Ordinance 1513 ''* /~}~}~~y~p /gyp ~1 O/ht}D~B)iA/N~i~C~~y~N{u~. /~1y511}3~}y1 /~}~}~) /~@ /~ .. _~,. - !Y' ~.{YAL~~f7~Ri~ Vi +L1C1 Miii M/Y.~MLi/ MC-. i~yi..+iii VR'~ Wsj'i{iJ-N .. :.,. ~.-T -~... , ~Affi/~r~~@~1~G~~~~~3y'i*RICP~I}C~2Z~4 A2~~ID}~I~}7~fyTJ~IA~TI~Oyti3~FCpR '!4~ YAVLilYA11~.1\~}~~~Ayff~i/GR lYW L~LIY~YRf ii1i. ..gyp /~}./~.{./. /..~.~.~~ ~ ~}p /~VL~Y1/Ll~n./i~~~y}~~y~ ~,}~y~p{~ ~p}~~~.}~. ~Q. }~I~~~/~~ iilil~bili VN~N~wiJJ ~ li1G b.iiL .JL' WrG[4~LR/ 17G[\iJii ~Y~iiwi.. N-L ViMIINi .~TiCN 1• l+~nc9lrnn and arsi is Via, ~e City Council finds aM determines as follows::. (a) Iocal reBervoir water stairage in and araaYl Santa Clara Qounty is depleted, as detezmirred by the Santa Clara Valley Water Districts aryl (b) ~ p~ociucti«r mrst remain in zelative balance with r9'e t~ ~ ~ Yom' in order tc pr+avent oNardratting o! the aquifers, with associated lose of long term sta~rage and possible i;nfrestructure damage: and (01 ~~ ~~ ~Y ~Y ~ ettter'ing its totrrth year of below average rainfall, ctrl there are itrsuftioierrt local and i~orted water r'esouroes to meet the curre~tt and atrtiaipated d®ands and (d) 4he Santa Clara Valley Wats~r. District and the Cupntir-o Water utility entioipete a need tar an area-wlda ettart to r+echtce water oonsuaQtion by 25tt and SDCPItl~i g = Detirtitiate. 2.01 "Water Provider" IDeeI1s Cupertirfp M,aricipal Water Utilit7lr California Water Service anq/ar San Joey Water Oc~nttir. 2.02 "Water" means potable water. , 2.03 " (a]stomBr" means arty person who pays for sexvios to the Cupertino Maricipal Water Utility. 2.04 "Person" means any inlivic~al, lirm, partnership, aseociatiaar, oarparatiar, ~r ~ body or other organization or entity. -1- ONCE N0. ].513 ;.~t , ~x :i~°u`~ _ Ski 4. - Bn!'~asait. 4.01 a - ..., . 'lhe violation o! any o! ths.prcchibitions'outlind 'in Section 3 0! ~ioxdi:senosl ~y declaz+ed to be tatlawlul and shall ptatiiahable by a line not to e~ooeed live tna~dred dollars (5500), in~risocssazt !ar a term not eoaoeeding six months, or by both suds fine and !+~~+*~*+*. 4.02 Ih the event o! an amergerxq involving broloen ar delective Pl~b~7. ~'~~'. ~~ or irrLgatian systems sera in the opir~i,an o! the Public works Director water is being as will be lost in considerable quantity, City may require that the water provider immediately water service without notice or ~'~3 ~ anY a~tamer P~n4 repairs. 2ha water pmovider shall atteapt to give notice to the a~stc~er ar aistaoers a!lacted as soon as practical. Subject to other provisions o! this Q~apter, sarvioe shall be resttu+ed as soon as practical. 51~'1'ICN 5 - Rffnrhi~ nom, ~,y CI]ID83 psis arsiinarxae is necessary !ar the health, eatety and general welters o! the iHsabitanta o! the City o! Cupertino as per conditions stated in Section 1: Firxiirrgs and detezminatia~s and shall remain in e.!lact until March 31, 1990 unless repealed eoa~ar. -3-.. k .. ND. 1513 , . art o o~- ~ CrrY oovr~u, of zxs cr~tit o~, cvPFRt'tNa- E4mffiSSE~ ItP~'IRIC1'IClS AtiD RDQJIATICNS FCR ~ casmva~al of W~ AND nDCiHtu~G ~iE , ~C~NC7C 'II~DF Rte' CITY cdp2iiCL=, of ~ CITY OF WPFIZT'BJD HII~1t CfftDAIIiS, AS FVLTAFS: secTicri 1: gi.,Ainr~ n„~ .~ra.~.,~,.,*t„nn, ~e City Council tirds and ~p*+~{*+~+ as follows: (a) Local z+esezvoir water storage in and arau~d Santa Clues ~Y is depleted, as determined by the Santa Clara Valley Water District: and (b) G~adwnter px~oduct~on must remain in rnlativa balar~oe with , ~th assxiate~d loss oP~rlc q t ~~ o! the infza.Ytructure damage: and gt00''~ and possible (c) Santa Clara Cour-ty msy be entering its fourth year of below average rainfall, and thew era insufticimtt local and imparted water z~esouroee to meet the a:rt+ertt and antiaipatad demand: atd (d) 4he Santa Gaza Valley .Water District aM the.Q~ttino Water Utility anticipate a need tar an area-wide 4ttort to re~:oa water consumption by 25t; and SDCFIflt 2 - Detiniticrn. 2.01 "Water Provider" means Q~pertiro l~l:nicipal Wester Utility, California Water Sezviae ar~/ar San Jose Water OcaQanr. 2.02 "Water" means potable water. 2.03 " Ct7stQIDer" means any perean Wt1o pays tar service t0 the Cupe~ztino llatiicipal WaterUtility. 2.04 "Pe2~Q1" mean9 any iTYLiVidllal, firm, ${+ip1 a{.yon, Yyr"_"tian, trust, gOVeziID@~IGSl .^^.I ar other ozgani'r.$tian or _1_ _., .., ND. 1513 . .... 3.01 The follcwingwntar trees shall be prohibited throughcut the City until suds time as a declaratia~ is olficially made by the Santa Clara Valley Water District that a drought calditicn m lager eodsti Within Banta C~iara county: 1. No person shall waste water, irr,].udirg, but not limited to flooding ar runoff an eidewal}cs or gutters. 2. No persa~ shall use water far cleansing of sidewa]]c9, driveways, Pa~csr lots, ar Ot21Br paved Cr hazsi Glfitaoes. 3. No persal shall use water thrar~s a hose for washing motor vesicles ar recreation vehicles ar other types of vehicles without a positive autanatic stastdown valve an the cutlet and of the hose. 4. No person shall use water to operate deoarative faurtains 5. No persas shall use water far ~ purpo~ (reclaimec~/recycled is available far this use). 6. Ho person shall waste Water the non-repnir of defective plumbing, sprinkler watering ar irrigatias systems. 7.persons shall use water to irrigate landscapitg during daylight e. No restaurant shall serve water unless specifically zaquested by a anstamer. 9. No person shall use water to flush water hydrants except where. required far public health ar safety. 10. ~~ ~ ter far single pass cooling p2ooass for new -2- SCE 2~. 1513 +~~' .t_~i , .. 4. - Enf~~_ 4.01 ,, r 'tea violatiat o! any' of the pt+ohibitia~s°art~lined'in Section 3 of iardisanos2 ~y declared to be unlawhtl and shall p~atishnbla by a fine mt to awceed five 2nad +ed dollars (5500), ia~isar~oent tar a farm nat esmeedirg aix months, ar by both such fine and imprisa~m~t. 4.02 In the etvent of an smen?ency involving broken ar defective pl~~J. ~'~l~'. ~ter~g ar irrigatiat systems where it1 the opinion of the R~bl.ic Wanks Director water is being ar will be last in oansiderabla quantity, City may requixa that the water provider immdiately suspend water servioa without notice ar ~'~ ~ ~Y r p~n9 ~~. 4ha water provider shall attest to give nctioa to the a~stomer or custcioazs affected as soon as ~~+~, , Subject to arthar pz+ovisions of this Chapter, service shall be rastomed as soon as practical. SES~I~GlL 5 - Stfective Date. off CIaI188 Zhis ar~iinanca is neoeesary !ar the health, safety an3 general welfare of the inhabitants Of the City O! Cupertino as per oorditions stated in Section l: Findinc}s and detarminatias and shall remain in affect until 1~rns 31, 1990 unless repealed sooner. -3- ru. is13 n~r~ooocm AND Pl~-ICI~ at a regular msating o! the tlty ~aycil o! tho , ~~ O= ~'l~.d 9nd ~ Or .lanuery , 1990. VOta M~bors OP-t2>• a~ OOtafoil rr AYESS Goldman. Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers N0~3: None ASSFNP: None AffiI'AaI: None ATI~Pi APPI~JVFID: r ~~/~~. City, ClezlC L?`' t~ynr, City O! ;; " ... _a-~ _4_'`-