paseacle. 12 at a regular meeting of the City Council o! the City o! Cupertino this 4th day Of December , 1989 and F2~FICPID at a regular meetillq of the City Co~ayCil o! the City of Q>peZti7lo this 2na day of January , 199D' by the loilowing wta: 1J0. 1315 Y4i~ Mmnbezn o! the City Ooia:a 7 AYES: Goldmnn,.Koppel, Soreasea. Szabo. Rogere NtOFS: None AffiF2TI': None Affi~AAIN: None i . l~iyo~', City o! AZREST: City C1 LECAL DESCRIPSION: ' All thst certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino County of Santa Clara. State of Calitocnia, described as tollovs: oftehe6PricelSubdivisione1belnEnLoto4dotithetCraftoEatataePartition",aand which said Hap vas recorded on December 27, 1911 in the Otfice of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County. State of Calitornie is Vol. "N" of Napa, Page 74. , ~ ~~~G .~?~~T_~ir~ PRK'E AVENUE _ I ~' I -----7--- ` 1 1 I I":IOG~~ r7.iCT ~yo rr,3r I I I i I -----~- ~ --.~y I I I I I I I 1 \~ I \~"s 6 I ~- ~~.38' --'-' ~~ R ~~~ ,~ ~~ 1 ~-1___._ r .-_ ~ ~~ -_ ~ N r• .... P =; ~ ! N ~ ~=f a, ~.~ ~ I REZOr~1E~ Z.Gb AG. ~ ~ ~ :~ 2.00 t ACQES ~'= ~ ~ FROM: 21-10 (C~QO55) ~' I T0+ ~~'(7 '~ 1 ' + i ' 1 r i <.. , a., HALL G'GURT .316, ~ 'L~ I ' 1 ~ I j ~ ~ ar ,` LErAL DESCRIPTION: ~ -' ~' All chat certain teal property situate in the City of Cupertino County of Santa Clara, State of Callfornla. described as follows: Lots 16 and 11, as delineated and so designated upon Nap entitled, "Map of the Price Subdivision, being Lot 4 of the Craft Estate Partition", and which acid Hap vas cecocded on December 27, 1911 in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, State of Callfornla in Vol. "N" of Napa , Page 74. ~KIER & WRIGHT CIVII [NCINEERS a SURVEYORS, INC. 1150 Sra~ EouM.~rd, Omldm~ 77 1~1 ~U•16i5 51n1~CI1.I. CJIIIWM{N05~ • ~~• ~ ~ ..,... ....