Ordinance 1505-.-_
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The City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby
amends Chapter 5.20 of the !lunicipal Coda as follows':.
Section I -Amendment _ -.::
Chapter 5.20 ~ _,. : ~r~~a~
_,: ~~!~ c ~s ., ~a~
5.20.010 Definitions
5.20.015 Bzemption
5:20.020 Solicitors' Identification
iPermit -Required Application ~ ~_
8.20..030 Solicitora' Identification
Permit -Prerequisite for easiness
License .,..
5,.20.040 .Solicitors' Identification
Permit -Issuance
5:20.050 Solicitora' Identification
Permit -Denial -Appeal- ,.
8.20.060 Solicitors' Identification
Permit -Revocation -Grounds
5.20.070 Solicitors' Identification
Pesmit -Revocation -Appeal...
3.20.080 Vehicle Regulations
5.20.090 Prohibited Times ...,
3.20.100 Administrative Authority:....; _,_ ,v,-2~
5.20.it0 Permits -.Nontransferable ~;•
5.20.120 Identification Permits -
Posseasion Required - Display
5.20.130 Violation - Penalty
5.20.140 Posted Premises '`
5.20.150 Severability
5.20.010- Definitions. - - `'
Por the purposes of this chapter the following
words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively
asccibed to them by this section:
'Solicitor' means any person, including .salesman
and vendor, who engages in the business of going from
house to house, place to place, or to any one house or
to any one place, or in or along the streets, within the
City, selling or taking orders for, or offering to sell
oc take orders for goods or offering for immediate
delivery, wares, merchandise, services, or other things
of value, to persona other than manufacturers, whole-
salers, jobbers, os retailers in such commodities or
services. (Ord. 516 S 1, 1971).
5.20.015 S:emption.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to
any person soliciting on behalf of any religious,
charitable, educational, or political organization or to
any person who is atempt from the provisions of this
chapter by virtue of the constitution or statutes of the
United States of America or of the State of California.
5.20.020 Solicitor's Identification Permit -
Required Application.
A. No person shall act as a solicitor, as defined
by this chapter, within the City, without an identifi-
cation permit, as hereinafter provided.
8. in addition to any informtion required by-the
City for the issuance of a businaaa license for the con-
duct of the business or occupation of a solicitor as
defined by this chapter, and for which a business li-
cense is required by the business licensing code, the
applicant for a business license shall first submit an
application for an identification permit to the City:
Manager. The permit shall only be issued by the City
Manager after an investigation is made by him, and in
making the investigation the City Manager .shall be
furnished by the applicant with the following infor-
mation and records:
1. Name, date of birth and description of
2. Address, legal and local (if say?t
3. A brief description of the nature of the
business, and the goods, wares, merchandise and services
to be sold or furnished=
~. if employed, the name and address of the
employer, together with credentials establishing the
exact relationship.
5. The length of time applicant wishes to, do
business within the City=
6. If a vehicle is to be used, a description.
of the same, together with license number or other means
of identifications
7. Two recent photographs of the applicant,
which show the head and ^houlders of the applicant in a
clear and distinguishing manners
8. Fingerprints of the applicant to be taken
by the sheriff's department of Banta Clara County or a
designated agencys and
9. A atntement as to whether or not the appli-
cant has been convicted of a crime, felony or misde-
meaaor, the nature of the offence and the punishment or
penalty assessed therefor. (Ord. 516 S 2, 1971)
5.20.030 Solicitor's identification Permit -
Prerequisite for Business License.
The information require8 by Section 5.20.020 shall
be furniahed to the City Manager in conjunction with the
application fora buainese license for the occupation of
a solicitor of goods or services. The furnishing of
such information and the investigation by the City
Manager shall be necessary conditions precedent to the
granting of each a permit or buainese license. (Ord.
516 S 3, 1971).
5.20.Oi0 Solicitor's Identification Permit -
The City Manager, upon being advise8 of the appli-
cation of an applicant for a buainese license for the
occupation of a solicitor of goods or services in the
City, and upon being furniahed with the information and
records required by the provisions of this chapter
e ~•
shall investigate the npplicant. Zf, ns a result of the
investigation, the character and business responsibility
of the applicant are found to be satisfactory, the City
Manager shall grant an identification permit in favor of
the applicant for the carrying on of the business or
oc~upation'of a solicitor of goods or services in the
City, which permit ahnll be valid for a period of ninety
days only, and subject to the revocation provisions of
this chapter. (Ord. 516 S 4, 1971)
5.20.050 Solicitor's Identification Permit -
Denial - Appeal.
if as a result of the investigation, as provided
by this chapter, the applicant's character or business
responsibility is found to be unsatisfactory, the City
Manager shall make written findings and reasons for
disapproval, and shall notify the applicant that his
application is disapproved and that no identification
permit or business license will be issued. Opon the
disapproval of the application, as a result of the
findings of the City Manager, any person aggrieved by
the action of the City Manager, and the denial of the
application for an identification permit and a business
license, shall have the right of appeal to the City
Council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the
City Council, within ten days after notice of the action
complained of has been mailed to the applicant's last
known address, or to the applicant's address ae appear-
ing on his application, a written statement setting
forth fully the grounds of appeal, The City Council
shall set a time and place for a hearing of such appeal
and notice shall be given to the appellant by mail,..
postage prepaid, to his address, ns aforesaid, at least
five days prior to the date set for a hearing. The
disposition and order of the City Council shall be final
and conclusive. (Ord. 516 S 5, 1971)
5.20.060 8olicitor'a Identification Permit -
[tevocation - Grounds.
Identification permits issued under the provisions
of this chapter may be revoked by the City Manager for
any of the following reasons:
A. Fraud - misrepresentation or false statements
contained in the application for the permit;
B. Fraud - misrepresentation or false statement-,
made in the course of carrying on the buainesa of pad-.
filing or soliciting;
C. Conviction of any crime or misdemeanor involy-
ing moral turpitude=
D. Conducting the buainesa of peddling or solicit-
ing of goods or services in an unlawful manner, or in
such a manner ae to constitute a breach of the peace and
to constitute a menace to the health, safety or morale.
or general welfare of the public: and
S. Any violation of this chapter or of the bus- ,
ineas license provisions of any other ocdinances of the..
City. (Ord. 516 S 9, 1971)
5.20.070 Solicitor's Identification Pera-it -
Revocation - Appeal.
Opon revocation of any identification permit
issued under the provisions of this chapter, therCity:::
Manager shall make written findings and reasons for -.--
revocation and transmit them to the permittee, whose.
identification permit has been revoked, sad a copy there-
of to the City Clerk. Revocation of an identification::
permit automatically revokes the business license to
which the permit applies. The permittee whose identifi-
cation permit has been revoked shall have the sight of
appeal to the City Council in the same manner sad con.
fortuity with the same procedure as set forth in 8ectian
5.20.050. (Ord. 516 S 10, 1971)
5.20.080 .Vehicle Regulations. _
A. It is unlawful for any solicitor, delivering
or offering for sale, any goods, wares, merchandise or
other products from any vehicle or conveyance withia_or
upon any public street, to:
1. Permit any. vehicle, or other conveyance fran
which the solicitor is soliciting. to remain standing or
stopped, for soliciting purposes, at any place on any
public street in the City for a period of time exceeding
five minutes, except that the provisions of this para-
graph shall not apply to the sale of foodstuffs to
employees of industrial establishments at or adjacent to
such establishments, or to workmen or employees at say
construction job site, if the foodstuffs so sold to such
peraoas at such places are so sold to such employees or
workmen for immediate consumption at each places]
2. Make any stop, for the purpose of making any
sale upon any public street or other public place within
five handre8 feet, measured along the traveled way of
any public street or streets, of any school property] or
3. Make any stop, for the purpose of selling any
product, within five hundred feet, measured along the
traveled way of any public street or streets, of any
commercial estnblishment which sells such products at
retail, except that the provisions of this paragraph
shall sot apply to the sale of toodatuffa to employees
of industrial establishments at or adjacent to such
establishments, or to the workmen or employees at any
construction job site, if the foodstuffs so sold to such
employees at any construction job site, if the food-
atuffa ao sold to such employees or workmen are for
immediate consumption at such places.
B. It is unlawful for say solicitor to sell any
goods, wares, merchandise or other products from any
vehicle or conveyance within or apon any public street
except from or at the side of such vehicle or other
conveyance which is nearest to the curb of such street.`
(Ord. 516 S 12, 1971)
5.20.090 Prohibited Times.
No person ehnll act ns a solicitor as defined by
this chapter, within residential areas of the City, 6e-
tweea the hours of si: p.m. and nine a.m. of the fohorr-
ag,day. .(Ord. 137, 1988e Ord. 810 (part), 1977)'
5.20.100 Admiaiatratlve 1lnthority.
There is conferred upon the City Manager those'"~
powers.and duties necessary'for the administration of
tbis chapter. in addition, there is also conferred neon
the. City Manager the authority and poser to designate"`
such .City: officers and employees-aa may be required to`
carry out the intent and purpose of this chapter. (Ord.
516 S 13, 1971)
5.20.110 Identification Permits - Nontransferable.
No identification permit issued under the pro
visions of this chapter shall be tcanaferable'and the
same, ae issued, shall be personal to the person to-whom
issued.. (Ord. 516 S 6, 1971Y
.5:20..130 .Commercial and Noncommercial 'Ydentification ''
,Permits -'Possession Required - Display.
Any identification permit issued under the pro-'`
visions of this chapter shall be kept in the_poasesaion
and on the person of the solicitor to whom it is issued,
and upon demand of the City Manager, a member of the
sheriff's department or a citisen to whoa they are
soliciting, must be produced for examination. -
5.20.130 Violation - Penalty.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this
chapter or knoeingly or intentionally misrepresenting to
any officer or employee of this City any material fact`
in procuring the permit herein provided for shall be
deemed guilty of an infraction, and upon conviction
thereof.. shall be punishable as provided in Chapter T 12.
(Ord. 810 (part), 1977s Osd. 515 S 14, 1971)
5.20.140 Posted Premises.
No .person shall, solicit or attempt to solicit at``
any residential premises whets the occupant hu-posted a
sign clearly and obviously visible from an access"way
used by .the solicitor which states, in letters at least
three-fourths inch in he. iQht~,~~tr~s+_irb k-_!
gcound, "No Soliciting Allowed" or words to that effect.
(Ord. .810 (part), 1977)
5.20.160 Severability.
If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence,
clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held
to be unconstitutional or otherwise void or invalid, by
any court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of 'the
remaining. portions of .this chapter shall not be affected
Section ZI - Publication
The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be'`
published at least once in a newspaper of general circu-
lotion published and circulated in the City within fif-
teen (15) days after its peerage, in accordance pith-
Section 36933 of the Government Codes shall certify to
the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause this
ordinance and her certification, together with proof o!
publication, to be entered in the Hook of Ordinances of
the Council o! this City.
INTRODDCED at a regular meeting of the City
Council this 18th day o! saoeember , 1989, and ENACTED
at a regular meeting o! the City Council this znd day
of October , 1989, by the following votes
Votes Members of the City Council:
Ayess Gatto, Johnson, ttoppel, Rogeza, Plungq
Noes s None
Absents None
Abstains Nona
y c~trx ~Ia~-or,/c/ity of Cu