Ordinance 1456,,- ,~.- ~ ORDINANCE N0. 1456 AN OF ZHE CITY OOIAQCIL OF THE CITY OF QiPERT1t70 ESTABLISFD?7G RUIFS FUR ZHE EE'FELTIVE{Z~.S OF THE Il7igtlH ?ANING STANDARDS ES'!Affi.ISE~ BY ORDINANCE NO. 1438 AND ~ PPIB`II~P ZONING STANDARDS REFZECIED Ili ComII~NCESS NO. 1449 AND 1450 (iWETdiING Rl (RESIDI'NTIAL, SINCZE-FAMILY) ZONES AND RHS (F2FSILE3dPIAI., HIL~T~'~ SIAPE DQiSITY) ZONES, AND DECLARING. THE UROFN(.:Y THERDDF the City Oaltrioil of the City of a~ertino has adopted an interim ardirrar'ioe establishirq zoning standards tar the R1 and RH5 zoning districtst and f~hlIItFA4, the City Council has adopted a permanent zanirrg rules r+egul.ating Rl and REi°. zones and an aooomparrying Definitions Ordinance; and WHERL~AB, the interim aril permarsent zoning standards establish r~easar~bly ocapntible rules aimed at r~itg the apparent building mass aril ba~eakirg up the potential far caYtirarou8 wall planeer aryl FffiEREA.4, developers arr~/or homeowners designing new hamea ar additions to existing homes based on the interim axdinanae may inarr oansiderable experme aril hardship to alter said plans to nonfarm to flue new zoning standards. NOW, , the City Council o! the City of Cupertit» does hereby ordain the Following rules regulating the application of the interim and pexmm~mit zoning standards as follows: 1. Ttrterim Ordinance No. 1438 and the newly adopted Ordinenoe Noe. 1449, 1450, and 1453 s11a11 be mutually effective far a period of three (3) months (tznm August 4, 1988 - November'4, 1988). 2. During the overlap period, an owner/builder o! a single-family home may elect to oonstrvct said home ar addition in aooordanoe with the Interim Ordirsanoe No. 1438 to the extant that it varies f~ the new ardir~anoe, in lieu of the oafarable provisions of the new ordirkvroes pzovided that he/she aooa~alishes the following: a. Declares in writing, at the firm o! filing for a building pewit, that he/she wishes Oidirtarre No. 1438 to be applied to said develapm~ent in lieu of the oamparable provisions of newly adopted Ordisranoes Noe. 1449, 1450, arxi 1453. b. He,/she tiles a oacplete building permit applicatim on ar before November 4, 1988. c. 4tre subject pQ+operty is a legal lot at r+eoord. IIRGII~ICY ORDBANCE NO. ~.i6 PAGE - 2 - d. The building permit is issued and substantial o~sstn~ction begins prior to the expiration of Oniinfu~ce No. 1438. e. In any case, the etlectivenesa of any building permit tiled Sn aooosdanoe with Interim ordinance No. 1438 may nat be extended beyorxi the initial 180 day effective period established under the Unitorm euildirq Oode. 3. All other applications tar building permits tdiich do not meet the above criteria shall omgly with the rules and r+egutatiass established by the new R1 and IIIi4 zrninJ districts and the a00o~ntlYllxg definitions ardiranoe (Ordirarna Nas. 1449r 1450, and 1453). 8TA'l~i~ OF L~f.Y Zhis cotn~cil hereby linds, detaxmines, and declares that thin ardiranoe is an urgsn<.y measure an3 !s r>ocessary far the imoediats pzasaxvatian of tha public peace, health, and sataty and stall ba put into elect immediately upon adoption. ~e !acts oa~ertituting suds urgerxy ors: Adoption of new zoning standards will acnstitute a signiticant hardship to persa~s designing hoes ar additiacm under the interim ordinance rules. '!his ordinarfos stall tezmirfats and b• o! no lListher etect an Hay 4, 1989. TriilmDiACT~9 AND k2~4CTED at a regular meeting o! the City Oota~cil of tta city of Cupextir» this Sth say of July ,1988, t~- the touawing vote: ~: of a~ crrY oocn~. AYE4S Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOQ:30 Nona ABSFNPS None AffiPAT77t Nons APPl~VF.Ds ~• CLTlf dP ATPE4P: CITY CTIIaC Ul~t10VER(I10)