Ordinance 1471
rio. la~l ~ .. N
Atr ot~oarmrx~ of ~ Crr~c oanaca, of ~ clTSr of a~sn~u
AM~an~c sE~CPICN l of ct~aml~ic~ No. z BY RE7,CNa1G
.. , . _ ...3.65: NER' MItBS FIJI R1-10 ZONE Zn BQ ', .
,..t; ZCNIsf~ LOCATED CN 'IfiE liCYtIH sILEr 0~ ALFIFS CRIVE, : _.
(7-Z-88, 1~E~5T 1a9G~)
4II~9, an application was filed by Northw~eat YMCA (Application
7-Z-88) far the rezanirx~ of propezty fz+an R1-10 (Resid~-tial
single-family, 10,000 eq. ft. minim~na lot size) zone to BQ (Quasi Public
Building) zacse: aryl
wBFRFAS, upon due nation and after ana public hearing the Planning
oo~issian receded to the city CYxa~cil that the ixezoning be gzanted;
t~~s, the p~xvperty to be rezoned is ptiesently in an Rl-lo
(ltesiderrtial Single-family, 10,000 sq. ft. minimm< lot size) saner acrd
~I~AS, a map of the subject pzopetty 's attac3rad hereto as Exhibit
"B" as a prq~oeed amendment to the Master Zoning Map of the City of
NOW, 'II~rEtE, BE IT CQmA'IriFD A3 FgI1l74S:
sQCtian 1. ghat tha p~+opetty described in attac2sed E~sibit "A" ba and
hereby is zgzaned to a eQ (Quasi Rrblic Building) zoos, and that Hdsibit
"B" attac3red herein is made part of tha Master Zanirrg Map. of the. City of
Sectim 2. 'his o~3inarr~a shall talon affect and be in fa2ce thirty
(30) days after its passage.
r~o. la~l
INIROOOCED at a z+agular meetirq' of the City Camcit of the City of
~ this ,~.~ d~-Y ` ~ 4~ps~m6e~, ~ an! H~DyClED at a regular
meeting of the City Oa:r~ail of the City o! Ct~ertls~o this 3rd day
of 0,ctober - ,1988 by the following wte:
yc~ Members o! the City CaurfCi2 ' .._
AYFS: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto -
NOES: None
AffiFNP: None , :.
- - - ~t~
AffiTAII~: None
~ r ,.~~.. ~.~':: r
.. 7St_ f.
, City of .cis ~xx ~.. -u
_ ;, _ ~ _><
C1el,)t, DeP Y
~t> „., .
SCALE: 1• _ 160'-0•.
r ~ .; ~:
REZONE: 3.658 AC '
FROM: R1-10 ~, t ..
y : ,F,~.~a"'
._, __
--r~ri--^-.~- ~ ~
Valley Title Company ppOt
VTC 1211$5
CA 13-03
Y1~tC A
1190 Emory
San Jose, California
Attn: Herbert C.Jones
'!:ail tax statsraent to:
, -•. a a va711d
By Ihis instrument dated 9nr,tomhn,. 7.10(15 (or a voluablc eo~sidcrotion, Affix
~MINNIE MAY NEILSEN hereb 3 SIRS ~ `!.>!'~
~e E ~T y grants Lo
709tDC~ERJF~7biCbt ~, •,
SAN TA CLARA VhLLc^Y, a corporatYon '
The following descr,bed Rcol Pro{x:rty in the State of Culdolnio, County of ~
cianta Clara
y o uper no:
Beginning at the Easterly terminus of the centerline of Alves Drive
in the Easterly line of 'reel No. 936, a Trap of which was filed for
record in the Office of the Recorder of said County in Book 36 of
Maps, page 52; thence along the Easterly prolongation of said centerline
due East 160.00 feet to the beginnir}g of a tangent curve; thence along
the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 200.OU feet through
a central angle of )1. 30' for an arc length of 109.96 feet to a polnt
l reverse curvature; thence along the arc of a tangent curve to the left
3 EFi a r u s o e 3''6~gTf~@~n
n arc length of 104.56 feet to the intersection thereof with t}te +Je:;t:;rly
prolongation of the centerline of Park Avenue, us ;rail Avonue is shorn
upon Tract No. 3061, a lalap of which ,was filed for record in said Recorder's
Offico in Book 140 of Maps, page 44; thence tangentially alon said prolonged
centerline, N. $9' S6' S5" E. 34.25 feet to the intersection thereof with
the Easterly line of that certain 3.976 acre parcel of land as shown upon
Record of Survey for Heileg and Nielsen, which Map was filed for record in
maid Recorder's office in Book $3 of Maps, page 10; thence along said
Easterly line, N. 0. 00' 15" E. 540.00 fact to the Northeasterly corner
thereof; thence along the Northorly line of s~i.1 parcel and the southerly
line of Tract No. 783, Garden Gate Village Addition, a Map of which was
filed for record in said Recorder's Office in Book 30 of A1ats ao
30, 31, 32 and 33 S. 89. 56' S5" W, 398.47 feet to anan le p oas
Tract boundary; thence along an dasterly line of said TrgactpNont783 andd
the Easterly line of said Tract No. 93 b, S. 0. 02' OS" E. 482.22 feet, to
the point of beginninJ;.
aoa~ 712 (,,f;t 182
1~2 '-
taGE .+n......,.,,,,•+..w....a.a
~s$+~„++Ea/C-"~i ~C11f1C L ~.aiir:r..~ 1" : ~ r
"1 SEP 301965 Q ~..Lx
-'!' ~ _ Al ;
'' PAUL R. T~IIt{, R~eord•ry
~~ C{•r• CO""`". Ci{ici•1 Record,