Ordinance 1493~` ~ i ORDINANC3: NO. 1493 AN ORDINANCE OF Tf~ CITY OOUNCI.L OF 'IHE CITY OF CUPFTZPBtO A2~2tDING Ci~-F1ER5 16.04, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.40 AND 16.56 OF ~ CTJPERSIIJO MLINIQPAL COCE, ADOPTING ~ HTIID]NG Q7DE, 1988 IDTPICN; ~ NATZC~I~II-I. EIDCTRICAL CODE, 1987 IDITIONi 'IHF' UNIFC4at PIIIIdBIIJC' ODDS, 1988 EDITIONI ~ UNZfC@~1 t~IDCF~INZCAI, OODE, 1988 IDTTICN; 2f0r UNIF~I FIRE OOL~, 1988 EDrTIONt AND ~ UIJIFt~i HOUSING OOCE, 1988 IDITICN; FTIT~{ APFRDFRIATE EXCEPTIONS 'I40:RE'PD TES CITY COUNC32, OF ~ CITY OF QJPEEtTttlO HEREBY ORDA]3~t4 A5 FOLiLWS: Chapter 1s.oa Building Code Adopted, section 16.04.010 Aaoptior, of th-iform Building Code, 1985 be amended to read: 16.oa.oio Adoptim or Uniform Building Code, 1988. The Building Code for the City shall be the 1988 Editim of the Unitotm Building ode, Parts Ito XI inclusive atri Appendices, e~aoept Ctsapt~er 304 (b) , Chapter 304 (c) and Ct:aPter 70, as oiled and published by the Itsternational O~nteretyoa o! a~i1Ai ~r Otlicials, arri the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Building Code Starziards. The Uriifozm Building Ode, one Dopy of which has been .tiled !ar use and e~tnination by the public in the office o! the a®er ~ ts~andaddi~ tlsons hee1x inn!'ter not is adoptedi and amended as part of the a~ettino hAmicipal Code, as if fully set forth in Chia c3:aptar. (Ofd. 1441 (part) , 1988: Ord. 1361 (part) , 1986) ctsap~tar 16.oa euilditg Code Adopted, section 16.o4.oao c~aneral CaQfattvctiati Aequir+sments - .Water splash be amended to read: 16.04.040 Gerezal Construction Requis+etnents -water splash. Where walls aM partitions are ow~sr+ad with plaster, file ar similar materials and are subject to water splash, the framing and any non-star proof material shall be protected with a minim of asphalt-saturated lo:att paper ar an approved equal, (Ofd. 1361 (Putt), 1986) • 'r ORDINANCE NO. 1493 O PAGE-2- chapter 16,oa Building code Adopted, section 16.oa.oa7 Accessible Under~Floor Awes bs amended to reed: 16.04.047 Aooeesible UndeYFloor Areas. Accessible saderfioor ernes shall be pxovidad with a minimmt 18 inch by 24 inch access opening sasobstnYSted by Pipes, ducts, and similar oonstxuction. Pipes, ducts, and other crnstrsrtion in the access path stroll maintain a minimum 12 iznh clearance to susderlloor grade so as to not interfere with the aooessibiiity to ar within urdarfloor areas, (OLd. 1361 (part), 1986) chapter 16.04 w,ltding rnde Adopted, section 16.04.048 Seimnic added to read: 16.04.048 Seismic. Upon application for a building permit with a valuation of $25,000 ar more in i~rovaoents to a single-family dwelling, the homeowner must demonstrate that the water heater and furnace are z+estrained. It the safer heater and furnace are installed an a platform, the homeowner must d®onstrate that the platform masts 1976 Uniform Building cods Seismic Standards anci that there are flexible gas connectors far all gas appliances. Upon application for a building permit with a valuation of $75,000 ar more in improvements to a single-family dwelling, the retain a lioense~ly with the r~equiremams stated above and mu8t in order far it e~inaer or arrhitset to evaluate the stzucture brought into oomplia~e with the 1976 Uniform Building Code Sei®-ic Starrlards. Q]apter 16.16 IIectrical Code Adopted, Section 16.16.010 Adoption of 1984 Natia:al Electrical Code be amended to read: 16.16.010 Adoption of 1987 National Electrical Code. 'Ihs p~rovisia~s of the Natia~al Electrical Code and eiac#: and all of the regulatiana, provisions, oaditicns anci terms of the Code (1 Dopy of which has been filed far use and examination by the public in the office of the Building Deparbaent), is rsfe~zz+ed to as it fully set forth in this c3saptar, and is by such reference adapted. (0rd.1379 (part), 1987) ORDI27ANCE N0. 1493 PAGE-3- C~aptar 16.16... ~~*-~~~~ Cods Adopted, Section 16.16.Oa5 GF+LZ Ptatection be amended to read: 16.16.045 GFCI Protection. Amerfr~aettts to 198? N.E.C., Atticles'305-6, 518-2 liT1d 518-3H, 125 V.A.C., 15 and 20 Amp cix+cuits. G>:~CI istte for pezsaunl to include but not be limited to cisr tree lots, pumpkin patc3~es, aryl tenporaxy wiritq installed in ail places of assembly. C1arily Article 210-8a-3: CF~CI pmotection tar all 125 V.A.C., 15 and 20 Amp zecephaales within 6 feat of all sinks subject to water splash in dwslli~ units. (E~acludes order oauiter or other enclosed receptacles.) Chapker -16.20 Plumbing code Aaoptea, Section 16.20.010 Adopted by Reference be amended to read: 16.20.010 Adopted by Reference. Ztsat oeztain Dods entitled "International Association oP Plumbing Officials Uniform Plumbing Coda, 1988 Fliition," referred to in this ck~apter as the "Uniform Plumbirg Code, 1988 Edition," 1 Dopy of which is on file in the office of the Building Department for use and e~mination by the public, e:aoepting those pxvvisians noted in this chapter, is hezrby- adapted by reference. (01't3. 1366 (part), 1986) Chapter.. 16.20 Plumbing Code Adopted, Seoticn 16.20.035 deleted entirely. Chapter 16.24 Mecheni.cal Code Adopted, Sectlm 16.24.010 Adapted by Reference be amended to read: 16.24.010 Adopted by Reference. Zl:at certain coda entitled "Unilarm Dfec3~atsical Code 1988 Edition." 1 roPY of whidi is on file in the office of the Building Dapasteent tar use and a~mminaticv: by the public, soaoeptirg those proviairns Hated in this d~aptar, is her+aby adapted by reference. (Ciid. 1362 (part), 1986) ORDINANCE NO. 1493 • • PAGE-4 - C2lapter 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.010 Ad~opticn o! Unitol7a Fire Cadfl be atoetded to read: 16.40.010 Adoption o! Uniform Fire Code. Ttsare is adopted by thfl City for thfl putnosa o! px+eecribing regulations governing cocditions hazazdous to lice and pzhperty from fire ar explosion, that oartain Dods erd s~tarxiards knoGm as the Utlilorm Fire Cade, including Appendix IiI-S Chapters Imo, ZI A, IZ-B, ZI-C, IZ-D, III-A, III, ZIZ-D, IV 11, V-A, VI-A, and the Uniform Fire Chiflf's Association and the International Conterenoa o! Building Officials, being particularly the 1988 Editions thereo! and the whsle thereof, save and except stixh portions as are hereinafter dalet~d, modified or amended by this c3~apter, o! which 1 Dopy has been filed far use and examinatim by the public in thfl office o! thfl Building DeparCment and the soma adopted and incorporated as fu11y as if set out at length in this chapter, and fzrm the date on which the ordinance codified in this chapter shall take flffect, the p~rwision ther+eo! shall ba controlling within the limits of the City. (Ord. 1399 s 1 • (part) , 1987: OrLi. 1309 (part) , 1985) Chapter 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.030, Subsection 4.101 Permits Required be ameffied to read: Subsection 4.101 Permits Required. (W-3) A permit shall be zequired to install, alter ar charrga unless otherwise herein noted any lire hydrant system, lire extinguistsing systen ar firv alarm syet®n which was pmsviassly ~~ b'Y permit. (W-4) It shall be wilawtul to operate, maintain ar uss any `institution until all State and local laws sad regulations governing safety from lire and panic have been satiatactarily caiplied with and a permit frao the Chiat has been obtained tar that ooc~ancy. (Far the p~upoefl o! this Section, an institution shall be,. but is not limited to: hospital, children's bane, boos ar 'institution far insane ar mentally retarded perscr~s, hams ar .institution far the care o! aged ar senile parsons, sanitarium, rutrsinq ar oonvalesoent ham, cartilied family care hams, out o! ham glaoemient facilities, halfway brass, and day care nurseries ar similar facility o! any capacity.) • QTtDIS~ttdC:E No. l~ • PAGE - 5 - Chapter 16.40 Fire GY~da, Section 16.40.030, Subsection 4.108 be amended.to roads B. Subsectlon_4.11O is rdded to r+aed as follawsc 16.40 Fire Coda, Sacticn 16.40.040, subsection 1O.301(f) ba amended to read: B. Subsection 10.3O1(g) is added to reed as follows: Adequate Water. Supply. Co~lianoe with Appendix III-A o! this Coda shall be deemed adequate, e:aoept !or the following: Chapter' 16.40 Fire Coda, Section 16.40.040, Subsection 1O.301(g) be amerr]ad to read: C. Subsection 1O.3O1(h) is added to read as follows: Q~apfer 16.40 Fire Oods, Section 16.40.040, Subsection 1O.301(h) ba amm'ded to reed: D. subsection 10.301(1) is added to read as follows: Ct]aptar 16.40 Fire Oode, Section 16.40.040, subsection 10,301(1) be amerxled to read: E. Subsection 1O.301(j) is added to rae~d as follows: C2:apter 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.040, SZilxaction 10.301(j) ba amended to read: E. Subsection 1O.301(k) is added to reed ae followaa Chapter 16.40 Fire Odds, Section 16.40.040, subsection 10.301(1) ba added to read: Subsection 10.301(1) is added as read as follows: Central Caftrol Station 1. 121e locatial of the Oentrel Oocrtrol Station (CCS) will ba approved by the Firs District; it will bg aocessibla fT~ the exterior of the building. • ORDINANCE NO. 1493 PAGE - 6 - 2. A wank surface adequate to aooanmodata building drawer and Plans shall bs provided. It may ba oollapsibla ar lold.irg. 3. Mini:smt .claw dimensiafs in the OC4, 'with equipment and fixtures installed and the work surfaoa in the work position, shall ba six fast by tan feat (6' x lo'). 4. A water storage tank low level irrllcatar shall be provided in .the OCS. It shall indicate, by means o! an audible and visual signal, when the water level falls below 100 o! the rated tank capacity aM it shall send a tamper ar trwbla signal to the oecttral station. 5. ~e building firs pre-plan and simplified instzucticns !ar use of all equipment, systems and onntrols in the OCS shall ba p~zovided in the CCS. 6. 4he public telephone in the ~ shall be equipped with the ..following features: call waiting, call lozwardi~, oantarenoe calling and speed diming. 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.040, 5ubssction"10.301(m) be added to reed: S1:baeation 10.301 (m) is added as read as lollows: eke Oontrol 1. Ffien appnaoved fixed tenQered glass is used far ®oke ooritrol, these wirYbwa shall be identified with zotmd, red-oola~r+ed disJcs. Zl~esa disks shall ba two inches (2') to three ind~as (3") in diameter and a mininma of 3/16 incases thick. 'Ivey shall ba affixed to the lower riot inside coa;ner of cads tenpared glees panel. 2. 7~astid glass panels shell ba located in a straight ws:tical line (ens above the other) when viewing a building elevation. 3. 'IZsa building foundation shall be marked in a like merman at wndo dit~ectly below each vertical mw of tengared glass ORDINANCE NO. 1• • PAGE-7- Chapter 16.40 Fir$ lode, Section 15.40.040, SZ:bsecton 10.301(n) be added to reads subeecti~ ln.?S'3.L*il..is,dd~ed as read as follows: F1 ayi~± apaze+tinga fie ralevatar is pxv~-iaea, it shau ba capable or ghter's mode (eman~rxy Per) Chapter 16.40 Fire Clods, Section 16.40.040, Subsection 10.301(0) be added to z+ead: Subsection 10.301(oj is added as read as lollows: 1. At least seta staixs~all shall qo to the root. All other staixwrlls shall haw root aooeas by means of a ladder and hatch. 2. Stairwell doses shall haw raised nem~ber afti~a~ad on the < , stairwrll aids at a haigtst of fiw to six feat (5-5') above theflow. 2dnDbats shall ba fiw to six inches (5-5") in t• Chapter 16.40 Fire C1ode, Section 16.40.040, Subsection 10.301(p) ba added to,read:. Subsection 10.301 (p) is added as z~ad as follows: 1 Friar to ooa~ancy of any newly oonstn:cted building, that building shall ba made available to the fire department far training operations- 4ha intent o! this requirement is to allow an opportunity !or lire fighters to train and ..familiarize themselves with the building. Zhis traini~ shall rot delay ooaipancy of the building. 2. =Prior to ooa~atY.y o! any newly oonstnx,-ted building. the building owner may be requited to provide instn:ction and operation manuals, ani familiarization orientation to all liz+e department Personnel regariirg the building's lire p2ctectian system- lhia intonoatian and training is to ba provided in etch a mermen as to Dover all three (3) tir+e tighter shifts. ORDINANCE N0. 1493 • • PAGE - 8 - Fire Plarminc New buildings of this magnitude require oorrsidereble training end Pre-Pl~~g to ensure ooa~perrt safety and firefighter awaz+eneaa. These sections provide the bests far pre-plaruiing ant training. Q'saPkar 16.40 Fire Oode, Section 16.40.040, Slrbsection 10.306 (t) ba amended to read: E. strbsectian 14.104 (f) is added to reed as follows: Q~apter 16.40 Fiz+e C1ode, Section 16.40.040, SZrbeection 10.306(1) be added to read: Svbsectian 10.306 (i) is added to reed as lollows: 1. Fhren a styall building is oarntzucted aryl the finish oeilinq is not installed, the shell sprinklers Will ba installed with proper deflector distances to protscst the shell and designed as oeilirg sprinklers. 2. FIl~ar1 a shell kuilditrg is ~ sad tenant i~zvvem~ants era to come later, a sign shall be plaod near the riser err! in the telaphons sad electrical zooms tidsictr states that no combustible .cable may be irretallad above the oeilirg unless it is aycased in corr3uit ar is installed a~oooxding to other appzoved methods. 3. Far ptnPoses of setting the design of the automatic fire sprinkler system, send doctm-esrtation fznm the owner as to what type of use the various buildings will house. Use the following as a guideline to help datezmine system design criteria: A. AUtanatic lira systatn shall ba designed as minimmr NFPA Pamphlet 13 OrdiaatY Hazaztl, G'zoup 3:2. B. If there is atorac,~, than the fire sprinkler system shall be designed Par NFPA Pamphlet 13 Ordiaaiy Hazazd, Gz+arp III. C. 3:f storage is aver 12 feat in racks, the lira sprinkler system shall be designed Par NPPA 2310 for height and class of staraga. ORDIPU~NCE NO. 1493 • PAGE - 9 - D. I! staraga is on pallets ar solid piles aver 15 teat high, the liz+a sprinkler system shall be designed per NFPA 231 !ar hak~t aM class of storage. E., . It sto~rags is aver 12 feet high, the lire sprinkler system shall designed Per the S,fiitarm Fite Coda, .Article 81 including aooess, vet'stl, draft-bops, etc. Chapter 16.40 Fire Qoda, Section 16.40.040, stibsection 10.309(!) be added to wadi Svbsectian 10.309(!) is added to read as lollaws; Slice Systean 1. Ztfe etarzlpipe shall supply 500 gpn to each scot acrcfectian hose valve at 155 psi. 2. Required gpm tar entire stardpipa is calculated lzcm UHC Statxlal~i 38.2. 3. Calculate to an available ~m,r• at the lire departsoent conrecticn of 20o p.a.i. minia~an. 4. Eac3i 21/2 irx'3i lire departme~tt outlet shall supply 250 gpen. 5. Fire depastmant oonnectian (FDC) piping shall be latu~ indses ;. (4") !ar two (2) inlets, six inches (6") far Yaps (4) inlets an3 aic~tt irr2ses (8") far six (6) inlets. Eat 2 ~/2 inch FDC (reoaivar) shall supply 250 gpm to the system. . "-^ 6. ~Pipi~, valves and fittings shall be rated !ar the meximom anticipated s stem z+e b d y p ssure ase on using an automatic nozzle and 155 pounds outlet preee0.tra. 7.,.,.- PL+eseAa:Y-regulating valves (not pressure-zegulatiig disks) shall ba installed as zequired. Standpipe hose valves shall ba sat at 155 p.e.i. 8. Ohs lire department oavyectian shall be located as s ecified p by the Fire District. ORDINANCE NO. 1493 • • PAGE - 10 - Chapter 16.40 Fire Coda, Section 16.40.040, Subsection 10.311(!) ba amended to rend: E. Subsection 10.309(4) is added to read as follows: r in the oPiniarl o! ttsa Chisf, an unusual oohditian or hazard 'exists, hose ooru>,cti,ona may bs required a::d may ~ provided as aut11r1ed in Sections 3-8.6 and 3-8.7 of N.F.P.A. #13, 1987 Edition. (Ord. 1399 e 1 (pant), 1987: Ord. 1309 (part), 1985) Ct1ap'ter 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.050 General Precaution Against Fire ba deleted entirely. Chapter 16.40 Fire Oode, Section 16.40.060 Abatement o! Hazard, Subsection 12.114 (e) be amended to read: 3. Subsection 12.108 (e) is amended to mead as follows: Chapter 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.060 Abatement of Hazard, Slskseeticn 82.105 (g) be amerdad to reed: 3. Subsection 82.104 (e) is amended to read as tollaws: Ttse storage o! liquid petroleum gases referred to in sectia: 82.104 (b) oP the Uniform Firs Code shall be prohibited in heavily populated arras. (Orsl. 1399 s 1 (part), 1987s Ord. 1309 (part), 1985) Chapter 16.40 Fire Code, Section 16.40.070 and all its subeectians ors entirely deleted. Chapter 16.40 Fir$ Oxle, 16.40.080 Suppx+easian and Cbr:tzvl o! Hazardous FisB Arses-be amended to read: D. Appes:dix III-B to read as tavaws: ~'~"°''*'~'~ hysirant spacing shall be a maximum o! 250 leaf. ORDINANCE Nt3. 1493 PAGE - 11 - Chaptrr 16.56 Uniform Housing code Adopted, Sactian 16.56.010 Otganization and Entoxoement be amended to reed: 16.56.010 Organizatim and Etlfo2nesoent. zha Housing code ror the City ahali ~ the 1988 naition or the Uniform Housing coda, Q~aptara 1 to 16 inctusiw, e~aoept Section 203, as oompilad and published by the Irrtarnatianal CXhtazenoe o! Building orficials, 1 Dopy of which has bean tiled for use and eimmination by the public in the ottioe of the Building Department, is relerred to, and ewoept as to omissions, amerrLneztts and a3ditions hereinafter noted, is adopted aM made a part hazaol, the same as it fully set forth in this chapter. (0213. 1389 (part) , 1986) PASSID AND ADOP!'ID at a regular meeting of the City Council o! the city of CupaztiTlo this 5th day of Ju1v , 1989, by the following vote; ~ ~3 OF ZHE CITY CZxRJiCiL Ate: Gatto, Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Plungy ~: None AffiFN1': None ABSTAIN: None Al'PFST: ; City Cl City o! 0RD1493(0-1)