Ordinance 1480 atD No. laao Ax of ~ crrsc aovcx~L of ~ crrY of aJPr~u~nio At~xn~tc sFtclzot~r z.as.ozo, aip,Prm z.aa, aePAtm+t~xrAL axarazlazcrt, of ~ arPtRrnaD tsnslc~AL aoDE ZiiZ CI'T'Y COUNCIL of 2~ crrsc o~ CUPFI3Ta10 hest ordains that section z..48.020 of Chapter 2.48 of the arpertino laaricipal Coda shall read as follcws: ~e following departments ors established: A. Department of Finance. Zhis depar4nent shall be respaneible far the day-today porooeeairyg o! all fiscal z+eoo~ds, the pz~epatatictt of financial atateioer:ts, preparation of the annual operating budget, the oc~ilaticn of fiscal data fbom which a capital impznvelaearts budget may be constructed, and the prepazation o! other statistical and fiscal analyses to be used as a mnr:agerial tool lyy the City Manger. ~e Direcstar of Finance shall be the head of this d~aartment. He also shall be appointed Tteesuter and shall act as ex officio Assessar aryl shall assess and collect all City ta:aes save and e~ept those collected by State and County officers far the City. B. Department of Community Development. Zhis department stroll have the follow3rg divisicna: 1. Planning divisim. Zhis divisicn shall be responsible far curz+ent and locxg-rarx3e plarasirrg, the development and maisrtenance of the general P~ +~ ~f1c Plane, and the pr+ooessing o! apglicatia:s far use lets, var~~, and changes of zoning. 2. Building divisicn. this divisicn sha111 be reaparsihle far the enfor~ent of the building codes, the aic~r artiirfenae and other similar regulatory ardinarrces. ~e Di tectar of parity Devalopmertt stroll be the head of this department, with the A~{ldir~ 0lficial being z+esponsible far activities within the building eivisiaiF C. Dspnrtmerrt Ot R~blic Works. Zhis department shall Crave the fouowing divisions: 1. Street maintenance division. psis division shall be responsible far the maintenance of streets, storm drains and street lights. 2. Buildings and grauds division 'This divisirn shall be responsible far the maint:ersanoe of all City lxrildings, ani all gro~ads, including lark sites, street medians, and the civic center. 3. Water utility division. This division was created fader a separate mdinanoe, tut far operational administrative ptnposes sha71 be treated as a division of the Department of R:blic Works, e~aoept far CUStCm6r BerViCe, a0C10lIIrtiIXj, and fiscal ffitters. 4. Engineerirrq and administration division. Zhis division shall be resparsible Ear pravidinq engirfeering services and general x3lninialrwtiC[r far the Dspartari:t of Public Works. the Director of Public Warka stsall be the head o! this depnrt~oetrt. D. Department of Parks and tieci~eaticn. Zhis department shall be responsible far all recreational programs o! the City, and far the planning and development of ~cisting and future park sites. ~a physical maintenanos of these parks, however, shall ba under tha depnrtrom~t of public works. • CH2DII~ICE N0. 1480 Zhe Dizectar of Parks and Recr~eaticn shall be the head of this E. Department of Public 9etety. Rhin department shall be respocssibla far law anfasosmsnt and firs pz+otectirn saxvioes. However, since these services are presently oaitracted far by the City, this be appointed, w ~l the~Ci~tp Ooimcil, mate artiinalloe, resolution, ar at2~er acorn, detsxmines to ac~ni ni ate its own law enfaroement and/ar fire protection sezvioes. Zha Directar of Public Safety shall be the head of this dspart~tt. he shall also be appointed Chief of Police aM Fire chief. F. Departraertt of City Clerk. Zhis deparbffint shall be d~arged with the duties and respc~sibilities of a City Clark as eat frith by State statute and Q~aptar 2.20 of this mmicipal cads. use City Clerk shall be the head of this departmsrt. G. General Services. General Servio~ shall be resprnsible !ar Code Er-far~oem~tt, Persorme.]., Disaster Pt^eparedness, Rick Marsagement a~ general a~iniatrwtiVe dutie8. The Assistant to the City Manager shall ba head of this depattmertt.